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TUESDAY JUNE 26 ARLINGTON PARK Main Track TrackWeather Weather clear track sloppy ThreeEighths Mile 622 Albuquerque 36 b 622 Ltle America 44 b 618 Air Squadron 39b 69 Law Maker 40 b 614 Bye Lo 36h 622 Orlatta 40 b 622 Bally Wise 39b 620 Signalman 43 b 622CIoudet 39 b 622 Show Boy 40b 622 Dancg Doll 40b 624 Skip It 39b 625 Fairsickle 38 b 624 Step Aside 40 b b622Flht 622Flht of Gold 40b 622 Sula 39 b 622 Gay Polka 40b 615 Shing Jewell 40 b 424 Hpy Venture 40 b 622 Thomasville 40J b b6llJcster 6llJcster B 39 b 617 Wilco 39b 620 Knights Gal 44 b 617 Wacoche 39b 39bOneHalt OneHalt Mile 623 Chanceview 55 b 623 St Bernard 50 b 622Dustina 52b 6 22 Slim Rosie 49h 614 Fan 59 b 616 Sherron 53b 619 Fair Peter 51b 623 Top Dog 51 b 614 Impel 53 b 623 Tweeny 54b 67 Muira 52 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 620 Blesd Evcntl04b 623 Hpe Etrnal103b 622 Brtter Barkl05b Honest Ben 109 b 621 Blessd Againl07b 610 Militia l10b 623 Creole Bird 105 b 622 Minton 106 b ThreeQuarters Mile 625 Ashen l18b 617 Count Rael20b 617 Bn Swallow l17 b 624 Chance Linel18b 621 Blue Lillian l19h 617 Fanfern l21b 613 Cavalcade 150 b 623 Hadagal l21b l21bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 619 Play Hookyl35 b bOne One Mile Mile622Lady 622Lady Va Val47b 614 Tiny Kitty l48b 623 Pairbypair 147 b 624 Watch Him 147 b 612 Sir Ten 153 b bARLINGTON ARLINGTON PARK Training Track TrackWeather Weather cloudy track muddy ThreeEighths Mile Mile529Amscray 529Amscray 42 b 621 Just So 39 h 622Bnie Marita 39b 620 Light Up 42 b 621Bunty Ann 40h 620 Peace Lady 43 b 619Behomoth 39h 63 Subtlety 40 b 619 Camarilla 40h 622 Spanh Babe 40b 40b613Durga 613Durga 40 b 63 Then Some 42 b 621 Gallaclay 38b 622 Wise Player 44 b 611 Highld Rose 41 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 623 Bey Sexton 55 b 622 Miss Spiteful 53 h 618 Black Miss 56 b 619 Miss Kiev 55 h 622 Fly Justice 50J h 621 Sracen Maid 55b 622 Flo Raffles 52h 618 Sie Bourld 55 b 623Grayback 55b 622 Spanish Lad 53 b 623 Hydromella 54 h 6 21 Uncon Gold 51h 623 Hour Zev 51 h 69 Vox Pop 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 621 Luke Comon108 h 614 Navanod l084 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 526 Back Logl20b 618 Merrily Onl19b 623 Frk Ormontl22b 622 Oscillation 118 h 617Kuvera l21h 617 Reservist l19b l19bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile625Genl 625Genl Parthl34b 67 Little Ladl34b 623Knowlton l39b l39bOne One Mile 613 Pompoleon 149 b Pompoleon looks and acts good LATONIA LATONIAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile613Byrdine 613Byrdine 37h 613 Marynell 36y5h 516 Brill Winn 39b 620 Miss Ktucky 39b 622 Compensatry 36h 623 Our Bettie 35h 620 Counr Crane 36h Ping 39 b 623 China Town 37u 620 Pantaloons 36h 624 Dick Star 35h 624 Poet Prince 37h 621 Dandy Jay 39 b 64 Precious Md 38 h 622 Floce Louise 37h 624 Prinzcy 38 h 623 Final Fling 37h 623 Ridge Mor 43 b 6l Goln Thrne 35 h 614 Sis Agnes 41h 621 Golden Tone 37h 624 Skirl 36h 623 Habanero 37h 620 Squire