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OFFICIALS FOR SYRACUSE List of Men to Preside Over TenDay Meeting Opening July 4 An ¬ nounced by Dandurand SYRACUSE N Y June 26 President Leo Dandurand of the New York State Fair Grounds has announced officials for the tenday meeting starting July 4 subject to approval of the State Racing Commission Thomas C Bradley John O Day and a representative appointed bythe New York Commission will be the stewards Cliff Abbo Bob Kenefick and Tommy Gorman will be the judges Gorman will also serve as rac ¬ ing secretary G R Wingfield will be the starter Frank Hawley will be custodian of the jockeys room and Dr Dooling will be the veterinarian of the grounds groundsThe The appi ntment of Thomas C Bradley meets popular approval as he is a veteran in the racing game and has served as stew ¬ ard at many of the leading tracks of the country including Churchill Downs Fair mount Jefferson Park Tampa Downs Dade Park and all Chicago tracks excepting Ar ¬ lington Downs DownsBradley Bradley is well known as a breeder as well as an official He has bred many good horses his best being Wise Counsellor He also has a political background having been mayor of Lexington Ky for several terms and sheriff of Fayette County several times When not associated with racing and poli ¬ tics Bradley is engaged in the banking business businessThe The other officials are also well known knownHorses Horses are arriving daily from all points but one of the biggest shipments will be next Monday from Fairmount Park Presi ¬ dent Dandurand was notified that six cars of horses now at Fairmount Park would leave on a special express train Sunday morning at 1030 oclock arriving here Monday afternoon afternoonFrank Frank Seremba with seventeen including Zekiel and Aunt Marie B Hernandez with ten including Malolo and Altmark Mrs E K Bryson with eight Vic Gallo with five J Molay with six P Sanford with six A K Miller with six M Allen with five and E Shipp R Scoville and M Liv ¬ ingston with four horses each are among the owners who will come here from Fair mount mountFrom From the same point many leading riders will also move to Syracuse including Hank Manifold leading jockey of the Fairmount meeting Joe Dyer second in the standings Melvin Knight Tracey Reno J Hernandez and R Tilden