3rd Belmont, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-29

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3rd Belmont Wener course Thirtythird Running liou iuet Claiming Stakes 2000 Added 2yearolds Orissn June 4 192S 42 Furlongs 5i 2 119 119jVOTE jVOTE Claiming price 7500 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 250 to 0000 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 47373 Silver Canopy US US47GS93 47GS93 Westerner Bel US 57m 114 11447415s 47415s Hieaway M 111 713 47092 = Golden LegemlBel 117 5Cm 111 710 47801 = Hibala MBel 112 52 110 705 47415 Joanne E 107 700 47053 = Gay Pal M Bel 118 53m 111 095 47S27 Perception MBel 117 53 114 095 47915 Alpine Girl Bel 103 57 107 C9o 47777 Royal Pleasure PleasureM M Bel 111 54i 119 090 09047CS9 47CS9 Rock Reef Bel 117 54J m 118 090 090RunliU RunliU no DorwooU Stable entry Golden Legend Westerner The past performances ot the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record recordDate Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race RaceSilver Silver Canopy 1 1 R Gr C 2 ty Iloyal Can ° Py Yeomanetto by Voter VoterLast Last work 114 12 49ft JLO Trainer R H Shannon Owner Brookhurst Farm Stable JUr 1030 Jam fj 59V4ft 30 125 3 5 5 7 McDottL S E iuipoisell7VanderPool 125Chouettel25 S AI 2930Jam g l00 tt lu 122 1 2 2l 3 McDmtL1 14 Morshlon 112 Measure 107 Sydka 112 S SApr2330Jain Apr2330Jain gl03 ft 12 119 3 1 1J 1J McDmtL4 13 JoanncE 112BrandonSntlllJohnFlll S SAi Ai rl930 Uir 4A f 54hy 8 US 5 1J 4f McDottH 8 Moronge HSWeeDrop 115Spegoat 118 A Arrfl2730lllia rrfl2730lllia g 35tt Si 120 3 ZJ 2 = McDottL1 C Donie 120 Unknown 117 SoutliSeas 115 A AIUU530JMia IUU530JMia g 33ft 125 119 G 4 J 2J McDottL 0 Friar 119 Snap 110 Brandon Saint 119 A AjPUvced jPUvced third through disqualification Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 9222 5025 5025Blk Westerner 1 1Last Blk c 2 by Vesty Hogan Margaret Xowry by Cesarion CesarionTrainer Last work 147 5Sl0275ft J Trainer J P Smith Owner Dorwood Stable Hi2030JBel 4 fwc 57 m S5e IIS 3i HarveyW3 C Greatorex liaConcord HSItockRcef US A JLv 1030 Jam 5 50V ft 12 117 1 4 4 4t = EllisG = 8 Eitiipoisell7VandcrPool 123Clioucttel25 S Sll ll r G305Jam 5 l00ft 4i 113 2 1 1J 2a McKeccA 9 Moronge HSTraitor llSMad Career 118 A JLJ 230Jam 0 l00ft 4o 111 3 1 1 1 McKnieA 9 JyJingle 114BnDare 112FsBget 115 C Apr2930Jam g l00 ft lG5e 112 G 8 9T2 9 KelsayW 14 Morshionll2 Measurel07 SverCpyl22 S Apr2530Jam g 102 ft G 115 2 1 1J 31 HarveyW1 S Traitor 115 Zinn 115 Measure 107 C CtPlaced tPlaced third through disqualification Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 9113 lCOO lCOOHieaivay Hieaivay 111 Br f 2 M by Meridian Stake and Cap by Ellisdal EllisdalLast Last work 145 58 l05sy Trainer J P Jones Oxvner J P Jones Joneslbrl230sJam lbrl230sJam g l01 ft 4J il4 2 2 2 = 2i McTagtJ = 7 Friar 112Grandma Lapp 112Traitor 110 S Apt2530lHdG 4J f 53 tt 5 115 4 4 5 2 McTagtJ1 13 IlappyScot 118 Totem 118 Sustain 118 M Ai1930HdG 4J f 55hy235e 107 5 3 2 3i McTagtJ 13 Pennate 112 Glidelia 109 Svdka 108 A AptlGSOHdG 4J t 54 gd Ee 115 5 4 3i 3J McTagtJT 14 LleAnrall5OvrSirdyll5BrtComtll5 M T Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 0 2 2 900 jGoldeil Legenil 1 A Ch c 2 by Golden Broom Lovers lane II by Yankee YankeeLast Last work 147 58102ft JLi ± Trainer J Smith Owner Dorwood Stable K j2030 Bel 4Jfwc 3G m 3i 117 1 2 2J 2 HarveyW3 S Abduction 114llantomCloail4Zinu 112 C Art2G30JJam 101 ft 13Ee 117 2 2 2 J 5 = 1 HarveyW4 8 Cliouette 112 HighDay 11T Moronge 117 S Apt23305Jam g l01ft 95e 117 2 1 2J 1J HarveyW1 7 St Mark 117 Traitor 122Modernist 117 A APt2130sJam g l01 sl 95e 118 4 1 li 2 HarvcyW 10 HyDy HSCliouotte HSQunsOak 