Restore Trainers Licenses: New York Commission Recommends Lifting of Ban Against Finnemore and Sietas to Jockey Club., Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-27


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RESTORE TRAINERS LICENSES New York Commission Recommends Lifting of Ban Against Finnemore and Sietas to Jockey Club NEW YORK N Y June 26 At a meet ¬ ing of the New York Racing Commission held Monday night two trainers under sus ¬ pension for a violation of the rule prohibit ¬ ing the use of stimulants had their cases considered and it was recommended that The Jockey Club restore the licenses of Wil ¬ liam Finnemore and Ernest Seitas be re ¬ stored to good standing after a suspension of thirty days daysFinnemore Finnemore was suspended during the Ja ¬ maica meeting on the report that Trans ¬ gressor had been doctored This report came from a saliva test taken by Dr J Catlett and analyzed by chemist C A Mor ¬ gan It was charged that traces of strych ¬ nine were found in the saliva Finnemore was suspended and his case referred to the commission The Sietas ruling was a suspension follow ¬ ing a saliva test from Wedding Ring on June 5 and traces of a stimulant were re ¬ vealed though it was not named namedOne One more case that of Lew Williams under suspension following a test taken from General A is still before the commis ¬ sion with no action thus far taken takenThese These rulings were made by Herbert Bay ¬ ard Swope chairman of the commission and John Hay Whitney the two members now in New York The action was along the line suggested some time ago when it was agreed that ruling off for a first offense was too severe a penalty It was also intimated that a second offense would in all likelihood bring banishment from the turf but these were first offenses and as a matter of fact all three horses from which the saliva was taken ran bad races racesIt It is known that other matters are before the commission but they have to do with suggested amendments to the rules and they were not acted upon and not discussed by either chairman Swope or Mr Whitney WhitneyOne One rule amendment that is suggested is a more definite regulation fixing just when starters in a race are in hands of the starter This has been suggested after the recent ruling on Dundalk which ran off after ap ¬ pearing on the track Another regulation that efforts are being made to have changed is that prohibiting the offer of more than one race a day for threeyearolds or three yearolds and upward at a distance less than a mile mileIt It is also understood that the commission is considering a recommendation for an earlier closing of entries and the fixing of post postions in the program order This post position is so arranged at Aqueduct and the desire is to have it universal GRANT NEW YORK LICENSES NEW YORK N Y June 26 The follow ¬ ing jockeys and trainers licenses wera granted at a routine meeting of the stew ¬ ards of The Jockey Club yesterday yesterdayTrainers Trainers Bert Blume John Boston S Burnside Lance Cheyne Pete Clausen Wil ¬ liam Donigan G E Edwards Al Gunther James C Hamilton Richard L Hanna Lu ¬ cius P Harlan A M Jacobus J M Jones W E Jones Fred A Pupino Willie Robin ¬ son Marshall A Smith SmithJockeys Jockeys Charlie E Allen Anthony DI liddo Thomas N Marshall James Sullivan Edward Yager

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