Bob 35h 622Hiburne 39h Skadkahoe 39 b 624 Hard Cash 36h 623 Stricken 38h 613 King Cicero 36 h 624 Tough Umba 40 b 623 Lady Mary 37 h 623 Upside Down 37h 624 Leora Linvle 38 h 622 Visigoth 38b 610 Left Wing 36 h 65 Witches Nit 35h 35h620Morden 620Morden 39b 613 Ziska 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 61 Almac 53b 619 Miss Harmful 50 h 621 Bisque Doll 50h 621 My Blaze 49b 623 Catch Fly 50 h 621 Maxine P 49h 623 Full Sail 51h 620 Moira 51h 623 Fiji 49 h 621 Minnie Belle 50 h 61 Honor Her 53b 63 Mucho Gusto 50 b 623 Jane Brush 50b 621 Rolanda 51h 613 Ltle Conlly 50 h 623 Red Eva 50h 50h621Lonell i 621Lonell 50 b 517 Stinger 57 b 621 Lucy 52 h hFiveEiohths FiveEiohths Mile 623 Aun Nymphl024 b 528 Pacific Coastl04h Coastl04h625Ealcona i 625Ealcona 104 d 623 Pharamaid lK4h L 616 Gay John 108 h 62 Perdition l06h i 623 Green l04h 624 Prince Ballotl04h i 620 Lillian Uhl102 d 623 Spanish Redl02h L 619 Miss Contryl03h 622 Thistle Bugl064 h i 623 Mikes Pall05h 622 Thistle Gnyl04h Gnyl04hThreeQuarters i ThreeQuarters Mile 618 Anita Mac l18d 623 Sky Lad l16h i 625 Big Brand l18ysh 623 Smuggle In 118 h h616MorgH i 616MorgH 116 h 621 Steady Linesl17d I 617 Mission Clckl18h 68 Sora l16h i 621 Over C 118 h 619 Versicolor 123 h i 623 Qun CIaricel21h 623 Wise Cross l16h i 614 Royal Gold 122 h 623 Ykce Watrsl18b Watrsl18b620Rcttcf 620Rcttcf 130 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 623 Libretto l32h l32hOne One Mile Mile612Cresta 612Cresta Runl51h 625 Peter Parl yl45h i 622 Landover l46h 619 Scotld Buty143h i 619 Mai Sanl45h Sanl45hOne One and ThreeEighths Mile 620 Howard 222h 222hHoward Howard went handily throughout throughoutFjji Fjji Morgil and Wise Cross went handily handilyHard Hard Cash and Compensatory went from the gate DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather rainy track sloppy TnreeEighths Mile 322 Tom Jack Jr 37h 37hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 618 Beau Govans 50h 616 My Letitia 52 h 623 Cold South 53 h 617 Two Tricks 58 h h623Courland 623Courland 51h 520 Whg Champ 53 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 614 Lan 105 h 625 Represtate l06h l06hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 623 Black Targetl20h 623 Lanier 117h 117h621Elcidio 621Elcidio 120 h hOne One Mile 623 Dark Conqstl46h 623 Sun Celtic l46h Sun Celtic and Dark Conquest were going handily in the slop together togetherDETROIT DETROIT Weather cloudy track fast Three Eighths Mile 624 Apple Fritr 37 h 620 Pish Tush 37 h hBoosen Boosen 31h 616 Sandwrack 37 h 620 Csiderate 37 b 621 Social Clbr 364 h 625 Double B 36h 624 Triple Threat 41 b b614Dokas 614Dokas 36h 616 Timorous 36h 621 Mine Boy 40h 624 Zetta Ford 37h 622 Martin Bton 39h 39hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 611 Bell Man 49h 626 Oddesa Clark 52h 618 Chese Indn 54h 623 Oddesa May 52h 623 Currants 49h 623 Polly Hdred 49b 613 Captain Ed 53 h 622 Royal Linge 53 b 623 Cristate 52b 621 Royal Pche 55 h 619 Gold Sweep 51 h 618 Rock X 52 h 620 Heros Lady 49b 620 Tug OWar 51b 621 Impeach 50h