3rd Washington, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-29

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3rd Washington Out of chute Purse 200 3yearoItls and upward 1 M 70 Yds Claiming Canaan June 10 1929 1415 5 109 109NOTK NOTK Claiming price 3000 3yearolds 108 pounds older 115 pounds Winners since May 21 3 pounds extra Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtIIan AWtIIan478G8 478G8 2Jack Alexander Haw 113 l45i 7110X725 47051 11 Florida GoldMia 112 lt3 C 115X720 115X7204GC023 4GC023 3Iiiff RaffTij 98 143 41100715 47702 8Uuanc Was 100 142 C110X710 47572 10McGonigle Haw 108 143 4 110X705 42718 C Mighty Cute 31037CO Ind PP Horse Wt Itec AWtDan 1 Spectacular Mia 112 l433 5 110 095 47841 7 Photos Star 3 103G95 35074 3 4 Jack Berry 4 115XC90 47921 5Chattering Aur 90 145 3 98X090 47397 0IJun JP 111 l49m 5 105XC90 47389 12 Yam Toy FP 109 143 4 llXCCO llXCCO4G010 4G010 13 House Girl 5 110X000 The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt Str Fin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Jack Alexander 110 Ch s 7 by Great Brita5n Ssrenata by Ornament OrnamentLast Last work ° 139 38 41sy JJLU Trainer H C McConnell Owner K C McConnell McConnellH H y2430 ° Aur 1 147 ft 125 107 1 1 1s 1 McLaMinE G Uiclnil05MaryMcClainl02UedSpiderl08 C Jiay2130Aur 1 l4Ggd 7 115 2 G G1 G1 AyraudR1 7 Cockrill 113 Leyhmd 113 Alto 113 C Jby20305Aur 2 110 hy4910 113 4 G 4s 49A AyraudR 8 LtleGyplOnBoliltogcrslOSLaBelottt 100 C JIaj 15305Aur 1 ° l45ft 5 10S 2 4 43i 3 KeiserP3 5 Tanist 10S Alto 111 Little Gyp 103 C JLiyllSOAur l l45ft 10 1033 2 4 5M ICeiscrP3 G SnCarlsl07Bridegrnil07BbUgers 103 C CFrlx Frlx 7305AC 2 112 ft 12 113 1 G 7Ji 4 WoolfG 12 VirgaButyl09BoDawnllGBocroftlOS C CJan3130 Jan3130 AC 5 l2Gtt 125 70S 2 3 43J 4 i WarrenR1 KkeyeBelle 109RicIiu lOGLovccharmlOl C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd nJ 3rd J Last year 14 This year 9 Florida Gold 11 h s by Golden Guinea Florida Blossom by Uncle UncleLast Last work 14G lml43ft LJt Trainer J Zowenstein Owner Royal Stable StableApr3030Lex Apr3030Lex 1 l47ft 7lo US 1 1 I1 lh NcalP5 7 GcoWcbrellOSpotLtllSnfcMCln 113 C CApc23303Lex Apc23303Lex 1JO l43V ft 2310 0 110 5 1 3J 43J NcalP3 7 3IdsTrystlOOKfkyAcellOSrMash 110 C Mac l303Mia 1J l59hy G5 5 117 112 = 3 i WkmanR3 5 31aryDale HODolan 117KoyalSon 115 C Pcix24303Mia lto l43 ft 5 112 S 1 I3 I li CarrollW 12 Vacationll7CbarleyJS110Ctmpltell7 C 5 112 2 1 11 2 CarrollW 9 DrUankinll5TnncbeonllOClarificr 112 C Jan3130Mla Ifs l40ysgd 3 114 2 3 4 = X G i GarncrW 9 JAWeil 112Dragon 109 Truncbeon 112 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 This year 8 Riff Raff 1 1 0 B F 4 by Volta eliauary by Ornament OrnamentLast Last work 147 lml43ft iV Trainer A A Baroni Owner A A Baroni BaroniAicl2C05Tan Aicl2C05Tan ll39 ft 115 2 5 33 35 CorbettC3 7 SanyMan 105Aru Flag lOGSirPiaoul 110 C AprlO30Taii fs l4Cft 112 3 2 21 3i CorbettC3 5 BobltosersllGSirUullOOIIomeJanicslOG C JIac2G307AC k l43 ft S5 111 1 3 4 S 3 = ClevleyW4 