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CONNAUGHT PARK The Daily Double on the Winners of the Third and Fourth Races at Connaught Park Tuesday Paid 4270 for 2 OTTAWA ONT TUESDAY JUNE 26 1934 Connaught Park 1 mile Sixth day Connaught Park Jockey Club First summer meeting of 7 days Cattarinich Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Province of Quebec Racing Association J G Reedcr Stewards for Connaught Park E Baker and J K Paisley Judges W J Morrison E C St Pere W G Gillholey and L N Bate Starter W Ritchey Racing Secretary T P Gorman Racing starts at 245 p m Chicago time 145 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QQOfb k FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Edisto June 6 1925 1055 3 108 Purse 400 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third 30 J 2634CP Index HornB EqtA WtPlSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv Odds Strt 96088BLUE JOHN JOHN97858TIME WB 7 118 1 2 14 I2 I2 I1 SylvesterJ I S Shafer Shaferw 65100 97858TIME ENOUGH ENOUGH978582IMAGALE w 6 113 7 6 31 2 24 24 EamesC Mrs W Ryan Ryanw 765100 978582IMAGALE w 4 108 6 7 64 41 4 34 GibsonH L Giroux GirouxWB 455100 978582IMAGALE97859HEY 97859HEY KELLY WB 3 100 9 5 2 34 34 44 PedenH G Price PriceWB 4270100 97704 TRICYCLE TRICYCLE978573ELEUSAGON WB 5 118 3 8 74 6 51 52 HorvathK M Wilbur Wilburw7113 4630100 978573ELEUSAGON w7113 43 4k 51 64 64 PasscroJ G W OConnor OConnorWB6113 515100 97774 ROBOT ROBOT97859VICKI WB6113 54 82 82 74 71 PeskeH F D Ward 2635100 97859VICKI va3 95 8 1 54 72 8s 83 WatsonG W C Weant 4110100 97774 JEAN PITTSTON w5113 w511329 2 9 999 9 LaurinL C M Stable 2785100 2785100Time Time 24 49 108 Track fast 2 MDTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BLUE JOHN 330 300 270 65 100 50 100 35 100 100TIME TIME ENOUGH 495 335 147J 100 67J 100 100IMAGALE IMAGALE 290 45 100 100Winner Winner Br g by John P Grier Azurite by Sunstar trained by I S Shafer bred by Mr F W Armstrong Winner entered to be claimed for 5600 5600WENT WENT TO POST 301 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingBLUE BLUE JOHN began fast drew into a safe lead and won under light pressure TIME ENOUGH close up from the start closed gamely but was overmatched IMAGALE closed a gap in the last quarter HEY KELLY quit TRICYCLE saved ground all the way and closed well through the stretch ELEUSAGON jhowcd early speed VICKI quit quitScratched Scratched 97858 Vcnnie H 113 97775 Talky 113 97862 Flying Ambassador 118 Edyth M 10CL QftftOiR SECOND RACE 1 116 Miles Signola Aug 18 1927 145 3 95 Purse 400 3 iOvfVrvf yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third 30 30June2634CP June2634CP fourthf 10 Index Horses EqtA WtPPst 3i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr Odds Strt 978572COVENTRY QUEEN w 4 105 13 lk 3k 22 l 1 WalsonG C 0 Ferguson 260100 97860 BLACK JACKET WB 5 113 62 22 14 I2 24 2 BalzarteW R C Utz 495100 495100977083DAUDET 977083DAUDET WB 4 113 4 1 4k 4 3 34 35 FatorE T J Martcll 295100 29510097779JUDGE 97779JUDGE DIRENZO w 7 115 5 6 6 54 5s 54 4 HornG L Molasky 410100 97946 DON CARLOS WB 4 117 3 5 3 44 44 54 HorvathK C N Lilley 535100 97794 TRAUMAGNE w6109245666 6 OsbornH A Sullivan 840100 Time 25 49 115 141 148 Track fast 12 MDTDELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS COVENTRY QUEEN 720 435 280 260 100 117f 100 40 100 100BLACK BLACK JACKET 510 310 155 100 55100 55100DAUDET DAUDET 270 35 100 Winner B f by Coventry Princess Royal by Uncle trained by W H Denham bred by Mr T C IcDowell Winner entered to be claimed for 800 WENT TO POST 332 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCOVENTRY COVENTRY QUEEN away fast and saved off the pace on the back stretch responded gamely in the stretch and outlasted BLACK JACKET The latter drew into the lead on the back stretch and tired in the stretch DAUDET shuffled back going to the first turn finished with a rush JUDGE DIRENZO slow to get going finished well DON CARLOS tired in the last quarter QSOfbT THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Edisto June 6 1925 105 3 108 Purse 400 3 nlrvrv yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third 30 30June2634CP June2634CP fourth S10 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vt Str Flu Jockeys Owners Equlr Odds Strt 97704 SECOND