Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1935-04-11

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ORK OUTSi fcM4andft -rffemfefr Date at left of horses name fa last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown In Black Face Type r --mil WEDNESDAY, APRJL 10 ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track slow Th.ree-Eighths Mile. 4-3 Bon Time.. :37 h 3-31 Laura S. :38h 4-7 Bbn Prince. :40 b 4-5 Miss Ritz... :35h 4-7 Blind Pig.... :38 h 4-2 Marson :35h 3- 7 Burning Up. :37h 4-8 My Sylvia... :3G h 4- 4 Ceiling :38h 4-7 Marmara... :36h 4-6 Chattcrbelle.. :41 h 4-9 Ouray :38 h 4-4 Eddie J.. ... :42b Polly Whisk :38h 3- 29Ervast :41b 4-3 Ppous Genie :38 h 4- 2 Indept Boy. :38 h Sky Carlock 37 h Ltle Prisonr :38h 3-31 Texas Moon. :38 h 4-2 Lky Child.. :38 h One-Half Mile. 3- 19ChifalIy.... :52 b 3-4 Little Honey :50 h 4- 6 Crazy Jane. . :50h 4-6 Maclwind :50h 3- 30 Captain Red. :50 h 4-8 My Dandy.. :504ih 4- 6 Dr. Freeland :5l7sh 4-2 Noahs Pride :51h 3-31 Dble Kerry :50h 4-2 Pce Charlo. :51h 3- 20 Gbys Choice :49 h 4-6 Polish Beau. :51b 4- 5 Gov. Sholtz.. :56 b 4-6 Scch Pepper :49h 4-3 High Clover. :54 h 4-2 Silver Blue.. :53h 4-6 Hpy Venture -J50 h 4-3. Show Boy... :50 h 4-6 Jean Lee... :50 h 4-2 Waltz King.. :54 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-6 Cogay l:04h 3-31 Kyso l:04andh 4-7 Drastic Goal l:06h 4-5 Lemon l:08h 4-7 How High... 1:06 h 3-29 Prcs Betty. 1:04 b 4-8 John Barvi...l:07h 4-6 Parties l:04h 4-7 Jacobs Ladrl5h Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 27Ddcye Dickl:187sh 4-3 Keep Out...l:26b 4- 6 Hilise l:20h 3-31 McCarthy ..l:17h 4-3 Kurdair ...-.l:18h 3-28 Paper Profitsl:17h Marson and Marmara showed speed together. Scotch Pepper likes the muddy going. Captain Red and Show Boy were in company. Polish Beau was breezing. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 4-7 Crimson.... :38h 3-19 Jaz Age.... :39h 4-7 Emissora ... :38h Lucy :41h First Try... :41b 4-7 Leeoran ... :42 h Green ...... :39 h 4-7 My Louellen :38h 3- 24 Heres Luck :40 h My Blaze... :38b Iceberg :4I h 4-7 Pretty Susan :41h 4- 8 Impatient .. :39h Sis Blaze :41 h 4-7 Lawyer Bde :40 h Stepinanna ; :39 h Lady Confus :39h Sans Krit... :39h One-Half Mile. 3-27Campagna . :52h 3-27 Mike Reynds :54 h 3-24 Counr Crane :51b 4-7 Peter Pumn :52 h 3- 6 Erech :56 h 3-25 Rolanda ... :50 h Lky Amelia :54 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 7 Excavator ..1:05 h 4-7 Isaiah .....l.-095sh 4-7 Foggy Night.l:09h Our Hobby. .l:08h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-7 Battling Gl.1:21 h 4-7 Judge Leer.l:22h 4-9. Dixit l:22b My Blaze, Counselor Crane and Dixit were only breezing in their work. Excavator and Peter Pumpkin worked together. Campagna and - Mike Reynolds were in company. DALLAS. Weather threatening; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 4-6 Lettisil :42 h 4-4 Transpose... :41lv 4-5 Losing Clon. :41 h 4-4 Wily Girl... :41h 3- 15Playsickle... -.43 h One-Half Mile. Axia 7 b 4-6 Soothing.... :54h 4- 7 Miss Cog... :55 h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-15Jakovia ....1:11 -b 4-5 Jerry S......1:09h , Three-Quarters Mile. Americn Redl:28 h 47 Skibo 1:27 b 3- 23 Coya . .1:23 b 3-20 Son Richard.l:28 h One Mile. 4- 6 Honohina. 