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ARLINGTON PARK j The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races f at Arlington Park Tuesday Paid 8366 for 2 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ILLr TUESDAY JUNE 26 1934 Arlington Park 1 18 miles Second day Ar ¬ lington Park Jockey Club Summer meeting of 30 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission C J FitzGerald Steward of Meeting G Brown Jr Honorary Stewards C T Grayson A B Hancock and Major L A Beard Judges C J McLonnan F P Dunne and C J FitzGerald Jr Starter R Dickerson Racing Secretary J B Campbell Racing starts at 220 p m Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds j FIRST RACE 34 Mile Gift of Roses June 27 1933 110 4 109 Purse 800 3 50June2634AP nr yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 June2634AP fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 JqtA WtlISt Vt V fctr Fi i Jockiys Owners Kfliiiv Odds Strt 97409 TiptonA97746CHIEF SALISBURY WB WB6112 6 112 2 6 34 35 32 lot TiptonA L E Ogle 177100 177100r 97746CHIEF BUNTING WB 3 109 33 21 lh 15 21 ArcaroE Mrs A B Letellier r 575100 97365POLVOS PRIDE wi 3 107 1 2 15 23 25 3J KingJ W J Potter Jr 2246100 97817MISS FLIP w 3 99 6 1 55 4l 44 42 HankaW Blue Ridge Fan Farm Stable 312100 97614HYMAN WSB 6 115 4 5 66 S 5 PollardJ Superior Stable 298100 298100B 97748 ALMA S w 4 107 5 4 4l 55 6 6 KeestcrP B Ehdovina 3310100 Time 25 49 118 Track heavy 52 MUTUELS PAID SALISBURY 108CHIEF 554 364 292 177 100 82 100 48 108 CHIEF BUNTIMG 602 446 201 100 123 100 POLVOS 100POLVOS PRIDE 736 268 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Sir Grcysteel Kitty Mount by Mount William trained by G W Ogle bred by Mr S W Labrot Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 219 AT POST 2i minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSALISBURY SALISBURY slow to reach his best stride and restrained when saving ground went to the outside when called upon and overtaking the leaders bore in slightly CHIEF BUNTING on the outside of POLVOS PRIDE raced the latter into defeat and held on stubbornly The latter showed good speed from the start but tired in the final drive MISS FLIP had no mishaps HYMAN began slowly OND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Crowning Glory July 2 1932 104 2 106 Purse 800 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 June2834AP f fourth 25 Claiming price 2500 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for each 250to 2000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt tr Fin Jockeys Owners Efiuiv Odds Strt 97209SAGE GIRL wllO 5 1 I3 I4 P I2 HankaW Southland Stable 1634100 97546 ROSS w14 2 8 62 54 24 2s KeestcrP Shandon Farm Stable 884100 97390 FAIR COUNTESS w05 8 7 54 41 45 34 ArcaroE Calumet Farm Stable Stable2h 3854100 96812 COUNT TETRAIICH wB114 3 4 2h 25 3 44 SteffenE Mrs J Hertz 1959iOO 94931 DUNDREARY w 109 4 2 2wn112 35 35 5 5J TiptonA K E Hitt 4996100 97744 WINDER wn112 7 6 6WB118 75 65 64 61 MeadeD Rosehome Stable 759100 97343SAND CLOUD WB118 9 9 9wlOS 99 Headley8s 74 7s GarncrM H P Headley 289100 97675 NAPOLEON W Wv w wlOS 108 6 65 5 8s 8s 8b 85 KacalaJ W F Axton 4019100 4019lOfr97747GRAND 97747GRAND WAY w 115 1 3 45 74 9 9 HardyL L De Carlo 139100 j 139100j Time 25 51 105 112 Track heavy f 2 JIUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SAGE GIRL 3468 1758 982 1634 100 779 100 391 100 100ROSS ROSS 1266 996 533 100 398 100 FAIR 100FAIR COUNTESS 1506 653 100 Winner 100Winner Ch f by Wise Counsellor Golden Dust by Golden Broom trained by C Porter bred by Mr C Bacharach Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 WENT TO POST 248 AT POST H minutes Start good and andslow slow Won easily second and third driving SAGE GIRL liking the going and showing good speed drew out easily and won in hand ROSS pinched back soon after the start saved ground thereafter and closed steadily FAIR COUNTESS on the outside all the way raced evenly COUNT TETRARCH tired GRAND WAY showed dull form SAND CLOUD was away poorly Scratched 976122Beginners Bait 115 97328s 97328sVance Vance 107 Overweight Dundreary 1 pound QFf OrYfl THIRD RACE 34 Mile Gift of Roses June 27 1933 110 4 109 Purse 800 3 thirdJune2634AP a O1 6 JL yearolds Maidens Special weights Net value to winner 625 second 100 third June2634AP 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtlISt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlr Odds Strt 97330HERMIE ROY wll63 3 3wl6 35 21 1 14 ArcaroE Calumet Farm Stable 72100 97330 CHIEF PILOT wl6 2 4 4WB116 4s 1 24 2s GarnerM G E Woodman 504100 97056 COLD STEEL WB116 4 7 7WB116 5 53 44 35 MeadeD Southland Stable 2221100 97056SHUFFLE OFF WB116 12 12w 