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HAMILTON Ont J The Daily Double on the Winners of the First and Third Races I at Hamilton Tuesday Paid 4370 for 2 HAMILTON ONT TUESDAY JUNE 26 1934 Hamilton 1 116 miles 68 feet First day Hamilton Jockey Club First summer meeting of 7 days Starts from barrier Weather clear Steward representing the Canadian Racing Associations D S Gillies Stewards of Meeting Col Gordon J Henderson and J P Turner Judges J A Thompson P L Ciceri and D Boyle Starter T Rows Racing Secretary J P Turner Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance ot each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds CkGffeT FIRST RACE B 12 Furlongs out of chute Khorasan June 30 1932 117 4 113 secondJune2634Ham 3rOv A Purse S700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second June2634Ham 100 third 50 fourth 25 EqOA WtlPSt Str Kin Jockrys Owners Ejuiv Oclils Strt 97533 REVONAH WB 4 110 5 1 I1 I1 I1 1J 11 Ericksonll A Hullcoat 135 100 10097G56 97G56 TULLIHOO WB 3 100 7 4 21 2s 22 2 2k k 2k WallN E F Seagram 520100 52010097721CANNY 97721CANNY SCOT w 3 1091 2 2 31 31 31 33 3 PruchkiG L Clous 1130100 97873 BUBBLING OUT w 6 112 6 3 41 4k 4Z 4 4 MannF Four Ls Stable 785100 78510094853FLYING 94853FLYING HOME w 5 103 1 6 51 51 51 5 5J McLarcnJ W C Weant 250100 250100S7517 S7517 GIFT ROMAN WB 3 104 4 7 7 61 62 6l 61 VercherT S H Sloan 5580100 558010097874IALTSHEB 97874IALTSHEB WB 6 110 3 5 61 7 7 7 7 BarnesE J Sullivan 1660100 Time 23 47s 113 119 Track good 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 ODD8REVONAH REVONAH 470 310 240 135 100 55 100 20 100 100TULLIHOO TULLIHOO 380 300 90 100 50 100 100CANNY CANNY SCOT 395 97J 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Transmute Circus Girl by Peter Quince trained by A Hullcoat bred by Mr D E Holeman Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 232 OFF AT ONCE Start cood and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingREVONAH REVONAH rushed to the front at once and rated alone easily held TULLIHOO safe The latter moved up on the far turn but tired in the drive CANNY SCOT closed gamely BUBBLING OUT showed speed to midway of the stretch The others were outrun outrunScratched Scratched 97791Stormer 110 97002 Uppity 108 97790 Flying Heels II 106 106Overweight Overweight Canny Scot 2 pounds Bubbling Out 2 QQA C SECOND RACE 6 12 Furlongs out of chute Khorasan June 30 1932 117 4 525June2634Ham H H30 Pursa 5700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 June2634Ham second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses E jtA WtPlSt V4 Vx Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 96922 MAEBEE v 4 1031 85 42 22 22 ll RemilrdP G W Brown 835100 97584 MELOY v 4 110 3 2 I1 I1 11 2 WatsonR J E Smallman 420100 97874 CRAIGCO B5110 6 4 3 521 51 31 PruchkiG L Clous 715100 715100978752MERIDIAN 978752MERIDIAN QUEEN v 8 113 53 5 61 7J 42 FodcnN R E Leslie 170100 17010094783MUDGE 94783MUDGE PEAK B 5 105 4 7 61 4 3 5 HaywardR W C Weant 2310100 97445 HOURSEND B 3 100 2 6 8 75 61 62 WallN A Hullcoat 1760100 1760100977915FEDERAL 977915FEDERAL RESERVE B 7 1121 71 21 3 41 7J MannF Four Ls Stable 375100 37510097526CUDGELDOE 97526CUDGELDOE w 5 1061 18 7 8 8 8 BarntsE R Brownlce 2080100 2080100Time Time 23 48 1133 120 Track good 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MAEEEE 1370 1050 580 835 100 425 100 190 100 100MELOY MELOY 645 520 222 100 160 100 100CRAIGCO CRAIGCO 5EO 180 100 100Winner Winner B f by The Porter Lady Pike by Sir Barton trained by F Higgins bred by Mr E B Mc ¬ Lean Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 307 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMAEBEE MAEBEE moved up on the far turn raced on even terms with the pacemaker in the stretch and drew away under pressure in the final twentv yards MELOY sprinted to the front at once set a fast pace raced FEDERAL RESERVE into defeat but could not hold the winner CRAIGCO far back for five eighths fin ¬ ished wiTTi a rush MERIDIAN QUEEN also made up much ground FEDERAL RESERVE quit badly after forcing the early pace