4th Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-04

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r 4fJl Aauedlict Forty-Sixth Running Brooklyn Handicap. ,500 »«-i Added. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Peanuts, Sept. lyand Miles 18, 1926—1:483/5—4—114. i Index BestatDistance-% Wt. Claim Index --Best at Distance Wt Claim No. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeToday Irice No. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AeeToday Price 97966 DARri SECRET. 98256 Rose Cross. ..Bel 108 1:50% 3 110X HdG 125 1:50% 5 126® 98114* Fleam 3 108X 98114 Discovery 3 113X Whcatley Stable and Belair Stud Stable entry— Dark 93240 Halcyon 6 110X Secret, Fleam. J Dark Secret X 1 OC B. h, 5, by Flying Ebony— Silencia, by King James. Julv 2— Aau— 3-4 1:13ft ■* *" Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Wheatley Stable. I Dsie Irk. DU. lime on tuliis Wt. St "»« Str. Kin Jockey P F CI.Icc Sis. Best Company | Juo26 344Aqu 11:38% ft 11 20 124 1 3 2 1* KsingerC1 Allw 4 WarGloryl24,Identify 108,M*tnElk 124 | Junl6 344Aqu, 1 1:38% ft 7 5e 119 111*? KsingerC1 Allw 5 Deduce 105, Jovius 105, Chatmoss 106 Nov. 7 33U H 1J 2:34 sy 1 10 126 1 1 1« 1 MilisH Hdcp 2 Ward in Chancery 102 Oct28 33sLrl 1, 202% ft 29 10 123 8 7 V 11 MilisH* Stks 9 Matell4,MadFrump 104,Jamestown 121 Ort.14 33Lrl 1 149% hy 1 118 3 1 1* 1* MilisH4 Stks 4 BkQueenl05.DkWterl08,TdAvon 111 Sep.30 33*HdG 1B 1:49% ft 41 10 125 6 4 4* 4* MilisH* Stks 9 Osculator 104. Equipoise 132, Mate 110 Sep.16 33*Bel 2 3:25% m 3 125 1 1 1 V MilisH Stks 4 Gusto 125,Equipoise 125,KeepOut 114 , Sep.l3 334Bel 1*2:30 ft 11 5e 124 13 1* 1* WkmanR1 Stks 6 Gustoll4,Mr.Khay,mll4,Annpolis 107$ , Xlsrts. lot. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1933 record. .17 9 11 0,240 1934 record. . 2 110 ,000 Discovery X IIO Ch. t, 3, by Display— Ariadne, by Light Brigade. Julv 3— Bel— 12 -49ft AJLO Trainer. J. H. Stotler. Owner. A. G. Vanderbilt. JuiL28 344Aqu j 1:23% ft 9 5 112 3 11* 1* BejshakJ* Allw 7 Fleam HO.Somebody 115,Swiftsport 112 Jun.16 34«Det lft 1:58% ft 3* 119 1 6 10* ll14 WkmanR* Stks 12 Cavalcade 126.PIight 123.New Deal 119 Jun. 2 34Was 1*2:04 ft 27 10 118 6 4 2* 2» BejshakJ* Stks 9 Cavalcadel26,SgWood 121, Plight 121 May25 34Bel 1 1:25 sy 15 112 IIP 1" BejshakJ* Allw 7 W.Letterll5.RebelYell 109,CtRberll5 Mayl2 34"Pim 1ft 1:58% ft 71 126 2 3 31 3 BejshakJ* Stks 7 HhQuestl26,Cavalcadel26,Agrian 126 May 5 34*C.D la 2.04 ft 12 126 4 1 1* 21 BejshakJ* Stks 13 Cavcadel26.Agrarianl26,MataHari 121 Apc28 344HdG lftl:43%ft 18 5 114 12 2* 31 BejshakJ1 Stks 9 Cavalcadell9,Agrarn 114,TSuppIy 114 1933 record. .14 2 3 5 ,397 1934 record. . 7 2 2 2 1,850 Halcyon X 1 1 A B. h, 6, by Broomstick— Prudery, by Peter Pan. JuU 2— Bel— 118...1:55*-.ft X L V Traner T. J Healey. Owner. C. V. Whitney. Jun.30 344Aqu 126% ft 9 5 114 7 6 61 1" GilbertJ 7500 7 BtherJoe 112.Pompeius 112,O.Mter 98 Jun.25 344Aqu % 1:12% ft 3i 114 6 6 51 24 GilbertJ* Hdcp 6 OnlyOnel06.FIgHour 108,OpenRge 115 Jun.15 344Aqu 1 1:38% ft 2 107 Left at post. JonesR* AUw 4 RoseCrossl04.Fairenol20.BrherJoe 107 Jun.ll344Aqu 6if 1:18 ft 9 5 109 4 4 31 21 CoucciS* Stks 5 OpenRange 95.0kapi 118,BritHaveii OB Jun.4 344Bel j 1:11% ft 8 5 112 5 5 41 4 RobtsonA4 Hdcp 5 FlyingHourl04.Kawagoel02.Bonanza 93 May30 344Bel j 1:24% ft 5 107 1 1 14 1* CoucciS4 Hdcp 7 GdAdvicell5.B SwaIlowll7,Ssport 100 M*r9 344Pim f 1:12 ft 33 10 112* 6 6 44 24 WkmanR* Hdcp 9 DarkHopelOO,KhseenlOO,FeHour 100 1933 record. .21 4 3 4 ,225 1934 record .. 8 2 3 0 ,640 Rose Cross X 110 " " Blk" c 3* by ***" Germans— Red Red Rose b* Whisk Broom II. June 29— Lat— 1-2 -51ft ■*"* Trainer. W. Brennan. Owner, Manhasset Stable. Juiu30 34*Lat 1* 2:31% ft 1 118 7 3 3* 44 CoucciS* Stks 7 Fiji 113, Howard 114, Time Clock 121 Juil23 344Aqu 2:32 ft 11 10 116 3 211 1T CoucciS* Stks 5 Growler li6,SgingWoodl21,Cleves 116 Jun.15 344Aqu 1 1:38% ft 4i 104 3 3 31 1* CoucciS* Allw 4 Faireno 120. Brother Joe 107 Jun. 9 34*Bel li 2:29% ft 25 126 8 5 6* 5* CoucciS* Stks 9 PceChcel26,H.Quest 126,GdGoods 126 May31344Bel l| 1:49% ft 3* 108 4 4 44 3* CoucciS* Allw 5 Chicstrawll3,G.Goods 105,Growler 108 Mayl6 34*Bel 11:38 gd 12 107 8 4 21 l- CoucciS4 Allw 8 Kievex 116.LadvReighl03,Khamsnl05 May 2-34Jam l1* 1:42% ft 15 104 5 5 54 4" CoucciS* Hdcp 6 DkWinfrl04,WtchHiml08.Faireno 119 1933 record. .19 2 4 3 ,100 1934 record .. 9 3 0 1 ,065 Fleam X 1 OR B* * 3 Dy General Lee— Flambino, by Wrack. Julv 2— Aau— 3-4 l*15ft "® Trainer. J. Fitzsimmons. Owner. Belair Stud Stable. Jun.28 344Aqu 1 123% ft 13 5 110 6 3 2* 2* StoutJ* Allw 7Discovyll2,Somebyll5,Swiftsport 112 Jun.18 344Aqu 1 1:38% ft 16 5e 108 3 3 2* 1* StoutJ Allw 5 BnSlowlM.DyPrcslOO.LyRgh 109* Jun. 2 344BeI lg 2:18% ft 1 3e 121 1 1 3* 41* MalleyT* Stks 5 LyReighlll.DyPcesslll.HduQn 107 Ma 22 344Bel 1 1:38 ft 3 2e 109 3 1 1* 1* StoutJ1 Stks 7 DyPrincessll2.La.Reighll2,H.GIee 12] Mayl6 34*Bel 1 1:38 gd 4 103 7 8 71 61 StoutJ* Allw 8 RoseCrossl07.Kievex 116,LadyRghl03 M4yll34Jam f 1:12% ft 41*112 5 6 51 24 StoutJ* Allw 8 D*kyPcessll2,P.GirI 112.Watwitchll5 No*4 33Pim lftl:44% ft 9e 108 7 6 41 41 StoutJ* Stks 10 Chkstrawll8,Discoveryll3.Ccade 121 1933 record. .13 1 3 1 $ 1,350 1934 record. .6220 0,125

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934070401/drf1934070401_31_1
Local Identifier: drf1934070401_31_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800