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g Churchill Downs Kosmos lalc rnrsc Purse 1700 3ycarolds 3ycaroldsand and upward Allowances Sands of Plcas 1 Mile nre 3Fay 19 1921 l3GJ5 8 101 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 4775G 5 SILVEKDALE CD 113 140 4 115 750 17S74 2 Royal JulianCD 110 138 112X740 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 47872 4 Chariot CD 110 139 3 105X735 40771 1 Plumbago AP 109 139 4 112 730 47790 3 Playtime CD 115 l44m 3 1081725 The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts PPStsSHverdale Best Company Class of Race RaceCh SHverdale 1 1 i Ch c 4 by Tha Portc PortcLast Porter Margaret Ogden by Ogden Last work 148 1m l43ft J Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean Miy2130sCIJ 1110 si 10 113 2 2 1 I1 AmbroscE3 9 LadyBcastlOSRlJullanll3ByBasil 113 A JIJ 1730 CD CJ f l20 ft 1 113 2 3 21 lt LennicW S HotShot 118UncleMattl05ClosDanccllS O Maj12303CD 2 l12ft 4i IDS 4 C 4 i 4i AmbrseE 9 Cayuga 113 Camp Boss 101 Morsel 101 H Apr 230 Bow 5i f l05 ft 10 112 5 5 GJ Gi FronkW1 8 Stand By 110 Genuine 112 My Sis 107 A Kor30293Bow l23 ft 13e 110 5 9 93J 91 RobertnA 11 Eskimol08PgsPridel03SunShadow 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd Srd Last year 23 7 3 1 This year 4 2 0 0 Royal Julian IIP Ch G y K ° ya Julia L by Harrigan HarriganLast Last work 143 58 102 ft J Trainer L Johnson Owner W H Whitehouse Maj24305CD I1 203 gd 11 107 5 8 7JJ 7l RussellK9 10 KtcrStockingsll2Torol22PgnHole 105 S May21303CD 1140 si 1310 113 S 5 4 = 33 RussellK1 9 SllverdaIell3LyBdcastl0815yBasil 113 A JlajlGSOCD 1 l4Gft 2710 101 8 4 31 3J RusscllK 10 EsrStkgsll2Whiskeryl08ThcNut 115 II 3Iijl230cCD ll3SJ ft 75 US 4 3 I1 1 McyerC1 C Disturb 113 Herrick 113 Whiskarm 113 O Not 229JLat 2J413 m 125 10G 4 3 3 36 MorsonR C BenMreclOORolledStockglOCFtery 10G S Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Von Last year 19 556 513S60 This year 4 102 1550 Chariot ChariotLast 1 0 Bl c 3 y Thundeier Waif by Greenback Last work 127 7 34l22ft 34l22ftMaj24C03CD JUJ Trainer A D Stcele Owner C C G Y Hieatt Maj24C03CD 1 l39 gd 15 11 11Maj2030CD 110 8021 1J LennieW3 8 Fiddler 114AaldostallOBilIyChanip 108 C Maj2030CD g l30 hy S2 11 11iIajl430CD 110 5 7 331 31 CheafniR 9 StockMketlllUcleMattllOValdostallO C iIajl430CD 1 152 m 5i 11 110 1 5 G = C ReevesR1 G DixicLadlllIfyChnmp lOSSIandPnl 105 0 JIarlO303CD g lUS ft 24 102 4 4 23 2 ReevcsR1 7 TSthnerllOMakcIItelOSIIarzada 107 O ilaj 2305Lex fc l10Vft Gl 115 3 5 G = i 5 MeyersME 7 IafciaAnnllOHeyLustllOStopGapllO A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Von Last year 30 1435 1850 This year 7 1 1 1 1400 1400PllimbagO PllimbagO IIP Blk c 4 by Black T ° ney Tread lightly n by Tredennis TredennisLast Last work 144 Iml4575m Trainer A Baker Owner E S Clark ClarkAns24293Haw Ans24293Haw l414ift 2110e 103 1 7 G11 G10 HalbertF 4 7 Islam 97 Herrick 105 Portllarlcm 100 A 5295Haw 1 ° l43 ft 2710 107 3 4 4 J 45J PoolE 4 5 PrcePat 107MoleIIiU 102BrnBrutusl09 A Ajui2329AP jui2329AP 1 ic 139 ft 31 109 3 G GH 1 PoolE s 8 Islam 107Amsterdam 110 PLaddie 107 A AJuU7293AP JuU7293AP 2 lI2ft Si 109 Gil S C PoolE 14 BeamgOver lOGBossie 100J Infinity 110 A AJuL JuL S293AP 2 112 ft 195 10S 2 G G10 63J PichonL 9 BenMarshl 115Crucero llSMortgagelOG A Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 1 1 0 1325 Playtime 1 OR B c 3 by My Play Nell Wilder by Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work 148 1m l44ft JUO Trainer F P Letellier Owner Southland Stable StableMa72230 Ma72230 = CD GJ f l19iAft 8 10SJ 4 1 1i lnk GarnerW1 7 Portnleml07FairRliiullOOEterMnl07 A Majl3303CD ll41m 13 115 3 3 3 5 = DellJ1 8 UceLtherll5Xed0115DarkEntry 115 A ADct Dct S29 CD 6J f l21ft 9J 10S 4 6 5 1 4 ZcchlniR 0 MichiganBoy 110 Zircon 105 Coady 110 A Oct 229CD I l2G ft lie 1101 a 3 34 S3 ZucchiniR 3 8 GartKnitllSMganBoyllSMrDick 111 A Sep25295Lex fc l12m lS3e 122 6 7 7 l 7 ° SmithV 7 GallantKnight 122 Busy 122Galaday 119 S Janl5293Lat 5J f lOGgd 20 114 7 7 G13 6 ZcchiniR 10 Morsel 114GaIIantKnight H7Sydney 114 S Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Vnn Last year 9 1 0 2 1050 This year 2 1 0 0 1200