4th Washington, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-29

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4th Washington purse 200 2ycaroId = Claiming Jimmy Xornn Juno Mile 3 1929592316 1929592316JvOTJ JvOTJ Claiming price 4500 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 230 to 3000 Weight US pounds Tonwinners of two races since 3Eay 9 allowed 2 pounds one race since then maiden races cxcepted 4 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtUan 47127 9Tan Face 477S93 7 Miss Chilla CD 110 101 478311 1Valedictory M Aur 109 101 10147C9G3 47C9G3 4Zebra 1G7G1 3 Don AlvaroAC 118 l03Ii 47511 8 Talented Prince Aur 112 102 Ind PP Horse Wt Hec 47781 10 Donna Vivian VivianAur Aur 112 104 47957 2 Eutice M Was 11G 1 4 101 G90 47513 5 Greenwald M 110G9Q1 473S7 G Caraealla M Aur 107 10 The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record recordDate Date Crs DisTime Tr Cdds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Unce UnceTan Tan Face 1 Ozl Bl 7 Hone3rwot Frances Star by Star Shoot ShootLast Last work 144 12 54ssl v r Trainer J Spsncer Owner J Spencer SpencerMay May 230Lex 4J f 53 ft 34 110 3 1 I3 1i McCrosnC3 G 3IcanDllGMmFlncel03SwtBenonil03 O Apr2S30 = Lex 4J f 51 ft 1110 115 1 1 1 I5 GarnerW1 12 Sister3Iaryl09Arrowlike 109Galcnia 109 0 Apr2330 ° Lex 4J f 35 ft 2110 113 7 3 34 4 DePmaR 8 SIcxicanDllOUarcChmllSMrsRosc 110 O Apr2230 = Lex 4 f 55 ft 6 115 G 2 1 2k DePmaR 12 3Iex5canD1153IsCliiIlall3TdrNplillO O starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Vnn This year 4 2 1 0 1400 J JMiss Miss Chilla 1 I C B f z In Memoriam Chilla by Alvescot Last work 147 58 l04ft Trainer C Van Dusen Owner C Van Duscn DuscnMay2230CD May2230CD Q 101 ft 10 lip 1 2 2i 31 McCrosnC3 G 3rJonesllOMissElectralOS3IryCobb 113 A Mayl530CD 4J f 53s l S5 113 2 1 lh 1 McCrosnCJ 10 UevberatelllOurnanlOGXghtySlie 110 O Mayl3SOCD 41 f 55im 125 110 3 2 1i 1 ° McCrosnC5 12 Outbrst llGHhTmpr HGCazova 11G 31 Apr2G30 = Lcx 4J f 5GV ft 21 115 5 2 2S 3 McCrsnC1 11 Ble ofBrbnlloPlumagell5Bagiel 115 A Apr2230Lex 4J f 35 ft 1710 115 4 3 3 3J 3IcCrsnC 12 3rexicanD115TanFacell5ThdrNphll5 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 5203 2000 Valedictory 10 ° 2 M by Porto Drapeau Zoe by Orb Last work 133 12 49ft LUO Trainer J B Theall Owner Estate of I E Clark ClarkJIay23303Aur JIay23303Aur 103 si 4 112 1 7 G 31 RichardsA 7 Gabbo 112 Cloiwald 112 Cliebalis 112 1C 1CJtayl4303Aur Jtayl4303Aur g lOOVift 92109 G 3 4 4s RichardA1 7 KarcCliarmll83IissJoanl09Diipour 112 A AMay May G303Aur 4 t 56hy 7 115 1 9 C G AyraudR1 10Downpourll5AVigrosell2GbysLiln 112 31 31May May 3303Aur 41 f 51ft 20 107 4 C GJ 3l RichardA 7 PeggyJlOSTaldPncelllGsLillian 107 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 0 0 B f 2 by Zev Barnaba by Wrack 100 MajSOSOAur 4J f 5Ghy 135 107 2 2 2 2nt CooperO5 7 MissJoanl01GdFriend97WtersMn 103 O JIaj 530 Aur 4J I 57sl 125 104 G 2 I1 1i CooperO 7 TtdPrcell8Wittoral02MDrapeau 102 O May l303Aur 4J f 55 sd3910 110 143 2 CooperQt 7 Peggy J 115 Type 108 Wittora 101 A Apc2130 = HdG 4J f 31ft 7 112 3 7 33 2 CooperO1 15 Shieldll2PrinceZeus 122SonnyFronkllG C Apr2230HdG 4J f 5lft 5f 100 5 4 4 J 3i CooperO1 15 Abduction 119MsCanopy lOOShield IOC 0 Apcl730 = HdG 4J f 56Vihy 20 109 15 13 1331413 LeylandJ1 15 MissDindiel07PnceAplollGLeader 109 0 Ape 930 = Bow i 43ft 3310 103 8 8 7 8 QnbushG1 12 MissDinvlddiel07BrnDarell2Fervidlll O g 33sl 32 119 4 4 40i 5s LeylandJ1 10 BillMrrisl23 SchoncrllOLaXcgley 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 14 3 4 2 2925 2925Don Don Alvaro 1 1 Q h c 2 Runnymede Eabbit by Plaudit j jLast Last work 148 38 35v3ft J J Trainer A A Baroni Owner A A Baroni ApnWSOTan 4J f 53ft 118 4 1 1i I3 CorbettC S AnnicD 109 Kauka 109 OurBilly 103 0 730Tan 5 18 ft US 1 1 I1 I3 CorbettC1 G Wittorall2Aspinala 115BritHes 1120 11201G305AC 1G305AC g l01hy 17 IIS 4 5 9ill1 TrivettD 17 Siskin llSSbastaBrm HSFlyingAce 118 S SMac Mac 8303AC 5 17ft 95 119 2 1 3si 4s ODonnellS5 9 Daneri 119MySbot lOSJudseAustin 108 A AFiU FiU 8303AC g 34iift 910 118 2 1J 1s TrivcttD 10 FlygAcellSDaneri llSGdcnOriole 115 A A3303AC 3303AC g 31 ft 8i 117 7 2 21 CorbettC 10 MtliaMaellOFgAce 117GdenOrile 109 A An n A r i 3 3ihy hy 135 118 2 2 3i JoncsR3 7 Millard 11831thaMe lllMissCline 115 A 23ft 4 115 4 2 1 JonesR1 12 MarMaell2Aspasiall2MCbeyenne 112 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 8 4 1 1 2125 Talented Prince PrinceLast B c 2 by Prince of Umbria Hidden Talsnt by Sea King Last work 129 38 u 3G 5 ift Trainer J Cardinal Owner G Terry TerryGiJ118 Mayl4303Aur g l00 ft Gi GiJ118 118 2 G 7si 713 RennieP = 7 RareCharmll8MissJoanl09Dnpour 112 A MaylO30Aur l01ft Si 112 7 7 5 J 4 MooneyJD 7 PeggyJ115ItareCharmll5Downpour 115 A May 5303Aur 4J f 57sl 2i 113 3 4 33 2i MooneyJD 7 Zebra 104AVittora 102MaudDrapeau 102 O May 3303Aur 4J f 31ft 3910 910 111 2 5 3 1 2 RideoutW 7 PeggyJlOSValcdtylO GysLillian 107 A Mac25301JP 3J f 43 gd 71 121 G 4 33 1 FinnrtyR 12 PpIeLadyll2Nevatrll2BrnEdMryllG O HatlO301 JP 3i f llf t 3310 310 118 2 1 1 1 MoneyJD 12 MsCanopyll5MrIIalignll8Irtatnll5 3t Jlan 430FG 3 3Gft 27 115 G 6 51 4 MoonyJD 11 ItiglitKowll5MsCanopyll2Cbelialis 115 C Fitl430FG g 37Vift 7 110 7 7 72 7i MooneyJD 12 PceZeusllGWillifordllGCMargaret 113 O O2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 10 220 1550 Donna Yivian YivianLast t A pT Br f 2 by Donnacona Mile Vivian by Celt Last work 117 34 34May22303Aur l20ft Lvtl Trainer J Tigue Owner Mrs J P Headley May22303Aur Q l01ft 175112 4 8 S 7 DePremaR 8 WittoralOlGdFriendlOSMaxieBder 107 O Apc2330 Lex 4J f 35ft Se 113 4 3 3s 2 = J WallisV 8 BtyDorrll5CazanovallO3IthaJones 110 A A r j 4Sft 81f 103 3 4 23 lk LcvelE 12 3rsJoanllOCrosdWiresl073ryIteaml03 G K aou O 5 15ft 15ftManlS30AC 81 110 11 11 111103 LevelE 12 3IissZclphallO3IiConcball8Annie D118 A ManlS30AC J 19 si 24f 118 7 8 7ci 7 LevclE4 II PcePcsllS3IiConcliall8Now3Iamall8 3t FcblS303AC 3 35ft 20 115 7 11211 TrivcttD3 12 3IyAlice lluKosovolt lloRCarlaris 113 It It2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This WonThis year 6 1 1 o S 650 Entice EnticeLast 1 rA B f 2 M by KaiSang Scoots by Broomstick Last work 129 38 38ft JV Trainer F M Taylor Owner Rancocas Stable Mar27303Was l02srd 11 11G 5 4 5i 5si AyraudR1 S GreyKitty llGSugarland HGOurPet 11G 31 MiylO30 = Pim 4J f 55 ft 122 119 5 8 8 S HHdrethW 12 AH Hail 122 Soli Gills 122 Colono 12231 AprSOSOPim J 4Sft 29f 119 11 11 ll 12t5 BurgardP 12 StAgnsligOvrSlidy 119QnHrd 119 3t Apr2S30IPim 5 4Sft 24f 119 9 10 lO lO BursardP 12 SnowWliitell9QnHerodll9JlyKingl22 3t Air2330HdG 4J f 53 ft 9f 106 8 7 7 9 HildrthW 15 BroadA 115 Sedgie 114Noisy3Iiss 115 O O2n1 Starts 1st 2n1 3rd Wcn Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Uon This year 5 Greenwald 110 B 2 Ml by For Fair De Zuxe by Golden Maxim r rJ GreenwaldMayll303CD J J J Trainer M Zowenstein Owner Jd Zowenstein Mayll303CD 4 f 5G m 37 11G 3 4 4s 4s SpshircE3 8 SphPlayllGEyeWliitellGPortcodinellG 3C MaylO30CD 4J f 54ft 59 10S 2 5 5 G11 SpshireEt 11 BlackComet 109Bill3Iorris HSCliub IOC A A2nd Starts 1st 1stCaraealla 2nd 3rd Von Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2mB Caraealla CaraeallaLast mB c 2 M by Golden Broom Bathing Girl by Spearmint Last work 129 38 Trainer W E Jones Owner J Heelan MaylO30Aur g l01ft 40 107 1 3 G5J 711 LeylandJ1 7 regByJ115KareCliarmll5Downpour 115 A JFay C303Aur 4J f 5Ghy 1310 115 9 10 1010 LeylandJ10 10 DowiipoiirlluWlgrosell2GbysLiln 112 Jt Ai5 niTLrirt 41 f 57 m C10 116 5 2 23 4 AmbrseE5 12 AbductionllOJBroadAlOlBlackLulalOG O O2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 3 0 0 0 50

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052901/drf1930052901_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1930052901_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800