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rd r airmOlint prse SOO 3ycarolds and upward Claiming 3Fy Dandy Mile Seit 7 M2S lll3 106 106NOTE NOTE Claiming price 1500 3yearolds and upward which have not won since April 1 3yearolds 112 pounds older 120 pounds yonwinners in 1930 allowed 3 pounds poundsThe The past performances ot the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Knee Mortana IIP Br c 3 by Morvicll Tanais by Do Viris VirisLast Last work 135 12 r52ft Trainer J L Wilson Owner J L Wilson WilsonJt Jt j2230FP 2 115 ft 4910 109 3 2 2i 2nt RootT3 9 Leninos llSTheMoon 107KgBank 1100 1100Har2G30JP Har2G30JP 2 l14ft 215 113 7 10 9 ° S10 CimerakG 12 Sunvievll3UingTruell3ThistleJean 101 O ManllS05JP 2 lHJ6sd 85 118 G 2 5JJ S S FronkW1 12 HissRmscy lOGJar llSMaryEloise 111 O JIac 4303FG 2 113 ft 2310 IIS G 4 451 4 KnlghtM 9 ClumbusllSUltimtcVtelOSGrgry 113 0 FcJx2130Mia 5J f l03ft 15 109 2 5 8 8 RoseG1 9 SunWorsliipll3 MdsTrystlOSFocusl03 O OFtkl9303JIia Ftkl9303JIia 2 l12ft S 11G 2 1 1 1 lnk LeischnR5 12 BiiCasusll4LaGdrinalOGMstSctll2 0 Feb GSO JIia 2 l13ft G 114 6 3 2h li KsingerC 12 SyrelllOSPlayfersDream lOOGnilder 114 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7221 1900 This year 7 2 10 lGCO lGCOKing King at Amis 117 Ch c 4l by Fair play Kock Merry by Rock Sand SandLast Last work 123 34 llG ft Trainer T W Forsting Owner R C Stable JLy2330FP I l49l6ft 95 103 4 2 2J 23 BelysktA5 8 EtbelGgerlonRnaSethlOSSwpXetllO O jraj20305FP 1fy l53hy 145 103 3 2 2 2l BelysUlA1 S Fasciste HSIIeadCover HOEdUecse 108 O JlaylGSOFP 2 l15V ft 75 112 G 4 3 3 BelyskIA 12 The3Ioonl04ChmgLndyl07Matnterll2 O Kaj1330 ° FP 2 l14ft 11 112 8 4 4 3 9BrienR 12 SiraLadll2JkCrainl07ForfteMann 107 0 JiajiOSOFP 3114ft 4i US G 4 4 = 3i 6BrienR 12 AWdlfellCJobnSpcedllSBunhe 1130 1 2330 0 5J f lOGft 23 113 G 8 G5i G OBricnR 8 PlatalteallWMissSrirelOSBrnBanklOS O Od d 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 0 1125 This year G 0 2 3 350 350Robilia Robilia Setll 107 Bt f 4 by Seth Kitty Cheatham by Mcelick McelickLast Last work 133 12 50ft v I Trainer E E Major Owner E E Major Jtyr2730FP I10 l44ft 215 99 3 2 G = G WimmerR 9 Parnell llOlnighLifc HSUneleBoot 107 O JLir23307FP 1fy l49V4ft 7 105 1 4 4J 35 WimmerR S EtlielGgcrlOjKg atAsl03SepXetllO 0 Majr2130FP 1 l4Sft 7 103 G 4 3J 2 WlmmerR S TkyCnel 112AlniaVitalOOKcMcCnlOS 0 Majr2030FP 2 llShy 7 103 3 7 7SJ C5 AVimmcrR S ForccasterlOSStarcIillOGdSliepherd 115 O Ivl730FP 2 llG4sy 10 10G 3 5 S1 31 WimmerJI6 9 JackCrain 115Toltec 110 Watchword 120 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 25 345 2010 This year 7 0 1 3 S 275 275Western Western PrillCCSS 1 fl7 ch f 3 by Wcsty Hogan FoHi by Sunflower SunflowerJLv JLv I Trainer F Wright Owner Meyor Keulk V330FP 2 l13 ft 32 101 5 4 7i 7 PrgrassA 10 Myllcauty lOSJkCrain 113ndCover 109 0 0Jlaj1730FP Jlaj1730FP 2 116 s S 10S 4 4 3i 3 PrgrassA1 S FigLeaf 108 Vagrant lllL dyEmbrml07 0 0MaclG30IIav MaclG30IIav 2 l13ft 5 101 5 7 GT1 G i LoganL 7 Algol 114TmyLad 113PnciugStep 103 O OMacll30IIav Macll30IIav 2 l13 ft 85 103 4 2 2f 2 ° LoganL C MinglMnesllOLrBunnyllOPtAlibi 103 0 0Mac Mac 730 = IIav 2 l1356ft 20 103 1 4 3i 3 LoganL1 8 TitleOak llSTdAmolirlOSWyLong 113 0 0T2330 T2330 = Ilav 2 lllgd 