G LadySoth 99 Tanist 111 Teu deBar 102 C Mtt2030IAC 1 l39ft 7J 107 G 2 1 1 ClevleyW 9 Tanist 1111crsonality 102LadySath 99 C JUc 930 A C fe 110 ft 9 10S 5 5 4 4s RomanoT 7 Bk of Dn lllBbItosersll2Tanist 110 C jr c 230TAC l ls s l41ft 245 104 G 5 G3i 3 RomanoT 7 Wtergpl07Bk of Dn 108Tanist 105 C IVbL2530AC 1 l39ft 4i 113 7 4s 42 GrccoA5 8 Sdyltiver 109Tanist 1121aragraph 109 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 31 This year 14 h 6 by Behave Yourself My Boots by Granite mB Last work 148 34 l10ft l v Trainer j J B Partridge Owner Valley Lake LaKe b Stable table tableJIay20303CD JIay20303CD Ifj 1 52hyl3lo 113 8 4 33 2U DcperiniR 8 BobKeruanll3Mytlill53IdensTrystll3 C JIayl3307CD 1 l52m 145 113 2 4 3i 2t DeperiniR3 7 EHWeirl05TeaCracker 105DonnBon 113 C E 4305FG 1 l43ft 175 107 4 G 45 21 DeperiniRi 7 Cuddle 104 Kadlak 112 Little Gyp 103 C CL23305FG L23305FG 1J 132 ft 5 103 1 4 33 33 DeperiniR 5 SaBarsll2GalabadllOLdBrdlbnellO A reU2230sFG l lr r l4Sm 26 90 9 9 G 4JJ FryeJW8 9 Donnay 118 Oluniu 112 Stronglieart 107 S lUxlSSOSFG 1 l53Vft 2710 109 13 33 33 DeperiniR 5 NicodemusllOPollywogllOWh tTellu C CJan3130FG Jan3130FG 1141 gd 78 109 8 6 4 G3V MeyerC5 9 BroadAxe 109Virado 109Klingstone 109 A ATn23305FG Ar r Tn23305FG vjnsF n 1 iiM5U l43 sl t R G im 109 G G G 7 V 7 7 MowrP MeyerC 7 Mlellill MIPITIII mn 109Klingsncl09Sr Kiinpsnoinn Kr n o Mn Mn inn A A Starts m 1st OM 2nd w 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Woli Last year 21 643 J CSGG This year 10 042 1010 1010DEcGoilifrlc DEcGoilifrlc 110 B 4 y 0maE Knayyam lady Astor by Sweep SweepLast Last work 147 lml42ft L J Trainer H McGarvey Owner S Peabody PeabodyJUvlG30CD JUvlG30CD is l47i ft S 112 8 7 STi 711 AustinM1 8 FyMaiden 112 Equation 119 Devon 117 C pcL1229 Lat I70 l41ft 8 103 G 3 4s 4 = CarrollW 3 G CIiancellorlOSHerrickl03NickCullop 110 C oct 2295Haw I70 l12ft 245 10S 2 2 2s 2 = 1 JonesL 5 Cheers 10G Islam 1091 Graydale 103 A Bep 7208LF lfs l50hy910 107 4 2 3J 3 SmithV l 5 Clearance HSDevon 113IIerodiones 103 C Sep 529LF 1 l rn Si 107 1 1 I1 I1 SmithV 9 Klinsstnel07BnWisdoin 112Gydalel09 A AaslG2FLF lfe l47sd 9 102 6 1 1s 1i SmithV G Devon 115MoleIIill 107ErownBrutus 102 C AuglO29 Haw 1g 115 ft 30 103 4 9 10l 10 MeyerC 11 TCirtawl07WarEaglell5BrnFlash 10U S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 23 7 3 5 9119 This year 1 Mighty Cute 1 0 Br f 3 ty Buntins Iady Davis ° y sweep sweepLast Last work 135 34 l23sl JvO Trainer M Zowenstein Owner le Mar Stock Farm Stable Stable0ct 0ct 429lHaw 5J f f09 gd 65 111 1 1 I3 I3 BarrettN 12 Theonell4KItyMcCookll4DthyMac 114 31 Oct 229lHaw 5J f l07ft 223 115 3 1 11 23 BarrettN 12 Saluta HOSwtTidingslOlTrbanova 107 C f8eplS29JLF 2 113 ft 20 115 8 9 G ° 41 McCrsnC 12 WildMint lluSunstroke 115Nursie 11531 B plG29LF 5 l27ft 39 110 9 3 9T110n McCrsnC 3 12 I eabJane lllFgExpross 112EllenN110 C Aus2S295LF 5JflOSft 27 115 7 9 791 7 McCrsnC 12 Jezebel 115 Hold On 115 Sunstroke 115 A Junl929 Was 101 31 11112 8 6 G McCrsnC 13 