5th Washington, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-29

past performance

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Oin tk A7a oV oVn n rrtr n Out of chute Sheridan Road Purse Purse 1700 3 wasmngton yearolls Allowances Chicago Sept 14 1927 78 Mile 121K51121 47518 4 IKIXCH ATII KLING 47921 1 Supreme Sweet The past performances ol tho horses entered in Uils race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTirae Tr Odds VtSt StrFIn Jockej PPSts Best Company Class of Race PrinCC Atliclill 110 Blk c 3 ty Athcling II Miss Xaura by Escoba EscobaLast Last work 140 78 l2Sft Trainer C Howard Owner J Marsch Majl530 CD GJfl20 gd 910 107 1 2 1 = 1 NealP NealPK 8 PciaAmilOSJuLafitte 107UlcMatt 113 A K jlO30 CD CJ t l19Vfcft 192 112 2 2 23 2 NcalP NcalPOcU529Lat 13 PsyWlkrl07GantKnhtll5Morsel 115 A OcU529Lat 2 lllft 15 108 5 5 45J 3 NealP NealPOct 9 Fiddler 115 Try Too 115 Busy 108 A Oct 929 CD 2 I13ft 19 112 3 G 6s 3s NealP NealPEqx302fl = 12 Hieovcr 112 Big Stuff 112 Snooze 112 A Eqx302fl CD 5J f I07gd4710 115 3 6 7s S 2 NealP NealPAne3029 15 Snooze 112 Alonnic 112 Zircon 112 A Ane3029 LF 2 lIH ft 4710 IOC 5 4 431 5J NealP NealPJuL2429 7 JohnMackler HOKhara 112SailorBoylOC A JuL2429 AP EJfl03ft 20 112 7 6 51 5 = i JonesR ID Try Too 115 Alimony 112 Morsel 119 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 112 1250 This year 2 1 1 0 lCOO Supreme 10Last Sweet 10 Ch f 3 by High Time Miss Jazbo by Waterboy Last work 130 341lSft Jvt Trainer E W Selden Owner E W Selden MajSCSOWas 2 l12V ft 35 106 3 1 I3 1 LegnonC1 C BIgSweep 112NoraD 107KateGcnry 110 C JI y2130 CD 2 l14gd 34 103 2 2 Il 1 LegnonC0 7 MissUesslOOAntcBeHuml07Maudlin 108 A WajloSOCD Cifl21 si 32 103 7 1 I3 I2 LcgnonC2 9 FrhLss 107Brmsht 107LyFgrs 105 C Majl230CD CJ f 120 ft 1C5 105 0 3 3 31 LegnonC 14 SprtgLadylOSZoom HSBobKernan 118 C Arr2S303Lex fcl10ft 176 113 2 1 1 1 LegnonC8 8 DoritalOS LdyFgcrsll5 NtePbslll C pr23C07Lex fc 110 ft 32 106 3 1 5 = 3 68i LegnonC1 9 GoldSteplOSRayBladcslOSHyLocustlOS A ArtHSOLex fcl10ft 1 109 8 3 2 31 LegnonC1 9 Manta 109 Justina 115 Supryse 109 A AWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 12 5 4 2 5000 Tippy Toe 1 B f 3 by Polymelian Kitty Williams by Granite Last work 137 34 l18sl v vMaj2730Was Trainer J Carter Owner W C E W Eeichert Maj2730Was 2 112 ft 3710 101 5 2 2 1i PichoiiL4 C PalciaAnnlOOFgTimclOSEnQnu 100 A M y2130 FP 2 l133ft 2 103 4 2 11 2nt FowlerG1 7 BocaratonelOSUltiniulOSFalselride 117 11 MV19305FP 2 l17hy 3 105 2 1 1 1 FowlerG 7 FlygAmbdorl07Elondol05GdeRitl07 A MajHSOFP 2 1W ft 145 104 3 1 lh 21 PrgrassA4 8 ttVllcBoylliiTtleAnn 113JgeDixnllO A Mar26305AC 2 lllft 145 102 3 2 21 11 RichsonN 5 Hatrick 112 LaBelotte 104JimDandy 112 A JIat23SOAC 2 lllft 95 107 5 5 3 31 TurkCs 8 Norabll2SequoiaPark 105FlasTime 