15 OG 3 G 5 Gi PasscroJ 10 Mcrlwlck 10GCiirveurll7JIayAgnesK98 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 4 0 3 3020 This year 8 01 2 5 270 Continued ou fourteenth page Fairmount Park Past Performances Continued from eleventh page Mac Fogle 117 Ch c by Guy Fortune Nannie McDee by Pink Coat CoatLast Last work 137 34 110 si Trainer L M Holmes Owner Mrs L M Holmes HolmesM M 2G30FP 3113ft 99 11110 S 8 = 3 7s KcllumJ 12 OssiellllCFoeMaim lllJucAdelc 102 J C CMvl330FP Mvl330FP 3114 ft CS 112 10 10 HJ 9 KellumJ 12 ThoSirwOftt07IIiglnvayl07PatsyII 102 0 0Ma1030FP Ma1030FP 2115 ft 41 117 5 7 7J 7 KcllumJ 8 MryAVinsorll5Rasabaldll7Domina 104 C CH H 330JFG 1 IMS ft 7J 114 2 1 Gi G91 KcllumJ3 12 XfKlnglMBillPhillipslOONausicaa 100 C CDcc27C93JP Dcc27C93JP 3 l14ft 123 112 G 11 10nOl KcllumJ 12 Mj Hobby 111 Houston 114Aristocrat 107 C CDcc2429JP Dcc2429JP 2 l14Vgd G5 115 2 11 10111010 KellumJ 1112 MyB iityl02Sliarrunell0151kAllce 103J C CStarts Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Last year 22 5 2850 This year 4 4P P Ch f by Kunstar Tailor Maid by Fair Play Last work 144 34 l17ft A Trainer G W Atkinson Owner Of AV Atkinson Kaj26SOFP 3 iisft 212 100 4 3 G CallahanC 12 OssiellllGFocMann lllJnoAdele 102 0 Mayl530sFP 3 113 ft 85 103 4 G G3 G1 AVilsonL 7 NicheIsonlllIagabaldll3SvccpNet 19 C r1330FG lfg l4Stt 31 102 9 9 9I 8 = FryeJAV 12 IlckAbbeyll2FryIIarcl02Kagabald 107 C Dcc2029 = JP 3 l13ft 28 10S 5 6 8T2 9i MayT 12 Burnt Sienna IDS Job 100 Facility 100 0 DcclG29 = JP 3 l14Vift l14ViftOcti99FP 27 106 10 8 7 i 7 SandozJ 12 KingHalma 103 Jeb 103 StormyPort 103 C Octi99FP 3 l13 5ft 25f 102 9 10 HJ11 PrgrassA 11 Arrogant HCl rcstSetbl07Maximus HOC Octl529 = FP 3 114 ft 26 101 B 5 6 7 ButlerT ButlerT2nd 10 Guincanenl05LkyIrif tlOSPlygmlalOS C Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 23 0 0IVatcInvord 3 0 5 400 This year 3 3I IVatcInvord I i O B g 5 by St Henry or Ormondale Eileen by Plaudit or Star IVatcInvordLast Last work 129 38 38JUr2G30FP 35 ft 1JL Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer J D Larkin Owner J Goedccke Jr JrS JUr2G30FP 2 l13ft l13ft2230JFP l13ftM S 110 3 2 753 9 JudyJ 12 OssiellllGFoeMann HlJncAdelc 102 C M 2230JFP 3 l13ft l13ftJL 33 115 1 1 I1 2J JudyJ 12 ForteMnllOKgHalmall3AVdgain HOC JL 2030FP 3 l18 hy hyJb71730FP 37 117 G 8 8 8 = ScurlockH 8 ForccastcrlOSStarchllOGdShcpherd 115 C Jb71730FP 3 llCJ sy sylb13SOFP 52 120 22 4 41 JudyJ 9 JackCrain 115Toltec HORobinaScth 100 C lb13SOFP 3 114 ft ftJla 88 112 3 3 43i 8 ScurlockH 12 TlieSli wOffl07IIiglivayl07PatsyH 102 C Jla JlaiO305FP iO305FP 3115 ft 23 117 G S S ThomasII3 8 MryAVInsbrlloUagabaldll7Domina 101 C 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 This year G 0 1 0 100 Georgia Hcrcret HcrcretLast O Ch f 4 by Blind Baggage Lcipsic by Runnymcdo Last work 135 33 33Maj2330FP 1 Trainer P 1 Castle Owner Mrs E Castle Maj2330FP 5 l13ft l13ftI l13ftcc2G29JIP 88 111 7 S 9 9 JudyJ3 0 LeFIorclllQunAVliimslOGPcbsLast 111 C I cc2G29JIP 1 l4Gft l4GftD G3 104il2 11 11 = 11 = 5 RenoT CV2 MsPVdiselOlJBgliMgrllOAshbnelOG C D vlS29 = JP 3 lllsl lllslDec 125 105 12 12 12 = 12 = RenoT 12 The Dago 120Celidbn 120Kingsport 111 C Dec 329JP I lo l50sl 105 104 9 9 8 ° S3 RencT J10 FkllawleyllGSperFelixlllQrquill 