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2nd Churchill Downs rrsc 1200 2yearoWs Maidens Fillies 0 Claiming Ruddy Light June 2 1923 59 58 Mile a us usJTOTE JTOTE Claiming price 5800 Weight 115 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rec Rec47007s 47007s 14 Transgression 479331 GSugar KissCD 111 102 47933 1C Lila CD 103 l02i l02i479C3 479C3 5 Tavy CD 11G 102 47753 IS Thunder Nymph CD 107 l01s 47839 15 EInora Dodge CD 107 103 47933 S Concordia CD 108 103 47753 10 Fair SfannaCD 107 i05 i05ss = ss 4G818 IPrtnly Basil Wt Rec AWtnan 3 Maiinltc CD 11G 101 4 Sun Porter 9 Sweet Adelaide 17 Naughty Sallie CD 103 103 103201d 201d Kan 7 Jlodern Girl 11 Jeanne D 12Copia 13 Moira The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race TrailSgrCSSioil 11 B f 2 Ml by Transmute Baby Lynch by Leonid LeonidLast Last work 147 53 lOG ft LJ Trainer C E Gross Owner E F Prichard JLyrigSOCD 4J f 5G m G 115 3 2 3l 2 ChvcttaF 11 JrhaJonesll5GreyKtvll5Rlldnerll5 M Apr2J30Lex 4J f 55l4ft 53 115 2 9 91 9 CreesR 12 IIVirginiall3MyCobbll5StBenonl 115 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 0 1 0 200 Last work 142 58105ft LJV Trainer J M Hukill Owner Furst Bauer JU2C30CD g 101 ft 15f 103 11 2 2 3s ReevcsR 15 GooJJcst lllTheDiike lllCaddyBoy 111 C 1L71330CD 4i f 55i m 27 11G 9 11 12711 RcevesR 12 MissCliillallGOtbrstllGIIhTmpr 11G 1 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 0 01 100 t K B f 2 M by Stimulus Lilane by Vindex 137 12 12gl01 4Sf t L tJ Trainer C C Van Meter Owner C Clay gl01 ff 8 103 12 12 13 87i ChvettaF 15 Good Jest lllTheDuke lllSugarKiss 103 O g l01sl 12 107 7 5 4s 5J ChvettaF 11 Xadia 112ThrXmpli 107WaterIortll2 O S 101 m 18 107 13 14 13 9 ChvcttaF 15 KedLikrlOSBEMaryllOSfrMary 110 0 5 4Sft 17 115 7 7 Gi G11 ChvettaF 12 BtyDrllSCryMayllSBewchgEyesllS A 5 4Sft 5 11G G G G7i GJ ChvettaF 7 ReverberatellGDDunnllGWcliGirl 11G A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdThis This year 5 OPjiyy 11 C 2 y tcrmans Alstar Cress by Watercress WatercressLast Last work 13G 3S 3Gft LLO Trainer E Haughton Owner Qreentree Stable w r2730CD g l01ft 3e 115 5 7 7S2 71 ChvcttaF It Xormahalll5Gradisetll5InBetween IIS it r2430CD g l01gd 5 11G 9 7 7 771 SpshireE1 12 OutburstllGRestEasy HGReKall dyllG M Maj 330Lex 4J f 55ft 7 11G 8 8 G7i 41 JonesL 11 PlumgellGEbhLesterllGMhaJoneslH A Apc2S30 = Lex 4J f 54 ift 11 115 12 12 10 9 MoneyJD l TanFaccll5SisterMaryl09Arrowlikel09 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 4 4Thunder Thunder Nympll 11 ch f 2 W Thunderer Dryad by Peter Pan PanLast Last work 147 12 54 ft JjLJ Trainer H Cavanaugh Owner 1 Combs Jr JrMaj2130 Maj2130 = CD g l01sl 26 107 5 2 2 2 LandoltC 14 Xadia 112WaterPort 112SpgCling 115 0 Jl jl930CD Q 101 m Gt 103 9 8 7 i 5 1 EllswthW 15 RedLikrlOSBEMaryllOStrJIary 110 0 Apn2S30Lex 4J f 54ft 4310 109 7 9 111811 NcalP 12 TanFacell5Sisterllaryl09ArrowUkel09 0 0Arn2230Lex Arn2230Lex 4J f 55 ft IS 113 2 4 4 41 CreesR1 12 5texicanD115TanFacell5MissChilla 115 0 0Starts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 0 1 0 200 EInora Dodge DodgeLast 1 I pr Br f 2 M by Dodge Marguerite Elnorita by Flying Last work 14G 58 58ir2330CD l01ft JLO Squirrel SquirrelTrainer Trainer W R Reardon Owner M J Reardon ir2330CD g l01ft 71 107 7 8 8 8 ° DepcrlniR 8 Reverbte 112Plumage 1120urnan 107 0 Starts 1st 1stConcordia 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1I Concordia ConcordiaLast I t pT Ch f 2 M by Sporting Blood Bessie M by Flittergold Last work 144 12 53m LXO Trainer J C Shea Owner LeBus Looney jrv2G30 CD g 101 ft 15cl08 15 13 lu5121 EllswthW1 15 GoodJest lllTheDuke lllSugarKiss 103 O JLij 3305Lcx 4 f 55 ft 42 11G 10 11 ll10 MooncyJD 11 PlumgellGEbhLesterllGirhaJonesllG A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2mCh Fair Manna