115 A JIatl430AC 5J f 105 ft 10 101 3 3 2 21 TurkC 9 FlacTimolOSTlie DasolllDark Ayr 103 A AStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 1001 1001Dedicate This year 10 Dedicate 1 117 1 Br c by Do ee On im ° ty Higb Time TimeLast Last work 14S 3S SSft Trainer J S Ward Owner Everglado Stable ArrC30cLex ll40 ft 1720 115 4 2 4J 3 = aicAffeD G BkcyePocU12Sydiieyll5iayBladcs 112 A AprlS303Lex fclll ft 710 115 1 2 1 I1 DuboisD 8 AntcIIcllumll2TIiistIcAnullOFiacr 112 A Octl29Lrl 2 l12ft 3310 125 6 C 43J 76i FieldsG Z12 Caruso 122151ackJIajestyl25IHJack 119 S SEp2S295HdG Ep2S295HdG 2 113 ft 195 121 1 4 3 = i 1 BarnesE 17 Hi Jack 120 Swinficld 115 Kliara 112 S Jul31293AP 5Jfl06ft 320 115 1113 1 = 1 LscherW 3 5 JMklerlOCHnyLocustlOSBClianiplOC A Jul2329JAP 55 f l05ft 920 115 1 1 1 1 DuboisD 7 Cbelys 109 I xhor 115 Fiddler 115 A AJaI1929AP JaI1929AP 5JflOGft 7J 109 2 1 1 1 LscherW 14 PrcoAtlielglOOCpBosslOGLyBuyerlOO A Jan22293Lat 5J f lOCft 3 115 1 1 1 Il PichonL 12 KedlUder HSJIiclinBoy 115Monnie 112 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year 75 00 28200 This year 2 1 0 1 726 726Cnbildo Cnbildo 110 Br ° 3 by y ollren M Marguerite euerite B by Ballot BallotLast BallotLast Last work 144 341237sgd VJ Trainer M F Walsh Owner Mrs B M Evans MariSSOJP 1J 200 m 43 114 5 9 S = = 722 DeperiniR 9 MichBoyll7BNBobll7BtlicrRank 117 S Mat2G30JP I70 146 ft 14 101 5 6 55 43 CimerakG3 C EilAVcir 101 Chiclero 102 Dabster 00 A W 22305JP I ° lu2m 14 10S 2 5 5 4 PhillipsC2 5 MicnBoyll2ColBelll03GcnlJacksnl07 A Mac 1303FG 1 lMOhy 13 94 7 7 G 4 FryeJW 8 IIigiFootll4MichBoyl20LtngJonesll8 S riU21305FG 1 l474 l474gd gd 2910 109 G 5 3 J V RusscllIC8 C Cliatriigl02Asciatel09AGoldsinithl02 C FiklSCOFG 1 l42 ni 71 1031 5 5 4 4 LcylandJ 5 LightgJoncsllSBrkClond lOSXiato 101 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 1nd 3rd Won Last year 15 This year 11 ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS THURSDAY MAY 29 Weather conditions as forecast by United States Wcntlicr Bureau and as at press time indicatnd indicatndWEATIIEK WEATIIEK CLEAR TJRACK FAST FASTPacing Pacing starts at 200 p in Chicago time 300 p in in1st 1st Churchill Downs rnrse 1200 4ycaroWs and upward Claiming 1 116 Miles Lady 3Tadcap May 24 1922 1144 113 113XOTE XOTE Claiming price 600 4ycarolds and upward ivliicli have not won since May 9 Weight 112 pounds Xonwinners since April 16 allowed 2 pounds o apprentice allowance Ind PP Horse Wt Itec AWtHan 48025 5 Our Own Mia 100 148 5 110 725 7254770G 4770G C High Storm AP 107 145 5 1100720 47032 12 Judge Murphy 4110X715 47700 = 2 Big Sandy Lat 100 140 4 110X710 47700 1 St IgnatiusLex 110 149 4 110X705 47758 10 Little Cbip LF 103 147 4 110 700 47928 3 Sewanee M Pirn 100 15214 4 105 G95 47934 = 4 United ArmyM CD 111 1M7 = 4 4 110 090 Ind