Thorncliffe Park, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-29


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tTHORNCLIFFE PARK TORONTO 01JT WEDNESDAY KAY 28 1930 Thorncliffc Park 1 Mile Second day Thorncliffe Iark Racing and Breeding Association First summer meeting of 7 days Weather cloudy Stewards representing the Canadian Uacing Associations Francis Nelson and I S Gillies Stewards of Meeting Francis Nelson D S Gillies A G AVeston and AV A Hewitt Judges A G AVeston J II Campbell J A Farrcll and D A Boyle Starter Marshall Cassidy Racing Secretary J I1 Turner Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 p m AV indicates wliip S spurs 15 blinkers Fig urea in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance A CdOlfl FIRST RACE 34 Mile Last One Jun3 5 1922 1113 4 107 Purse 1000 3 TtOxy HT il yearolds and upward Maidens Foaled in Canada Net value to winner 700 7003luy2S30Tlif 3luy2S30Tlif socond 180 third 90 fourth 30 Icdex Horses Vj Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 40478 CATCHOO w 3 103 10 4 3 35 I1 li AV Cannon H K Webster 593100 42260 RETAINER we 3105 7 5 I1 I1 21 2 V Smith Rivcrdalc Stablo 413100 47625 LINDSAY ivn 4 110 12 1 91 GJ 5 3 K Fodcn J G Fletcher IMlOO 47795 POSTV1LLE w 4 112 11 2 21 2l 3J 41 P McGinis AV E Buhner 533100 IME w 3 103 4 S C1 5 4i G G Pliillips C Spcyer J1530100 riONTL WB 3IOS 37 4 4 C G D Muir Mrs C A Mulr 1053100 47765 HONEST BOY w 103 2 9 103 91 S 7J R Tonrow T II Glassco t 41783 JLBILKE STAR w 103 S G 7i 7i 71 Si G Riley Mrs C Hasan G3301CO 42360 CAliEY w 112 5 12 12 S1 O5 9J A Snider AV J Skeno 19250100 19250100KVENING KVENING BREEZEw 103 1 It 11 10 = lOilO11 N Godfrey L Davies t 41783 CHIMERAS JOHNwB 110 G 10 S1 12 12 11U S Stretton G W Brown G2S3100 4 185 J FAIR PRECIOUS w 103 9 3 5J 11 Hi 12 ic Dainty Moorland Stablo 11231010 11231010fMutuel fMutuel field Tims 25 5l 118 Track slow 52 HUTUELS PAID EaUIVALNT BOOKING ODD3 ODD3CATCHOO CATCHOO S13CO S 715 5365 595 100 257 100 82J 100 100RETAINER RETAINER 645 370 222i 100 85 100 100UNDSAY UNDSAY 260 30 100 100Winner Winner 15 f by Cattegat Sneezer II by Missel Thrush trained by II Giddings bred by Mr R K AVtbstcr AVtbstcrWENT WENT TO POST 231 AT P03T 2 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon diiving second and third the same sameCATCHOO CATCHOO laid off the pace until making the turn into the stretch where she moved up with a rush withstood the challenge of RETAINER in the last eighth and outgamed the latter at the end RETAINER showed a lot of speed in the going but tired when put to a drive LINDSAY broke very slowly worked her way up on the outside and closed a big gap STEP OP TIME finished gamely in the middle of the track trackScratched Scratched 17021 Irave Alonzo IDS 477C2 Refiner 108 47797 Pertncss 103 42435 Par Excellence 105 Goodfcllow 105 105Overweights Overweights International 3 pounds Chimeras John fi 4Qffh4 Q SECOND RACE 58 Mile Jopagdri June 5 1926 I00y5 2 119 Purso 1000 2 Oly rO yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 5700 second 180 third 90 fourth fourth5Iay2830TIif 5Iay2830TIif 30 Claiming piica 2500 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 250 to 1000 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 47843OBSERVATION 10S 1i 5 4S 3i 1 IJ F Dainty F B Copra G07i100 47845 = NOISY MISS 112 5 2 I1 li 2i 2 N Wall B OF Randolph 325103 32510347845SFAST 47845SFAST LIFE tc 10S 11 3 I 3i 3 C Ksinger Mrs V Lang 433100 43310047707GETGOIN 47707GETGOIN 10711 S 9l G1 Gi 4 N Foden L Murray 203100 47707 MENTAL 10S 10 4 5i 4U 4J 5 R Tonrow II G Bedwell GS3100 47106 GREY NANNY 102 G 1 G = 71 7J G3 V Smith II Baker 33CO100 4767 IKE MANN 105 4 3 71 8 S 7 = A Snider Mrs A Brent 1310100 47152 DALRY 102 S G 21 5h S J Haincs G L Stryker 10100100 101001004G269 4G269 SATIN EAGLE 104 39 Si 9i OJ 9i G Horn Mrs D Boyle t2313100 47106 SCARLET 