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THISTLE DOWN PARK ENTRIES Racing starts at p m First Race 58 Mile Purse SOO 2ycarolds Maidens MaidensTrack Track record recordRanter Ranter Aug 4 1925 100 3 117 117Ind Ind IP Horse Vt Rec A VtH 47739 8 Mint Hussy 115 x 47831 = 2 Cloiwald Aur 112 l05s 118 47020 5 Anthro CD 11C 102 118 47016 7 Officer 118 47108 4 Black Lula H H4C859 4C859 9 Bill Lutz US 47033 11 Annes Pal H j 47231 12 Snooty 115 47023 13 Lady Sweet 113 47127 1 Sweet Benoni llj llj4G237 4G237 3 Fair Jlent = 118 1184C830 4C830 G Mr Twin 118 10 Swift Miss 11 14 Darkayress 113 113W W S Kilmer entry Mint Hussy Darkayress DarkayressSecond Second Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 800 4yearolds and upward Claim ClaimTrack Track record recordRaffling Raffling July 23 1023 112 4 118 47829 7 Brushing Dev 105 113 4 10CX 47322 1C Yandion Hav 115 113 4118 47305 = 4Follow Me Aur 114 11315 9 101X 47300 = 2Last Chargellar 110 112 4 101 47407 llBuchon Bbg 103 11315 5110 47407 12Big BUI Thomp ¬ son FP 110 113 C 113X700 47322 1 Chrysler DP 108 114 C 100 C95 4CSC2 3 Sunday Clothes Mia 108 111 47309 5 Seths Premium Aur 107 11315 7 101X095 47779 CLcnny Hav 101 11215 5 06 005 47784 15 Prospect AC 109 112 C 118X005 47243 = 8 Dingo Bbg 110 11415 0 10G0COO 47323 9 Curdle Dev 102 11315 4 100 020 47403 lORhubarb Bbg 100 110 5 101 090 43940 13 Little Hattie Bbg 100 114 5 101 090 C90472SO 472SO 14Shor y Bbg 115 11316 5 5100X090 5100X0904GC02 100X090 4GC02 17 Harry Carroll KyP 108 1 17 7 100X000 40027 18Bue Agate Bbg 11G 113 = 3 C 101 COO GOOThird Third Race 34 Mile Purse 800 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordBaffling Baffling July 25 1025 112 1 118 47605 2 Roycrof or Haw 115113 71110725 47094 8 Hitter Tij 112 114 7 1110720 111072047SC4 47SC4 llChamp De Mars AP 107 112 7 1010715 1010715473CS 473CS ISKentueky Colonel Mia 113 113 5 113X710 47005 17 Mad Sketch Ilav 117 113 4 118X705 47272 1Nine DollarsMia 112 113 5 101 700 47407 3 Wcgn Bbg 97112 5101X093 40077 C Natrolight JP 118 115 G 106X095 46078 7 One Cent Bbg 118 112 5 100 695 6954C019 4C019 12 Torrence Ilav 102 113 C 101X095 47408 4 Double Rainbow 7 90X090 46000 5 My Aernon M FG 116 115 4 106 COO 47270 9Dr Charlie FP 107 113 7 113X000 47018 10Blue Heron M JP 108 118 4 101 000 47322 13 AVilmont 31 Bbg 09 116 5 101 690 46410 14 Reighburn Hav 108 114 4 10GC90 10GC904CS24 4CS24 15 AVocdmont Bbg 115 114 5 100 COO 4G991 1C Sister Maggie Bbg 110 114 5 101X690 101X690Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile and 40 Yards Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingXo Xo track record record4S053 4S053 13 Boyish Bob 5 109X725 47059 = 5 Igor 5 114 720 47779 llGolden Tinted 5 101715 47370 14 Brownie Smile 8 109X710 42910 1 Atla 7 114 705 47322 3Prince Lightfoot 7 109 700 42035 2 Chairman 6 114X695 47370 0 Snow Man 7 114X095 47094 10Black AVrack 4 109X095 47367 = 4 Albert Blanton 5 114X090 47609 7 Wentz 4 109 080 47284 8 Baby Delhi 4 104X000 47412 OCourier 4 103X090 47283 12 Salvage 8 100X600 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 40 Yards YardsPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claimin ClaiminXo Xo track record 47863 = 12 KENTUCKY KENTUCKYBABE BABE 5 111 7 747S6S3 723 47S6S3 4 Mary McClain 4 106X7 106X747S323 106X715 47S323 3 My Lava 3 101X7 101X74G2G53 101X710 4G2G53 6 DarFur 7 7111X7 111X705 47832 = lOFinnic 4 4111X7 111X700 47410 IGrand King 7 lllXG 111XG05 47055 5 Wine Jug S 106X6 106X603 47746 = 7 VIcksburg 3 3100X0 100X093 47750 11 Kamuela 4 110X0 110X695 47100 8 Interior M 3 3101G 101 090 47400 9 Godiva 3 101 C 090 48035 13 Sbakitup 5 11100 1110090 48033 14Lower Five 0 111X090 2 Blazeola M 3 101 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 40 Yards JlCOO 4yearolds and upward Claiming No track record record2Mintcel 2Mintcel 4 101 725 9Night Run 4 109 720 12 Apopka G 109X715 109X71514Dare 14Dare Devil 4 109X710 109X7105Masonctte 5Masonctte G 104X705 7 Fair Justice 5 114 700 700ICavary ICavary 7 109XG95 109XG9510Shasta 10Shasta Lady 4 101 095 095llDontados llDontados 5 109X693 3 Lord Marmion 5 114 090 0904Gus 4Gus R 8 109X000 G Tan Son 12 114XCCO 114XCCOSLafayette SLafayette 5 100X090 13 Foxy Peter G 114 GOO Seventh Race 1 Mile and 40 Yards YardsPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward upwardNo No track record 47370 8 Adams Apple 5 114X723 47834 11 Ballot Girl M 4 109 720 47304 12SaiIor Maid Maid473C93 5 104 715 473C93 GIsaac L G 109 710 43143 J3 3 Carlino 5 109 705 47542 1 Paddy Flaherty 5 109 700 47231 2 Panorel 9 109X005 4G805 4 Maddenstown 8 114X003 47270 7Uncle Si 6 100X003 47283 5 Yorktown Mj 4 114 COO 47031 9 Happy Hanly 4 114X000 47369 10 Antiquarian 5 114X090 47024 13Alcman 4 109X000