PP Horse Wt Ilec AWtHan 47570 7 Black on AVbite JP 112 l55h C 110XC90 47934 S Loud Speaker M CD 100 152 5 105XC90 105XC9047GG8 47GG8 9 Friend Bow 107 140 = 4 8 110iiC90 110iiC9047S38 47S38 11 Lady Basil CD 107 149 = 4 5 105 COO 47934 13 Sir David ONeil CD 103150 = 4 4 110XC90 The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFIn Jockey PPSts PPStsOur Best Company Class of Race Our Own 110 Br B 5 by Black Ton TonLast Toney Annagb by Broomstick Last work 145 12 52 ft 1 U Trainer J Gass Own OwnSee Owner C E Hamilton See yesterdays first Churchill Downs chart chartJIa2G30CD JIa2G30CD GJfl20ft 19 112 3 4 3i 32i TurkC 15 Mi MiJlM25305StJ MarysToy 1070rator 112Sewanee 107 0 JlM25305StJ 5Jfl10 ft 920 113 2 2 11 lnk BryantD 8 Ri RiM Ruthic 105Blnzoner lOSNevcrmore 113 C M 21303StJ 5J f lOSy3ft 15 115 4 5 32 4 FatorE9 9 Tl TlMazl230 Tin Hat 1200restes II 115Spurricr 115 O Mazl230 StJ lff 149 ft 14 114 3 4 5 G = 2 JudyJ G Kl KlJIaclO30StJ KlfinStarllSCVneStarlOlSilvrSptrrU O JIaclO30StJ 1 143 ft 8f 114 4 5 531 5 JudyJ5 10 D Daffodil 113HhPlayerll8Aristocratl09 O 336 Mta lftl47gd 41 112 6 62130MIa 5 7 71 BarnesE 8 Your Play 103 Chum 112 Mockery IOC O 2130MIa 2 112 ft 15 114 3 2 33 32 LclsclinR4 11 Letalone 113 SptHalhan HSIgor 114 G GStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 I 1 2 CChia ycarU High OfLast Storm 1 Of Ch B 5 by Thunderstorm Queen High by Delhi DelhiTrainer Last work 145 12 51ft L Vj Trainer R T Runnels Owner Dubbs Runnels M j2030TCD 1h l53fchy 85 110 1 5 41 4 MoycrC 10 Florhi lOGBigSandy 107 Nevermore 110 C Ifcj17305CD 1J l53f 1 4710 110 C 3 Si 4i McycrC 7 Port oIlay lOSCrash 112SourMash 113 C JT14305CD GJ f l24 rn 15f US 13 7 71 2i MeyerC 14 ZoomllSGovPrattllSTommyTickle 118 C Jkn30308FG l l49 sl 81 111 1 6 6 G SmithD G follywog lOOOregonFir 114Dubric 1C C J n2330 FG 1fg 151 si 115 109 I 4 5 J DSJ SmithV 5 BderChfllOnerendn HGWaltcrR 105 C C4J J n2030 FG IS 15G si 51 111 3 3 4J 2 CramerR 7 BiHSeth 112Dcarinez 1070rgonFIr 111 C Jinl4305FG l lf f 147 ft 15 112 4 5 61 6 MayT 8 LleGyplOOBragdociolOSSIoderatnlOll C C8TJ Jknll30FG lfg l4Gft G2f 107 4 5 8TJ 7 MayT 11 Stars aBarsl05Ievlandll2Bridcgm 112 C CWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 5 4 3 6154 This year 9 0 2 0 372 JlldgC Dllirpliy 110 B 4 by Omar Khayyam Great Lady by TJltimus TJltimusLast Last work 145 12 49ft LLU Trainer S G Baker Owner R L Baker r2C305CD 120 ft 41 117 S 7 GJ 71 ChvettaF5 12 XetielebbleslOSEstin 114Percentagelll C JLvl930CD GJ f l22m 20 110 1 9 101310 NealP 11 PerctagelloMusChoIcelOSBrmshtW 0 0Mijrl2305CD Mijrl2305CD Gifl20 ft 21 118 11 G 11 ° 14 McCsnC1 14 SpfgLadylOSZoomllSSupmoSwcet 105 C Apr24SOJLex fc l09ft 225 113 5 4 4 5 CarrollW 7 Ellice 103 Coots 120 Hot Shot 118 C Arrl720Lex fcl105ft 3 112 4 3 4i 4i CarncrW3 7 Coots 112 Hot Shot 