1st Fairmount, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-27

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1st Fairmount ° ut ° f Chute Miners Theater and the Hotel Fair mount Purse Purse 400 3YearOlds Maidens 74 Mile and Winners of One Race Claiming Gay World WorldOct Oct 1 4 1 933 1 1 1 15 3 1 1 9 NOTE Claiming price 500 Weight 115 Ibs Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse Track Wt Time AgeTnday Price 97935 18Clothtop RP 110 114 105 500 50097063s 97063s 12Redins Aur 101 114 110X 500 95105 7lndianole 105 500 96560 14Zevstar OP 106 113 105 500 97937 6Gold Rose FP 106 115 105 500 97492 10Missionary Girl GirlM M FP 103 116 100X 500 97492 1 Roentgenologist RoentgenologistM M FP 112 l20s 110 500 97773 2 Foxie Sis M Hou 102 114 105X 500 97769 3 Voriset MFG 108 115 105 500 97769 4 Golpris MFP 108 115 110X 500 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse Track WU Time AgeToday Pric 96732 5Miss Cohort CohortM M FP 107 116 100 500 97769 8Computer M FP 110 118 405 500 97701 9Senator Mike RP 105 114 110 500 500llCoralian llCoralian M 105 500 97935 13 World Traveller FP 112 115 115 500 97935 15CIaflag FP 108 114 110 500 97138 16 Ribs Girl M FP 104 117 105 500 97935 17Bright Wine FP 102 114 105 500 Best times shown above are from Jan 1 1933 Falr 1933Falr mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner Brackets runnerBrackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd ast start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown In Past Performances but In all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year 10 Ch f 3 by Fl9ht of Time Fortunate by Johren iVU Trainer A C Kort Owner A C Kort Date Trk DIs Time Con Odds Wt St li Str FinJorfcpy PPCIIce Sin Best Companj Jua2534FP 3 114 ft ftJual6343RP 7 1071110 T 3J MillerG 600 12 Minnequa 107 Kyso 115 Morvim 100 Jual6343RP 1 141 ft ftJunl534RP 71 104 6 5 3l 31 SenaT7 600 10 SwtRanccllOPlaydemal09Lusty 107 Junl534RP 1 140 ft ftJuall34RP 19 100 8 5 51 34 MachadoL1 700 9 ClaretlOSThe Miss 103ManhandIc 110 Juall34RP 1 141 ft ftJua 9 110 3 1 34 4Jt DupuyM2 600 9Clovinial05Leeward110Playdoma 102 Jua 634 RP 3 114 ft ftJua 7 110 5 2 I1 I4 DupuyM1 600 11 AnnaFback 105DrSPnll2Rhrst 107 Jua 234RP 1 140 ft ftMay31347RP 30 110 5 3 4 41 BrennT 600 7 ClovinialOSHIessWderllOLward 111 May31347RP fc 110 ft DupuyM5let 16 110 2 6 44 51 DupuyM5 600 11 Manhandle 106Dono 106ChfsLady 104 StltTlt let 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1ft 2nd 3rd V Viti iti 1933 record 11 0 0 0 25 1934 record 9 1 0 4 425 Redins X XJune 110 B 9 3 bv Politian Post Mistress by Master Roberl 49ftJuall344FP June 24 FP 12 49ft LJV Trainer W A Williams Owner W G Newton Juall344FP 3 117 hy 61 61Jua 109 7 3 2 21 RollinsC10 600 10 CtSystemlOgChIaLeel Ppinalg 104 Jua 934FP 3 118 sy 31 31Jua 110 5 4 31 321 RollinsC1 600 10 HessWderllOWSorigllOOButy 110 Jua 4342FP 3 114 ft 5 