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7th FairmOUnt rnrse SCO Sycarolds and upward Claiming Ana 1 M70 Yds comla All ° 27 1927 1 Ks 4 100 OTi Claiming price 1250 if for 1000 nllowcd 3 pounds SycnroIds and upward nhch have not won since May 9 3ycnrolils HO pounds older 118 pounds iNonwin ncrs since April 1 allowed 3 pounds in 1030 5 pounds The past performances or the horses entered tn this race together with latest workout and racing record StrFln Jockey IlSls Uest Company Class ot Race RaceMat Mat Hunter HunterJIa26307FP 1 CharityJLUO fi P Cn h 6 by Chatterton Charity Bell by Luck and Charity JLUO Trainer E E Watson Owner G E Pruett JIa26307FP 1J l33ft 7 110 1 1 11 31 FelixC1 11 OcnCrentllOMelitalloHa s sCboicellS C ClL lL 2330FP 17 l45ft 233 10S 8 3 4 37 FelixC5 0 BillylOSGaincswdlOSMareaAgnes 103 C CJLv21306FP JLv21306FP 2 l14ft 4910 106 9 10 9 917 FelixC8 12 Luekliece 10G Lounger llSSonAini 110 C CMajlG30FP MajlG30FP 3 l15 4ft 30 11210 7 4 1 4 = FelixC1 12 TheJIoonl04CnrgLadvl07KatArmsll2 C CApr24307Lex Apr24307Lex 17 l45 ft 47f 112 11 8 7l 7 = FelixC1 12 UnionW105StM twsll2SueBaker 107 C CArrl930JLex Arrl930JLex IjV l47ft 78 107 7 8 7 7s4 FelixC 8 Bogan lllLnllaut linUmKelly 113 C C1LXE29PAC 1LXE29PAC 1 l2Gft 15 121 4 5 4s o11 ParmleeJ1 10 nowMLeellGKedPlumelOOlToldYou 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 30 6 0 1 5 3885 This year 70 0 2 100 100Rocky Ch Rock Prelude by Fair Play Playintf Rocky Way TOR ° E Jy angor Last intf work ivnrt 133 in 38 TR i l08ft nsf t JJO Trainer L M Holmes Owner Mrs L M Hclmcs Maj20303FP l l51liy 18 110 5 3 31 3i KellumJ 7 1unkiellOMysyBalt 107BbyBasil 112 C MacSOSOJP 1J 201Asl 23 111 10 7 Si S KellumJ 12 LansqntllOScylollylOSGrdmaG 103 L LMai24307JP Mai24307JP 1 201sl 3710 111 4 G 4s 4 1 KellumJ3 12 Cornbelt lllMMalioncy 9SScyrolly IOC C CJUrl9307JP JUrl9307JP l lj j 203hy 35 110 8 4 3J 3 KellumJ 12 CelCampuslOGMterSvcrOSByDelhilO C CJanSSO JanSSO = FG lje l52m llf 112 10 8 7l 7 KcllumJ 11 Bluejrfrn2F syIlarel04MclaAgnsl03 L Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 32 1 4 4 5 lGOO This year 8 00 2 113 113IIa3CSS IIa3CSS CllOlCe 110 B e 5 by untilJS Lady Bsverwyck oy The Manager ManagerLast Last work 148 1m l4SHift Trainer W J Potter Owner W J Potter Iaj2G307FP 1J l55ft 5i 113 3 4 4 = 43 CimerakG 11 OceanCrentllOMelitalir MatIIunterllO C Apr GCOMldG 1J 2OSft G 105 6 7 5si S6 CimerakG 8 FeOpal 104VowedVgccll4TempterllC C Apr23307IIdG 1J 207ft 1G5 107 5 4 3U 3 CimcrakG 7 BIancolI2LucieAnnl02KubanKouge 107 C Apt 9307Bov 1J l57 ft 5J 107 S G G5J 55J CimeraUG 8 BillSethlllMnGrasslOlBillyBaughnlll C Ape l30 ° Bow 1J l3GVSft 6J 1051010 9tJ 711 CimerakG7 12 Scarington lluLanrie lOSTliymon 103 C Mas23305JP l 151 gd 11 10J 7 4 3 1 41 1 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 