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4th Churchill Downs ° vens oro Purse rnrse 200 3yearolds 3yearoldsClaiming Claiming Distinction Oct 17 1921 1 17 612 Fur 4 112 112XOTE XOTE Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 100 to 1500 Weight 115 pounds Svinncrs 2 pounds extra for each race von since May t Ind PP Horse Wt Rec Miiuloro 43009 C Quiver 478721 7 Valdosta CU 110 l24m J77573 S Ante Bellum 479C05 llletty Ann CD 103 120 47930 11 Princess Carolyn CD 100 l20is 103 700 Ind PP Uorse Wt Rec Rec4S02S 4S02S 9 One Long Hop CD 105 12015 17932 3 Peace Bey 47930 4Elstar 01104121 47902 5 Pal to Pal M M3SCS3 3SCS3 10Buffer M The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racins record Date Crs Disrime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race JlilldOTO g 3 by Craigangower Derna by Peter Quince Maj20SOcCD Ijt I32hyl710 112 6 1 I5 I10 Nealpo NealpoArr3030Lex 9 DkSinl07MsElizthl07SthldBelle 107 0 Arr3030Lex liV l4Sft 3i 112 8 3 2 2i NealP NealPrr2330Lex 8 Haramzada 115 Tela 105James M 112 C rr2330Lex fc l10ft 9 110 7 4 33 l ° k NealP NealPApr 12 Haramzada 115 Vicksburg 105Tela 105 C Apr lCOLex fc 111 ft 20 110 9 9 5 ° J 5 = 2 XcalP1 12 BlkFlyerllSCansDautrlOOWingo 111 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 4 2 1 0 161 Quiver J A pT B f 3 Ty Colonel Vennie Lady Delhi by Delhi JL JLU J J Trainer A Goldblatt Owner J B Hesness Respcss s l23m 215 109 7 6 44J I1 GoolerW 411 TSeth 112FlytAmbrll4MsRamseyl09 C Oct2923Lat 1 147 hy 1C5 104 9 8 G13 a1 GrecoA 9 KyiIcCkl04RlSportll2PliotosStr 109 C Oct2129 = Lat g 116 m 2 102 S 4 2J Z RussellK 12 MyCrtrel02JIrsFstrl07JYirjnsnl07 C Oct 229CD 5J f 109 ft 8 103 10 3 1J I1 GoolerW 15 MsSudtlil03IdyLouiscl03MyDella 10S C C II OT x 5Jfl12m f l12m 6 112 5 4 4 33 DuboisD 12 Ginger Red 115 Chariot lloInterior 112 A 55 f l07 ft 23 106 7 10 1112 DuboisD 12 Pompon 107 Sky High 111 Applaud 10G C starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 2 1 1 2000 2000TaldOSta TaldOSta 1 Ch c 3 y uPse Ednaris by Ednam Last work 148 38 3Sft JJO Trainer K Goose Owner E Goose GooseMaj24S03CD Maj24S03CD 1 l39gi 4910 110 74 52 3 = J ShropscEi S Chariot 110 Fiddler 114B511yChamp 108 C JLj2030CD g i lCO lCO4hy 4hy 11 110 9 G 45 4i YcltonR 9 StockJIketlllUncleMattllOChariot 110 C JIajHSOCD CJ f 124 m S 110 S 5 3i 21 2h YeltonR4 13 Scotland HSBlackFlyer HSRclline 118 C KoilS293IIIF g 104 hy 8 115 8 7 Csi 652 MeycrC s S My Carolyne 104 Jlonhie 1091 Coby 110 C Korl3293Lat 2 l21m 17 105 S G 491 3 J McCoyJ 4 9 BlueAsh lOODuskyMden 99Monnie 101 C yar S294Lat 1 156 hy 11 112 8 1 23 35J SmitlU J S Midsoeal04RlYmanl07ReOXeill 109 C Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won oi jtd12 3 2 2 2505 This