112 Film 112 C Oct2J29Lat 2 l17m 6 10SJ 544 515 RideoutW 5 CterBlackl02JNlcaraRiial03notSliotl09 C Oct2320Lat j l15m 2110 IDS 9 G 5 5 Knlghtll 9 ARanshawlOOBIueAshlOlChatrBrklOo A Ar r Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 2 0 3 1500 This year 5 Big Sandy Ch c 4 by Ballot Royal Dainty by Royal Flush III Kij2030CD if l53liy G 107 S 3 1 2 DellJ DellJJLvl3307CD 10 FlorhilOGNevcrmore llOIIighStorm 110 C JLvl3307CD l lj j l52m ID 113 G G G = 5 DclIJ DclIJJin 7 KilWcir 103 Ruanc 113TcaCracker 105 C Jin 430sFG lff l47sl 14 IDS 5 5 3s 5 J DellJ DellJDec2S295JP 5 UnmonGold 105MoleIIill 105Wcllet 107 A Dec2S295JP l lff ff l53V hy 7 107J 2 2 2 3i DclIJ DclIJDcclG29JP 1 5 Marlooro lOOHolellill 104Corbeau 107i A DcclG29JP I l44ft 4710 110 5 G 5 5 ° DellJ DellJDccl22D C Corbeau HOLongus 105E ofWwk 110 A AC Dccl22D = JP 1 l47gd 5 107 G 2 11 11 DclIJ DclIJDec C Iaundrymanl07ChicIero lllSamboG103 C Dec 329MP 1 l47sl 11 106 6 4 4J 4ci CarrollW CarrollWUoT1229JLat 1 G Raucona 1C2 Alto 100 Essie 103 C UoT1229JLat 1 l56 hy 95 IDS 5 4 4 31 SchutteH 5 DonnBonlOSBigBrothcrllODouble 0100 t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 20 2 5 4 S 2901 This year 3 0 1 0 200 200St St IgliatillS 110 Br c y orc carer lady Rachel by Jim Gaffney GaffneyLast Last work 140 1m l51ft LJV Trainer A Luzader Owner W W Williamson JLj2030CD 3 l17hy 6 115 14 13 S 7 LcnnleW 13 AVhiskAwllOArlineCnorllOBonoby 115 C Apr22303Lcx lje l17ft 34 112 7 G G G McCrsnC 7 Boganll5Monticellol093LadyClarcelOO C Ecp2129Lex lfs l47ft 15 112 3 8 7s 7 J FinertyR 8 Draha 104 Goodman 107 Guide 107 C C6cp1729Lex 6cp1729Lex fc lllhy 5 103 8 S 7 G FinertyR 9 1eggyLeelOOKblaiKhan HSTheBat 108 C Jiin 729TLat 1cs 150 m 2910 110 G 5 5 5 J PascmaA 7 Vandal llSWooloracllOLitllapson 103 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 5 This year 2 2IiUtlC IiUtlC Chi B e 4 y Baigneur Mary Morris by Victory Last work 145 38 3Gft is Owner C N Lewis 3Lij21307CD so 112 3 G 715 G = BenderC1 8 Bruno 112TommyTickle 112Margate 107 0 Jtijl930 CD 1J 201 m 13i 111 4 7 S = 9 CendcrC 10 Caramel lOOBelgium lllJkHorgau 111 C CJLjl2307CD JLjl2307CD 1J l55 ft 49 110 44 7 J 6 = DepcriniR1 7 PoMlay lOODolan 105SoutlilndBoy 109 C COcL21295Lat OcL21295Lat 1 l50J m 33 103 7 9 12 = U2 SIorsonR 12 BlewawaylOOMnsChoice lOSFinnic 103 C COcL192 OcL192 Lat lfe l46ft 84 103 6 7 8I310 BenderC 12 ElevenSixty lOSDavidL lOSUpdike 103 C COctlO29CD OctlO29CD 1 148 ft 23 111 4 4 5 5 CrumpW 8 LtleTorehlOSUdArmyl03LleGnca 103 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year 20 1 11 475 This year 3 3SewailCC SewailCC 10 B fl 4 by Orinonaale Triad by Star Shoot ShootLast Last work 140 3S 39m LvU Trainer J D Doyle Owner W C Hobson 3tv2G30CD GJ f l20ft 13f 107 11 8 72 4 LandG 15 JIarysToy 107 Oralor 112 Our Own 112 C CJLr2130CD