5May28347FP 109 155 48 RollinsC10 600 12 BnPoIlyl09CSystemi04OBeauty 113 May28347FP 54 f 107 ft 71 71Mayl5 10511 9 7 7 1 RollinsC10 800 11 Rishi 105Slip Knotl04Scout Chief 109 Mayl5 34Aur 3 111 ft 43 43Dcc27 101 2 5 583 53 RollinsC4 1500 5 CaptnRedll8CaptJoyl09PoIyton 10S Dcc27 333Hou 3 114 ft 23 23DecJ21 1069 6 31 2 HughesH1 1000 12 JaycolllM Jqline 1094Getalong 111 DecJ21 33Hou 54 f 108 ft 20 20DeclS 107 9 11 9i 741 JacobsJ7 1000 12 Ceylon lObTraplou 111 Sarilla 105 DeclS 333Hou 3 118 hy 8 1075 6 6 6 HughesH3 1000 9 MyLetitial09BaySertl04MilePost 102 1933 record 9 1 1Indianole 1 0 510 1934 record 5 0 1 1 100 Indianole 10 MortJr Ch f 3 by Trojan Galatia by Trompe la Mort Jr Trainer E Patterson Owner E Patterson May26343Kal a 3 111 ft 215 106 432 ChinnH 600 6 SaRGafflllBwayBellellOLyRene 104 Sep 104Sep 633Tim a6 f 123 ft 12 103 4 HainesG 1000 8 HelsAlibi 114Transgrrll5StceIton 119 Aug2533CF 119Aug2533CF a 1 57 ft 51 100 673 WeirF 800 6 NorasGracellOStItonllSRock un 107 Aus2233CF 107Aus2233CF a 57 ft 145 117 34 WeirF Alhv 6 Decoratel20TimrFirellOCrgOver 117 JuL1933Rkm 117JuL1933Rkm 5 f 107 ft 4310 116 1 1 M 11 WattersE Maid 12 BritTessll3WarLetter 116Lucult 116 JuL17333Rkm 5Jf 108 ft 5 99 3 1 1 2 YowellE4 1000 11 Bungalow lllNawab 114Campagnalll JuL 533Rkm 1 102 m 10 112 633 37 HainesG1 Maid 11 FlygGypsy15WarLter llSEmplt 112 1933 record 13 1 1 4 745 1934 record 1 0 0 0 10 10Zerstar Zerstar 1 f C B f 3 by Zev Stardrift by North Star III IIIJune June 24 FP 34 l16ft 1 wo Trainer R Bagley Owner H Neal Jua2034FP NealJua2034FP 113Jua 54 f 107 ft 108 SCRATCHED Post P 1 500 12 BobUp 108RoyalSee 113Fountain 113 Jua 4342FP 3114 ft 15 109 7 7 8 8 DyerJ 6CO 12 BnPoIlyl09CSystcml04OBeauty 113 Mayl4347DaI 113Mayl4347DaI af 58 ft 51 107 2 5 51 51 DyerJ 800 7 Minnequa 107CherawlllTstIeFlit 105 May 105May 834Dal a 59 ft 32 1101 3 5 5el 531 AllenR1 1000 6 RnsChoicel074Nadal05StutPlaid 109 Aprl3344AD wgc 111 ft 31 110 8 6 7 7 PetersM8 Allw 9 FortAnuellOChvinismllOChica 115 Mar29 34OP 3 113 ft 2910 106 3 1 1 21 PetersM1 800 11 Dian 116HurPrincell3DaLascari 108 Mat2234OP 54 f 108 ft 35 107 3 1 I1 1 PetersM1 600 10 ChfGnimoll2BlPussl07EmPGiftl07 1934 record 8 1 2 0 5 420 Gold Rose 1 fP B f 3 by Boot to Boot Spnish Rose by Spanish Prince II IIJune June 24 FP 12 50ft JVc Trainer J Drever Owner Mrs J Dreyer DreyerJua25343FP Jua25343FP 3 114 ft 49 104 4 3 32 68 DyerJ3 500 12 Red Vest 109 Kite 114 Merilee Z 109 Jua2034FP 109Jua2034FP 3 114 ft 19f 105 1 5 12 12 EdwardsD1 500 12 RunyBeanlOSOurBtyilOPpmalg 110 Jual6342FP 54 f 107 ft 48 10235 6T Martinez2 600 12 MamieD99SisLargo 109SantaCruz 109 Jun 934FP 3 118 sy 12 105 3 5 7 10 ManifoldH5 600 10 HessWderllOWdSong HORedinsllO Ha 31341FP 3 114 ft 24 98 4 2 54 5 ° SmithFA4 600 6 Showcasel04MamicD98WindSong 103 May28 34FP 54 107 ft 25f 96 1 7 10 II2 SmithFA8 800 11 Rishi 105Slip Knotl04Scout Chief 109 Oct2733Spt 64 f 126 hy 20 108 