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ROCKINGHAM PARK SALEM, N. H., TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1934.— Rockingham Park 1 mile. Ninth day. New Hampshire Breeders Association. Summer meeting of 31 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, -M. Nathanson. Associate Stewards, T. Thorpe and H. G. Reynolds. Steward representing New Hampshire Racing Commission, C. B. Stickney. Judges, H. D. Monroe, T. Brown and i. Acker-man. Starter, J. F. Milton. Racing Secretary, H. D. Monroe. • Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. QOQQQ FIRST RACE— 5 4-2 FurJongs. Bonanza, .Sept. 23, 1933— 1:04%— 2—116. Purse 44. aOOuo 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value, to winner 00; second, 25; third, July-3-34-Rkm $; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,004. IiKlex Horse* Eq"t A Wt PP8t V* VI 8tr rin Jot-key* Owner* fcunlT. OSd* Strt 97984 KHAMAtN , w 3 100? 8 2 34 l* 1« HainesG Mrs J H Whifney WV® 94MVREIGH ROSE * w39827 It I» JP *? PetersM H T Archibald affSjOO 98140 TWIDGETS wb 3 1C5 4 6 5* 343s 3* SageP Mrs F M Watts 560100 97VI4*P0RTF0LI0 wb 3 104 3 9 10 10 7* 4 HughesH B B Stable. "205 100 94,l NEWTON BELLE w 4 107 9 5 81 T 41 5 PikorL Mrs A G Marchant 1560-100 97159EMMY FISH wb 4 111 7 4 64 6* 51 6* SaundersW Mrs R H Heighe 2665100 97JT94 CANTERCHORD w3 99 X 8 . 4*5*81 7* MaschekE R B Archer / 2675100 97993*PRECIOUS LITTLE wb 4 111 6 10 7* 94 94 , 84 WejrF! T S Young 365100 98139 HOGANS FOLLY w 3 1031 5 3 2* 4l 61 9* BakerFJ Miss T Donnellon 6635100 97994 ALCORAH wb 3 111 10 1 9* 8* 10 10 ParkeM Miss A Doris 9425100 Time, :23J£, :46%, 1:47. Track fast. ,-■ . ...*.» v * , XVTTTELS *AII* — , , OFFICIAL BOOKIMG ODDS . KHAMAIN. ....... .........: ;24 .60 .10 344-104 144—144 105-04 .REICH ROSE a WJ50 4.90 77*- -144 345—100 TWIDGETS «-20 114*t1M Winner— Ch. f ,, by Infinite— Cambodia, by Carcpfire trained by W. J. Norton; bred by Mr., J. H. Whitney ]. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. • , . . . WENT TO POST— 234. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good andslow. Won driving; second and third the same. KHAMAIN forced... the. pace, and .took, the ••ad in th« stretph and .outlasted REIGH ROSE in a hard stretch dpel... The jatter . took, Ue lead. at once and held on tenaciously. TWJDGETS finished well. PORTFOLIO closed fast. NEWTON BELLE worked ber way up gradually. CANTERCHORD tired after three eighths. PRECIOUS LITTLE was shuffled back at the start. , . .•?■■* Scratched— 979341 J usta Peak, 111; 89700 Lady Buck, ,104 ;; 97994 Migratpry, 99. Overweight— Khamain, li pounds; Rcigh Rose, 4; Twidgets, 1; Newton Belle, ,1; Hogans Folly, 4i; Alcorah, 2. "• . . , . • VftQQQ .SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Booanr*, Sejtt. 23, 1933T-t«4%r-2— lit Purst 00. **andand*? Jl» 1 3-year-olds and .upward, Claiminf. Net value to winner. 00; second,- 25; tfird, "July-3-34-Rkm j. ourth 5. Claiming .price, ,644s if for ,254, allpwed 4 lbs. index Hor*e* KqtAWtPPSt 34 *k Mr rin Jockey* Owner* Bqnlv. Odd* Strt • r 8 f ! • I „ __ "• "* - ! — — f-rr — : -. : — ■ 97933»PLAYING ON w 4 107 7 2 2* 31 24 1* BakerFJ Miss M West . . 