1:59 b 3-24 Strappy 1:58 b BOWIE. Weather cloudy; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 3-17 Brown Torch :38 b 3-22 Jk Chevny :39 h 3- 27 Boston Brk :38 h Justa Tcher :38 h 4- 6 Calgary Kay :41 h 4-7 Kalola :38 h Cherry Stone :41 h 4-3 M. J. Brnan :39 b 3-23 Darling Pat. :39 b My Little... :39 b Early Dawn. :39 h Son of Troy. :37h 3- 26 Fred Almy.. :38 b Tini :37 h Fd Whitey. :37h 4-3 Witan 41 h Glendye :39 h One-Half Mile. 4- 7 Burnside ... :54 b 4-6 Marmion ... :56 b 3- 29Canrock ... :53 h 4-10 Only Foolin. :54 h 4- 5 Gloritone .. :52 b 4-8 Prce Abbot. :53 d 4-6 Just Fun... :56 b 4-4 Quickly :54 b 4-8 Lofty Lady. :53 h 3-30 Red John... :51b 4-3 Mantados .. :52 d Five-Eighths Mile. 4-6 Brillfalon ..1:05 h 4-6 Lonmcg ....1:05 h Galon Lad.. 1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-6 Bushman ..1:27 b 4-5 Legume l:18d 4-5 Bk Lghornel:20 h Match .....1:22 b 4-5 Easter Hld.l:20h 4-9 Nautch ....1:23 h 3- 21 Fire Reel...l:18d Port Royal.. 1:20 h 4- 5 Hurdy Gdy.l:20 h Patient Man. 1:20 h 3-30 Howard ...1:20 b Unfurled ...1:20 h One Mile. 3-24Etern Rulerl:53 b 4-7 Polo Bar... 1:52 h Mger Bill. ..1:46 h Legume was driving. Prince Abbot went handily. . Friend Whitey and Son of Troy went handily together. BAY MEADOWS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. j 3-20 Betty T..... :36 d 3-31 Northgalis .:38 b 3- 26 Big. Church. :36 h 3-17 Proud Hills. :37b- , Every Effort :36h 3-27 Red Quibbler :38b ; Green Flame :39b 4-6 Risky Miss.. :36h 4- 5 Glodazz .... :39b 3-18 Sir Ridgway. :38 b : Jicky :38 b 4-6 Uncle Gus.. :36 d Lady Rap... :38 b 3-26Watonga ... :37b 1 Liquidation . :38andb , One-Half Mile. 3- 31 Ante Bellum. :50b 4-6 Linden Tree. :50b 4- 6 Bataille .... :50b Mailliw .... :51b Cadanini ... :49 h 3-28 Madrilene .. :51 b 3- 19 Cheyne Eoy :507sb 4-5 Major Lhier :50b 4- 6 Daily News. :51b Nicks Gal.. :51b 3- 15 First Rap... :5Qb Stream Camp :49 h 4- G Gge Holiday :48h Trystland .. :49 h 4-1 Great Mows :50b 3-26 Willaide . . . -0b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-6 C5mpiIlo ...1:04 b 4-7 Pertinacious l:03b 3- 31 Carisbrooke 1:01 h 4-4 Shasta Ovcr.l:03 -b 4- 5 .LHtld Son. . .113b 3-27 Sea Cliff. . . .l-.02b Mopcek l:03b Three-Quarters Mile. 3-30Athenia Del.l:17b 3-19 Listo l-17b 3-25Bonynge ...l:15d 3-31 Orrin l:15b 3- 30 Del Monte. .l:17b 4-2 Tcralice ....1:14 h 4- 6 Frisky Mron1:13 h 4-4 Twosons ...l:18b 3- 14 Gannonnic .l:18b 4-3 Vclociter ...1:16 fa .4-1 Indiantown .1:14 h One Mile. 4- 9 His Way....I:45b 4-1 War 1:44Jb Risky Miss went with Every Effort, both restrained. , Sir Ridgway. was only cantering. . Proud Hills was hard held. Big Church was under wraps all the way. Trystland, Cadanini and Stream Camp went together evenly. George Holiday could have gone faster.