1 2 31 6 WilsonL8 1000 10 Six Bells lllSir Koster 115Cedo 115 1933 record 33 1 3 4 515 1934 record 6 Missionary Girl X XJune 100 VennieJUv Ch 3 M by Missionary Virginia Queen by Colonel Vennie June 25FP 12 55ft JUv Trainer J Monez Ovner Mrs W F Fisher E Mattingly Jua2534FP 114 ft ftJual834FP 99 SCRATCHED Post P 18 600 12 Minnequa 107 Kyso 115 Clothtop 107 Jual834FP 3 117 si 26 26Jual334JFP 107 141 3Z FryeJW10 600 12 Poppinargl07FTomll2Foxie Sis 1084 Jual334JFP 54 f 108 ft 165 165Jua 105 6 5 63 5 EdwardsD1 600 11 Kanal 106 WindSong 105Aquatis 110 Jua 9 343FP 3 118 sy 36 36May28343FP 105 8 8 51 5lHiIcmanW4 600 10 HessWderllOWdSong HORcdinsllO May28343FP 3 114 ft 7 7Mayl9343Beu 103 8 8 841 83 FisherW 800 12 ClaflaglOSEdgarBoy 108UncMitch 115 Mayl9343Beu 3 116 ft 8 104 31 EnvinS 500 8 BoldRobin 117 GoEasy 112Fidelus 117 Itoeiltgeiiologist 110 B 9 3 M b Harpenden Postillion by Berrilldon BerrilldonJune June 26 FP 12 50ft v Trainer E E Watson Owner Mrs E E Watson Jual834rFP 3 117 si 9f 112 5 7 10 1215 MayerJ9 600 12 Poppinalongl07FTomll2My Girl 107 1934 record 1 Foxie Sis X XJune 1 fK Ch f 3 M by Foxlaw Sister Anna by Friar Marcus June 1 FP 58 l08ft l08ftJua2534FP JUtJ Trainer A Renton Owner A Renton Jua2534FP 3 114 ft ftJuiL2234FP 104 SCRATCHED Post P 17 600 12 Minnequa 107 Kyso 115 Clothtop 107 JuiL2234FP 1 ° 145 ft 24 24Jua2034FP 105 6 8 871 9l4CrecseR 500 12 Tcnantll3JMcCordll3LittleToots 108 Jua2034FP 3 114 ft 13 13Jual8342FP 105 12 12 II14 8n MayerJ3 500 12 RunyBeanlOSOurBtyllOPpinalg 110 Jual8342FP 3 117 si 5 5Jual4 1081 2 1 41 421 OIlilaL11 600 12 PoppinaIongl07FTomll2My Girl 107 Jual4 343FP 5i f 108 ft 8 8Jua 1101 6 8 710 7s OlillaL1 500 11 RunyBeanl07Blake 107FriendTomll3 Jua 434 = FP 3 114 ft 19 107110 Lost riderOlellaL 600 12 BnPoIlyl09CSysteml04OBeauty 113 1933 record 3 0 1 0 J 100 1934 record 21 0 3 0 385 Yonset f 0 ch 3 by uPS t Lady Von by Donnacona DonnaconaJune June 17 FP 38 364fft vf Trainer G W Googe Owner G W Googe GoogeJua22343FP Jua22343FP 3 115 ft 97 1071 9 8 61 421 MillsC8 700 12 MissScotdl05Saxonnel04EmaLce 104 104Jual934 Jual934 = FP 54 f 108 ff 13f 104 9 9 94 712 MayerJ2 500 12 False Piety 109Polaire 114RedVest 109 109Jual3342FP Jual3342FP 54 f 108 ft 49f 107 71010 8 Hnande10 600 11 Kana 106 WindSong 105Aquatis 110 May 2347CD 3 112 ft 37f 104 9 10 II24 II22 KederisJ8 Maid 11 BienFait 108SIieGrayl03Panoramal04 Mac 8342FG 3 114 ft 52 107 3 10 lOl 1021 CheatmR1 700 11 FyFeathsl03PyPegl03McreWve 108 Feh25344FG 1 143 ft 23f 107 3 10 814 718 CheatmR Maid 12 EngrarllOMintMemsl06Unbeliel 110 Feb21343FG 3 114 ft 18 106 7 11 12 12 ArcaroE8 1000 12 Ultra VotellOCatorllOWhteMan 115 1934 record 9 0 0 0 10 oiiifis X 1 1 0 B Golden Guinea Anaprisa by Anmer ine 21 F P 58 l05ft Trai Trainer S F Murphy Owner Mrs S Murphy Jua22343FP 3 115 ft 51 110 12 12 II13 910 DyerJ3 700 12 MissScotdl05Saxonnel04EmaLee 104 104Ma Ma 3034F P 1 146 ft 91 105 3 