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BIG JULY ISSUE ISSUEHOW HOW ON SALE AMERICA 77 7 W l tH m 7m wa nwwlu maunae maunaec c J READ A SENSATIONAL EXPOSE OF OFTHE THE GENTLEMAN RIDER RACKET RACKETBY BY ONE OF THEM THEMHow How a roadhouse proprietors son became a gentleman rider and married a wealth heiress how impoverished socialites make a comfortable living out of riding at hunt meetings how some gentleman riders fleece the bookmakers and help the bookies to fleece the public THINGS YOU NEVER KNEW TILL NOW about Americas snootiest sport sportTHE THE FAMOUS RADOLIFF RATINGS RATINGSenlarged enlarged completely revised and improved Already these Incomparable ratings are helpinc thousands to win consistently THEY CAN HELP YOU YOUPOST I POST TIME SPLIT SECOND SPECIALS SPECIALSUnder Under cover good things advised by staff dockers ALSO ARTICLES BY BYSALVATOR SALVATOR JOHN J FITZ GERALD NORRIS ROYDEN REX CRAWFORD THE TURK and andOTHER OTHER TURF EXPERTS GET YOUR COPY AT YOUR NEWSDEALERS TODAY IF YOUR DEALER CANNOT SUPPLY YOU SEND 250 FOR ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION POST TIME 166 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO ILL