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1 GENERAL NEWS OF THE DAY q 4 Nineteen persons were killed and thirty-five injured in a religious riot in India. Tommy Loughran, American heavyweight, stopped Vincente Parille of Argentina in the ninth round of a ten-round bout Sunday at Lima, Peru. Chile won the ninth continental track and field championship meet concluded Sunday before 10,000 spectators with a total of 161 points. Brazil was second with 58 points. Perun had 30, Argentina 21, and Uruguay 1. Cardinal Adolf Bertram of Germany in his official diocesan organ sharply attacked Sunday what he called Nazi intolerance toward Catholic youth organiaztions, and assailed "neo-heathenism." Between fifty and sixty forest fires were reported burning in western Washington Sunday after one of the hottest days of the spring. From London comes word that it has been decided not to use the 6,000,000 famous gold dinner service of King George at the state dinner in Buckinham Palace May 6. Instead it will be placed on exhibition in the banquet hall. Wiley Posts third attempt to shatter the trans-continental airplane speed record by way of the stratosphere ended at Lafayette, Ind., Monday when, bothered by super-; charger trouble, he brought the Winnie Mae down on Purdue University airport. England, France and Italy unite to avert war and announce peace program, embodying a readjusted plan for maintaining peace, also soundly arraigning Nazi Germany for undermining public confidence and shaking world hopes for a peaceful order. Policeman Edwin Peppard, 30 years old, of the Marquette Station, Chicago, was possibly fatally injured early Monday when he leaped from the fourth floor of a burning tenement building at 3207-09 South Damen Avenue. . He had been trapped in a corner of the building by the flames after he had assisted other policemen in routing thirty residents, all of whom escaped unscathed. Establishment of a new Illinois state department of revenue, to supervise virtually all of the revenue-collecting functions of the state government, was recommended in the report of the state tax commission to Governor Horner, the first installment of which was made public Sunday.