103 9 10 II3 11 101 10 P McGinis K A Glass 7900100 7900100WINNIE WINNIE O v 10S 2 12 12 12 12 11J T Wilson J E Ilankins t 47759 ROYAL DAWN iv 10G 7 11 10 = 10l 11 = 12 C Phillips K E Hitt t tilutuel fieU Tims 24 51 103 Track slow 52 HTJTUELS PAID EaUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSOBSERVATION OBSERVATION 1415 740 383 607i 100 270 100 92J 100 100NOISY NOISY MISS 530 325 165 100 62J ICO ICOFAST FAST LIFE 385 921 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Tall Timber Watch Out by Fair Play trained by J S McDonald bred by Mr R T Wilson Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 302 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won easily second and third driving drivingOBSERVATION OBSERVATION was in close pursuit of the leaders to the head of the stretch where she moved up with a rush to assume an easy lead and Dainty had her under restraint in the last sixteenth NOISY MISS quickest to get going had much taken out of her racing DAIRY and then FAST LIFE into submission nnd had nothing left when the winner challenged FAST LIFE began well and met with uo mishaps GETGOIN away slowly and forced to go wide most of the way ran an impressive race raceScratched Scratched 17S15 Gobi 101 Flying Zcno 103 103Overweights Overweights Fsst Life 4 pound Getgoin 4 Ike Mann 1 A QtfTki A THIRD RACE 78 Mile Channing L June 1 1929 126 3 112 Purse 1000 3 4tOvP jb 2fc yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 180 third thirdMsiy2SSOTh Msiy2SSOTh 90 fourth 30 Claiming price 1500 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 46932 COLONEL SETHI WB 6 112 2 2 4i 3 1J I1 1i T Romano Mrs S Paradise CSO100 47883 RLNDALE w 5 110 9 9 S S 7 = 5 2 = F Dainty Ascot Stable 193100 46914 EBUFORD VB 6 107 S 6 GJ 5h 3i 3i Z P McGinis II Haymaker 2CO100 4U G Riley A B Carran flSSO100 5 = T AAilson Mrs E Glassco 4SO100 42811 TAUDLANE WB S 107 10 7 51 GJ 5 G3 G Is Foden AV G Campbell 1670100 40749 FERSETH w 3 110 1 1 7 = 7i GU 7i 7 S Stretton Mrs W J Charlton 64231004S756 6425100 4S756 SINGLESTICK f 4 107 G 8 9 = 93 9l S1 Si A Snider W C Hanna 12330100 47017 CELERITAS w 4 107 11 11 103 10 10J 9nk 93 C Carlisle R Pending 11101CO 47795 DANBAUM WE 4 110 5 3 H 1 8 10 10 i G Phillips A L Wynston Jr t 41726 MARGRET HELENw 3 97 4 10 11 11 11 11 11 J Passero D G McGregor 9G9010D 9G9010DfMutucl fMutucl field Time 24 49 1154 129 Track slow 2 MTJTUELS PAID rEQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS COLONEL SETH 1560 600 405 630 100 200 100 1021 100 100RUNDALE RUNDALE 345 270 72J 100 35 100 100ZBUFORD ZBUFORD 3GO 65 100 100Winner Winner U g by Seth Keep Moving by Yankee trained by L Murray bred by Mr 15 A Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 337 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon easily second and third the same sameCOLONEL COLONEL SETH went to the front soon after the start and held command thereafter and had some ¬ thing iu reserve at the end RUNDALE broke very slowly gradually improved his position and finished with good courage after saving ground at the head of the stretch EIJLFORD broke well but was taken in hand and ran on his own courage all the vray MARIE GAIETY tired when put to a drive TAtDLANE showed no speed at any time timeScratched Scratched 4G8G2The Doctor US 47SSSea Kale 110 46914 ThestylSs 107 4307S Fakir 107 42758 Plain Dealer 107 43GOO Recognition 107 107Overweights Overweights Marie Gaiety 1 pound Ferseth 3 4 ET FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles Mock Orange May 31 1922 145 5 97 Purse 4Q4T O V bO 12CO 3yearolds anu upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Nst value to winner winnerlMay lMay ° S30Tlif 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Claiming price 2000 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 250 to 1000 AWtPPSt Vi Vj Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 