year 3 0 1 1 COO Aiifn lipHiim 1 1 K B g 3 by Supremus Umbel by Uncle UncleLast Last work 14038 38ft 110 Trainer W W Taylor Owner H P Headley HeadleyMaj2130fCD Maj2130fCD 2 I14 5gd4710 107 1 1 2i 37 JonesL1 7 SmeSweetl04JMissBesslOOMaudlin 108 A AJIa20SOCD JIa20SOCD g l30Vhy 17 115 2 3 G9 911 JonesL8 8 StockMketlllUncleMattllOChariot 110 C CJlajlSSOCD JlajlSSOCD 113 m 3710 110 3 3 3 33 McCrosnC1 12 Overbrd 105Fiddler HOStarPlay 110 C Ha 5305pim 2 l12 ft 55 HOi 7 13 1315 FronkW4 15 Phillip 110 Xcd O 112 Mucker 110 S Pc2S304Pim 2 l12ft 51 103 5 3 33i 5 ° RileyG 10 TwiuklloCoIossal lOGCfExecutive 115 A AAprlS305Lex AprlS305Lex fc 111 ft 3Jo 112 3 1 2 21 JMcCrsenC 8 DedicatellS ThistleAnnllO Fiddlcrll2 A Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 5 112 1004 This year 5 0 1 2 318 318Betty Betty Ann 1 fifl Br lf 3 by Tryster Mazda ° y Toddington ToddingtonLast Last work 145 38 4Ht VvJ Trainer M E Harned Owner Harned Bros BrosMaj2G30CD Maj2G30CD Glf l20ft 22 103 3 4 3J 2i LaiulG 15 MsMarniel01OiioLgHpl05PsClyn 100 C CMaylC30cD MaylC30cD 5127iift 42 100 1 3 4 = JS RileyG 11 CIBch llOBrBright 103Mnticello 110 C j g i0lkft 245 99 1 4 45 432 DaintyF2 C Guilder 109RodRack lOOPurpleRobe 99 II tJ 2 l13ft 125 SS 1 1 I1 2 CarrollW4 S MyBrtwdGl 10GSeaChrtlllAlinael03 C jran4305StJ 5 fl10 m 2110 103 1 1 1 2 = FrogtteD4 G Lindy llSMyCnwIBoy llSHobcaw 118 C MatlO303StJ 5 f lOSft 225f 106 3 3 35J 4J FrogtteD 11 SptlIarnllGSaaMajel20MyCl Boy 120 C starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Last year 28 744 56050 This year 11 152 S 1G40 PrillC ° SS Carolyn 10 Br tf 3 Dy Prince Pal Ancestress by The Manager or Man J O Last work 14438 38m ager Waite WaiteTrainer Trainer S S Combs Owner Gallaher Combs CombsUaj2G303CD Uaj2G303CD Ci f I20y5ft G3 100 12 10 S2 4i GoolerW9 15 MsMarniel04BtyAnn 103OLgIIp 105 C Jlayl430 = CD GJ f l24ra G5 103 1C 10 ll11 PichonL 14 Zoom JL1S IlighStorm HSGovPratt 118 C r li21305Mia l4Sft 15 10S 5 51 DePrmaR1 9 DisprovedllSCelticPrlncclOSDonau 113 C b2303Mia 2113ft 50 110 6 9 SH Sl JoneL 12 BeKnitl03BlueCanpyllORolgSeall3 C CA A 5303Mia l l44Uft 10 107 S 8 Si 9 JonesL 9 Distgshl05LyClarcel03ChlcsoLadllO C CJan31305Mia Jan31305Mia 5JflOSsd 12 110 4 6 53J 93i GarnerW 12 Jar 115 The Moon 110 Teaspoon 105 C J n2230 = Mia 1141 ft 12 109 5 5 53 G ° J GarnerW4 8 ChrysalidlOSLitftDonllOLouisianalOo C Starts 1st 2n 1 Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 301 52818 This year 8 0 1 0 150 150One One Long Hop 110 Br S 3 by American Ace Tea Box to Tea Caddy CaddyLast Last work 13U 38 3Gft JJv Trainer J J Flanigan Owner Mrs E L Swikard SwikardSee See yesterdays first Churchill Downs chart chartMaj2G303CD Maj2G303CD GJfl20y5rt 9je 103 1 2 21 3J