Transpose 50h 622 Light Wave 53 b 620 Up 51h 624 Maddening 48 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 622 Carpet l06b 623 Main Event l04h 624 Candescent 106 b 623 Oddesa Beaul04h 624 De Valcral07 b 621 Ragtn Bellel03h 623 Eddie J l04h 624 Rosewater 105 h 617 Fannie Bricel06 h 620 Sassaby 100h 625 Jean Brown 109 h 620 Synod l05h l05h622Kowito 622Kowito 105 h 620 Strideaway 108 b b623Megai 623Megai l04h 622 Scream lK3h 624 Mid Victornl01h 523 Son 0 SweeplK9 h 620Morsun l03h 619 Thistle Fyrnl08 b 618 More Anon 107 h 615 Urchin l05h l05hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 618 Cherokee Sall19h 623 Respect l19b 625 Gral Pulaski116 b 621 Stroll Alongl18b 625Ldg Articlel18b 618 Santander l19h 625 Michigan Ladl23 h hOne One Mile 625 GM Politianl43h 625 Safe a Sd142h Mid Victorian and Sassaby showed good goodspeed speed together togetherFAIRMOUNT FAIRMOUNT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile618Anavah 618Anavah 39 b 615 Hildur Prce 37 h 619 Baby Sweep 39 b 623 Mt Whgton 39 b 621 Best Man 40 b 620 Nanny D 37h 624 Canteron 37 h 311 Pia McKeon 37 h 614 Computer 37h 623 Runy Bean 36h 610 Dtless Miss 36h 624Uncle Henry 40b 622 Faytc Prince 36 h 525 Wait Not 36h 214 Fuss Budget 36 h 620 Zekiel 36h 624 Gallopette 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 621 Adrian 51h 615 My Ideal 50 h 620 Anne L 50b 611 Mary Bane 53b 623 Bd of Trade 49b 622 Miss Coq 50b 623 Charlie H 55b 616 Rntgenologt 50b 623 Cathedral 49b 615 Rffles Pbm 55 b 624 Chantcsuta 52 b 619 Santa Cruz 52h 622 Deep Sally 52 b 620 Sun Martyr 54b 621 Gerard 53b 623 Tonight 50h 623 Hit the Deck 48h 621 Wise Eddie 52b FiveEighths Mile 619 Clamp 105 h 623 Owen 103 h 624 Chming Sirl04 h 622 Race Extra l07b 622 Decline 104 h 621 Vladimir 104 h h623KeIso 623KeIso 106 b 622 Whisp l02h l02h6240tterrop 6240tterrop l02li l02liThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 625 Animator 118 h 620 Iredell l16h l16h624Belen 624Belen 114 h 623 Mokan 123 b 63 Convert l17h 621 Old Bill 123 b 620 Emma Lee l15h 621 Ormoname l15d 619 Farmer Bobl174 h 620 Sweet Gal l22J b 619Hont Susanl16d 619 Windy Ross 122 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 65 Allegretto 135 b bOne One Mile 624 Ben Minturnl47b 623 Princella 146 b 625 Lady Sweet 146 h Belen had plenty early speed Board of Trade and Cathedral were in company ROCKINGHAM PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 622 Black Hand 37h 51 Manager Bill 37h 525 Burning Up 37h 624 Prosecutor 38h 623Cutie Face 37h 614 Ridgeview 40h 621 Dty Caprice 39h 622 Rhodius 3646h 67 Dawn Flight 37 h 620 Star Fire 38 h 623 Fast Move 38 d 622 Sparklite 37 h 621 Greenstone 38h 622 Sarada 39 h 621 Gov Sholtz 38 h 622 Solace 36h 618 Happy Scot 36h 622 Ukraine 42 h 516 Lamp Black 39 h OneHalf Mile 624 Bny Maurn 54 h 69 Hardware 50h 622Bamboula 50h 621 Justa Jane 50h 624 Biff 50h 623 Justa Glow 5046h 622 Blue Foam 49h 622 KaiFinn 53h 624 Catalano 51 h 615 Lucky Buck 49 h 621 Chain 52h 624 Moralist 53 h 623 Cash Surder 50 h 423 Plucky Lady 49 h 614 Douglas F 50h 623 Polydee 