Fairmount Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-29


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FAIRMOUNT PARK ENTRIES Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m First Eace 34 Mile Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record recordMy My Dandy Sept 7 1928 111 3 106 106Ind Ind PI Horse Wt Kec AWtHan 48038 3 Rngabald FP 113 113 4 112X725 47885 5Casli Play AP 105 112 1125s 5s 4112X720 47830 12Marabou Haw 103 l12i 5 112X715 47909 11 Itso FP 113 115M 3 109710 47850 GGriff AV FP 105 114 4110X703 40023 7 Tin Hat Mia 114 I12v5 G 112X700 112X700477CI 477CI 8 Joe EngelWas 111113 4 117 095 47850 10Sliasta Belle LF 95 113 5 110 095 095479C9 479C9 1 CUee Chee M CD 108 1155 3 109 COO 47937 2 Jim Ormont OrmontM M FP 110 115 3 109 090 43042 4 Uncle Martin JP 111J11773 4 112XC90 43107 9Matthew JP 111 114 4112X000 4112X000Second Second Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 800 3ycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordMy My Dandy Sopt 7 1928 111 3 10G 47970 2 Curtain CallBbg 102 113 3 99 725 47850s CQuecn Whims Bbg 104 113 4 103 720 47833 = 9Howard LeeAC 114 l14Ji G 103X715 48033 7Jennue Adcle Bbg 101 112 4 103X710 103X71047SS3 47SS3 4 Col Fallen Hav 105 113 5 107 703 47970 5 Hades LF 104 IrlCh 3 101X700 47707 1 Afterglow FP 100 115 0 113 093 47800 3 Bright Flag M FG 11C 114 fc 3101X090 47435 8Kennetu AV M FP 108 118 3 99 090 090Third Third JUce 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 800 3 yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordMy My Dandy Sept 7 1928 111 3 100 47800 = 3 Mortana Mia 110 112 3 112 725 4785G2 1 King at Anns Sar 110 113 4117X720 47973 13Kobina SethAur 103 113 4 107X715 47853 11 Western Prin ¬ cess Bbg 110 113 3 107X710 47935 9 Mac Fogle Bbg 102 113 4 117 705 47935 7Runmaid Bbg 113 113 4 112 700 47933 4 AVatchword FP 115 111 5 112 095 47830 5 Georgia Herget Was 1071115 4 112X093 112X09347323J 47323J 2 Ignite FG 110 111 3 107X090 42915 GPhilomath M FP 113 l17m 3 104C90 33001 SMudas KyP 110 110 C 112 090 43329 10Angol Bright FP 112 l10s 3 99X090 47855 12 The BadgerBbg 115 113 S 117X090 117X090Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse SOO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record recordHelens Helens Babe June 1C 1928 144 5 111 47940 5 Thistle Arious FP11S147 5 11C 725 47890 7Blind Hills Lat 109 140 4 111X720 47890 = 4Sweet MandyL F 108 110 0 100X715 47974 3IIula liar 109 140 4 102X710 47974 GYargee Bbg 101 140 5 111 705 47940 1 Your Play Mia 110 140 4111X700 47940 2 Penarc FP 111 149 4110X093 4110X093Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MileDixie Dixie Land Purse Purse 900 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record recordMy My Dandy Sept 7 1928 111 3 IOC 47851 = 4 CHICLERO Hav 112 113 4 109 725 47939 = C False Pride Bbg 110 111 G 115 715 47551 5 Genuine Bbg 120 111 7 118X710 47834 3 Poppyfield AC 97 111 4 101 703 70347C32 47C32 9 Crucero AP 113 112 4 109700 10970043S18 43S18 7 Sunstroke LF 113 113 3 98 9SXC93 X 095 44012 1 Vandal Lat 113 115 4 109X090 47939 2 Vanquish Bbg 112 114 4 109X090 47548 S Blue Ash Lat 107 115 115Sixth 3 103X090 Sixth Race 34 Mile Purse 800 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record My Dandy Sept 7 1928 111 3 47801 G Impcrator Hav 105 112 40118 5 Burning Glass Bow 114 112 5 110X720 45340 7 Stormy PortAur 117 114 1144S03S 5 110X715 4S03S 4LiIa G Bbg 100 112 112422C7 5 100 710 422C7 lWoodfire 4 100 705 47720 9The Major JP 113 115 C 108 700 47973 3 Bardini MFP 113 118 3 109 C95 C95G 47771 2 GoIden Orient M FP 112 118 G 105 090 47577 SRita M MFP 100 112 3 97 090 47935 10ltosette MFP 105 110 4 100 090 Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse SOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordAnaconda Anaconda Aug 27 1927 142 1 100 47911 = 8Mat HunterKen 109 144 5 105X725 47710 C Uocky AVayBbg 99 144 4 108X720 47911 2Hayess Choice Bbg 105 115 5110X715 47891 10Sifting Sand Bbg 103 145 4 103 710 47975 9Pebblcs Last FP 107 14G 4 107X703 107X703477CS 477CS 7Phi Delta FP 103 132 5 100X700 47972 3Detennan FP 107 140 C 107 095 095478SC 478SC 4 Nausieaa JP 94 149 3 102 093 47975 1Avarice MFP 90 147 3 93 090 47970 5Thistle Marty MartyM M JP 99 l51s 3 92 090 47972 11 Thistle Spray M FP 108 145 3 102 090

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052901/drf1930052901_20_1
Local Identifier: drf1930052901_20_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800