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7th Churchill Downs Pnrse V200 3yearolds and upward Tillies Tilliesand and 3Iares Claiming Lady Madcap May 1 116 Miles 211922 111 1 11 11SfOTE SfOTE Claiming price SSOO 3ycnroIils and upward which liavc not won two races since 3Iay 9 3yearoItls 105 pounds older 112 pounds Winners since 3Iay9 3 pounds extra Intf PP Horfe Wt Rec AWtHan 47930 G Bar Sinister 3 105 725 7254792S 4792S 4 Marys Toy 5 110 720 72047S3SJ 47S3SJ 5 Lady Clarence Mia 102 147 3 108 715 7154770G 4770G 10 Lady Witt Lex 108 147 4115X710 4115X710479G8 479G8 15 Pompon Mia 108 147 3 108X705 47934 17KverbIuc Lnt 10G 140 4 107 700 47932 1 Princess Donna Lat 110 140 4 115XC95 47021 7 Swift Breeze Lex 108 151 5112G95 47788 2 Lorctta B M CD 103 I50i3 3 103 COO PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 3 Leah JancFG 100 149 3 105 090 090Sin S Southland Belle CD 103 151 1519Sonias Sin 3 103XC90 9Sonias PalBbg 97 147 5 107 C90 11 Elizabeth CD 105 147 5 112 COO 12 Juel Jean Lex 107 1481 3 5 107XG90 107XG90is 13Xancy Seth Haw 100 145 = is 4 107XCOO 14Hclcnc MIIaw 95 14C 4 4 107XC90 IGSis OXcil M 3 100 COO 18 Little Rumpus M CD 103 152 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Cra DisTIme Tr Odds WtSt i StrFIn Jockey PFSts Best Company Class of Race Bar Sinister T 0 Ch f 3 ty Upset H ° yal Dainty by Royal Flush 111 111Last Last work 110 r8 3G m Trainer E Haughtpn Owner Greentreo Stable I v2G30JCD Gi f l20ft 1910 100 14 11 10 U13A EllswthW1 15 MsMarniel04BtyAnn lOSOLgllp 105 C H ji30CD 6i f 124 si 2710 107 G 3 31 3i JonesL 15 Estin 1121irtosStar lOoMnoplane 110 C Jfcy 230Lcx fc l10ft 1710 107 7 2 I1 1J JonesL 12 AnnaBeall 107XightCry HOltipfield 110 C AreSO30Lcx fc lllft 31 109 8 4 41 3 GarnerW4 12 Medley 118 Kitty Cat 108 Margate 108 C 8qi25293Aqu g 100 ft 8 113 7 7 6 7 MalleyT 10 OnTap 115 KellW 115 Chryj alld 108 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wons Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 1 This year 4 0 2 800 Marys fLast Toy 1 I 1 1 f A B m 5 by Citizen Toy Miss by Marchmont II Last work 148 3S 3C2ift JJ LJV Trainer A Goldblatt Owner Mrs A Goldblatt Maj2G30CD GJ f l20ft 5 107 4 3 Il 1s GoolerW5 15 Orator 112 Our Own 112 Sewanpe 107 C Kayl430CD GJfl2l m 41 10 410 3 8M EllswthW1 13 Scotland HSValdosta llOBlackFlycrllS C Hy 130 Lex fc l10ft G 113 5 G 41 4s RieyG 8 LdyFgersllOXeIVlcsl09JMonnie 107 C Are2G30Lex fc lU ft 13 107 12 S G 4 1 RileyG1 12 StarIlay 112SKenton 117ScotIand 119 C Are2230Lex fc 110 ft 5 108 4 3 3s S RileyG 7 Scotland 113 JoanK 100 Gotoit 105 C OcU529Lat 2 l12ft 10 107 4 2 2 1 RussellK G FryllinglCSLasiandralOSSptgladylOS C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5110 5110lady S 1100 This year 5 10 lady Clarence 1 fj B f 3 by Sir Clarence Yalta by Vandergrift VandergriftI Last work 141 34118sI WC WCJUr23303CL I Trainer W C Weant Owner Oakland Stock Farm Stable JUr23303CL l ls s l4Sift 7 103 3 G 4J lnt RusscllK3 