118 M Aitl730UH J 47sy 1 US 1 2J 2 HarveyW1 10 SfBrd HSTlieAfglin 118Concord US M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 6 1 31 1500 Hibala 1 A Ch c 2 M by High Noon Fantam Bala by Olambala OlambalaLast Last work 147 12 4Cft Trainer W Hogan Owner Mrs K T Wilson Mir24305Eel 4J wc 51ft Se 112 2 2 2i 2 = GarnerM = 8 Up 120 Aries 112 Knowlton 114 A AMvWSOBel MvWSOBel 45fwc 52m 20 118 G 9 762 7i CollinsA1 14 Ueiiantiius HSGayPal HSBushman 118 M i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 0 1 0 200 200Joanne Joanne E 1 07 B f 2 by Master Charlie Sue Donovan by Black Toney ToneyLast Last work 147 5Sl037 ft v I Trainer H C Eiddle Owner J J Kobinson Mvl230JJam lOU f t 12 110 5 5 G03 Gs GarnerM 7 Friar 112Hieaway 114GrndmaLapp 112 S Ai Air2930Jam r2930Jam g IrOOVtft 7 110 3 5 5 = 1 7srMcAteeLs 14 Morsliionll2 Measurel07 SverCpyl22 S Apr2a30Jam g 103 ft C 112 7 2 2i 2i GarnerM1 13 SverCanopyll9BdonSaintlllJohnFlll S IMnlTSO G g 36gd4110 118 2 5 2 2 LandoltC19 12 LaXegleyll5Sclioonerl21MyIIogn 115 A J n2430FG 1 35gd 1 115 5 3 2i lh SmithJ 8 LauraNegleyll5BroadA115UeadFtll5 M Mi i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 6 1 3 0 1550 Gay Pal 111 B c 2 Mby Gay Ronald Pastella by Strephon StrephonLast Last work 148 18 3Gft J Trainer F White Owner P S P Randolph RandolphHAjl930Bel HAjl930Bel 4Jfwc 52m 41 US 4 2 2i 2 = SandeE9 14 Ileliantuus 118Busliman HSRubio 118 M lt jlOCOPim 4 f 55 ft 1910 122 1 2 4 = i 42 StevensF 12 All Hail 122 Soil Gills 122 Colono 122 M ar 530Pim 4J f 54 ft 28 112 3 2 2i 2 i MorsonR1 8 Spiritnivrll2KTldgsl09RlMstryll2 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 30 2 0 500 Perception 1 1 A B g 2 M by Donnacona Aunt Jane by Polymelian PolymelianLast Last work 148 12 49ft J Trainer J Bauer Owner T Cassidy CassidyMaj2305Bel Maj2305Bel 4 f we 52ft 30 117 G 5 GTi 4 WattcrsCs 14 Avariciousll7Polydorusll7Principio 117 M Apr2930Jam g lOOVift 12 115 13 13 12il2 InzeloneJ 14 Morsliionll2 Mcasurel07 SverCpyl22 S Apr21305Jam g l01sl 25 118 3 5 GJ 5 EllisG1 10 HhDy llSGdenLegnd HSChette 118 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 Alpine Girl Br f 2 by Galetian lady Hillington by Garry Herrmann ttf2 30 Bel 41 we 57 si G 108 7 7 4s 4 2 EabyJ 9 Chosa 112 Marvella 109 Traitor 110 C C3j 3j 2MPim 4 55ft 235 108 2 2 1 I1 EabyJ 11 DunlinsLdllOExplore 102Kalcope 112 C CApc28C01Pim Apc28C01Pim 4J f 55 ft 9 IDS 4 3 3 = 3 = 1 EabyJ 12 Utmost 111 Sustain 110 Tryor 110 C CApclGCOHdG ApclGCOHdG 41 t 54gd 50 115 14 14 14 ° 3 EabyJ 14 LleAmcall5OvrSlidyll5Hieawayll5 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 1 0 1 5 1050 Royal Pleasure 1 1 Q r M y Royal Canopy Amusement by Hourless HourlessLast Last work 148 38 37f t Trainer T Rodrock Owner R Belmont BelmontM M j22305Bel 4Jfwc 53 gd 30 111 7 3 3 J 4s AVattersE 7 Sydka 115 Sim Parched 111 Chene 115 A MijlD305Bel 4ifvc 52m 30 112 3 8 S16 S StcvensF1 9 Risque 115 BlindLane 115 Ladana 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 2IlOCk IlOCk Reef 1 1 R Ch c y W 11635 Coral Rock by Trap Rock 1 1 O Trainer C Utz Owner Foxcatcher Farms Stable StableJb2030JBel Jb2030JBel 41fwc 57 m 32 113 1 3 3 4ll EricksoiiII8 C Greatorcx 113Concordll8 Westerner 118 A JfajlGSOBel 4Jfwc 54m 10 117 1 1 1 V RiclcsonIIE 7 lcePeterll7 Clihmyll7DeRinor 114 M Apnl530 = HdG 4J f 54ft Cl 112 G 7 7i S BarnesE 15 Equipoise 118Schoonerll2UncleSam 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 1 0 0 700 Ruiltill 1 1 A Br c 2 M Dy Runantell Miss Till by Vulcain ± XU Trainer W Egan Owner Primrose Stable Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052901/drf1930052901_18_1
Local Identifier: drf1930052901_18_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800