Rating of Two-Year-Olds: Ladysman Placed Above Rivals by Handicapper Jor Mccarty Caterwaul Figured Second Best, Daily Racing Form, 1932-10-12


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J r i f t i 1 j 1 t j . 1 , , I 1 1 i : RATING OF TWO-YEAR-OLDS Ladysman Placed Above Rivals by Handicapper Joe McOarty Caterwaul Figured Second Best. SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y., Oct. 11. Joe McCarty, the local handicapper, whose ratings are generally accepted on the Amer- -ican turf, has classified the seasons two-year-olds. He places W. R. Coes Ladysman : in a class by himself, despite his recent defeats by Lee Rosenbergs Kerry Patch in the Futurity and C. V. Whitneys Caterwaul : in the Eastern Shore Handicap at Havre de ; Grace. According to McCartys figures, Ladys- ; mans victories in the Hopeful, Arlington : Futurity, United States Hotel and Grand Union Hotel Stakes far outweigh his failures, for he handicaps him at 135 pounds, thirteen pounds more than the scale and eight pounds over his closest rival, Caterwaul. Kerry Patch is rated at 125 pounds, as is Happy Gal, which beat Ladysman in the Saratoga Special. W. S. Kilmers Sun Archer is handicapped at 123 pounds, while the Greentree Stables Dynastic and J. H. Louchheims Sandy Bill are each given 122 pounds. None of the other juveniles is rated at scale weight or over. McCartys juvenile ratings, usually issued yearly about this time, are considered an index to the quality of Derby possibilities. His figures follow: Horse. Wt. Horse. . Wt. Ladysman 135 NoteBook 110 Caterwaul 127 Sarada 110 Kerry Patch 125 The Darb 110 Happy Gal". 125 HowHigh 109 Sun Archer 123 Fancy Flight 109 Dynastic 122 Filter 109 Sandy Bill 122 Clear 108 Head Play 121 Golden Ship 108 Disdainful 120 Illusive 108 Barn Swallow 120 Projectile 108 Grand Time 119 Swivel 108 QuelJeu 118 DeValera 108 Crowning Glory 118 Helios 108 Balios 118 Jungle King 108 Misguide 117 Repaid 108 Marooned 117 Clarify 108 The Pelican 116 Fretwork 108 Poppvman 116 Hurryoff 108 Puchero 116 01dBaldy 108 Rush Hour 116 Royal Blunder 108 Iseult 115 Snaplock 107 Golden Way 115 American Smile 107 Pomponius 115 Tinema 107 Hilena 115 Broad Bill 107 Volette 114 Okapi 107 Guardian Ii3 Easy Day 107 Wise Anne 113 Idealist 106 Edelweiss 113 Pompoleon 10feV Speed Boat 113 Miney Myerson 106 Fingal 113 Orphean 106 Technique 113 Advising Anna 105 Gardn Message 112 Boilermaker 105 Wave On 112 Broad Lights 105 Esseff 112 Isaiah 105 Rapscallion 112 Peturnal 105 Nituma 112 Sunny Queen 105 Euryalus 111 Ballygran 105 Glorify 111 Bolilee 105 White Lies 110 Clipper Ship 105 CutieFace 110 MissPurray 105 Miss Bunting 110 Psyche 105 PooksHill 110 WeddingRing 105 Sweet Chariot 110 Acautaw 105 Crazy Jane 110 Bank Shot 105 Hell Diver 110 Bobs Buddy 105 Otherwise 110 Hastipast 105 Sun Captor 110 Northgalis 105 Capsheaf 110 Ship Ablaze 105 Gloritone 110 Runs well in mud. x

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932101201/drf1932101201_26_4
Local Identifier: drf1932101201_26_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800