8 SptLightlllPomponl05MdpMarii 105 C A c2S30Lex 1J 154 ft 32 100 1 2 2Arr22303Lex 21 21 EllswhW 8 StGcnevicvellOSpotLightllOSharonll2 C Arr22303Lex lis l47ft 12 100 2 4 4ApclS30Lex 33 3 DaintyF 7 Bjganll5JIontieellol091PrcsIonna 109 C ApclS30Lex l l4Gft 4 107 C G GM 51 5 = 1 RoseM1 12 JamosM 115MyLava 102IcahJane 10IJ C M 2730 = StJ I70 l4Gf 12910 98 1 3 3JLu23303StJ 2 lnk PasscroJ1 C LdConcdllSSpantaftllOPessimisticlOS C CII JLu23303StJ 1 148 ft 4910 106 5 3 II 22 GucrraJ3 7 GoBetwcenlllAlamaelOSDIsproved 109 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wnn Last year 7001 This year 14 lildv Witt 1 1 f by Sir r John onn Johnson Serenata by Ornament OrnamentVast Vast work I3D 12 53 m L L J Trainer A S Lewis Owner Serenata Stock Farm Stablo Ma2030CD If l33 ilVy Gi 105 5 1 Gi S EllswthW 10 Florhi lOGBigSundy 107 Nevermore 110 C Jfcyll30CD If5 133 m 4110 107 2 1 Il lnt EllswthW 10 Iompon 105MissIee 103 Upsedaisy 107 C JLr 330 Lex fclllft 11 109 8 4 J 43V EllswthW 12 inrnThglitsl07PnLdiell9NrmorelH C Apt2930I ex fclll ft 225 110 3 3 4 5 EllswhW3 9 Nevermore 110CaptainJS115Hnino 115 C Ape2130Lcx 1e l47ft 7 103 4 1 1 I1 EllswhW 8 DrahalOSSwIGenevvellSPcsDna HOC ApclOSOLex fc 111 ft G IDS D 1 I1 3 = 1 EllswhW 12 PagaiiLdicllSGisKhanllSVicksbgllO C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Slarts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 21 362 5 2702 This year 6 20 1 1000 Pompon O B f 3 by Craigangower Keepsake by Delhi k 142 5Sl03 ft O Trainer S Combs Owner Gallaber Combs 3Lv27SOTCI Ijj l4Sft 41 110 11 3 lh lnt Fisherll6 12 MVapMvinl05BehofLiIicsllOGofolt 112 C JLv23303CD 1 l4S ft 225 5 103 5 4 GU 3i ileyerC2 8 IyCIarcel05StLiKlitlllMpMarn 105 C 1L 1L1130ICD 1130ICD 1 133 m 37 10310 10310liVlMS 4 4i 2nk PichonL5 10 LadyWitt 107MissIx e 108Upsedaisyl07 C JUe 730 Mia liVlMS ft 10 102 0 3 2S lnk RileyG10 10 RWrkll4LadyClarcel09Disprovdll3 C rrlx2130Mia 1 l4Gft 10 107 7 7 S = S DcPrmaR8 9 RolgSealOGBWracklOGLyCliirncelOG C IVMSSOMia 2 113 ft 20 IDS 4 10 10iO JoncsL 12 BobShnoallSSnyPal HOGdeUight 110 C C2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 0 0 5 900 This year 10 221 2100 j fn Br f 4 by Eternal Blue Jeans by Helmet JLU I Trainer L Jones Owner L Jones Jfc j2G30TCD 117 1 SJ 105 5 4 752 76i LandG1 10 OldTimes HlCnitedArmylllBnino 115 C JIar230CD 100 m 8i 112 7 G 6 G6 LaiuloltC4 8 AGoldsmitlilOStirdKellelOurtus 107 C Jul3129TDev l3Sft 6 102J 4 1 1 1E RootT lt Penguin 104Keydct 112 RockCandy 112 C Cl43ft JuL2729TDev lo l43ft 4910 103 S 1 1J I1 RootT M2 Wutkinson 107 Susie 1al 97 Nama 100 C JuL 429Lat l43ft 3910 106 1 4 4s 3 HcupelJ Tll PncsValOSJlsonalityllOBneeawayO C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Last year 10 2 1 This year 2 Trinccss Donna DonnaLast I I C Br fp 4 by Donnacona Poppy Princess by Herolsme Last work 145 3 S 3Cft L JL t Trainer S Keiley Owner E L Swopc JtySCSOCD g l2G ft 7S 109 7 12 1112 S AustinM 12 Xetierebblesl03Estin 114rcrccntasel4 C