UoseO Nl lllEastcrBoy 114Saluta 111 M Jun 729Was i 101 ft 39 109J 7 5 GJ 5Ti McCrsnC 7 MsLottalOSSidneyGrant HSSaluta 102 C Ci i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7110 1050 1050Spectacular Spectacular 110 m 5 y r arn ynS Colors by Star Shoot ShootLast Last work 115 lml43ft Lv Trainer J V Stewart Owner J V Stewart Jt ylG303CD l lr r l47ft 57 112 G S 7Ji 5 J LegnonC1 8 FyMaiden 112 Equation 119 Devon 117 C Apr2S30Lex l l43tt 105 111 3 4 4 1 4ls LegnonC 4 Duelistll8EilWeirl07EofWwick 118 C Aprl730Lex fcl10 ft IS 107 G G 5 ° 55i LegnonC2 7 Coots 112 Hot Sbot 112 Film 112 C reb2430 = Mia 1 l15Vift 85 115 4 5 5i 5 S RoscG3 5 SignOff 11G TonyJoe 11G Gadalong 109 C CritL2230 ritL2230 3Iia 1 l43ft 75 112 4 3 I3 1 EabyJ3 8 Dragon 114Fairdale 112Nealon Kay 114 C CFrU13303Iia FrU13303Iia lis IMS ft 45 10S 3 3 2i I1 RoseG3 5 TlieFrcslimnll5MlborolllNlonKaylll C ClUxlO303IIa lUxlO303IIa 1fg l43ft 113 103 43 34 I3 RoseG 12 3IickeyDllGTFrebmnll4JAWcil 10G C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 19 4 2 4 S 3GOO This year 9 3 1 0 S 2500 Photos Star StarLast h f 3 by North Star III Photo by Llangwm Last work 138 1ml49m Trainer K T Watts Owner Mrs E Denemark Jay2330cCD 1fg 1C 150 m 3J 105 1 3 41 4 MeycrC 8 AGodsmithl07SthdIlellel05rtus 107 C CGJ JIar2130CD GJ Gifl21 f 121 si 10 103 3 1 2U 2J MeyerC6 15 Estin 112BrSinistr 107Mnoplane 110 C CGi Gi f 124 m 33 109 1 3 4 = J 59J MeyerC13 13 Scotland llSValdosta llOBIackFIycrllS C VOT 929 ° Lat 2123 hy 11 107 2 9 8 7 MeyerC 9 Sunstrokel02MutlFr Sunstrokel02MutlFrndl03t151ueAsh ndl03f151ueAsh 103 C N T 529 Lat 2 119 hy 11 109 4 3 31 3 MeyerC 9 DuskyMaidenlllMantal09Sunstroke 109 C Od2329Lat 1 l47hy 2J 109 4 9 KMcCkl011l lSptll2lyflwsDml01 C 2117 m 8 10910 5 3 2J MorsonR 12 LaGldnal07GteDtistl07RoscONl 112 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 1 2 3 3Jack 1750 This year 30 1 0 200 200Blk Jack 11Inst Berry 11 Blk B 4 ty Star Master Hyperbole by Jack Atkin Inst work 14G 1m l53ft Trainer J J Greely Owner H R Curran iracl7295IIav Ifc l41ft lo 101 133 3 J RobcrtnA G Cartago llGKingDarid 120Viscosc 11G n nMar Mar 829 Hav 1 l41ft 75 102 1 2 21 I1 G White l 5 Nlclfsou 109Xecmcer lOlFrchLass 97 A Artb2229 rtb2229 = Hav 1 141 ft 4 102 4 3 3 1 3 G White 7 Viscose 109DrSignal 107NicbeIsn 107 A AlVkl429sIIav lVkl429sIIav 1 l43ft 12 103 3 2 l 1 G White 5 5 MtMalonc lOSFhLass 105Brigand 108 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Last year 10 502 502CliattClillg 3G20 3G20Br CliattClillg QLast Q Br 3 by Chatterton Bandeau by Tony Bonero Last work 148 581OG5ft Trainer J R Schuster Owner Miss B Watson 3112VSft SC 100 4 5 5 C CboperR C SupeSveet 10GI5igSweepll2Xora D107 C JIay2230Aur 1 l41ft 19 90 2 4 G 5 CooperO G Tanist lOSSearington llOGcnJaekn 98 C JL y2030JAur 2 1W hy GJ 100 G 7 G J G CoopcrO5 8 LtlcGyplOSBobKogerslOSLaBelotte 100 C Way 530 Aur 1 lUOvisl S5 92 4 3 31 3S CooperO3 4 nobKogerslOGTanlst lllnridegroom 114 C yvj21303HdG 2 113160 12 108 G 4 33 33i FryeJW G