paceScratched Scratched 977903Photograph 106 106Overweight Overweight Maebee 2g pounds Federal Reserve lj Cudgeldoe 3 QQA A THIRD RACE 6 12 Furlongs cut of chute Khorasan June 30 1932 117 4 ClaimingJune2634Ham tOvfi t 113 Mount Hope Purse Purse 600 3yearolds Foaled in Canada Claiming June2634Ham Net value to winner 450 second 75 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A wtrrst KIJIIIT Ucltis Slrt 96838 ARBRANCH w 1061 2 6 3 = 1 34 11 1 BarnesE C M Withers 485100 97871 GLAZE VB 104 5 5 6 6 5B 23 SmithCW G W Lucas 310100 96454 SLEAFORD WB 103 42 22 lk 21 3J HicklingA W H Wright 670100 6701008622S 8622S LOITER w 106 13 52 52 41 44 McLarcnJ C S Mitchell 3640100 3640100975123IRISH 975123IRISH KID WB 109 3 4 lu 21 32 54 WallN E F Seagram 75100 96838 KID RACK WB 1051 61 4s 41 6 6 MadeleyF A L Wynston Jr 8740100 8740100Time Time 24 49 114 121 Track slow 52 KUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ARBRANCH 1170 445 500 485 100 122 100 150 100 100GLAZE GLAZE 415 290 107 100 45 100 100SLEAFORD SLEAFORD 480 140 100 100Winner Winner B g by Arlcsian Spring Branch by First Sight trained by C P Rickard bred by Mr H M Stewart Winner entered to be claimed for 1 250 250WENT WENT TO POST 339 1 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameARBRANCH ARBRANCH was taken to the outside and overtaking the leaders with a rush swerved ovef while draw ¬ ing away but outlasted GLAZE The latter came through next to the rail at the head of the stretch and closed gamely SLEAFORD took the lead when IRISH KID tired then quit in the final quarter LOITER closed a gap IRISH KID began fast but tired tiredScratched Scratched 96838Sam Worthy 109 94067 Ruskit 109 96923 Kinsswood 105 97582 Purple Gold 104 Overweight Arbranch 2 pounds Glaze 1 Sleaford 1 Loiter 2 Kid Rack 1 QO KTI K FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles Clotho Aug 7 1933 144 4 113 Purse 700 3 secondJune2634Ham Hrr yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Selling Net value to winner 525 second June2634Ham 100 third 350 fourth 25 95757YOUNG KITTY w 9 115 74 I1 I1 Il 1i I1 WallN E F Seagram SeagramWB7109 305100 97238 PAT GAIETY WB7109 8 7 6k 8 8 61 2 FodenN W I Newmarch Newmarchw 600100 97722JUNIAM w 4 115 2 2 32 2 3 31 31 WatsonR J E Smallman 595 100 974463ROYAL VINTAGE WB 4 115 68 21 3 21 21 41 TownrowR M J Sansone 1425100 968423P RIGID FROSTY w5114 5 6 7rt 6k 61 5 51 FordJ C Cox 2190100 219010097238HAPPY 97238HAPPY HOPES w 4 112 1 3 51 51 5k 4 6 MannF R S McLaughlin 335100 33510096757QUATRA 96757QUATRA BRAS w 7 114 3 1 4 73 72 71 7s BarnesE T II Cochenour 405100 96757 BETHANKFUL wu41124 584 41 8 8 McLarcnJ Mountain Rose Stable 2080100 Time 24 49 115 142 149 Track slow 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS YOUNG KITTY 810 520 370 305 100 160 100 85 100 100PAT PAT GAIETY 630 360 215 100 80 100 100JUNIAM JUNIAM 395 97J 100 100Winner Winner Br m by Old Koenig Gallant Kitty by Havoc or Galatine trained by J Thorpe bred by Seagram Stable Winner entered to be claimed for 1800 1800WENT WENT TO POST 415 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start drivingYOUNG good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving YOUNG KITTY rushed to the front going to the first turn set the pace and outlasted PAT GAIETY The latter slow to get going and far back for threequarters closed fastest JUNIAM shook off ROYAL VINTAGE after seven eighths but tired at the end ROYAL VINTAGE had no mishaps FRIGID FROSTY showed flashes of speed QUATRA BRAS lacked speed OQ A f FIFTH RACE1 116 Miles Clotho Aug 7 1933144 4113 Canadian Derby toJune2634Ham i oe oeAj Aj Handicap 1500 added 3yearolds and upward Canadian owned Net value to June2634Ham winner 51150 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index HoiKjs Wn t A WiilSt V i i sit Kin lukMv Owners l iuiv llilils strt 97162 SHADY WELL WB 5 107 5555 3 21 I4 WallN E F Seagram 325100 32510097239STEAL1NGAWAY 97239STEAL1NGAWAY w 4 104 4 3 1 I2 1s 11 23 VercherT Mrs N Ray 170100 97007HOKUAO 17010097007HOKUAO WB 5 116 2 2 31 2 2 3b 36 MannF W I Newmarch 150100 97C06 15010097C06 CROFTER w 