5 521 61 DyerJ4 700 6 MsGlace95VildTrnsitl02BrtWine 99 99May28343FP May28343FP 3 114 ft 4f 108 11 11 1051 4 DyerJ 800 12 ClaflaglOSEdgarBoy 108UncMitch 115 115Mayl934Dal Mayl934Dal a g 8 ft 81 105 5 5 51 38 DyerJ2 600 5 MsPollyl05WilIiamC106Yvette V109 V109JaalO34JP JaalO34JP 3113 ft 32 110 3 7 813 8 RenoT8 1500 8 GilbtElstonl05EsperantolllYtfin 108 108Oct Oct 2334FP 3 115 ft 24 109 7 8 713 71 SylvesterJ1 500 12 Cantroud 116Fogafyll3MretMaryllO 116Fogafyll3MretMaryllOSep Sep 2334DP 3 114 ft 85 112 6 6 64 68 EppmcrF Maid 8 LyAmIial09Slouchtll2MOv1bk 109 1933 record 21 0 0 3 J 95 1934 record 5 0 0 1 60 60Miss Miss Cohort 100 B f 3 M by Cohort Reprieve by Iron Cross II IIJune June 22 F P 12 51lfft Trainer M D Davis Owner H D Jones JonesJua22343FP Jua22343FP 3 115 ft 100 SCRATCHED Post P 1 700 12 MissScolM105Saxonnel04EmaLee 104 104Jua Jua 6343FP 54 f 107 ft 23 1081 3 6 10 ° 1024 RenoT 800 10 Lessing 115 Dee Tees 106 Tocaya 106 106May30344FP May30344FP 3114 ft 24 107 1 2 51 614 HerdezJ4 800 8 DeeTeesl09Popping lOjWarDimcs 109 109Maj29347FP Maj29347FP 5i f 106 ft 96 93 6 8 821 8 SmithFA4 1000 8 Morheart 99 Run On 114 Wigrosc 101 101Etp Etp 2334FP j 113 ft 1910416 Pulled up CooperRG1 Allw 6 Esperanto 107Coyal05BenderFirst 108 1933 record 1 1934 record 3 Computer 1 APT Ch g 3 M by Ormont Panky by Paicmes PaicmesJune June 26 F P 38 37ft LU Trainer R Bracey Owner R Bracey BraceyJua22343FP Jua22343FP 3115 ft 6lf 110 4 2 1012 lle RenoT1 700 12 MissScotdl05Saxonnel04EmaLcc 104 104Jual8 Jual8 343FP 3 117 si 9f 107 3 2 642 981 EdwardsD12 600 12 Poppinalongl07FTomll2My Girl 107 1934 record 2 2Senator Senator Mihe 110 B 9 3 bX Drastic Petticoat Lane by Lantados LantadosL L J 17 Trainer J W Manning Owner Summit View Stable StableJia2134FP Jia2134FP 1 ° 146 ft 16f 103 3 1 44 7 SmithFA4 500 12 Discolusll3VtNotl03MorePowr 108 108Jual5344RP Jual5344RP 3 113 ft 14f 105 10 10 94 861 MeadowsF7 60012 Marechal 110FJohnll3Bt Flower 111 111Jual234RP Jual234RP Tul45 ft 18 107 7 10 11s 1022 McadowsF1 t 11 Zinita 106 Locket 105 Vonair 115 115Jua Jua 234RP 1 140 ft 10 110 6 6 6 7 Brown WT 600 7 CIovinial08HIessVderllOLward 111 111May29 May29 34RP 1 140 ft 25 105 2 5 6s 6 McadowsF2 600 8 MyBanel08LMsengerl08NnSpy 110 110May2334RP May2334RP 3 1 33 ft 32 104 6 7 712 6 MeadowsF8 1000 8 TMissournllOJustHighl09Altena 102 102Mayl9 Mayl9 345RP 3 112 ft 49 105 7 9 8 9 MeadowsF7 1200 10 Full Up 103Annarita lOOJustlligh 101 1933 record 6 1 0 0 210 1934 record 7 7Cornlliail Cornlliail 10 Ch c 3M b Coral Reef Yellow Sauce by Black Pine PineJune June 8 FP 12 55sl LUU Trainer S Ewing Owner S Ewing EwingFirst First start startWorld World Traveller 1 1 P B g 3 by Waygood Round the World by Lackford LackfordJune June 18 F P 12 52hv Trainer J M Nugent Owner Mrs J M Nugent NugentJua2534FP Jua2534FP 3 114 ft 16f 109 4 5 851 96i TildcnR6 600 12 Minnequa 107 Kyso 115 Clothtop 107 107Jua22346FP Jua22346FP 