2435 34 410 SteffenE H P Headley 600100 97611JASCHA w 111 7 71 1 P 41 510 5 HardyL J H Manheimer 944100 97609 CORROON WB wB116 116 6 66 6 65 65 6 64 BalaskiL Mrs M Rieser 7374100 7374100HY HY PHEN WB 116 5 5 7777 McCoyJ Mrs J I Dcnnehy 3402100 Time 25 51 120 Track heavy 52 MUTUELS PAID r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HERMIE ROY 344 244 244 72 100 22 100 22 100 100CHIEF CHIEF PILOT 326 328 63 100 64 100 COLD 100COLD 100Winner STEEL 428 114 100 Winner B c by Brown Bud Prodigy by Light Brigade trained by B B Williams bred by Mr A B Hancock HancockWENT WENT TO POST 313 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving HERMIE ROY fractious at the post began well and moving to the leaders wore down CHIEF PILOT and drew out under pressure CHIEF PILOT close to the pace saved ground and coming through on the inside on the stretch turn took command but tired COLD STEEL finished fast SHUFFLE OFF in the thick speedScratched of contention for half a mile tired JASCHA tired badly after showing early speed Scratched 97330 Kashgar 116 CIFfQT FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Crowning Glory July 2 1932 104 2 108 May f J 6 44 wood Purse Purse 800 2yearolds Colts and geldings Allowances Net value to June2634rAP winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtPlSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiy Odds Strt 97546BUBBLING MATE w 112 5 1 15 lk lu 11 CorbettC 3 H Scheitler 1451100 145110097208FORT 97208FORT SPRINGS WB 112 1 2 34 2 2s 2s GarnerM H P Headley 458100 96792 SUNNED WB 112 2 4 45 45 4 4k ° k 34 TiptonA K E Hitt 1413100 141310097390GREAT 97390GREAT HASTE w 112 6 3 24 35 34 45 HarbortO J E VVidener 110100 96960 RACE CRAFT WB 112 35 5 5s 5 54 ArcaroE Mrs R Carruthcrs 415100 97208 OUR REICH WB 115 4 6 6666 SteffenE Mrs J Hertz 1008100 1008100Time Time 24 50 105 112 Track heavy J2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD3 BUBBLING MATE 3102 1062 574 1451 100 431 100 187 100 100FORT FORT SPRINGS 490 428 145 100 114 100 100SUNNED SUNNED 864 332 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Bubbling Over Soul Mate by Argos trained by J McPherson bred by Nevada Slock Farm Inc WENT TO POST 339 AT POST 1 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBUBBLING BUBBLING MATE at home in the going responded well to urging and drew out slightly at the Finish FORT SPRINGS pinched back slightly at the start went to the outside on the turn moved upon even terms with the leader but tired SUNNED raced evenly GREAT HASTE followed the pace closely on the outside dropped back and went to the inside then tired OUR REIGH was outrun O 7 f7Q FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Gift of Roses June 27 1933 110J 4 109 Purse80p 3 50June2634AP tl 4 O yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 June2634AP fourth 25 Claiming price 4500 if for 4000 allowed 3 Ibs if for 350Q 7 Ibs Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strt 93774MR JAMES WB 3 107 1 2 141415 1st KecsterP Mrs R Carruthers 453100 89908 CARBINA WB 3 107 33 33 32 24 24 KacalaJ Audley Farm Stablt 302100 92091 CHRYSOSTOM w 4 112 44 45 41 35 3l ° KetryJ J J OByrne 1239100 97196 HOOPS WB 5115 55 555 42 BagurH Peconic Stable 1181100 1181100950S2 950S2 MINEY MYERSON WB 4 116 2 1 22 25 45 5 TiptonA G W Ogle 105100 Time Z45 499 117 Track heavy S2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MR JAMES 1106 550 374 453 100 175 100 87 100 100CARBINA CARBINA 100CHRYSOSTOM 530 438 165 100 119 100 CHRYSOSTOM 460 130 100 Winner 100Winner B g by St James Wonderful One by Eternal trained by C C Van Meter bred by Mr R Carruthers Winner entered to be claimed for 4500 WENT TO POST 405 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same MR JAMES away fast and in his best form set the pace under steady restraint was taken out to better going in the stretch and came again after being headed under strong urging CARBINA well rated for the first half mile moved up stoutly to reach the leader but faltered right at the end CHRYSOSTOM made up much ground after threeeighths and after reaching contention tired MINEY MYERSON tired after forcing the pace to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 92185 Merrily On 116 CH RACE 1 mile out of chute Equipoise June 30 1932 134 4 128 Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 June2634AP third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2500 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 2000 Index Horses EqtA WtPlSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Equlr Odd Strt 97550 REPAID WB 4 116 3 1 1 14 I1 I1 I4 WcstropeJ T C Worden Wordenw 264100 97608BATTLING GIRL w 4 105 5 2 4 25 2 2 25 