4 106 3 4 41 41 43 4s 4J BarnesE D Raymond 1075100 97C07 107510097C07 MISS MONOA w 4 103 1 1 Zl 3J 5 5 5 SmilhCW Stuart Stable 1790100 Time 24 48 114 140 147 Track slow T52 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB SHADY WELL 850 360 225 325100 80100 124 100 STEALINGAWAY 100STEALINGAWAY HOKUAO poHOKUAO 400 235 1oS100 po 220 10 100 Winner 100Winner B m by Purple Shade The Wishing Well by Viceroy trained by J Thorpe bred by Seagram SeagramWENT WENT TO POST457J AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second xand third the same sameSHADY SHADY WELL closed with a rush when called upon and overtaking the leader in the stretch wnn drawing out STEALINGAWAY shook off MISS MONOA in the first half mile then opened up a clear lead but was not good enough HOKUAO responded gamely but tired under his impost CROFTER TICU could coma not not3c nnt improve his position MISS MONOA showed early speed 3c tchtd 97162 Crout au Pot 108 96458 Khorasan 122 97239 Finalist 104 96137 Sun Abbot 99 99Overweight Overweight Miss Monoa 5 pounds June2634Ham second 75 third 50 fourth 25 Equlr Odds Strt 977223CRAP SHOOTER WB4117 6 7 51 3 2l 1 1 PruchkiG L Clous 120100 96758PLAIN BEN WB 5 113 5 3 I1 I1 31 31 2k FordJ A Hullcoat HullcoatWB 495100 97721 DARKSINI WB 6 113 75 31 4 1 21 31 RemilrdP Mrs J Badame 700100 Continued on twentyfirst page HAMILTON Out OutContinued Continued from seventeenth page 971 633BLUE DAMSEL WB 5 115 247 6l 42 41 4s FisherRJ Miss M Waterman 545100 97877GEORGE 54510097877GEORGE DE MAR w 12 113 4 6 61 7 6l 62 51 McLarenJ C S Mitchell 950100 97722 ARCHWOOD WSB 4 110 3 1 21 21 5 51 61 BarnesE Royal Stable 3080100 97877 SIR BYRON 810100Time w 6 113 1 2 4 5l 7 7 7 WatsonR R E Leslie 810100 Time 24 49 115 143 149 Track slow 12 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CRAP 100PLAIN SHOOTER 440 415 270 120 100 107 100 35 100 100DARKSINI PLAIN BEN 540 335 170 100 674 100 DARKSINI 310 55 100 Winner 100Winner B c by The Porter Surplice by Fair Play trained by L Clous bred by Mr E B McLean Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 533 AT POST 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same CRAP sameCRAP SHOOTER took the lead midway of the stretch when PLAIN BEN was taken back and held on gamely PLAIN BEN set a fast pace for half a mile but was not good enough in the drive DARKSINI forced the pace BLUE DAMSEL was shuffled bark early ARCHVVOOD tired Scratched 97241 Fort Dearborn 113 OQ Af 55 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile turf course Lunetta June 27 1924 138 7 112 June2634Ham T7 Hrr Purse 5600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 75 third 50 fourth 25 EVtA WtlPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys BliiU Odds Strt 97517 LACE SHAWL WB 5 108 22 2i 21 21 2l 121 BarnesE W F Morrissey MorrisseyWB 6030100 978772BYLONA WB 5 117 5 4 31 3k 31 3J1 21 RemilrdP Mrs J Badame Badamew5105 370100 97876 GIFT 0 GAB w5105 6 8 7 62 6s 51 3l VorchcrT S H Sloan Sloanw 7000100 976562MRS FOSTER w 7 111 9 9 9 9 9 9 4k McLarenJ M Keeling Keelingws8103 660100 97447 LINDSAY ws8103 1 3 8s 8 82 71 5s WallN H Dirks Dirksw 2790100 97877 SWAGGER STICK w 4 113 4 1 61 T 71 8l 61 SniderA C M Henderson HendersonWB 1590100 97655 UNCOVERED UNCOVERED97002RELATIVITY WB 5 113 8 6 5 51 51 41 7J Ericksonll A Hullcoat 335100 97002RELATIVITY w3 94 774 4 4 6k 81 BlackH R S McLaughlin 630100 96837CALCHAS w4111 3 5 I1 I1 1 I1 9 AimersT G Hardy 225100 Time 24 49 11 4 142 Track slow 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB LACE SHAWL 12260 4695 1670 6030 100 22471 100 735 100 BYLONA 152 100 75 100 GIFT 0 GAB 650 100 Winner B m by Spanish Prince II Melila by Friar Rock trained by W F Morrissey bred by Himyar Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 609i AT POST 7i minutes minutesStart Start drivingLACE good and slow Won easily second and third driving LACE SHAWL took command in the stretch and easily held BYLONA safe The latter went wide into the stretch and came again GIFT 0 GAB raced well for threequarters MRS FOSTER finished fastest CALCHAS quit after seveneighths