51h 624 Fair Billy 51h Silvy Cloud 50 h 623 Frisky Maid 50 h 623 Sweet Mollie 52h FiveEighths Mile Mile620Ayston 620Ayston L03 h 613 Hcrnando l05h 622 Calgary Kayl06 h 621 Jubilargo 107 h 621 Cnventional 104 h 423 Karonite 106 h 623 Dancg Mack102 h 622 Liberty Oakl05 h 63 Enro 623 Liqueur l03h 624 Forage Cap 107 h 624 Monel l03h 616 Gloritone l036h 614 Old Baldyl07 h 620 Paper Prfitsl07 h 624 Silverdale 1KM b 619 Rgh Playerl07 h 613 Strenuous 104 h hSecular Secular 107 h 624 Wise Sister 105 h 624 Sir Walter 105 h 624 Zipalong 1K5 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Arrowswift 116 h 619 Kindacorn l16h 621 Character 114h 621 Miss Snow l15h l15h624Flyg 624Flyg Watchl21h 623 Race Streetl16h 625 Good Jest l20h l20hOne One Mile 622 Allen fern l47h 624 Little Stbkcsl47 h 618 Good Sense 146 h 624 One Chance 147 h 621 Flam Mamiol52 b 621 Srce Circlel49 h 625 Hortio Hughl46 h 624 Taze well 144h 144hCHARLES CHARLES TOWN TOWNWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileCaphor Caphor Ball 38 h 624 Sister Carrie 35h Noras Grace 38 b 625 Shere Khan 38 h hSentry Sentry Go 37 h Sun Joe 37h 37hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 617 Angry Lass 52b 625 In High 53 b bCarlour Carlour 53 b 531 Jobs Dido 51b 614 Ghost Story 54 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 619 Old Play 122 b 617 Transtine 121b CONNAUGHT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 618 Arson 37h 616 Foresight 38 h 623 America B 37 d 624 Jug of Gold 37 d 612 By Herself 36d 623 Moon Scamp 39 b 65 Cappoquin 37 h Soultan Girl 39 b 615 Dorsays 36 h 625 Vennie H 40 b 63 Errant Lady 39 b Washn Rose 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile622Euxine 622Euxine 52 b 619Top Shot 51 h 420 Fife 52 b 528 Thermopylae 52 b 623 Joel C 52 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 624 Baptism 106 h 623 Morelles 104 d dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 624 By Product 120 b HABIILTON ONT ONTWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 622 Betimes 36 h 618 Craigco 37 h 66 Boom Days 36h 613 Diamd Digr 36h 36hBlusher Blusher 39 b Donna Julia 35 h 523 Bran Muffin 36 h 620 Easter Htr 39 b 68 Brandy Snap 35 h 611 Fitz Ui 37 h 612 Candle Fly 38h 611 Hayfire 36h 621 Crap Shter 37 h 531 Husky Lass 36h Companion 36 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 613 Andiron 50 h 611 Friend Chly 54 b 5 30 Bdway Miss 52 h 523 Golden Spur 49h 66 Boscobel 50 h 622 Master Bbe 54 b 67 Even Stephn 50 h 618 Top Hattie 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 68 Candy Pot103d 529 Gay Symphyl09 b 613 Foreun Ladyl05b 529 Rustic Qsnl09 b 429 Field Goal 105 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 623 Brandon Pel19 h 528 Hereward 118 h 618 Chat Eagle 124 b 622 Yellow Metall20h 623 Granite Rk117 h hOne One Mile 67 Barry 150 h Gay Spirit 146 h 625 Chastity 145h AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 67 Baquettc 37h 624 Little Lie 36h 621 Gift Magic 36 h 615 Ted Husing 39 h 123 Lady Mickey 39 h 623 Vicaress 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Brillfalon 