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2nd FairmOlint pursc 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming My Dandy 34 Mile Sci t 7 1928 lsll ° 10G 10G3TOTE 3TOTE Claiming price 1250 If for 1000 allowed 3 pounds 3yearolds and upward which have not won since May 9 3ycarolds 112 pounds older 118 pounds Tonwin ucrs since April 1 allowed 3 pounds m 1930 5 pounds The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTlme Xr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey TPSti Best Company Class of Race Cllltaill Call QQ Gr 3 by Messenger By Play by Luke McLuka McLukaLast Last work 141 3ll2isl Trainer T E Crist Owner T E Crist CristHv7305FP Hv7305FP 3 l15ift 1C 10S 1 7 Gi 4 = HanaucrC5 12 IanivanalOOGeorgeVanSlllPlezall 105 0 0H H 28303JP 1 155 m GG 93 10 9 10510 IfanaucrC 12 SperFelixlllGst ofllorlOSColSethlU 0 0JUtSSSOJP JUtSSSOJP 1 151 gd 75 95 8 5 GT 782 HanauerC 9 CryBabylOSLUnMar lOSLaraloma 111 Q QHar2130JJP Har2130JJP 1fs l52sl 23 101 5 5 5 5 IlanauerC3 8 MterSinovcrlOlStarlOlJBtBalance 99 j j3r 3r U30nJP IjV l55 liy 7 95 5 7 G2 G2 HanaucrC15 12 LleMinisrlllUcdPIazcliaFarAwaylOO 0 0MM MM 330FQ 2 lHJ4ft 18 IDS 10 12 1212 ICnlghtM 12 MsUinsylOSMBChoice lOGUpsedsyllS Q Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 32 4 1 2 2850 This year 15 15QllCCIt QllCCIt VllilllS 1 HQ y aser Ko ert Alico Arm by Honeywood HoneywoodLast Last work 111 3S 38sl JvO Trainer R Scoville Owner Scoville Stable Stablejra23SOFP jra23SOFP l13J Ct 27lOG 4 2 23 2 CimcraUG 9 LeKlore 1111ebblesLast lllCuevas 1110 1110Oct Oct 829FP 3 l14ft Sf 103 8 11 11 11 CramcrR 12 Frankl 107LckySweep lOSCliicola 110 O OSq Sq 1729 Beu 2 l18Vihy 10 10G 9 NichoIsJ 9 Dccawyl033rryWdsorl07PariseUell4 0 0Bcp Bcp 4293DP 1140 ft llf 102 G 2 1 31 JlooreV 12 Efeldee lOOOurJoan 102SethsBaUot 104 0 0AueSO9 AueSO9 DP 2 llt ft 10 10G 11 11 10 9T CarrollW 12 Lady AVitt 103 Curdle 108 Facility 105 0 0Ans2S29DP Ans2S29DP 2 l13ft 235 103 8 G G l 5 = J EdwanlsC 12 LkySupnOlrosidentSothlOjBrbonin 0 029Bbg 2 113 ft Starts 1st 1stLast Last year 9 2 Howard Lee 1 f fLast 1 pT Ch g 6 by Sir John Johnson Miss Fannie by Marathon Last work 148 34117ft O Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby 3Iv2330 FP 2 l14ft 10 111 5 2 2J 2i CimcrakG1 8 KingsportlllLouisvillellGUceBoot 111 O JfcTlG303FP lfe l4Sft 15 112 8 4 5 5 HanfordB1 8 Bunthorne 112 Bearcry 100 Coy 115 O Har930 VC J l2Gft 3210 11G 1 1 1i I1 KeiscrP 10 ItedPlumelOOIToldYoullOGreenllillsllO O 3lac2230Aa 2 113 ft 3 114 