MannaLast mCh f 2 M by For Fair Mana Grass by Short Grass Last work 14G 12 12Jaj2130 Trainer F J Weiland Owner F J Weiland Weiland17f Jaj2130 = CD g l0lsl l0lsl3l 17f 107 11 9 8 741 RussellK 14 Xadia 112ThrXmph 107WatcrPortll2 O 3l 430FG 36ft 36ftFifc2430FG 13t 107 9 11 11 = 2 Uci QnbushG 11 niglitXowll5MsCanopyll2CheliaIis 115 O Fifc2430FG 3 36gd 36gdFcbl430FG 15C 110 12 11 11115 HuffR 12 BEdMaryll5Dnpourll8SnyFronkll8 M Fcbl430FG 37ft 37ftFebl230FG 21f 11310 G 5 = 2GiHuffR 12 PceZeusIlGWillifordllGCMargaret 113 O Febl230FG g 35ft 35ftFA 28f 111 12 11 II HuffR 12 ZebrallSSparwnawkllGPhilUeuter 114 O FA 530FG 1 35Ed 55 107 12 12 12 = 12l DellJ1 12 Zebra 112 Broad A 112 Brett 115 O 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 4 This year G Prudy JJasil JJasilLast mCh f 2 M by Basil Prude by Von Tromp Last work 13G 38 I JS Trainer W F Poison Owner Basil Manor Stable Stablellf Apr22305Lex 4J f 55 ft llf 115 8 5 S IO DuboisD1 12 MexicanD115TanFacell33IissChilla 115 O Jian2930JP 3f 43 sl 72 112 10 10 1010 GevingL5 11 UitXowll2LraXeKleyl5PpleLadyll2 A Starts 1st 1stHannitc 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2I Hannitc HannitcLast I J pr B f 2 M by Supremus Manon by Sain Last work 148 3S 3Sft J J J Trainer W W Taylor Owner H P Headley MArSisninn i l0lgd 7o 11G 12 10 10IC111J FinnrtyR 12 OutburstllGPestEasy HGRegall dyllG M Starts 1st 1stSun 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1J Sun Porter PorterJfcj J 1 pT B f 2 M by The Porter In the Sun by Hessian JLL J Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean Jfcj 230Plm 4i f 55ft 23 110 G G 52 5 ° McTagrtJ 11 AlpineGl lOSDlinsLd HOExplore 102 0 Apt2430 = HdG 4J f 54ft 4f 109 G 5 G G72 HuffN 15 Shield 112 Zebra 112 Prince Zeus 122 O O2nd Starts 1st 1stSweet 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 Sweet Adelaide AdelaideLast I pr Br f 2 M by Menifee Peggy Kelley by Royal H Last work 141 38 38Jm3130FG 39 sl Trainer S J Kelley Owner S J Kelley Jm3130FG g 36 gd gdJanl530FG llf 115 8 8 J 9 PalumboS 12 Farr 118 Salisbury 118 Jimraie L 118 M Janl530FG g 3GSl 3GSlJan 19 115 G 4 5 i 5 AnrsonA 8 XancyJanell5JoanneEli5ndFirst 115 11 Jan GSOU G g 36gd 40 114 7 7 731 5 HicksW1 11 KareChrml09PeggyJ113nryKulmsll2 0 Starts 1st 1stNaughty 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 3 3J Naughty Sallie SallieLast J J pT B f 2 M by Prince Pal Pretty Miss by Leonardo II Last work 139 38 39m 1 Trainer W Lewis Owner Miss W F Aston Mv2G30 ° CD g 101 ft 15 103 5 3 7811110 FinnertyR 15 GoodJest lllTheDiike lllSugarKiss 103 O Hv2130 = CD S l0t sl 31 102 4 7 9 82 EllswthW 14 Xadia 112ThrXmph 107WaterPortH2 C 3LV1530CD 4Jf 55gd 129 110 9 2 3J 4 LaidleyO4 JO MissChillall3ReverbertelllOurnan 100 C JLvlO30CD 4J t 54 f t 81 11C 9 9 13oi3 LaidleyO 13 RningGirl HGBagiel HGBtyBelle 11G M Starts 1st 1stOld 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx WonxThis This year 4 4mB Old Nan NanStarts mB f 2 M by Hephaistos Rinda by Puryear D Trainer T P Hayes Owner S C Lyne Starts 1st 1stModern 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Modern Girl GirlLast I I pr B f 2 M by Headstrong Bridesmaid by Chicle Last work 147 12 4S ft J JO Trainer M Goldblatt Owner H P Whitney Starts 1st 1stJeanne 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Jeanne D DLast mBlk f 2 M by Phalaris Pretty Politician by Ballot Last work 141 12 Trainer E F Reilly Owner W S Dudley Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonmCh mCh f 2 M by Golden Guinea Rhea by Uncle Trainer J D Boyle Owner J D Boyle 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Moira 1 I pT B f 2 M by Jack Hare Jr Ballygihen by Handsel MoiraLast Last work 147 3S 3SStarts 37f t L L O Trainer A S Lewis Owner W J Kearney Starts 1st 2ud 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won