Rockingham Park, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-27

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ROCKDSlGHAM PARK SALEM N H TUESDAY JUNE 26 1934 Rockinghatn Park 1 mile Third day New Hampshire Breed ¬ ers Association Summer meeting of 31 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Presiding Steward M Nathanson Associate Steward T Thorp Steward representing New Hampshire Racing Commission C B Stickney Judges II D Monroe T Brown and J Ackerman Starter J F Milton Racing Secretary II D Monroe Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QTQQU FIRST RACE 58 Mile Silver Cord Sept 23 1933 58 6 103 Purse 800 2 Jy A LXylL yearolds Maidens Special weights Net value to winner 600 second 125 third June2634Rkm 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquir Odds Strt JIME FLIGHT w 115 10 2 1s CurranW Miss M Krug 1230lOQ 94172 LOVE LOST w wll2 112 9 3 41 31 34 2 RobtsonA Mrs J H Whitney 1150100 97342 SUN ANTIOCH w wl5 115 8 1 34 24 2 31 Walls W S Kilmer 255100 25510093863LEGUME 93863LEGUME wu wu15 115 6 610 10 61 54 4 41 SimpsonR Breckenridge Long 2005100 20051009S788FAKE 9S788 9S788FAKE FAKE w 112 1121 1 7 82 64 54 5 HainesG Mrs W R Fleming 195100 93863 BUY STRAIGHT wl2 3 4 51 T 6 65 PolcrsM Merryland Farms Stable 1120 100 97187 WAX wl5 48 10 10 7k 74 HughesH W N Adrains 820100 93533 RANCHERO w 115 2 9 9k 8410 81 BurkoJH G L Stryker 5780100 94931 RADIATOR w 115 5 6 7 92 9 9i WattorsC PA Shaw 6835100 9381 93818OUR 8OUR TIME WB 112 75 25 45 82 10 Elslonll Mrs M L Fowble 1205100 1205100Tim Tim 23 46 1OOJ6 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TIME FLIGHT 2660 2720 1280 1230 100 1260 100 540 100 100LOVE LOVE LOST 1130 620 465 100 210 100 100SUN SUN ANTIOCH 400 100 100 100Winner Winner Ch c by Flight of Time Cherry Lane by North Star III trained by A G Marchant bred by Regan Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 232 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second end third the same TIME FLIGHT hustled to the front at once drew clear and won handily LOVE LOST held on gamely after being close up alt the way SUN ANTIOCH moved up gamely leaving the back stretch LEGUME closed a gap FAKE was shuffled back at the start and was in close quarters for a quarter but finished well when clear WAX closed a gap in the final quarter OUR TIME quit dP7QC SECOND RACE 53 Mile Silver Cord Sept 23 1933 53 6 103 PurseSSOO 2 thirdJune2634Rkm iJ 6 yy4J yearolds Maidens Special veights Net value to winner 600 second 125 third June2634Rkm 50 fourth 25 I tides Horses 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 97109 CANDIMATE WB 115 4 2 44 3k 25 lrt SchaeferL H T Archibald 160100 96809 JUDGE BLAKE w 115 29 8l 55 3 25 RobtsonA G L Hamilton 975100 97258 BOBBY BUXTON WB 115 8 6 14 la I2 32 HughesH D Runyon 725100 94360 PETEE BLUE wl5 54 3l 2k 44 43 WallsP H L Strauss 3085100 308510094043STROLLING 94043STROLLING MISS wa 113 68 6 62 535 54 SimpsonR C T Grayson 465100 94931 GAY BLADE WB 115 3 7 75 8J 64 65 BurkeJH S W Labrot 1225100 97381 HIGH FINANCE WB 115 1 3 25 41 71 75 AllenCE 0 L Foster 830100 97842 YENOOR WB 115 75 999 84 SaundersW G Rooney 2590100 97343 HOME LOAN w 115 9 1 5 5k k 74 8l 9 PetersM A A Baroni 1060100 1060100Time Time 234 47 101 Track fast r52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CANDIMATE 520 420 290 160 100 110 100 45 100 100JUDGE JUDGE BLAKE 760 560 280 100 180 100 BOBBY 100BOBBY BUXTON 380 90 100 100Winner Winner B c by Westy Hogan Candy May by Wormloighton trained by G L Arvin bred by Mr H T Archibald WENT TO POST 305 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCANDIMATE CANDIMATE close to the pace on the