JLr2130CD GJ f 124 si 17C 107 12 13 1313 LcnnieW 15 Estin 112PlitosStar 103BrSinisfr 107 C Mar1030JCD 1 5 149 ft 103 103 2 10 10 = 10 RussellK1 10 Crash 110 Irene T 103 Dolan 103 C Bop 229DP 114 It 12 10S G 6 5i 3CJ EdwardsC Ul IrestSethlllFrccDolanlOSErnAdr 108 C Ang2729 DP 1 l42ft 19 102 3 7 G G EdwardsC 12 SethsBartl07Qurnu1l 10GEmergcyll2 C Ang 729Ken 2 114 ft 15f 95 9 S 945 9TJ CarrollW 12 Nondagal02FarGold 105Bclascoain 103 C JLOS 129Dev a l12ft 20f 92 7 4 4 = J 3l GoodrhE 12 RpsyAnn 110BeauAspinll3PotFull 103 C JuL1329JKen = l16 isy 5 f 10010 9 9 8 Terra tA 10 Nevtrmorel09Penguinll4Princesita 109 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 23 0 0 2 5 150 This year 3 3United United Army 110 Br ° 4 byUnited Verde Army Maid by Yankee YankeeLast Last work 137 1m l48ft JJAJ Trainer J Kederis Owner G V Barnes BarnesJfcj Jfcj GSOCD 1J3 l47Hft 14 111 7 7 3U 2U RussellK 10 OUTimes lllBruno HSRoyalSport 109 C CJIa22303CD JIa22303CD 1 149 ft GJ 113 5 G 4J 41 Eusselllv1 12 lceTokalcnllOSpanflovl07landeanl03 0 0Ocl2929sLat Ocl2929sLat lfe 211 hy 38 103 1 5 4 i 43 EHswthW 8 IorderCh fl07B lotBrush 107Sbaron 112 0 0OcLlO29CD OcLlO29CD Ifif 148 ft G 103 5 2 2l 2 RussellK 8 LittleTorchlOSLittleGnealOSDonr 113 C COct Oct S233CD ijg l504ft 12 105 7 4 41 3s RusscllK 8 PgySIacl02BurmaMd lOSNvrTell 102 C CAns29297DP Ans29297DP li l54ft 4119 110 2 5 4SJ 4 ClellandO S SetlisBlotlOGAthensl03CIioChoSan 103 0 Starts 1st 2n J 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 0 11 300 This year 2 0 1 0 200 200Black Black On White 110 Gr b 6l by Grey Fos II Miss Eonald Bay Donald DonaldLast Last work 147 lml58i ft Trainer W Sims Owner R C Thatcher ThatcherMxrlGSOCD MxrlGSOCD 1J 155 ft 23 103 4 7 7s S Br antDS 11 UayRuddy 105Congo II 105IreneT 105 0 0Jul25297AP Jul25297AP 1J 200hy 5J 111 G 7 7 GJ JcnesR 12 TorchBoy 114FarAway lllPatField 101 C CJuL JuL 13297AP 1J 215hy Si 107 5 3 Sl 31 PhilpotH 8 Sw tSIdy07TomByrnel02Indnapolisl01 C CJuL JuL 429 AP H 207ft 7 107 1 2 4 410 MorsonR l 7 FireUnrlOORnartsfn 103TByrne 103 C CJuL JuL 1297AP 1J 202hy 125 111 G G 6 6 BarnesE 10 Sp rFeIixl02TrchBoyllOBtlCsgrvel07 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 3 03 2000 This year 1 1Loud Loud Speaker 10 B m 5 M by TTnder ire L1 Allegro by Sain Last work 148 38 38ft Vtl Trainer J Zverman Owner Darden Everman EvermanJLv2G30TCD JLv2G30TCD IJj l47V ft 137 10G 8 10 1010s HainesF 10 OldTiincs lllUnitedArmylllBruno 115 C CNorlG29Lat NorlG29Lat 2 123 m G3 107 4 5 G G KreugerF 1 TnugnotllOMyllobbylOSJfOXeil 113 C CHoT1329Lat HoT1329Lat 3 123 m SG 104 7 G 5 5 KruegerF B S Slacks Baby 104Miss Lee 104Estin 107 C CKoil229Lat Koil229Lat 3 121 hy 138 103 7 8 10nO0 KniegerF S10 PgnLdiel07EstinlOGPerfectSIodel 103 C CNOT NOT 229Lat 2 l19m 44 107 1 7 7 G GrecoA 10 GrsMcCrnlODBoysPfdl07GovrPrtllO C COcL2S29 OcL2S29 = Lat g 119 hy 29 103 7 S S 714 McCoyJ 9 Cleora 107 Scott 112 Lee Cooper 103 0 0t t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 C 1 0 200 This year 1 1Friend Friend TO h e by Fzz e Grace Cole by Ornament OrnamentLast Last work 148 12 49 ft J J VJ Trainer A Miller Owner 1 J Collins CollinsJbjl9303CD Jbjl9303CD 1J Ib9ra 12 111 7 G 7 7 LennieW 8 RylSptllOMyllobbylllLyNancy 10G C CJfoT3029Bow JfoT3029Bow 1jj 149 ft 26f 107 3 5 2 4 RenickS 14 Mericharl02Br hman 107StarFlyer 108 C Kor2G297Bow 11 l5Gft lOf 107 4 S 10110 RenickS 12 Rockslide 112 Blanco 104 Krick 101 0 OcL30295Aur 1J 202Vm 8 108 1 3 3J 6 ° J DeperiniR 12 Reveillon 103 Otilla 101 PatField 104 C Od2523Aur lfo 152 hy 195 103 3 2 2J 2 MayT 7 EerPlaylOoBbyBasil 100JohnTD102J C COcL2329Aur OcL2329Aur l15m GJf 112 3 2 2 2 LandoltC 12 LaHerottel09EtlielSlockll4LadyCkl07 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year 12 0 2 0 421 This year 1 1lady lady Basil 1 f PC B m S by Basil Lamp Post by Sweep SweepLast Last work 147 78 I3l73ft Lvt Trainer W F Poison Owner Basil Manor Stable Jtar2330JCD 1 l18V ft 27 112 7 8 7Ti 7i DellJ6 8 LyClarce 103SptLight lllfPompon 1030 1030Hijl4307CD Hijl4307CD Ifg l52m 11 107 5 6 G 5 ° RileyG 8 AimeeGdsthl07nereM107iJIsSth 100 C CT T 330Lcx 1J l52ft G7 107 1 2 2 47 RilcyG 9 SourJIash 112 Baritone 112 Sharon 112 C CApc3030Lex Apc3030Lex lfff l49ft 49 10G 2 G 71 7 RilcyG3 0 GcnCtonllGGoodmanlllPpleSand 100 C CApt24307Lex Apt24307Lex 17 l45ft 33 107 4 12 12 = 11 DuboisD1 12 DnionW105StM fwsll2SueBaker 107 C Apr21303Lex l l4Gft 31 107 G 9 G Gl MeyersMK 11 YourPyll2GottaGonowl02LhJane 101J C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 2 1 2 S 19S9 This year 10 10Sir Sir David ONeil 1 1 0 B s 4 y Courtship BohernaBreena by Lovetie LovetieLast Last work 133 34 l23ft L Lv Trainer M R Harned Owner Harned Bros BrosJfe2G307CD Jfe2G307CD 1 l47ft 72 111 9 9 9IS 9ts DellJ1 10 OldTimes llltrnitedArmylllBruno 115 O OJiac2830StJ Jiac2830StJ 2 l16sy S 107 S 4 3 S 21 PasseroJ 11 Amir 119 Vitalize 114 FrankLake 112 C Kic2530iStJ 148 ft 30 103 7 3 4s G10 FermlnA 11 SunspeclllGnomeSecdlOSBlckFriarlll G irar20301StJ 2 l16ft 10 120 9 9 7 i 5 FerminA 10 Alamae 105 Nihil 120 Dashaway 103 0 jr 17305StJ 2 llG5 ft 8 11G 11 10 GJ 5Ji FrogtteD 12 PensChiclllBrandonChan HGAmir 110 C JUcll303StJ 5J f l09 ft G7 117 8 S 5 4i FrogteD 11 FulICloud lOSRoyalCasta 113MyGirl 117 C CF20303llia F20303llia 2 l13V ft 50 111 12 12 12 12 SmithW 12 ProfesrllSOssienlluKatharineW 101 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 6 0 3 0 5 300 This year 8 0 1 0 120

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052901/drf1930052901_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1930052901_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800