-Daily News was without blinkers and was restrained. Major Lanphier was under wraps throughout. Little Son was very "hard held. Carisbrooke was well rated. Sea Cliff could have gone faster, but the boy lost his stirrup. Pertinacious wore blinkers and acted very kindly. . Bonynge broke from the gate and was under a mild drive. Frisky Matron was snugged the first five-eighths in :59 and eased up the last eighth. Indiantown and Teralice went together, both hard held. Orrin was well rated all the way. His Way was under wraps throughout. War was well rated all the way. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 4-7 Byrdcl :38b 4-5 Insulated ... :40b 4-7 Bon Centime :40b 4-6 Jawapa :39b Bell Founder :39b Joan Macaw. :39b Brilnt Light :41 b 4-3 Julia Grant.. :40b 4-7 Cayuga ..... :38b 4-7 Lancewood.. :40b 4-6 Cinar :39b Miss Wise... :38b 4-7 Dark Ways.. :38b Maskd Smile :39b Don Creole.. :38h 4-5 Myrad :38h 4-6 Double R... :40 b Miss Twinkle :38h Emil Pasha.. :40b 4-6 Petty Taw... :41b 3-8 Exotude .... :38 b Pipes Pal... :38h Elmer J :39b 4-6 Rose Thchr :4l b Eds Brothr :38h Rellim ;41b 3- 25 Fretful :40 b 4-6 Scarp :39b 4- 6 Galmac .... :39h Swiss Prince. :41 b 4-8 Gretna B.... :38 b Tennob :41b 4-7 Hi Hun :38b 4-6 Trouper .... :39b Hsome John :41 b 3-16 Upon : 39b 3- 18Hecla . :38b One-Half Mile. Allene B :54 h 4-6 Maintenance. :54 b Back Log... :53 b 4-6 Mate Tea.... :54h 4- 7 Brown Witch :51 h Miss Subway :54 b 4-6 Beverly Jean :54h 4-7 No Saint.... -.51 h 3- 14 Brs Buttons :51h 4-8 Poet Prince.. :54 b 4- 5 Cherry Time. :53b 4-6 Pete ODonIl :52h Cf Cherokee :52 b 4-6 Purple Wing :54h Empress V,ru. :51h Pancoast . . . :53 b 4-7 Gray Jack... :54 b 4-5 Riff :55b 3- 14 Hilnd Dns :51h 4-6 Ragdv Pants :53h 4- 7 Jock Well... 4 b 4-8 Southld Poet :54 b 4-6 John Marcmj52h 4-7 Star Banner. :52 b 4-7 Listening ... :52 h 4-6 Treasure ... :54b Miss Spider.. :54 b 4-6 Thumbs Dn. :54 b 4-7 Mr. Mack... :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. , 4-2 Babeson ....1:10 h 4-6 Night Owl. ..1:10-b Bobbys- Son.lK7 h 4-6 Naval Cadet.l:07 h Fair Cynthial:10 b 4-7 Our Chance. .1:11 b 4-6 Grania .....1:11 b 4-6 Qun Clarice.iai b 4-6 Homer L....l:llb 4-6 Shadowdawn 1:11 b 4-6 Lady Cotner.l:10 b 4-7 The Imtl II.1:06b 4-7 Master Beaul:ll b 4-4 Wagwood ...l:10b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-6 Best Bid.... 1:22 b 4-6 Safe a. Sndl:23b First Entry. .1:21b 4-6 Shadow Songl-7 b 4-7 Jump Off... .1:24 b 4-6 Vitamin B.-.lib Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-7 Demstratn 1:36 b One Mile. 4-6 Busy Spain..l:54b Dr. Potter. :1:57 b 4-3 Chance Sun. 1:54 b Chance Sun appeared to be loafing after going three-quarters. Star Banner is training well. No Saint and Brown Witch were together. Bobbys Son worked well in hand. Byrdel and Dark Ways liked the heavy going.

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