52h 624 Our One 49h 49h624Balios 624Balios 49h 620 Precept 50h 616 Flowery 51h 623 Patriotic 52 h Galon Boy 52h 621 Rivalry 49 h 620 Just Cap 50h 622 Troboy 49 h h62lMickys 62lMickys Man 52h 522 West Main 52 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 623 Dominus 101 h 624 Our SaHiel06 h 618 First Flag 102 h 621 Phillippi Boyl03 h 514Goln Sceprl02 h 65 Satrapal 102 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 612 Affirmative 121 h 611 Stone Martinl O h 623 Faireno 114 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 622 Fleam 127 h 624 Speedmore l31h l31h623Jovius 623Jovius l27h l27hOne One Mile 623 Black Patral44h 623 King Saxon 142 h 624 Economic 145 h 614 Red Jug 141 d 623 Galon Lad 152 h 624 WardinCy l42h 623 Hard Playl44h Playl44hJAMAICA JAMAICA Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 624 Big Boots 35 d 621 Ollabella 37d 621 Blind Praise 35d 624 Pce Regret 36d 36d623EIdee 623EIdee 37h 619 Pillarita 38 h 614 Johns Bday 35d 623 Scara Glen 37 d 620 Lucky Rket 37 d 621 St Omer 37 d 621 Overstimulate 37 d dOneHalf OneHalf Mjle 623 Abner 51d 624 Garlic 54 b 614 Billy Blake 52 h 623 Later On 50 d 618 Baby Chard 54 b 617 Our Senator 51h 623 Dont Blush 52 b 625 Sgt Bryne 54 b 623 Dinner Coat 48d 624 Top High 49 d dFive Five Eighths Mile Mile610Herkimer 610Herkimer l05b 623 Sophticated 107 b 622LeroKne l04h 622 Veronica C102 d dThree Three Quarters Mile 622 Fairly Wild118h 620 St Chtopherl23 b 625Gracias 119 b bOne One Mile 617 White F15erl44 d dBEOIONT BEOIONT PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 61 Dalmatia 37h 618 Polar Flight 39b 69 Deserter 37h 624 Pompeius 36 h 624 Evangelist 36 d 65 Resurrection 37h 37h623Forvr 623Forvr Yng 37 h Sienna 36 d 623 Little Argo 36h 622 Sun Clothing 38 h 623 M Merrimnt 35 d 622 Sume Court 37 h 621 Mock Turtle 38 h 620 True Romce 37h 624 Nipped 35d 35dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 622 Antarctic 49h 612 Kawaoe 52 b 622 Bck Falcon 52 b 619 Mad Eagle 52 b 611 Bocasette 51h 621 Moisson 48 h 623 Col Greene 49h 6 24 Stocks 49h 49h623Flamg 623Flamg Light 49h Saddler 494sh 521 Grand Opera 49h 623 Sir Lamorak 52b 621 Ivanoff 48d 622 Warned Off 49h 49hIn In Advance 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 623 Any Chance 108 b 62 Jeanne S 105 h h625Alcfar 625Alcfar 105 h 622 Middling 102 d 625 Bubblesome 100d 624 Snd Advice l02h 618 Ft Roundupl05 h 65 Sparkdale 104 h 623Gtle Knishtl02h 623 Top Row 104 h 622 Ipse DixitlK2 d 624 Wrackstone 103 h ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Brother JoeldS h 624 Polycletus l16 h 621 Blue Again l17b 623 Somebody 117 h 624 Mad Beth 1134 d 624 Silk Flag 119 h 623 Motto 115 h 623 Scotch Goldl16h 624 Nevcrfade l19b 624 St Stephensl16 h 6110valcttc l16h l16hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 623 Swiftsport 128 h 622 Stepbrother 130 h hOne One Mile 620 Bright Havnl42h 623 Gd a BJackl44 h 623 Cycle Letterl42hOne 140d 612 War Letterl42h One and OneEighth Miles 621 Chalmoss l55h One and OneHalf Miles v 621 Rose Cross 235 b