Maj20307CD l l53Vihy IS 103 3 4 911 9 LennieW1 10 Florlil lOGPigSandy 107 Nevermore 110 C JLirlSSOCD 1V 153 in 10f 107 2 1 I1 1i DuboisD 12 FireUndrl07rpIcSandl011Godman 107 C JLV 3SOJLex 1 4 147 ft 19 107 1 4 5 5 DuboisDJ C SonKton HOCrash HOnirmKelly 113 C Apc2S30Uex li 15 ft SI 112 5 4 7 7 NealP1 8 SlGeneveliOr idyClarcelOOSpotltllO C Art2130Lex Ijj l47ft 310 110 3 2 22 4J MeysME 8 LdyWtlOS DrahalOS SwtGevvellj C Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year2G 6 This year 8 Sivift IJrOCZC 1 9 h m 5 y Unccr re Vanrose by Vandergrift VandergriftLast Last work 113 lml43ft LJ Trainer G Watts Owner G Watts WattsApr Apr 30Lex 1 151 ft 4910 103 7 4 2h 11 GevingL 12 ItoyIBetylOO BanollS TeaspoonlOO C Aug212S3BG 5 f l07ft 5 109 Ran away ClementsH 8 DareDevil 104 Amo 107 LindaArcher 94 0 Aosl3293Bbg 211373ft 5e 113 1 G 65S 5 J OMalleyJ S Starfish 112 Xora 103 Vindication 112 A Aug 6295Bbg 3 l12 ft 7 110 5 5 5 5IJ ClemntsH s 5 GneChvelotIlSEIdiscI14SdIeSkirts 100 C JtiL2229JBbs 3 l13 ft 12 110 5 2 3 = 1 33 SheltonJ 10 SgtSeth 115Itunmaidl03Watchwordl09 C Soi237Lcx fclll ft 122 115 8 S II9 II3 FowlerD 12 Hold Fast 113 Cassie 115Gricrdilda 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 4 0 0 1 5 50 This year 1 1 0 0 650 650Lorolta Lorolta B 10 r ° M y Busy American Doric by Sain SainLast Last work 140 5S l09ft UO Trainer E P Brooks Owner Miss L Brooks Brooks3fc22303CD 3fc22303CD 1 149 ft 225 103 8 8 8s 9i XcalP 12 lceTokalonllOSpanflowl07Ptndeanl03 C CUalG30CD UalG30CD 2115 ft 21f 107J 2 2 1 4i DuboisD 15 Blot HOVermiculite 107MIssBess 105 A AOctlO29CD OctlO29CD I l2Sft 1920 112 5 4 4 33 CrumpW MyMrvin 112ItMaid 112DndPal 113 A AOct Oct 429CD l15 ft 10 115 410 5 i 31 DuboisD 15 Elstar 113 Chattering 115 Syrell 115 A ABeix30295CD Beix30295CD 5Jfl09gd 51 115 4 2 2s 3 EdwardsC 81J AcGsmithllSEcrPollyllSEKnedyllS A A6epLl929Lex 6epLl929Lex 5J f l09gd 8115 211 5 4 HeupelJ 412 nitrswtll5LdyCsul 11 Bye oBbyllj A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Last year 10 0 1 4 600 600leali This year 2 leali Jane 1 AK B t 3 by GJ Captain Alcock Gipsy Gold n by Bridge of Earn I st work 147 lral45ft LVU Trainer G L LMarlSSO Land Owner H G Goode MarlSSO CD I1 l47sd 49 103 5 5 5 5H ° i 5 RussellK RussellKApr2430TLex 12 IfiugSeal03ltalYman 103JalFriar 110 C Apr2430TLex 17 l45i ft 7 102 2 10 10 9 = LandG8 LandG8Arr 12 UnionW103StMtwsll2SueBaker 107 C Arr lSOLcx 1 l45ft 10 1011 4 G 43 3 LandG LandGArclS30Lex 11 YourPlayll2 GottaGonowl02 SardalOG C ArclS30Lex I10 l16ft 31f 1041 1 4 1 3s LandG LandGMK2330MP 12 JamesMllSMyLava 102GraniteDust 107 C MK2330MP 1 ° 153 m G2 101 8 5 4 4 LandG1 12 Flossynare 93 SlatMahoney OS Doc 110 C CHac2G30JJP Hac2G30JJP 1J l167ift G3 101 2 4 SJ G1 LandG3 8 ThcChl09MthsChcel033ChristerlOGl C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 13 1 1 1 1225 This year 13 0 0 2 100 100Southland Southland Belle j AFC Br f 3 to Actuary Running Oueen by Jim Gaffney GaffneyLast Last