STORY WB 3 110 92 34 32 3s 11 RallsC J M P Bell 252J100 252J100979463SQUEAKY 979463SQUEAKY w 7 118 10 1 21 lk llk 2 DugganR R Primrosa 200100 97774 SHANDYGAFF WB 6 118 4 4 41 44 44 34 FatorE L K Crist 295100 97776 DUNRODE WB 5 118 1 3 1 24 24 4l WoodJ A Hopley 4610100 97858 REFLECTING w 5 113 3 8 9l 84 5 52 OsborneH W S Cott 6325100 97063 SAN GAFF WB 3 110 5 10 5l 51 61 62 BurrillJ J D H A Coulson 2130100 2130100977073HASOLA 977073HASOLA w 5 113 75 6 61 72 71 MooreET O Viau 585100 96655 HOT SPRING WB 4 110 69 10 92 81 8 PeakeH C J Wensley 6875100 97706 CORNELIA CLARA w4108 86 71 7k 94 92 ParkerW Mrs J C Stillman 5780100 5780100TING 5780100TING TING FAN w w7103 7 103 2 27 7 8 8110 10 10 10 WilsonT B Barker 2790100 2790100Time Time 25 49 109 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS k kSECOND SECOND STORY 705 315 260 252J 100 57f100 30 100 100SQUEAKY SQUEAKY 330 275 65 100 37 100 100SHANDYGAFF SHANDYGAFF 295 47 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Hourless Porch Climber by George Smith trained by H R Smith bred by Mr R Mcacham Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 405 AT POST 3i minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third the same sameSECOND SECOND STORY away fast and rated close to the pace went to the outside entering the stretch and wearing down the leaders won drawing clear SQUEAKY away fast raced DUNRODE into defeat and tired in the stretch SHANDYGAFF closed gamely DUNRODE tired in the drive REFLECTING closed a gap SAN GAFF could not reach the leaders HASOLA went evenly evenlyScratched Scratched 97780 Dark Altos 108 97944 Golden Storm 113 97640 Morelles 105 94454 Fleckel 105 105Overweight Overweight Hot Spring 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Squeaky 118 QAAQ FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Edisto June 6 1925 105 3 108 Purse 400 3 JTOVvrO yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to winner 310 sec secJune2634CP June2634CP ond 50 third 30 fourth 10 EqtA WtTPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97856 STAR CREST WB 7 116 6 1 34 2 1 I1 LaurinL Mrs B Fisher Fisherw 340100 97501 DIE CAST w 4 106 4 6 64 44 42 2ik PedenH Riverdale Stable Stablew 325100 97498 SOLILOQUY w 5 111 12 2k 32 34 3s FatorE Mrs J E Hughes Hughesw 315100 97705 FATAL GIFT w 6 111 8 5 7 51 51 4k MarshioB Mrs G Green 1930100 976393ASSYRIAN PRINCE WB 6 111 2 3 I1 lk 2 5 WstsonG W N Henderson 215100 97789 OLIVIA D w3102 5 9 8 81 7l 64 BurrillJ A Sullivan 4935100 97419 RUNNlG SHOWER WB 3 106 9 7 5 61 6 7s HornG Mrs R T Barker 2295100 97637 ROYAL BEACON WB 5 111 10 4 4 74 8 8 PeakeH W Kitts Jr 4735100 96134 FITZENT w 4 112 3 10 10 10 9J 9l MooreR Mrs J Martin 8005100 96909 HOLLANDAISE w 4 111 78 93 9410 10 GibsonH L Giroux 7620100 7620100Time Time 25 49 109 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS STAR CREST 880 455 315 340 100 127J 100 57J 100 100DIE DIE CAST 450 350 125 100 75 100 100SOLILOQUY SOLILOQUY 360 80 100 100Winner Winner B g by Roselyon Pewter Jug by Ypsilanti II trained by R Punshon bred by Mr J P White Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 438 AT POST 8 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingSTAR STAR CREST away fast and rated close to the pace moved up with a rush entering the stretch and wearing down ASSYRIAN PRINCE won drawing away DIE CAST saved ground throughout SOLILOQUY had no mishaps FATAL GIFT closed a gap ASSYRIAN PRINCE quit in the closing eighth ROYAL BEA ¬ CON had early speed speedScratched Scratched 94706 Moon Scamp 106 97706 Soultan Girl 101 97639 Foresight 106 On Time 101 101Overweight Overweight Olivia D 1 pound QOAQ FIFTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Wright fjCj winnerJune2634CP WCF Country Purse Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner June2634CP 310 second 50 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odd Btrt 977752SAND RUNNER WB 4 115 3 3 2X 11 I1 1 SylvesterJ N Morena MorenaWB 160100 97857SINGLE STAR WB 10 114 22 11 24 24 2J WoodJ C Ferraro FerraroWB 325100 97861STEPONIT WB 5 108 55 5 44 34 34 WatsonG R Robertson Robertsonw 620100 97775FOXY QUILLER w 4 119 1 4 3l 3 42 41 GuerraJ F Seremba Serembaw5108 195100 97791 EN AVANT w w5108 5 108 4 1 41 5 52 5 FatorE A Sullivan SullivanWB11115 1930100 97775 CRENALAN