26 3 4 3 52575 This year 16 333 2040 2040Sifting1 Sifting1 Sand 10 e y and ° e Carmen by Peter Quince QuinceJast Jast work 133 1m l4Vft vt Trriner R Scovillc Owner R Scoville JIaj2430sFP 17 l4G ft 13 103 2 3 5 = J 5 i CimerakG3 G WarXymph 1101otFull lOnBccJay 95 C CMa Ma lSOSFP 2 l14ft 20f 106 2 9 ll sil = 3 GdrichE 12 Luckliece 100 Lounger 113SonAmi 110 C COctl929FH Octl929FH 17 l43hrt 13 100 3 2 3s 93J CramerR 11 ColleQuecn 103 IlighLife 111 Tiute 109 C COctl7293FP Octl7293FP 17 l45ft 17 104 1 3 371 47J CimerakG 8 Starlrincel07WillBank 112PtLoma 115 C COctlo29FP Octlo29FP 2 l14ft 23f 1041 4 L rider XicholsJ 12 BrkAlicelOlLkySwccplOlKamuela 102 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 1 1 0 750 This year 2 2Pebbles Pebbles Last 1 07 B 4 by Pebles Miss Thompson by Goldcrest Last work 135 58 l04 ift Trainer L Kindle Owner W M Cain Haj2730JFP 17 l44ft 14 107 8 8 4li 5 ° PeggC8 0 Parnell llOlIIisliLife 113tTncleBoot 107 C CJIaj2330FP JIaj2330FP 2 l13ft 12 111 8 7 5s 3 PeggC1 9 LeFlore lllQunWhiins lOCCucras 111 C CMay21302FP May21302FP l14ft 15 106 3 4 47i 47 PeggC 8 Osse II US Billy HOLady ONcil 106 C CJIajlG30FP JIajlG30FP l15 ft 11 112 3 2 7 S S PeggC 12 ThoMoonl01CnrgLadyl07KatArmsll2 C CJIar2S30 JIar2S30 JIar2S30iStJ iStJ 5Jfl09sy 47 1211010 74i G52 RoseM3 12 Dowager llGWarNymph llGMyGirl 111 C Cv2307StJ v2307StJ 13V l51sy 83 US 2 G 10SJ10 = RoseM3 11 Ed Reese lOOPaternal lOGDowager 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 220 J 1450 This year 14 1 2 2 880 880Pill Pill Delta TOO LadJLUU Ch m 5l by FlitterS ° d Mint Drop by Irish Lad JLUU Trainer L W Roberts Owner Woodvale Farm FarmMa21303FP Ma21303FP I7 l47i ft 17 103 7 8 S 7 = 5 EdwardsC4 9 WarXpb lOlJIelita lOSTheCossack 113 C Apr2S30nVhe GJ f 123 ft 16 107 9 5 5 1 43J LoganL8 9 Blazoner 107 Lang 102StarryDawn 108 C CAPt24303Who APt24303Who Gi f 123 ft 26 106 7 7 64i 73J LoganL4 10 KyColol lll iayIignllGLastCirgell3 C Apnl8305Whe 2 l19sy 7 108 9 G 5S2 3 = 3 LoganL8 9 RbertaL 10211lBelIs lOOUkQun 113 C ApnlGSOnVhe 6Jfl25m 4S 10S 3 2 2 = 2 LoganL1 10 SwiftCurtOOJibelOSABBensinger 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts Last 16 322 1355 This year yearlG 2315 iu o oDotonimil Dotonimil 1 H ch Z 6 by St Rock Santa Clara by Ormondale Trainer T F Bornman Owner Miss E Kelly JIaj2730FP l45V ft 137 107 7 2 G2 7SJ GrossE 8 AlexWdrfellOKGgerlOSAlmaVital02 C ILvl3303FP 6 GroosE G HighLife HSBearcry 1031atuxant 113 C 2730 StJ I7 147 ft 43 113 G 8 9 2 9 BrjantD10 10 Laurie 108 Spurrier 110 Clarifier 108 C 2330 Hav 1 l51sl 3 107 2 2 1 I1 BryantD5 9 Wortliman 107 Festic 112 Burnt 107 C rebl330sHav ljl54gd 5 107 4 9 101017 BryantD19 11 NkolsI oyl07MDestafnll20ndora 102 C TK 530Hav l lff ff 151 ft SJ 103 7 G 4J 3 DryantD1 8 Frankman 103 