BattlingOnll3MuckerllGSliadyIadylOG A AprlS30 = HdG 2 l15m 2 107 5 4 1 1 FryeJW5 f GduUitll5TUocliesrll3KtyMarIelOG C AptlGSOHdG 1147 si 4i 102 4 1 I3 1 FryeJW 8 FrcesStL108Easterl09PingCoatcs 103 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Woas last ear lft 1 Tliis yearj23 Can 1 fi f fLast 3 m 6 Dy Smoke Screen Cimru t y Bryn Mawr Last work 148 34 l21ft V Trainer E J OConnell Owner Knebelkamp Morris JIaylO307CD 1ff 149 ft 7G 100 9 8 9 J 9 UnlrautE 10 Crash 110 Irene T 105 Dolan 105 ApnSOSOLex 1 l47ft SJ 103 2 5 G G UnkrautE 7 FldaGldllSGeoWebrellOSptLht 113 0 MailSSOJP 1 l47ft 11 109 3 2 5J 53J KnighlM 8 BKernanl05FArgumtl03BgadociollO O Mas 530 JP 1V l47ft 13 109 5 E 7i 7 OMallcyJ5 8 CometlllGovSetblllWcli tlieTime 113 Q FcixllSOFG l lf f l47ft 2 107 S 5 V 1 LandoltC 9 IIssCboicelllGoldIigell2GrabBag 112 O FO 830FG Idr 117 ft 4710 101 5 51 51 MartinL8 9 Bocaratonel09Bthornel07LaDntclIcl01 J JWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 010 5 200 This year 12 00 1500 Yam Toy ToyI I 1 K 3 c 4 by Messenger Yam by Hapsburg I ast work 147 34 34JIajlO30Aur l2Ut LLtl Trainer J Tiguo Owner Paradise Stock Farm Stable JIajlO30Aur ll44Vft ll44VftApr2G303Lex 51 103 G 5 5 i 4 AyraudR1 7 Andrmdal01IattleAxlOSFtMsion 100 DT Apr2G303Lex 1 110 ft ftApri9S03Lex 12 103 1 G Gl G3i MeysME 9 TliFyrnllOPMarianl03UncleLutlierl02 Apri9S03Lex 9S03Lex ljc 146 ft ft9305JP ftJtu29305JP 10 10SJ 6 7 531 42 Fisherll 8 TtlcByrn 105Niato lOlJPciaMarn 105 S Jtu29305JP 9305JP 1 150 si si130FG 10 107 1 G 53i 53i CavensJ 7 LittleGyp9GWdUivcrC8LadyBienville91 A 130FG 1fy l48i gd gd3295JP 81 105 5 7 7i 7 ° 2 CavcnsJ 8 PciaMrnl03PlByanilGWIngtr 109 a Dcc2329sJP 3295JP 1 If l4Gfl 12 107 8 4 53 GJ CaVcusj 1C PBunyanll4PMarianl01UnconGoldl03 3 Detll295JP IVs l GJft 13 102 4 1 1 1 1 CavcnsJ G UncomnGdl07Ghadl07JCalfHopcr 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Last year 26 642 642House 5 GGG2 This year 5 0 0 0 150 150I House fLast Girl 1 1 f I Br m 5 by Sweep Julietts II by Marco Last work 147 12 30i ft 1 V Trainer D F Cannon Owner Za Brae Stable Kar 9COAC IjV 110 ft 5 IOC 3 7 71G G5 WarrenR1 7 Bk of Dn lllBbUogersll2Tanist 110 C F U2330 AC ll39ysft 1S5 111 8 5 532 5 = J SchutteH S SdyUiver lODTanist 112 Paragraph 10D O Feb 130 ° A C 1J l33Vift 4110 103 5 4 4i 33 Schuttell 5 WGBowmanll4Tanistl09LillianT 109 O Jan2t30AC lfff l4Gft 8 110 5 G Gs 52 SchuttcII1 9 IIomeJaslOOWGBomanl09Tanist 101 O Jan 530AC 2 115 sy 37 10S 10 10 9 911 SchuttcII 10 ParagrplilOO3Iorsunll3nomeJames 109 C Scp2029 LF 1 l41ft 113 111 G 5 G 7 J MeyerC 7 FySIden llOCuddle 107Lndryman 103 O Sep 99 LF 1 138 ft 3310 103 6 4 2i 1 IleigleR 12 LilIianT108KirfnarflOSPrinceBulboll3 O Sep 4295LF lfs l43ft 7 107 7 5 1 1 IleisleR 11 Cuddle 105 Czarist 108 Brush 105 O OWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 302

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052901/drf1930052901_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1930052901_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800