inside leaving the back stretch went to the outside in the stretch and wearing down the leaders hold JUDGE BLAKE safe The latter slow to start closd fast in the final quarter BOBBY BUXTON drew into a long lead but tired in the drive PETEE BLUE held on well STROLLING MISS shuffled back at the start finished gamely HIGH FINANCE tired after showing early speed HOME LOAN outbroke the others but dropped back after threesixteenths threesixteenthsScratched Scratched 93184 Rock Spray 115 Orifice 115 Overweight Strolling Miss 1 pound QrJCIQQ THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Bonanza Sept 23 1933 104 2 116 Purse S8GO 125June2634Rkm is A tr L 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 June2634Rkm third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for 1000 allowed 5 Ibs Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fjn Jockeys 97438 PRECIOUS LITTLE WB 4 112 6 1 35 24 I2 I2 YowellE T S Young 0694 PHARA w 4 112 7 5 42 42 35 25 NapoIiH Mrs E Brady 1500100 7145 SECULAR w3105 4 3 5l 55 4h 3 HaincsG E B Townsond 770100 7841 RETRIBUTION ws 3 103 1 8 888 41 ReidR B Long 1195100 11951007736EUIE 7736EUIE WB 3 99 5 6 6 6a 65 55 LynchJ Flying Horse Farm Stable 1070100 10701004423MORVVAY 4423MORVVAY WB 3 9712 2 1 35 5Ik 65 PctersM W H Gallagher 120100 120100COOTE COOTE HILL WSB 3 110 3 7 75 75 75 74 MalearT Mrs F Rossiter 4160100 4160100JESS JESS w 3 110 8 4 2 15 21 8 AllenCE L Strauss 705100 705100Time Time 24J 47 108 Trask fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PRECIOUS LITTLE 1150 600 400 475 100 200 100 100 100 100PHARA 100SECULAR PHARA 2140 900 970 100 350 100 SECULAR 100Winner 530 165 100 Winner Ch c by Carlaris My Pet by Sir Barton or St Henry trained by W G Merion bred by Audley Farm Winner entered to be claimed ior 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 336 AT POST 6 minutes Start drivingPRECIOUS good and slow Won easily second and third driving PRECIOUS LITTLE away fast and restrained when MORWAY took command took the lead with a rush and drew away PHARA closed resolutely in the final quarter SECULAR away fast dropped back in the first quarter then moved up gamely RETRIBUTION Jar back early closed with a rush MORWAY tired JESS quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 88265 Hogafis Folly 95 95Overweight Overweight Phara 5 pounds Retribution 3 Edie 4 Morway 2 Jess 5 QrJQQzi FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Bonanza Sept 23 1933 1042 2 116 Purse 600June2634Rkm i oo 5800 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 600 June2634Rkm second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for 1000 allowed 5 Ibs Index Horses EqtJL WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners KqulT Oddi Strt NOBLE SPIRIT w 3 106 46 4 32 35 I1 SaundersW C T Grayson 2315100 84448GAY 231510084448GAY BANNER w3 95 62 1J I4 I1 22 MaschekF E B Fiske 1425100 90904MAYVITE 142510090904MAYVITE w4102 5 7 55 5 4J5 325 HelmM H T Archibald 875100 96019 KHAMAIN w3100 35 24 24 2l 4l PetersM Mrs J H Whitney 100100 97841 EMPLOYMENT w 3 99 7 3 3Ik 4k 525 55 LynchJ Miss M Powers 2005100 88930SWINLANE 200510088930SWINLANE w 3 103 9 1 61 62 64 6 HughesH H Kitt 1135100 113510096931CANTERCHORD 96931CANTERCHORD WB 3 1015 2 9 75 7J 74 74 YowellE R B Archer 430100 97293MIGRATORY 43010097293MIGRATORY w 3 105 1 8 99 84 85 SnyderW G S Harrison Jr 4910100 90665 BRIZETTE w4107 84 81 84 9 9 HainesG Mrs J M Black 1250100 Time 23 47 107 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS NOBLE 100GAY SPIRIT 4830 2680 1250 2315 100 1240 100 525 100 100MAYVITE GAY BANNER 1780 980 790 10C 390 100 MAYVITE 520 160 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Bright