47713 SPRE OF BEAUYw 3 101 S 1 I1 I1 1i I1 li P McGinis Seagram Stablo 910100 910100477i 477i = FAIR OIL iv 4 10G 5 G 5 = 31 2h 2 = 2 T Aimers Thorncliffc Stable 110100 47625 GRANITE ROCK TV 3 103 7 3 Gh 51 43 31 31 V Smith P Lamantia 1020KXT 47848 NATES DARLINGw G 1C9 1 S S S1 S = 51 41 N Foden W G Campbell 2233100 47 13 SPAN w 4 100 21010 10 10 9 5 H Dawdy D Raymond S43100 S4310047713SVEETST 47713SVEETST SONG v 5 10S G i 9i 93 7h 4i C F Gnna W K Wright 910100 47713 MISS GAIETY II vr 7 103 3 4 4 G1 5 = S = 7 R Duggan Mrs E Glassco 3G73100 3G73100TTY TTY ONE SHILGSvv 3 lOli 4 2 3J 4h Gi 7nk 8s W Reed C W Brown 5SSO100 40222 IIUMBER SIDE w 4 107 10 5 2 = i 2i 3 Gi 9 G Horn O Long 1933100 42158 FLAMINGO w G 107 9 7 7s 1 93 10 10 R Tonrow J Why to GOO1CO GOO1COTime Time 25 51 117 146 153 J Track slov 2 MUTUELS PAID EaUIYALNT BOOKING ODDS SPHERE OF BEAUTY 2020 630 460 910 ICO 215 100 130 100 100FAIR FAIR OIL 330 265 65 100 32J 100 100GRANITE GRANITE ROCK 410 105 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Golden Sphere Belle Mahone by Ypsiianti II trained by E J Salt bred by Seagram Stable Winner entered to be claimed for 1750 WENT TO POST 409 AT POST 2 minutes Start good out of machine AVon driving second and third the same sameMeGinnis MeGinnis hustled SPHERE OF BEAUTY to the front in the run to the first turn and nursed her along tinder slight restraint but she was tiring at the end FAIR OIL was messed about in the first quarter n a scramble for positions and Aimers unable to cope with MeGinnis when it came to a drive was not of much help to his mount GRANITE ROCK closed a big gap and was wearing down the leaders at the end NATURES DARLING closed aCig gap Overweight Twenty One Shillings 3J pounds AQfAf FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Channing L June 1 1929 126 3 112 Dundee Purse 4OvfTtvD Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 850 8503Iay2S30Tlif 3Iay2S30Tlif second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 47879 BABBLE WB 3 93J 3 3 4U 41 3nk 2i 1 N AAall R II New 1020100 1020100M7795ELIBETII M7795ELIBETII BOLLAw 4 104 2 1 l ° k 1 1i I1 21 C Phillips Mrs I E Holland 1435100 ISJC SAVATTER WE 3 97 G 5i G 6 5i 3U G Riley Niagara Stable 230100 230100J7846BLK J7846BLK DIAMONDws 4 11G 1 2 2l 21 21 43 4l P McGinis AV J Salmon 153100 4 6 ° = KING3AVAY WB 3 95 4 4 Si 3X 4s St 53 J Passero R AA R Cowie CGO100 CGO1004P0 4P0 Ar vciL AVB 3 103 6 5 G 5i 5U G G Ar Smith A G AAcston 1000100 1000100Time Time 23 i 48 114 129 Track slow 52 MUTUELS PAID EaUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS n RTr 240 745 430 1020 100 272J 100 115 100 ILIBZBABETHBOLLA W 540100 mjioo mjiooSWATTER ooJ O3 1UU 1UUAVhnerChgbychattcrtonCharlotte SWATTER AVhnerChgbychattcrtonCharlotte B by Ambassador IA trained by J Button bred by Mr T M Murphy MurphyWENT WENT TO POST 441 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good out of machine AAou driving second and third the same nrr i i BABBLE rated back off the pace until well around the far turn wore ELIZABETH TTr BOLLA down in the stretch and got tip in the final strides ELIZABETH BOLLA had much taken out of her racing BLACK DIAMOND into submission and was on the inside at the end where the footing was softest SWATTER far back most of the race finished with a great burst of speed ou the extreme outside and was catching the leaders BLACK DIAMOND quit when put to a drive driveScratched Scratched 47847Moonstruck 07 47011 Perfect Play 04 04Overweights Overweights Babble 1J pounds Macil 2 4QfbA 7 SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Mock Orang May 31 1922 145 5 97 Purs 1200 O Jrr3c 4 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third thirdMay28SOTlif May28SOTlif 103 fourth 50 Claiming price 2700 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 100 to 2000 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys KqulT Odds Strt I7883SEABRIGHT wn 1 11G G 3 32 2i 2JJ 2 = I1 C Ksinger P B Codd 4778 = FAIR FOLLY wn 3 93 7 4 1 I I1 l i 2 H Howard II G Bedwelt 17798AVRACKSTER w 3 100 2 247882ISURTEES 51 5 = 1 4 5 3 32l E Nash A Brent 47882ISURTEES w 3 112 3 3477633TEWSENELDA 2l 3s 3 3 ° 4 44s F Slate J Bosley Jr 477633TEWSENELDA wn 3 102 1 4s 4i 5 41 1 u uG R Hainca HaincaG G L Stryker 17125 BLACKBERRY wn 4 107 4 447S40 G G5 G G G G Riley H C Hatch 47S40 PROMANDALE w 4 107 5 7 7 7 7 7 F Dainty G May Time 24J 50 116S 144 151 Track slow 2 MUTUELS PAID EaUIVALNT BOOKING ODDSi ODDSiGEABRIGHT GEABRIGHT 1210 700 465 505 100 250 100 132J 100 100FAIR FAIR FOLLY 545 375 172 100 87i 100 100WRACKSTER WRACKSTER 565 182J 100 100AVinner AVinner CIi c by Friar Rook Seaside by Ogden trained by P B Codd bred by Mr J B Madden AVinner entered to be claimid for 2100 WENT TO POST 513 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon handily second and third driving drivingSEABHIGHT SEABHIGHT was rated back of the pace moved up fast on the far turn and after being stalled off by FAIR FOLLY came again to finish fast in the last sixteenth FAIR FOLLY fractious at the barrier began fast and outran the others to the first turn where she opened up a commanding lead and hung on well to the last sixteenth when she tired badly AVRACKSTER finished with a rush and got up in the last stride to beat STRTEES for third place BLACKBERRY was never a factor and evidently fancies a Tast track best bestOverweight Overweight Surtces pounds O SEVENTH RACE 1 110 Miles Mock Orange May 31 1922 1415 5 97 Purse 4Odhf OlrrtO 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second second3liy2830Thf 3liy2830Thf 180 third 30 fourth 30 Claiming price 15CO if for 1200 allowed 3 3pounds pounds j Index Horses AWtPIStVi Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 17797 LOMMERN wc4 103 G 2 1 = I1 1 = 1 1 1WB I1 G Horn D Boyle Boyle2s 2102i100 17355 HOMELIKE WB 4 110 5 10 3 i 9 = o 7i 4i 2 2wn 2s R Tonrow V J Kirlcpatrick 523100 171 50 CUDGELLER wn 8 105 27 S3 71 S3 7i 3 31 AV Cannon II G Bedwell Bedwell4l 883100 4778DERONDA KB 3 ICO 10 9 7 = Gi G1 G 4 4l J Passero G C Brentoti 553100 47783MEAXr EU w 4 119 7 3 3i 3 31 9 V Smith Smith8i AV J Owens OwensJ 273100 47G79 = FIUE GIRL w 3 9S 9 G 8i 9 9 Gi F Dainty DaintyG5 J J Corcoran CorcoranD 4G3100 4G3100t 47703 SAINTS FANCY we 4 107 3 G5 41 Gi 7J N Foden D Garrity GarrityC t 1013100 47349IMBRO5 w G 110 S 41 5 S 8 F Mann C R Fleischmann 520100 47072 MOUNTAIN GRASSw 4 10G 1 1 2i 2 2 2 9 = P McGinis C L AAhitins 22G3100 47200 SEA MYRTLE E wn 3 95 4 8 10 10 10 10 10 S Dawtly R B Jackson t fMutucl field Thnj 25 51 117 144 151 Track slow slowS2 S2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS LOMMERN 1405 2755 1350 2102J 100 1277J 100 575 100 HOMELIKE 680 565 24C 100 182J 100 CUDGELLER 785 292i 100 100by AVinner Ch by Poniinoru Lanessa by Toreyra trained by D Boyle bred in England by R D Cohen Winner entered to be claimed for SI 00 00AVENT AVENT TO POST 549 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVou driving second and third the same sameLOMMKKN LOMMKKN went to the front in the run to the first turn and opened up a commanding lead and hung on well in the final drive after saving ground on all the turns HOMELIKE was left flat footed never got into contention until after thev had gone half a mile closed an immense gap but tired after getting to the leaders CTHGELLER finished fast MEANDER quit FIRE GIRL ran a dull race raceScratched Scratched 17235 Hcdgefence 105 4779S Dublin Show 105 47707 Star 08 47834 = Ratnona S 101 4G8C5 Signola 100 47352 AVrackcen 100 47228 Paula L 10G 10GOverweights Overweights Fire Girl 2 pounds Saints Fancy 1

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Local Identifier: drf1930052901_16_1
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