Fairmount Turf Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1932-10-12


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! FAIRMOUNT TURF NOTES Dr. Russell Stone, prominent surgeon of New Orleans, is the guest of Robert S. Eddy, Jr. Dr. Stone is here to attend the College of American Surgeons, which convenes in St. Louis next week. Being a racing enthusiast, the doctor welcomed the opportunity to witness the closing week of racing at Fairmount Park. Tom Moran shipped the sixteen horses he had here for George Collins to Latonia tonight. Thistle Play, which won his initial start here last Saturday, will fill his engagement in the Breeders Futurity, Saturdays feature at Latonia. Jockey Dent Smith, who Is riding with considerable success here, departs for Latonia Saturday. He will be affiliated with the Al Smitha stable, and Kenneth Mcintosh will make his engagements. J. C. Gillem is shipping Judge Urban to Sportsmans Park and will take the six others he lias here to Latonia Saturday. Clarence Bunte intends shipping Starboard Light and On Leave to Latonia and will leave the others of the Mrs. M. Eckman stable here until they are sent to winter racing. Julius G. Reeder, who serves as racing secretary at Jefferson Park, and R. A. Leigh, placing judge, will motor to New Orleans. They plar on getting away Saturday. G. R. Wingfield, starter at Jefferson. Park, expects to leave at the same time. H. C. Rumage claimed Preferred from W. C. Merrick out of the fifth race at Fair-mount Tuesday for ,250.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932101201/drf1932101201_27_6
Local Identifier: drf1932101201_27_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800