work 140 1m l42ft JU Trainer F P letellier Owner F P Letellier LetellierJlar230 Jlar230 CD is 150 m 11 103 2 1 2 25 RussellK3 8 AimeeGdthl07Htsl07PhotosStar 103 C CJbr2030iCD Jbr2030iCD li liff ff l52hy 17 107 4 3 4 4 MajesticJ3 9 Mindoll2DkSimonl07MsElizabth 107 C CJUrl2303CD JUrl2303CD 1 1S S l49ft 20 10312 8 10 9 MajesticJ 12 Gotoitl03nylYmanl05FarmIIand HOC HOCJan23SOFG Jan23SOFG 2 116 si 11 10G G 2 5 G CramerR 8 CoralBeach HOJoanK HOZevesgoM 111 C CJuL JuL 2296Lat 5J f lllhy 5 107 2 2 11 1i MajestlcJ G Babble 115 Flo ONeill 107 Panky 107 C CJan Jan 629Lat 101 ft 14 110 5 1 11 2 MajesticJ 12Tishybo HSTeaspoon HOSky Iligh HOC Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 2 1 1 0 S 1100 This year 4 0 1 0 200 200Soilhls So Soilhls Ilias Pal T 07 Bk n 5 y mond Petra by Sir Huon HuonTnst Last work 144 12 r1m 51m L U 1 Trainer J Jenl929Beu H Jenkins Owner W Praff enl929Beu 1J l5Gft 7 101 7 KenlyH KenlyH6n 7 Le Voyant 98 Engadine 1021 Sound IOG C 6n 6n1329liBeu 1329liBeu II 205hy 13 103 4 4 i 1 McDotteT10295I3eu McDott 8 IIighSkipl01Imposslble9SWtPoint 109 C eT10295I3eu 1 202ny 22 101 43J Goodric GoodricBtp GoodrichE C JoeAdams lOlKentL lOlFairCatch 105 C Btp G23 Whe I70 152 m 3J 102 1 I1 CooperSep Cooper G Kon tKeysll2WteXosellOSpgEdrllO C Sep 5205Whe lo 149 ft 21 10S 5 Cooper 9 ManatorlllKotKeysll3BTomw HOC Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won in Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 1 1 2 525 525Elizabeth Elizabeth IIP B m 5 by byLast The Porter Hannah Pike by Beppo Last work 141 58 l03sl J Trainer W WJIaj230TCD Sims Owner R C Thatcher JIaj230TCD lfs l00m 16 107 1 5 5 5 BryantMi1430 Bryant 8 UpsedaisylOOShlandI5oyll2WinslowlOS C Mi1430 CD I1 153 m 165 112 7 G G1 11 G c McycrCjrar2330AC McycrC 10 LadyWitt 107Pompou 105Miss Lee 103 C jrar2330AC ljl51ft 13 10S 5 4 4 = i G1 MayT 9 FairBill 101 Inca 112 Personality 110 C Ci JIaelG30JAC 1J 209 hy 11 106 3 3 3J i 43J MayT1 MayT1MM G LitCaptainlOGFairGirl 94WillBank 105 C Ci MM 9nOTAC li 206ft 9 10S 2 1 2i i 3s MayT1 7 GallardolOGWillBank 103ShastaXut 112 C Frfx2G30TAC li l52Vift 135 107 3 5 G1 1 G ReddingJ 7 Inca IOG Torch 109 Little Captain 100 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 1 0 3 2 1000 1000Jucl This year 11 1 0 1 Rftn RftnI Jucl Jean 1 I rvrr Cn B m mLast 5 by Boniface Irosity by Atheling II Last work 148 12 53ft 3ft 1 L U v I Traineir24307CD Trainer I Stivers Owner L Stivers ir24307CD 1J l53 sd 40 i 103 7 4 5 I1 I BryantD1 10 TmyTicklellOFircUderl05JkIIganl07 C Jb20307CD Iff l33VSliy 35 10110 9 7Ti C ° BrjantD 10 Florhi lOGBigSandy 107 Nevermore 110 C Majl430CD l lj j l52m 7J 107 C 5 4J 411 IlainesF 8 AimceGdstlil07IIcrcJI107MsSth 100 C Apc2S30TLex 1J 154 ft IS 107 G G 5 5 HainesF S StGenevellOI idyCIarcelOOSpotLtllO C 2130TLex 1 l = 43ft 2St 107 11 10 7 o1 IlaliicsF 12 NniIIawaiil071Jkberry 107Mgate 107 C iT nTT i ie e 147 ft 47 107 5 6 7S3 7 LandoltC 11 Crash 107 NaniIlawaii 102 Dolan 1070 