49jl00 , 9447rWISE COUNT w5 107,1 1 11 1* P 2" PetersM . . F Spatola ■■ , .1TO100 9799«*CABOUSE w3104 5*10 84 6*5* 3" Lynchj .", Jf H Bowman 845100 r98244*TPOLYFON -: . wb 7 107 4 9 ,7* 8* 3* 41 KiogT . JD Mikel ...... .6100 98t41*WILROB • ■* W»3100 6 5 6* 5* 64 54 HahfordC Jersey. Stable. gfjlylOO 98244 THE HEATHEN Vb 10 112 6 8 51 41 7* 64AUenCE, J W Walter Jr . miOO 94144*LIBERTY OAK wb 3 104 2 6 "* 9* 9» 8" Tl HelmM T F Swords l24*5a0O ■ 98f42 WHITE BIRD wb 3 105 10, 3l 2 4* 81 HainesG Mrs J H Whitney 2720-100 98204MAZAGE wb6111 3 T: 41 7* f 91* SageF C E Parneai . .1455:100 " 94242 AMBOLA w 4 107 9 7 10 10 10 10 RollinsC .Mrs H T Parker, 9780100 * • TimV, :tiys, :44%, 1:04%. Track fast. •••: —52 MVTtTELB FJHlX — f , — OFFICIAL BOOKHie ODDS . PLAYING OW 1.94 $ 5.24 $ 3 94 495—194 160-144 95—109 WISE COUNT ;...«; ».. .».54 : ?A14 75-1H - 48— 140 CABOUSE.,..- * • 4-94 94V1M . -Winner— Ch. f, by Sweep On— Playing. High, by High Cloud trained by V. Oden ; bred bjr Mr. H« B. -Scott. - Winner entered, to -be .claimed for ,500. , - .;, A- ►:* 1 " WENT TO POST— 3:05. AT POST— 3i minutes. ,- , . - Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. -: PLAYING ON saved ground in the stretch and, wearing down the leaders, won going away. WISE COUNT, disposed of WHITE, BIRD and hold on resolutely. CABOUSE was forced, to work his way up in th* first three. eighths, then went to the. outside. and finished with a rush. POLYFQN finished gamely. WIL-SOB was in close quarters early. THE HEATHEN was never prominent., WHITE BIRD tired badly in the drive. JAZ AGE tired. - - ■ .: »" -r , . :..;■:; Soratchod— 98L41Jlnformal, 95; 96150»Marger 100; 98074 Chain, 107. , ., .: - QfiiAA THIRD RACE-3-4 Mile., Gold Step, Sept. 24, 1933— 1:10i-4-r112. Purse 44. 4-oOtIW year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 44; second, 25; third, . July-3-34 Rkm . 4; ourthi: 5.: Clatmjn* price, 04. , 13 - , Index Hone* BqtAWtPP8t * % W Fm J or key* Owner* Bqalv. Odds Strt S8974s*BROWN WISDOM wb 9 108 12 1 1** V V I1 SageP A Bartelstein . . 180100 98070 WATERSET wb 3 100 8 6 4* 2 21 2» HainesG Mrs J M Black 1045-100 98269 VACILLATE w» 7 113 3 7 54 41 3* 34 SaundersW Miss L C White 1 6»V100 93935**DANCING MACK wb 6 108 4 8 6» 51 44 41 PetersM AG Weston 17«kl00 98474*LE FLORE • m810811 4 8 ? ? 5* RollinsC T J DeBord 3670»100 94144 ROSEVOLT - • w 6 108 1 10 9* 9*1 8» 6* FelsB Mrs G P Corell 6706:100 94784 LERACK w 4 113 6 3 24 3* 5* 71 AltenCE Mrs A R Smith 625100 98«43*ERVAST wb8U3 2 9 ll1 8* 91 81 KingT C Lemon 2645100 97994TEXAS TOMMY wb 3 100 5 5 3* 6 64 9* Lynch J -F J Kearns TTfMOO 97579I*BLACK DREAMS wb 5 113 10 2 7410* 104 10* WeirF Mrs L D Clark 4300V100 97549*CANTROUD w 3 105 9 11 101 111 11* 11* HelmM N B Steward 5990-100 98247 VICTORIUM wb 4 118 712 12 12 12 12 WattersE J W Walter Jr 705100 Time, 3iy5, :46%. 1:1*and Track fast. , U MTTTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS — . BROWN WISDOM ..84 .44 .00 180—199 100—104 54-104 WATERSET 4.74 4.94 335—144 145—104 VACILLATE 4.34 118—144 ■ Winner — Br. g, by Brown Prince II. — Prodigy, by Light Brigade trained by H. Unna; bred by Mr. F. Johnson. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 338. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BROWN WISDOM took the lead at once, withstood challenges from LERACK and WATERSET and held : sway to the end. WATERSET moved up gamely on the far turn and held on resolutely. VACILLATE closed gamely when finding racing room. DANCING MACK finished well. LE FLORE closed a big gap. ROSE-VOLT closed a gap. LERACK had to be taken up sharply a few yards from the finish when impeded. CANTROUD drew up lame. VICTORIUM trailed all the wav. Scratched— 97934 Parties, 103. Corrected weight— Vacillate, 113. QS4A1 FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Bonanza. Sept. 23, 1933— 1:04%— 2— 114. Nashua 7M«VA Purse- Purse W.204. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 54; second, July-3-34-Rkm 94; third, 44; fourth, 0. Index Horse* KqtAWtPPSt Vi Vi Str ria Jockey* Owners BqolT. Odd* Strt ~ 94143*WISE PRINCE w 104 7 1 2» 24 1* ll PetersM F Spatola 115100 97991TIME FLIGHT w 104 4 2 11 11 24 2? LynchJ Miss M Kruge 29and100 97929STAR CHASE w 103 8 6 54 34 3 3* SaundersW Merryland Farms Stable 3405 100 9799rLOVE LOST w 103 3 3 4* 44 44 4* BakerFJ Mrs J H Whitney 2700 100 97842MUSTA JONES w 110 6 4 3» 51 54 5* AIlenCE Justa Farm Stable 58O100 9738DIOBAKHETA w 104 2 7 8 8 6* 6* HelmM Mrs R Herman 2190 100 98205 MIGRATE w 101 1 5 6* 61 8 74 ReidC Mrs P A Shaw 2090 100 97992MUDGE BLAKE w 104 5 8 7* 7k 7» 8 HainesG G L Hamilton 905100 Time, :22%. :46%. 1:06 ML Track fast. , S2 MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . WISE PRINCE .30 .70 .50 115—104 35—144 25—144 TIME FLIGHT 3.40 2.80 70—144 44— IN STAR CHASE 5.84 194—144 Winner— Blk. c, by Wise Counsellor— Grace Troxler, by Tea Caddy trained by E. Trueman; bred by Mr. F. Spatola. WENT TO P0ST-4:14. AT POST— 1J minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third easily. WISE PRINCE went to the outside of TIME FLIGHT in the stretch and, wearing down the latter, drew out without need of pressure. TIME FLIGHT held on gamely, though overmatched. STAR CHASE* raced close up throughout. LOVE LOST was unable to reach the leaders. JOBAKHETA, an early trailer, went to the outside and closed with rush. MIGRATE a was outrun. JUDGE BLAKE was not a factor. Overweight — Star Chase, 2 pounds; Love Lost, 2; Justa Jones, 2. QQ4.nO FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Dark Hope, July 1, 1933— 1:37-%— 4— 108. pur M. 3-year-, , ,TiV 0,ds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. * 25: * third 154- ** July-3-34-Rkm fourthf S25. Claiming pri«, ,000. Index Horse* SqtifftPPSI % % % Str Flo Jockey* Owner* Bqntv. Odd* Strt 98207**HERNANDO wa 4 112 5 3 l1 1* ll 1* 1 KingT J D Mikel 120O00 MUGRAND ACRE wb 5 108 7 6 24 2l 21 21 24 HelmM G L Goodacre 475100 98146*PIECEMEAL wb 5 103 2 4 4* 4" 44 4» 3* MaschekF Mrs G R Allen 1975 100 97815KIBITZER wb 5 112 4 7 7 61 5 5» 4» PetersM S D Miller 840 100 98244 AXENTEA wb 4 113 1 1 3» 54 3k 31 5« CruzH J B Belk 2851100 9414TMATHIAS wb 3 100 6 5 51 7 7 7 6* ReidC P A Shaw 2140 100 98273ONEILL w 4 108 3 2 6* 31 6** 64 7 SageP Mrs F M Watts 3335100 Time, 245. •«%, 1:134i. 1:40*. Track fasL HERNANDO TiV""? ffe -OFFICIAL BOOKIHS ODDtU , 4.44 144— MS Winner— Br. g, by Axenstein— La Fpudre, by Peep o Day, trained by J. D. Mikel; bred by Mr. J. Continued on thirty-third page. ROCKINGHAM PARK Continued from fifteenth page. Howard. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:39. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third the same. HERNANDO took command in the rush to the first turn, was steadied along under stout restraint, drew into a long lead after straightening out in the stretch and held GRAND ACRE safe at the finish. The latter, in closest attendance of the winner throughout, held on willingly to the end. PIECEMEAL, under slight restraint while in pursuit of the pace, held on with good energy in the drive. KIBITZER, a trailer carry, closed a lot of ground. AXENTEA, under restraint early, saved ground in the stretch, but was unable to improve his position under hard urging. ONEILL went well for the first mile. Overweight — Mathias, 1 pound. QQJAQ SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Sixth race was declared no contest because of starters fag e-POrlrvrO refusing to fall, indicating a start.. It was rerun as the eighth race. Dark Hope, July-3-34-Rkm Ju|y t 1933— 1:37%-4-188. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. All money bet on this race was refunded. Bets do not stand. QQzlflzl SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sarada. June 36, 1934—1:44—4—116. Purse ,688. ,,* £¥. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 56; second, 56; third, July-3-34-Rkm 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,250, allowed 4 lbs. Index Horses BqtAWtlPSt 4 % % Str Fin Jockeya Owners Bqniv. Odds Strt 98206,*BELOW COST wa 4 113 2 2 2* lk 14 lk V MaschekF Mrs R T Flippen 465 100 98274**MODERN ACE wa 4 113 5 4 44 34 24 2* 2» HughesH B B Stable 250 100 98208*MILD wa 7 104 1 1 31 4* 31 34 31 PetersM A Bartelstein 120100 98267HIGH SOCKS wa 5 113 3 5 5 5 5 5 44 WeirF R Curran 825100 98673*NEWGRO wa 5 109 4 3 14 21 4* 4" 5 SageP J B Miller 960 100 Time, 33%, :47%, 1:13%. 1:46%. 1:46. Track fast. OS MDTUFXB PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BELOW COST 1.36 .96 .68 465-166 145-100 30-106 MODERN ACE 3.48 2.36 76—106 15-100 MILD 2.36 15-166 Winner— B. c, by Bubbling Over — Belittin, by Black Toney trained by T. Flippen; bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 5:46. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start, good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BELOW COST took the lead and outlasted MODERN ACE in a hard fought drive. The latter moved up on the outside, showed in front in the stretch, but tired. MILD was unable to improve her position when called upon. HIGH SOCKS was outrun. NEWGRf had speed for half a mile, then tired Scratched— 96535Machilla, 114; 98206 Enro, 105. Qft404Vo SGHTH RACE— 1 Mile. Re-run of sixth race. Dark Hope, July 1, 1933—1:37%— m i«dl 4—108. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner July-3-34-Rkm 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses BqtAWtlPSt % % % Str Fin Jookeyt Owners Bqalv. Odds Htrt 98207*SAMBO BROWN w 7 112 7 4 34 2» 1» 14 l1 MaschekF Mrs R T Flippen 120 100 93144*RHODIUS w 4 112 6 3 44 3» 2*24 24 WeirF Merryland Farms Stable 93C 100 98144*BOOCAP wb 5 107 1 1 21 41 41 3» 31 SageP J B Miller 780100 97997 MARYS MAY w 4 108 4 6 51 5» 54 5* 4* HainesG Mrs P Madeira 1910 100 98145 TLUCKY LADY w 6 112 3 2 l1 l1 31 4* 54 AllenCE P T Chinn 295100 94883*WISHING STAR wa 5 108 2 5 6* 6U 6W 6" 6» RollinsC T J DeBord 1090 100 96592 LAWLESS LADY wsa 3 103 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 YowellE W G Merion 139c 100 Time, :24, :47%. 1:13%. 1:46%. Track fast. S3 MUTUEL8 PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB— SAMBO BROWN .46 .66 .50 120—106 80—100 25-100 RHODIUS 5.00 3.20 150—100 60-100 BOOCAP 3.66 SZJJ Winner— B. g, by Lucky Hour— Regina. by Broomstick trained by T. Flippen; bred by Xalapa Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 6:26. AT POST— 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out ; second and third the same. SAMBO BROWN, restrained in pursuit of the early pace, went into command midway of the far turn and, hard ridden at the end, held RHODIUS safe. The latter moved up steadily in the last half mile and came with good energy at the finish. BOOCAP, well up all the way, dropped back nearing the stretch and came aeain through the last eighth. MARYS MAY never was able to enter into contention. PLUCKY LADY had speed for the first half mile, tiring thereafter. The others were outrun throughout. - j OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ROCKINGHAM PARK Tuesday — 3 Races, 11.50; 5 Races, 54.70; 7 Races, 04.80