FinnertyR 15 MsMarniel04BtyAnn lOSPsClyn 100 C JIa72130CD GJ f 124 si 17f 110 7 6 88i 7i Fisherll4 15 Estin 112PhtosStar 105BrSinistr 107 C Jla1430CD CJ f 124 ra 7f 110 11 9 ll12 = GarnerW8 13 Scotland llSValdosta llOBlackFlyerllS C fc l10ft 15 110 1 3 7SJ 78J GarnerW 12 MindorollOIlaramzadallSVicksburg 105 C CAptlS303Lex AptlS303Lex fcl10ft 26 110 7 7 8 S RussellK4 9 PatraAnnlOOBrkCloudlllSelection 112 C rrfx2329JP 3J t 42V sd 2S5 116 5 55i 710 K Kinzer 8 DthyLee 107Jean llSGenUackson 110 A Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Last year 7 1 2 0 1075 This year 5 0 0 1 100 100p p TJV 1 1 f Ch c 3 by Peace Pennant First Ballot by Ballot BallotLast Last work 14812 49ft JV Trainer W F Poison Owner Basil Manor Stable StableMaT2G30CD MaT2G30CD Jl2 Fft54f 110 G 5 1251 JonesL1 12 XetiePebbleslOSEstin 114Percentagell4 C MaElSSOJP l22hy 7i HG 1 1 I4 I1 PhillipsC10 12 SwtChancellGStevenBllCClearMnlll A kblSSOFG IjCl ift 30 110 3 7 7l AnrsonA1 10 BrothrRankllOMonticellollOGotoit 105 M Ftbll30FG 2 l14 ft Gl 118 1 2 2 43i AnrsonA 12 Bcekeeprl09Clioristerl03BkdApplelOO C J nl330FG ll424sl 43 103J 4 G 61S 6JO MartinL G RijtGIarel02ChengTul02BClirltnl07 A Starts 1st 2iid Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 0 2 1 500 This year C 1 0 0 C25 C25Br 3sfar i r f Br f 3 by North star III Electro tiectro by Dy Electioneer tiecuoneer tiecuoneerLast Last work 144 34120 m Jv0 Trainer T P Hayes Owner C C Patrick See yesterdays first Churchill Downs chart chartJI JI 2G303CD Gifl20ft 7 10 G 6 UlaU RussellK11 15 MsMarniel04BtyAnn 103OLgIIp lOo C 3Iaj20301CD 3 l17hv 13 107 10 3 451 53 DellJ1 15 WhiskAwllOArlineCnorllOBonoby 115 C Oct S29CD 2 l15ft 7 105 2 5 S S2 DellJ 10 PrsCarrnll2PIfwsDml07Dlcsl05 C COct Oct 429CD 2 115 IS 115 1111 l1 DellJ 15 Chattering 115 LorettaB115 Syrell 115 A 6 3029 00 5JflC9gd 4 115 9 9 9 S J ConnllyD 15 AeGsmithll5EagerPlyllELortaB 115 A LF 2113 ft 1C 115 3 3 3 3 ShropseB 10 Sunstrokell5SalutalJ5BlucCanopy 115 11 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won WonLast Last year 8101 1000 This year 2 Pal to Pal 1 fl B f 3 M Dy Prince Pal Ola Ice by Assagai AssagaiLast Last work 130 12 55m L O Trainer W C Weant Owner Oakland Farm Stable StableMaj2730CD Maj2730CD 3 ll2t C5 110 7 7 711 7 IIffmanK2 7 SisAgncsllOLyFinssllOFnirRlind 1070 Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1Buffer Buffer 1 OQ c W y Dozer Limelight by Star Shoot Last work 147 3412113ft ° HJO Trainer A D Steelc Owner C C G Y Hicatt HicattJul Jul 529 = Lat 2 l13m 116 110 9 10 1010 SmockF 10 UlvstonllOGysChcellOUlBeauty 107 C Jun l29CD 5J f l07ft 77 112 5 S 7I 714 DuboisD 8 PVsOlynlOOTIieoKtcrl KcilKbslia O OStarts Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 2