1 140 ft 25 109 5 9 8 9 RenoT 500 12 LilacBrml02KingFarol01NblcSir 112 112Juii2034FP Juii2034FP 3 114 ft 19f 115 7 7 5s 461 RenoT1 600 12 RunyBeanlOSOurBtyllOPpinalg 110 Jual2342FP 5i f 110 hy 48 109 6 5 4s 51 FryeJW 500 11 GIoptcl09Bshkova 114R Chance 104 104Jua Jua 8342FP 3 115 si 20 108 9 2 2J 8 TildcnR 500 12 Frymanl09AiifVdersn 114SoIus 114 114Jiia Jiia 2343FP 3 113 t 16 112 9 6 64 7 KnightM8 500 9 Val J 108GalIopettel08Rcnounce 103 103Mnj6342FP Mnj6342FP 5Afl07ft 10 107 9 5 51 68 DyerJ4 800 10 Mondel09FIyingDonll4Mamie D 97 1933 record 7 1 1 0 5 550 1934 record 8 0 0 0 5 10 10Claflap Claflap 110 Br 9 3 by Sun Fla9 Flitphen bV Flittergold FlittergoldJune June 23 F P 34 l18ft Trainer W R Sallee Owner J F Clark Jr JrJua2534FP Jua2534FP 3 l14ft 12 107 8 9 971 10 ManifoldH1 600 12 Minnequa 107 Kyso 115 Clothtop 107 107Jua Jua 134FP 1 1Q ft 31 106 8 7 7l ° 72 WilsonL 600 8 MtWastonll2LAmelial04Clintn 107 107May28343FP May28343FP 3114 ft 6 108 6 4 2k I3 WilsonL 800 12 EdgarBoyl08UncMitchll5Golpris 108 108May2134Dal May2134Dal 6 f 120 ft 11 105 6 5 57 7 BoucherJ 800 8 BtWinelOOExtManl05CsMeI BtWinelOOExtManl05CsMeIxly xly 105 105Mayl734Dal Mayl734Dal a i 57 ft 7 108 7 8 8 84 FryeJW4 800 8 LcySabinel03AnnVVhatl09Dr Marsll4 Marsll4May May 334Dal 3 125 hy 42 107 4 3 41 44 DronctL 1000 10 Lemonll2BnSIippers99ThistleFlit 97 97May May l347Dal 1 141 ft 5 101 3 5 5 512 KingJ 1000 9 Thelfarel06FoxieSisl06T Thclfarel06FoxieSisl06ThleGuy ricGuy 108 1933 record 1 1934 record 15 1 2 1 570 Ribs Girl 1 AC B f 3 M by Peter Hastings Rib by Dick Finnell FinnellJune June 24 F P 34 l24ft LVU Trainer F W Staton Owner M Daniels DanielsJual2342FP Jual2342FP 5 f l10hy 32 109 12 11 11111S 111S 11s2 HnandezJ8 500 12 SoncHitl09PurpleRobe 109PoIairc 114 Jua 7343FP 3 113 ft 125f 104 3 2 3s 9 DycrJ 600 11 Roselakel03MissScotdl02JdgeG 109 1934 record 2 Bright Wine WineJune 1 A FT B f 3 by Peter Hastings Wanda Pitzer by Peep o Day June 23 FP 12 49ft 49ftJua2534FP Trainer G Devov Owner J Houston Jua2534FP 3 114 ft 13 13Ja2034FP 102 765 52 EdwardsD8 600 12 Minnequa 107 Kyso 115 Clothtop 107 Ja2034FP 3 114 ft 91 91Jual534sFP 110 5 4 4i 671 StullcrDR0 500 12 RunyBeanl05OurBtyllOPp5ralg 110 Jual534sFP l 147 ft 32 32May30347FP 102 4 8 913 918 MayerJ 800 9 NoraD 109 WhoWin 105Baritone 112 May30347FP llu 146 ft 10 10May28347FP 99 111 3i CourtneyG1 700 6 MsGlace95WdTransitl02Bismck 107 May28347FP 54 1 107 ft 71 71Maj21341Dal 109 10 10 8 812 TildcnR7 800 11 Rishi 105Slip Knotl04Scout Chief 109 Maj21341Dal 6 1 120 ft 61 61Mayl4 100 2 1 I2 I4 WillhiteE8 1000 8 EtraManlOSCsMelodylOSDeeTecs 105 Mayl4 342Dal a 59 ft 11 106 2 3 2 21 CourtneyG1 1000 6 WCarmcnllOStPlaid 107ThisFly 105 1933 record 5 1934 record 13 1 1 2 600

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934062701/drf1934062701_14_2
Local Identifier: drf1934062701_14_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800