Festic 112 Powder 103 C Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 110205 350 This year 15 1 2 4 f 1330 1330KailSlCaa KailSlCaa 109 BurgomasterJ r y pay ellow Hidden Star by Burgomaster J j it Trainer H T Fleming Owner King Bruce Stable Stableiraj24303FP iraj24303FP I7oi43 ft CO 101 S 7 714 7 AnioldG8 S BillyIor1nl03AlexWdIiffcllOClassyll3 C CMaj20305FP Maj20305FP 1 l53hy 28 101 1 5 71S S3 ArnoldG3 S FascistellSKg atArmslOSlIdCovr 11G C CJfar23S05JP Jfar23S05JP l V 151 ed G3 101 G 8 S13 9 MeysME3 1 CrvBabyl03LilnMar lOSLalaloma 111 C t7307JP 1J 205hy 91 96 3 5 33 I1 EHswhW11 12 PtyRnnl07Ktg1sKowl02jNdyII mc 105 C 830JP 1J l5G gd 17 96 G 6 5 i 48J MeysME1 11 LaPalomallGDonnatinalOGQuibbler 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 0 1 0 175 This year 15 1 1 1 850 850Avarice Avarice OFT B t 3 M by Bondage Greed by McGeo McGeoLast Last work 142 1m l44ft Trainer E McCuan Owner E McCtian McCtianMaj27307FP Maj27307FP 17 ° l4Jft 40 SG 9 8 S S ° GreenC1 9 Parnell llOJIIiglilife HSUncleBoot 107 C CMajlG30FP MajlG30FP 2 l15Vft ISf 100 12 11 lliOIS HanfordB 12 TlicMoonl01CmgLadyl07KatArnisll2 0 1230 2 115 ft 46 106 687 ° 911 IlanfordB 11 VagrantlOSTirieJeanlOSTkyClonel llG C Octl6292FP 2 116 ft 245 106 2 4 6 45 CramerR 7 PpleUobelOGLillyWrklOlLawsoiiWllo C OctU29FP 2 l15sl 6 107 4 5 4 33J KnlghtM 2 8 MyLava 107PurplePiObel07AlmaVital07 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year ID 0 0 1 100 This year 3 3Thistle Thistle Marty QO 3 M by O ar Khayyam Amelita by Sempronius SemproniusLast Last work laS 12 32m Trainer V Gallo Owner A Manale Manalea2730 a2730 = FP 2 l15Vift 135 103 5 9 9 7 CimeraUG 12 PaiiivanalOOGeorgeTanSlllPlezan 103 C lLv2030FP 2 l19hy 3J 105 4 4 23 21 CimeraUG1 11 CmingLadyllllavanallOKutliGold 11G C Majl230FP 2 l14V ft 27 103 3 4 34J 33J CimerakG9 11 Nelson 113Fig Ixjaf lOSGoosc Step 103 C t28307JP 17 153 m 65 97 G 4 10W CooperR 12 Flossyllare 98 MatMaboney 08 Doc 110 C e2130JP ll50sl 63 99 5 5 57 43 FryeJW4 12 Choristrl04BkdApplel02CutStecl 108 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 4 This year 9 0 1 1 150 150Thistle Thistle Spray 1 fO Br 3 M by Whiskaway Dancing Spray by Rapid Water WaterLast Last work 142 oSl03 ft JLU Trainer H S Hart Owner G Collins CollinsMaj2730FP Maj2730FP loi45ft 41 103 1 6 542 43 TliomaslI1 S AlexWdrfellOEGgerlOSAlniaVStal02 C CM M 16307FP Ifg l4Sft 2 105 5 4 3ci 2 ThomasH7 8 IIeadCoverll2EthelGalligerl07nilly 112 C CJlajHSO JlajHSO P lfg l4Sft 4 115 4 4 3 J 31 ThomasH3 7 WtrFwl llOAlmaVitallOPtiLsc 105 C CMay May 3307Lcx I70 l45ft 14 110 2 5 45J 5 = 1 ThomasH3 10 JanicsM 113VoodAxtonlOSUnionW113 C Ma lC07Lex 1fg 148 ft 38 105 6 9 S S13 Thomasll8 9 Monticello IOC Onup 107 Uoni Soil 112 C i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 This year 6