Knight Modification by High Time trained by M Smart bred by Mr C T Grayson Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 4io AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same NOBLE SPIRIT moved up steadily on the outside in the stretch and overtaking GAY BANNER in the last sixteenth won going away The latter tired after opening up a good lead MAYVITE saved ground and held on gamely KHAMAIN tired in the last eighth EMPLOYMENT quit The others were not factors Overweight Noble Spirit 1 pound Employment 4 Swinlane 3 Cantcrchord 1 Migratory 5 OrTQOK FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Dark Hope July 1 1933 137 4 108 Salem Purse Purse AJrnrL 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 750 second 5150 June2634Rkm third 75 fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 Index Horses BqtlA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners BtuiT OddsStrt 97845OUT BOUND WB 6 117 2 3 I1 I1 14 I2 1s AllenCE Mrs A R Smith 465 100 940492VOTE Smith940492VOTE WB 4 110 75 34 2 2ak 225 225 SaundersW M S Boyd 2360100 Boyd97846MISS 97846MISS MOROCCO w 5 107 9 6 2k 31 325 3 3 3k ° k MaschekF Mrs R T Flippen 695100 969622PRINCE Flippen969622PRINCE TOKALON WB 7 108 4 9 8s 6l 72 425 4 HelmM J W Walter Jr 1400100 97846VESTED Jr97846VESTED POWER WB 4 108 8 7 44 44 42 51 5 PetersM W II Gallagher 795100 96969OLD Gallagher96969OLD JUDGE WB WB4117 4 117 3 2 64 5lk 5lk 6 6 DupuyJ Riley Meeker 2060100 96458PENNYWISE Meeker96458PENNYWISE WB5113 6 4 5lk 85 65 75 75 BurkeJH C J Meister 370100 94049FRIEND 37010094049FRIEND WHITE Y WB 4 108 5 8 7l 75 84 82 8s SnyderW G L Goodacre 2810100 97323INTEGRITY 281010097323INTEGRITY WB 5 112 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 HughesH B B Stable 235100 235100Time Time 23 48 113 139 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100VOTE OUTBOUND 1130 730 450 465 100 265 100 125 100 VOTE 100MISS 1910 780 855 100 290 100 MISS MOROCCO 450 125 100 Winner 100Winner B h by Luke McLuke In Bounds Fair by Play trained by 0 L Foster bred by Mrs J Hertz Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 WENT TO POST 541 AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same OUT sameOUT BOUND outran his field to the first turn was steadied along in front under slight restraint and won with speed in reserve VOTE well placed from the start and m closest attendance of the held i j 1MI5S MOROCCO was a forward factor throughout but was unable to improve pace her position on 3 TOKALON worked his way up gradually and saving ground in the stretch going wasgoing stoutly at the finish VESTED POWER well up all the way showed a good effort PENNYWISE was was never able to reach serious contention and can do better INTEGRITY broke fast but dropped far of it throughoutScratched and trailed throughout out Scratched 94364Ilchester 110 96535MachiIla 113 Continued on twentyfirst page ROCKINGHAM PARK Continued from thirtetnth page Or7QQ J SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Gold Step Sept 26 1933 110 6 112 Purse 800 3 thirdJune2634Rkm J Q JJ9 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third June2634Rkm 559 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin ockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 92299CABOUSE WB 3 100 2 4 497845DORNOCH 2k P Pi PI PctersM H H Bowman BowmanWB 145100 97845DORNOCH WB 5 113 8 83 3 5nk 35 3 = 1 21 WeirF Miss L C White Whitew 880100 87888 GRACE BLOTTER w 4 110 9 1 1SSSSSTEXAS P 23 2 54 RobtsnA F Spatola SpatolaWB 1885100 SSSSSTEXAS TOMMY WB 3 110 11 2 33 4 5 P BattistaJ F J Kearns KearnsWB3105 370100 97841 FRONT WB WB3105 3 105 1 15 5 4 51 4Ik 5 HainesG