wall WB11115 115 66 6666 CaseF J Coleman 5280100 5280100Time Time 24 49 114 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SAND RUNNER 520 320 265 160 100 60 100 32J 100 100SINGLE SINGLE STAR 295 250 47 100 25 100 100STEPONIT STEPONIT 275 37 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Single Foot Sandchatter by Chatterton trained by A J Barbato bred by Mr C A Stone Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 514 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving SAND RUNNER away fast and rated close up for a quarter moved around the leaders entering the stretch and drew away thereafter SINGLE STAR set the pace STEPONIT outrun early closed a gap FOXY QUILLER tired EN AVANT showed early speed Overweight speedOverweight En Avant 2 pounds QQ A A SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Sunvir June 12 19307143 4 115 Purse 400 thirdJune2634CP i o r V 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third June2634CP 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtPPst Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97857 HARLEM WB 6 108 62 I1 I1 I2 I1 1 SylvesterJ A L Taylor 1171100 97779 SQUEEZE PLAY w 6 113 7 5 34 3s 2k 21 22 LaurinL C M Stable Stable97640GOLDEN 720100 720100i 97640GOLDEN PRINCESSvvB 4 101 3 1 4 41 41 3s 3s WatsonG Mrs W H Denham i 345100 976422CANMAS WB 3 104 43 21 2 3 4 44 BurrillJ G Patterson 355100 97862 MISS DONOVAN WB 3 104 5 6 61 54 5 5 51 GibsonH A Lawand 830100 97776 BAINBRIDGE WB 6 115 2 7 54647 7 6 ° ORourkeJ A Armstrong 5785100 97946 CHARLIES GIRL w 5 108 1 4 7 7 64 61 7 CaseF F Paquette 2810100 2810100Time Time 25 49 115 141 146 Track fast fastt t 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HARLEM 435 375 260 117 100 87 100 30 100 100SQUEEZE SQUEEZE PLAY 440 305 120 100 52J 100 100GOLDEN GOLDEN PRINCESS 285 42J 100 100Winner Winner Blk m by Flying Ebony Bagdadine by Flint Rock trained by W F Taylor bred by Shandon Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700WENT WENT TO POST 542i AT POST 8 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third drivine drivineHARLEM HARLEM away fast moved through on the inside on the first turn and drew away in the final quarter SQUEEZE PLAY raced CANMAS into defeat but was overmatched by the winner GOLDEN PRINCESS closed a gap in the final quarter CANMAS showed early speed MISS DONOVAN could not reach the leaders The others were outrun outrunOverweight Overweight Bainbridge 2 pounds QQ A I SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles Baby Sister June 19 1917 153 6 106 Purse OvrJL JL S400 400 3vearolds 3yearolds and unwarri upward Claimino Claiming Net vain value in to winner winner Min 310 second mnil n June2634CP third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt Yt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquit Odds Strt 97502DARK AYR WB 7 109 5 4 31 3 2k 11 14 WatsonG R Robertson 2521100 97779 DUG IN WB 4 114 11 4l 44 44 4 21 HornG P F Stoltz 425100 977793MASKED JESTER w3105 6 2 I1 21 31 3 3k GibsonH Mrs B M Baird 925100 97643CABAINIA w4114 3 3 2 1 11 2 44 HorvathK Mrs J Martin 1960100 196010097778PARTISAN 97778PARTISAN w 7 114 4 5 51 5 6 5 5 OsborneS C J Patchett 45010097862CAPTIVE 450100 97862CAPTIVE WB 6 114 2 6 61 64 54 6l 6 WoodJ W McKnight 52010097638PLAYABIT 520100 97638PLAYABIT WB 7 114 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 PeakeH W Kitts Jr 435100Time 435100 Time 25 49 115 143 156 Track fast 52 MtJTTJEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DARK AYR 705 520 320 252J 100 160 100 60 100 100DUG DUG IN 580 445 190 100 122 100 100MASKED MASKED JESTER 430 115 100 100Winner Winner B g by Traumer Sunayr by Sun Briar trained by R Robertson bred by Mr W S Kilmer Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 621 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingDARK DARK AYR rated close up for threequarters went to the outside for the drive and won going away DUG IN finished with a rush MASKED JESTER raced close up throughout PARTISAN raced on the outside most of the way CABAINIA had early speed CAPTIVE did not reach contention Scratched 97862 Chiefs Troubador 107 97946 Errant Lady 102 977783Tee Off 107 97780Golden Play 107 107Overweight poundsCorrected Overweight Masked Jester 5 pounds Corrected weight Partisan 114