7 4 3J 2 ° KeiserP 12 PlataUealll9Imitatorll3PlnggSun 111 O Man S30AC g 127 ft 75 114 12 3 4 ° J G KeiserP 12 BadI5oyl09JkDcmpseyll9Kjngman 103 O JuL2929Bbg l l43sl G 113 5 2 3 J 9i KeiscrP 10 StyStclla 104NthBrzcl09FHawleyll3 O Jut 2429 ° Bbg 1J 153 ft 9C 103 4 3 33 33i KeiserP 9 Sniper 109 Fair Catch 103 Don T 109 O OWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st nd 3rd Won Last year 13 031 031Jeanne 700 This year 5 1 2 0 625 Jeanne fLast Adele 1 f B f 4 ty Sir Bar on Bluo Paradise by Helmet Last work 115 38 38tfft O Trainer C OMalley Owner R C Arnold See yesterdays first Fairmoiint Park cbart MaT2GSOFP 2 l13ft 225f 102i 4 1 21 3 MeycrsME 12 OssiellllCFortuntcirann lllEndor 105 O MaylOSOFP 2 l19hy 11 111 5 3 5s Go CallahanC 11 CmingLadylllTtleSIartylOSPvana 110 O Jtxrl6300FP 2 l14ft 18f 112 5 44 G RoscM 12 lIyI5eautyllOFallenLeafll5K gI5ankll2 0 Oct 229CD GJ f l20ft 17f 102 12 12 13 13 GoolerW 13 KyAcelljSptgLdy mGovrPratt 110 O ScplO295DP 2 1 = 23 hy 9 107 2 2 4 J 5 WestH 10 GysMcClain97rrestSetbllOEfeldee 113 0 Sep 529 = DP 2 llsy 21 100 3 1 3J 3 ClmrakG 10 Arrogant llSPatsyH lOSAltimeter 103 O OWon t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 3 0 3 2100 This year 3 0 0 1 50 Col Fallon 1 07 B y 0on ° l Vennle Martha Fallen by McGee McGeeLast Last work 13G 58 lOOUft Lv I Trainer T F Bornman Owner Miss M Kelly Kelly3tv2430 3tv2430 = FP 3114ft 43 113 5 7 73i 9 GrossE 11 Forecterll3Bnioneyll3KingHalma 1130 11303LV2130GFP 3LV2130GFP 2114ft G 10G 4 4 5 516 MeyersMEs 12 LuckPiece 10G Lounger llSSonAmi 110 0 0JIaj1930FP JIaj1930FP 2 l18hy 12 110 84 G5 7 ° MeyersME 12 EmphaticlOoIIySomers 110GriffW115 O OlUjlG30FP lUjlG30FP 2 l15VSft 18f 112 9 G 5i 5 GrossE1 12 TheMoonl01CmgLadyl07KatArmsll2 O O3rar2730StJ 3rar2730StJ 5Jfl09 ft Gf 113 2 1 1i I1 BryantD1 12 PIRvere HSSyllatcli 113UrBrm 95 O Man2030 = StJ 2116ft 7 113 2 4 4s 41 GuerraJ 8 MissOnine 107Vera ClOoIIoneyf isli 112 0 ViclS30StJ 2 l15ft 39 109 2 4 Gi 5 BryantD1 8 Voyage lOCNevermore lllMissOninel09 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year D 0 0Hades 0 2 100 This year 21 223 1745 Hades HadesLast 1 CA h Bl y ltessenscr Devils Garden by Colin Last work 144 12 49ft Lv t Trainer H S Hart Owner G Collins JLiy27303FP 2 l15ft 5 113 4 3 5JIO1 ThomasII 12 Panivanal09GeorgeVanSlllPIezall 105 0 Ma7l930 = FP 2 l13hy 21 10G 1 G G5 G = CranjerRs C WaterLadll4Selection 103Arrogant 115 0 Iiaj 230Lcx fcl10ft 21 110 10 11 12S121S ThomasH 12 BarSinisterl07AnnaI5eall 107NitCryllO O APt3030Lcx fc lllft 8J 110 9 10 10i10 ThomasII1 12 McdleyllSKittyCatlOSBarSinister 109 0 ApclS30Lex fc llltt 9 110 4 7 9s 9 ThomasH 9 StrPIay HOLdyFingers lOOAbeth 100 C Scpl623cLex 5J f llim 32 113 1 5 G3i 2J SmithV 12 OldCally HODonora 104SpanishJack 110 O Sep G29LF 2 116 hy 5 104 2 1 I3 1s SmithV 11 DuskyMdenl07iUlverstonl09Keehanl07 O O2nd Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 16 2 4 3 2950 This year 5 Afterglow 1 1 Ch g G by Pennant Afternoon by Princo Palatine Last work 147 34117ft J Jt Trainer G R Bryson Owner E K Bryson 3tij2130FP 2 l14ft 13 111 4 7 5 53 SerioJ4 8 Ossie II 118 Billy llOLady OXeil 10G O NoT23293Bow l50V ft 5 113 13 11 9 S1 AbelA 13 GramlmaGlOOGrabBaglOSSeargton 112 0 KbilSaCPim 1 6143 gd Si 111 7 PalumboS 11 FairGoldlOSMetrSpksllOUhPlayerlll 0 Oct30205Emp 2OS ft 7 120 3 4 53 53J KsingerC J10 AVliistlerll5SrVqzBelloll5Villagerlll O Oct2429 = Emp l5Gsd 4i 115 4 2 I1 2i HarveyW 10 PaulaL 107Clarifier lOSLastBite 103 O OctlS29SEmp 1J 153 ft 135 117 5 3 33i 33 HarveyW s D WliistlerllSAngelenalOOSVazEello 113 O Octl529vJam 1 l45 ft 12 121 10 4 3i 2 HarveyW 13 BoyishBobl09Angelcnal05MissOninel05 O OAVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 153 2475 This year 1 Bright Flag 1 A B Cf 3 M by Pcnnant Water Dame by Waterboy T Last workCJ4S 34117 ft Jv Jvt t Trainer J G Demarest Owner J G Demarest Demarest3lar2230TFP 3lar2230TFP l lr r l4Sft 21 1M 4 2 4 i 5JJ HanfordB3 8 Coy 112 Tarnish 99 High Life 115 O OJIaj19307FP JIaj19307FP 1 l56hy 4S 105 6 4 5 5 DayVvs 9 StgcSfkll3IlcMcCnll3SwccpXet 103 0 0MajllSOFP MajllSOFP IjV l18ft 12 115 1 G G ° 3 G3 LauscherW3 7 WtrFwlllOAlmaVitallOTtleSpy 115 0 0Jfcjl2303FP Jfcjl2303FP 2 115 ft 17 113 1 4 3 41 JudyJ3 9 Toltec lllTlie Moon 10S Water Fowl 108 O OApc2G30 Apc2G30 = Whe 0 101 ft 46 109 G 5 4 43 GarrityP C Milano 111 Lenny 108 Broadmoor 119 O OAPn2430Whe APn2430Whe 1 l01ft 2i 115 4 3 3S 31 FatorE 12 EnRoute 115 FghtCIerk 110 Lang 110 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Last year 9 0 1 0 J 175 This year 11 0 0 1 S 50 Kenneth W QQ Br c 3 M by Yicld Not Intricate by Hastings Jy Trainer A V Thomas Owner A V Thomas ThomasJfcylSSOFP JfcylSSOFP 2 115 ft 140 10S 7 8 Sri S10 MeyersJIE 9 Toltec lllTlie Moon 108 Water Fowl 108 O OAos2929 Aos2929 DP g l00ft 77 115 11 12 12 = 12 LilleyW 12 RoseOXl 112LgoLrtll2nOrmont 115 O OJul Jul l29 Lat 2 l16m 63 109J 9 9 8 S LilleyW MO Skyniglil07SurceaselOJltoyalBeautyl07 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 2 This year 1