Mrs J H Whitney WhitneyWB 590100 89485 PIECEMEAL WB wB5108 5 108 7 79 9 81 71 61 6i SndcrsW Mrs G R Allen 3195100 94361 MEETING PLACE WB 5 113 5 6 64 61 71 71 MartmR R J Maguire 4755100 94300LAURETTA NASH WB 3 95 4 11 104 93 9s 8 MaschekF Miss M Knessi 1335100 97841FLASHING THRU w 4 113 3 7 71 84 81 9s ChanovcL T J DeSord 2850100 83953KINNEAR WB 4 108 10 10 11 11 11 101U Ham ton J C W Phclan 11665100 97841 ALCORAH w 3 105 68 9W 102 11 HughesH CampBell Stable 2905100 2905100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS v CABOUSE 100DORNOCH 490 440 390 145 100 120 100 95 100 DORNOCH 680 480 240 100 140 100 100GRACE GRACE BLOTTER 560 180 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Baigneur Niobe by Uncle trained by J Edwards bred by Mr H P Headley Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 512 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start easilyCABOUSE good and slow Won handily second and third easily CABOUSE sent up fast in the first quarter and steadied along close to GRACE BLOTTER took com ¬ mand before reaching the stretch then drew away DORNOCH improved his position and closed resolutely GRACE BLOTTER had the most early speed TEXAS TOMMY raced close up throughout PIECEMEAL closed factorsScratched a big gap FRONT saved ground The others were not factors Scratched 94780 Lerack 118 118Overweight Overweight Grace Blotter 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Flashing Thru 113 OrrOOrT SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles Sweeping Light Sept 23 1933 149 4 110 Purse June2634Rkm i oV lrr 5800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 tnird 550 fourtn 525 claiming price 1000 Index Horses BqtA WtlPSt 4 V3 Str Kin cokey QIIT Odds Strt 978452BELOW 11010097845HIGH COST WB 4 113 3 2 24 P P P P MaschekF Mrs R T Flippcn 110100 97845HIGH SOCKS WB 5 109 2 4 51 54 43 31 2 HughesH R Curran 580100 97847 AXENTEA WB 4 114 7 5 3k 3 21 2ll 31 CruzH J B Belk 585100 58510097845MATHIAS 97845MATHIAS WB 3 103 4 3 42 4k 7 4 421 ReidC P A Shaw 3260100 3260100969902ZEMBLA 969902ZEMBLA w 5 108 6 6 7 7 51 5 5 SnyderW Miss B Bowman 430100 43010097845MISS 97845MISS GLACE w 3 99 5 7 6 61 63 6s 64 HclmM W C Reichert 1100100 90001 MARYS MAY w 4 111 1 1 P 21 3 7 7 AllenCE Mrs P Madeira 2105100 Time 2105100Time 24J 48 113 140 152 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BELOW 100HIGH COST 420 300 260 110 100 50 100 30 100 100AXENTEA HIGH SOCKS 480 340 140 100 70 100 AXENTEA 310 55 100 Winner 100Winner B c by Bubbling Over Belittin by Black Toney trained by T Flippen bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 547 AT POST 1 minute drivingBELOW Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BELOW COST steadied along in close attendance of MARYS MAY until straightened out on the back stretch took command when called on drew out steadily and roused several times nearing the stretch drew away in the closing eighth HICK SOCKS reserved for the first threequarters moved around on the outside and closed gamely AXENTEA under restraint early moved up steadily and weakened slightly in the last sixteenth MATHIAS faltered in the last threeeighths MARYS MAY quit badly after she showed early speed speedScratched Scratched 97847 Steelhead 105 972403Boocap 113 96592 Lawless Lady 104 97410 Horatio Hurfi 100 97526 Banners Flying 105 97930 Solace 109 Overweight Mathias 3 pounds Marys May 2 Corrected weight Miss Glace 99 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ROCKINGHAM PARK Tuesday 3 Races 17460 5 Races 34950 7 Races 40150

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Local Identifier: drf1934062701_13_2
Library of Congress Record: