Risque in Her Best Form: Defeats Crack Band of Fillies And Mares at Laurel, Daily Racing Form, 1932-10-12


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RISQUE IN HER BEST FORM Defeats Crack Band of Fillies and Mares at Laurel. Pocahontas Handicap Serves as Trial Race for Laurel Stakes Hertz Star Is Not Eligible. LAUREL, Md., Oct. 11. Mrs. John Hertz Risque, racing in her best form, scored in the Pocahontas Handicap here this afternoon and back of her followed five of the candidates for the ,000 Laurel Stakes to be run Saturday. The daughter of Stimulus is not an eligible for this prize, but her performance was one to suggest a mistake was made when she was net nominated. In a driving finish she scored over J. W. Y. Martins good mare, Con Amore, and at the heels of the daughter of High Cloud, Ral Parrs Her Grace was an easy third before Valenciennes, a stablemate to the winner. There was a decided drop in temperature, but it was pleasant racing weather. The track was at its best and the crowd was one of goodly proportions. The Pocahontas was confined to fillies and mares and nine went to the post. The start was an excellent one and Steff en at once went out to set the pace with Risque. Workman had Her Grace rating along back of her and Con ".more, under steady restraint, was third, with Polonaise racing along next to the rail and closely following the Martin mare. That was the order as the back stretch was reached. In the stretch Steffen took hold of the daughter of Stimulus and, saving ground on the outside, was content to hold a lead of a length. Her Grace, showing a big improvement over a recent performance, was holding second place. She was also under restraint and Polonaise and Con Amore, with the Coe filly on the inside, went along together back of her. It was not until swinging out of the back stretch that Workman made his challenge with Her Grace. The daughter of Bright Knight moved up resolutely, but Steffen alertly matched the move by shaking up Mrs. Hertz filly and she had no trouble holding her lead. In the mean- Gontinued on thirtieth page. RISQUE IN HER BEST FORM Continued from first page. time Polonaise was doing her best and could not improve her position, but Con Amore had plenty left and whci she was roused she came into contention. At the head of the stretch Steffen really called on Risque, and she drew away into a lead of two lengths. Then it was that Remillard asked Con Amore for her best, and the Martin filly quickly moved up to Her Grace. It was a short battle, and Con Amore was past and giving chase to Risque. Steffen was forced to a drive, and in the final sixteenth the pair were lapped, but Risque was winner by a neck. Her Grace was weakening at the end, but she finished at the heels of Con Amore, and then came Valenciennes, closing with a rush as is her custom, to take fourth but three lengths back. Both Con Amore and Her Grace are eligi-bles for the Laurel, and the others of the field that enjoy the engagement are Polonaise, Late Date and Sweet Scent. Rock Pint, a "field" horse, was winner of the opener. Corrymeela raced to second place with Dunair saving third from Aella. These three dominated all of the running in the field of a dozen that performed. There came a close fit in the six furlongs of the second race when The Point, under a powerful ride by Buddy Hanford, earned the decision over Contribute. Well back of the battling pair Prometheus readily saved third from Ima Queen. Silk Flag was jrinner of the third, and Even Stephen closed an immense gap to take second place, with Considerate running third. Kurtsinger had Silk Flag away in motion and had speed enough to force all the pace. Through the stretch Even Stephen fought his way through on the inside, and he was going better than the winner at the end. His sluggish beginning had been too much of a handicap, and he was beaten rather handily by Silk Flag but by his good game finish he took second place from Considerate by half a length, and Cordoba was only another half-length away. At the end of the card L. H. Miners Modern Times, under a hustling ride by Don Meade, led from end to end for a mile and a furlong to be the winner over James Cremens Margaret Mc. Hanford brought G. C. Winfreys Negopoli from far back to land third in the final strides over William T.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932101201/drf1932101201_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1932101201_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800