101 C OcLl920lFP 920JFP 1 l45ft 21 103 9 4 4i 43 RenoT MO PtLonialOSBedfdSnt 107WaponocalOG C Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 This year 1 Ignite IgniteLast 1 07 B 3i by Blazes Bobs Mary by Helmet Last work 121 341227sft Trainer C Garrigan Owner Mrs C Garrigan Vaj S303Beu 3117Vift 125 113 2 1 OMalloyJ 10 KobcrtaLlOSBrkwyOSSwiftCurtlOl C I Mij SOOSBcu l4Sft 19 97 2 4 5J 5s BernierEi Shorty0107TwreSixtyl03Paquettel01 O 2S305Beu 2 115 ft 10 101 2 G G2 G3 ClevleyW 8 MyIVutyl01DarkAngell02ShortyO 101 C Airn2430Beu 2116 ft 3i 107 4 1 14 21 BurneyD G MoseneS100jLadyStinsl02DixieDanl04 A Arc2230Beu 5X f l03ft 32 107 J 55J BurneyD 8 Sloselle S 105 Asso 104 Laguna 107 A 2119hy Si 113 7 8 7 9 ° CimcrakG 12 Thelmn L 101 DonTinKy 115 Solus 111 C Starls 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon AAonThis Last year 18 263 This year 10 1 1 2 9GE FllilOIliatll 1 fA Ch gr 3 M by Freebooter India fcy Delhi JVJ Trainer E E Watson Owner E E Watson 3 116V sl 27 115 10 S 7 5Ti FordJ 11 Lavason 117MidMint 112AlmaVita 112 C ClAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd lAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Last year 1 1JlldaS JlldaS II IILast Ch g G by Brumado Winds of Chance by Superman Last work US 34 l13ft i Trainer H A TForsha Owner W J Wlialen Apc2C29JLcx fc l10 ft CJ 115 G 2 2M lh 5 FrogtteD 12 Minerviisil5Choganll5lmcgranate 110 C M 29295K P 311G Bd G5 110 2 1 1Jlar2229 1 1s SmithF 12 WdraontlOoLorelei 1051atsyMcDld 100 C Jlar2229 = KyP 2117 ed 115 11G 1 33i3J SraithF 12SenrMays lIGCIirisPchenlOSBlazrlOo C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAonv Last year 3 1 0 1 700 Allgel Bright Q Q B f 3 by SwceP On BBht Angel by St Amant AmantLast Last vork 14G 58 l03 ft Trainer B B Eice Owner B B Rice OcLlS295FP 1 111 ft 225 93 3 9 S3 S1J CimerakG 9 BmerllillsllOCurtainCaU OGMyLava 09 C OctlO23FP 3 I15hy2310 109 5 G 7 7 BunisT J 7 UlfteAotelOOBirdassalOlEvcngSky 100 C Oct 429 = FP 2 llGsl 2 112 4 1 11 1J BurnsT = 11 3IorngB nisll21LadyEmnill2LySethll2 Q Jus 729Haw 5 f lOSiift 95 107 4 6 G 9 MeyerC 12 UmbrianPrinsOOTueCoachllOAltavarlOo C 5AP o f l06ft 13 102 G 6 3s 4 SmithV 15 Tombcreau 113 Aivos 107 Fetish 110 C JuLlG9AP 5 fl07ft J35 102 3 2 21 2 SmithV U3 Fetish lllHadcs lllLaGolondrina 108 C JuL 323FP 5flOSft 32 113 211 1SJ MartinL 9 AlmaVltal05GtaGonwl09AdaElBeel03 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last year 25 The Badger 117 Cht s 8 ty Star Mastcr BaBdadine by Flint Rock Last work 143 3 12 12ltr23305FP O ft L J I Trainer A J Pershall Owner Bl Blue Star Stable ltr23305FP 3 l14 l14MaylGSOFP ft 12 11G 2 3 5 5 RootTs 8 KingsportlllIIrdLoclllLoulsvlllc 11G C MaylGSOFP 3 l14 l14JuL272DBbg l14ft GJ 117 2 3 8 9 RootT10 12 JIyBeantyllOFallenLeafll5KgBankll2 C JuL272DBbg 3 l13 l13llacla29JP l13ft 2910 110 5 2 23 97 SandersC 12 Shorty 110 Bncliou 110 Partake 100 C llacla29JP 2117 2117Mat si 7 113 G 4 3J 3J R Lamn 12 Go Away 105 Bolton 113 Kajaba 110 C Mat 129JP 3 l16 l16Ftb2G29JP l16Hsd 135 113 G 4 3 4 C Sands 12 Ham 105 Hippias 115 Uncle Boot 113 C Ftb2G29JP 3 l20 l20Um 5 114 9 2 2 1J O Laldy Z10 ilacilasiminIJoltonlOOJniCanipbl 114 C Starts tarts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 4101 800 This year 2