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TERMS 3 DAILY 10 WEEKLY A TWOHORSE PARLAY DAILY YESTERDAYS PARLAY LADY MACAW 1900 WON AMAZEMENT 980 WON These are the kinds of horses you can expect when you get the Bell service We have been in business a long time and clients can testify that THE BELL service is without peer in this line lineA A LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY TODAYEXPECT EXPECT 100 FOR 3 3All All you need do to win 100 today is to get this parlay today and make a 3 straight wager to win and win only The information on these horses comes so strong that we do not hesitate to advise each and every client to go the limit The fact is that it has been a long time since we have felt so confident and we regard the result as a foregone conclusion conclusionSUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBECity City clients call at office Outoftown clients wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph Address AddressTHE THE BELL 173 WEST MADISON STREET CHICAGO ILL