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 21 2205 1334 This vear 6 6Nancy Nancy Setll 1 07 Bl f 4 by Seth Miss Waldo by Waldo Last work 140 12 54m Trainer J B Partridge Owner Valley lake Stable JLyr2130CD Gifl24 si 43 10710 7 4J 5 J DcperiniR 15 Estin 112Pirto Star 105lfrSiuisfr 107 C 430FG 1J l52ft 2910 105 4 7 51 3JJ DeperinlRS 8 Sfbriglitl07lJ1liMoiigerl09Fnawley 107 C J nlG30RG 1J l54gd 123 108 7 G 4 3J MeycrC 12 Sunnomanl09Yargeell2BrkDancerl081 C Jioll30KG lilG37Sft 14 1095 4 1 2i MeyerC C West Wind 111 WUliamPennll2Biin 109 C CJan Jan 420FG 12 224 si 113 103 7 8 65i G3J MeyerC 9 SddBrrlllHycssCcellSBkUcerlOO C CIcc2329 Icc2329 JP lft l5054sl 4910 10J 5 4 2s 21 MeyerC 4 C Bridegrm HOKukui 104CoatOMail 100 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year 33 46 5 S 5317 This year 5 0 1 2 315 315lleleilC lleleilC M 107 Blk f 4 ty The Finn Lacerta by Sunstar Last work 148 5Sl03 ft L Trainer W Lewis Owner G Watkins 3bjl730CD ljl53ft 21 102i 3 7 7 7 ChirchJ 7 Port oIlay lOSCrasli H2SourMash 113 C CJIi14307CD JIi14307CD IVj 1 2m 135 107 3 2 2J 23 ChirchJ1 S AimeeG dstlil07M6Sudttl100JlJn 107 C COcL3120 OcL3120 Lat 1JU l52yim 26 100 G 8 S 8 CarrollW J 8 FrnkFullcnll5IIisliStorml08DuclistH7 0 OcLlSMTLat l ls s l43ft 15 103 8 S S i 8 MorsonR 9 Hoy 101 IlomaJauies 10J ItiffUaff 103 C OcLlO295CD l l47ft 7 103 3 G 6 Gl DellJ C Account 112 Myth 111 Duelist 112 C COct Oct 329CD 1V l47ft 8 SO 3 G G GJ NealP 9 SdyShre 102NickCullop 113MissLeell2 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 120 1150 This year 2 0 10 200 SlS OlScil 100 Ch f 3 M by Title Helma S by Cesarlon CesarlonLast Last work 130 34 l18gd JV Trainer J M Hubbard Owner J F ONeil ONeil3Iaj2G30CD 3Iaj2G30CD GJ f l20ft 9 f lOl 13 14 12tl1233 RossGA6 13 MsMarniel0415tyAnn 10301KlIp HKi 0 Maj2030CD 3 l17 l17ihy = ihy 102 4 1012IC13 TurkC3 15 WlilskAwllOArllneCnorllOBonoby 115 O OHaj Haj 230Lex fcl10ft 22f 100 5 10 7si Gi McycrsME 12 BarSiiiistcrl07AnimBean 107NitCryllO 0 Apr2330Lex fc l10ft COf 103 5 9 9 9 CreesR1 12 MindorollOIIaramzadall5Vicksburg 103 O OOct Oct 229C D 5i f 109 ft lOf 1101 1 15 15J 13 ZcchlniR 15 Quivcrl03MsSudduthl03LadyLouise 103 0 Starts 1st 2n3 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 9 0 0 1 5 30 This year 4 4Tifrlp Tifrlp Tiiinmi 1 CK B f 3 M by TTpset Frummenty by Buckwheat BuckwheatLast LVJO Owner Mrs E L Swikard Swikard3Iaj2730CD Last work 14G 12 49ft Trainer J J Flanigan 3Iaj2730CD lfg l4Sft 73 103 G 9 lO lO ReevosR 12 PponllOMcapMvinl03BcliofLiliesllO O JLjl430 JLjl430iCD iCD 1 153 m 41 101 C 9 9W BryantD 10 LadyWitt 1071ompou 105Miss Lee 103 O NotlG Lat 1 l57m 5 109 3 1 31 45J MeyerG C Preander lOOInterior 109Primeval 109 A Kbii229Lat 2 l23liy 190 112 4 6 f 31 SmithJ 9 M sSdthl07UigliSpirltedll3ni dPalll5 O ONotll293Lat Notll293Lat 2 123 hy G5o 112 533 35S SmithJ IQ FriskyFloll2MissPrserll2Pmeval 113 It Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won oj Last yearlG This year 2