RuderL G H Hze ze zeWB4111 586100 97676GLYNSON WB4111 2 5 35 41 3 3 3 HankaW A B Gallaher GallaherWB4110 130100 93421 NORTHGALIS WB4110 4 4 2lk 31 41 4 4toPollardJ N W Church 2402100 978201TREVALLION w 7 110 1 3 5 5 5 5 5 HardyL Mrs J Grossman 466100 Time J24 5b t17 146 Track heavy 2 MUTUFLS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100BATTLING REPAID 5728 446 248 264 100 123 100 24 100 BATTLING 100GLYNSON GIRL 722 288 261 100 44 100 GLYNSON 236 18 100 Winner 100Winner Ch c by KaiSang Granny by Sweep trained by B A Jones bred by Mr H F Sinclair Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT minutesStart TO POST 429 AT PpST 2 minutes Start drivingREPAID good and slow Won easily second and third driving REPAID in motion at the start easily opened up a clear lead was rated along under steady restraint and drew out in the stretch without an effort BATTLING GIRL moved up steadily after a quarter mile but could not menace the leader GLYNSON away poorly was sent along in the worst going was blocked when attempting to go through on the inside at the far turn and could not improve his position thereafter NORTH GALIS factorScratched retired after threeeighths TREVALLION was never a factor Scratched 97392 Pot au Brooms 116 116Corrected Corrected weight Trevallion 110 OTOTCr SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles Sun Beau July 18 1931 149 6 125 Purse 800 June2634AP i oV 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 Index Horses EqtA WtPPst Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97823JSINGLE STRIPE WB 4 113 5 1 I1 I1 I4 I1 PI BalaskiL F M Grabner 191100 975511LONGUS WB 7 111 2 5 35 410 31 21 2i HankaW H Herendcen 517100 97614 SALUT D AMOUR WB 4 110 6 4 22 21 2l 31 3 BagurH Peconic Stable 296100 87818SERGEANT D w5113 1 3 45 31 4 415 410 WestropeJ T C Worden 244100 97751 889510097823FAIR BRIDGEPORT w 5 110 3 2 6 6 6 5 54 TinkerH L T Tiffany 8895100 97823FAIR BOY WB 5 105 4 6 5 5 51 6 6 StrongJ Mrs R Dovvling 9084100 9084100Time Time 26 514 118 147 202 Track heavy 2 MUTUFLS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SINGLE 100LONGUS STRIPE 582 394 272 191 100 97 100 36 100 LONGUS 100SALUT 536 388 168 100 94 100 SALUT 100Winner DAMOUR 326 63 100 Winner B g by St Henry Ethnea by Star Shoot trained by J Lowenstein bred by Audley Farm mnd Mrs L A Moseley Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 455 AT POST minute minuteStart drivingSINGLE Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving SINGLE STRIPE took command going to the first turn and rated along steidily was not hard urged in the stretch LONGUS pinched back at the start moved up slowly on the inside and was in close quarters on the stretch turn but finished well SALUT DAMOUR close to the pace under mild urging attempted to pinch LONGUS back at the quarter post SERGEANT D tired after showing early speed Q7Q7ffc EIGHTH RACE 1 14 Miles Sun Beau July 25 1931 201 6 126 Purse 800 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 June2634AP fourth 525 claiming price 1200 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt SA 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97121 WHITE LEGS WB 6 110 7 3 65 6i 42 11 11 BalaskiL Mrs F M Grabner 88100 97823 119710096623SETHS AMERICAN SMILE WB 4 110 1 6 7 7 61 31 2 WestropeJ M J Beauchamp 1197100 96623SETHS BALLOT WB 8 110 6 7 41 41 31 44 3 KecsterP J J Butler 547 100 97673 1506100977513RED SIZZLING w 4 110 4 5 5a 5 ° 21 21 410 TinkerH Mrs E A Gross 1506100 977513RED 92210097475SCANDAL BOOT w 4 105 5 1 31 3 51 6 51 NachelJ C M Lewis estate 922100 97475SCANDAL 60410097475TROFORD SHEET w5105 3 2 11 11 P 51 61 HankaW Mrs L J Remm 604100 97475TROFORD w 14912100Time 4 110 2 4 21 21 7 7 7 WeitzelD W Troeger 14912100 Time 26 52 120 149 219 Track heavy heavyr r 2 MUTUELS PAID f OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS WHITE LEGS 376 336 250 88 100 68 100 25 100 AMERICAN 100AMERICAN 100SETHS SMILE 858 354 329 100 82 100 SETHS BALLOT 316 58 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Donnacona Waldena by Star Shoot trained by J Lowenstein bred by Messrs Chinn Rouse Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 522 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameWHITE WHITE LEGS restrained for threequarters moved up fast when called upon and withstanding a hard drive outlasted AMERICAN SMILE The latter far back early gained fast on the outside in the stretch SETHS BALLOT close to the pacemaker had no mishaps SIZZLING worked his way into command be ¬ tween calls and tired SCANDAL SHEET tired badly OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ARLINGTON PARK Tuesday 3 Races 14884 5 Races 24862 8 Races 32528