Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1935-04-16

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WORKOUTS Slft ffijfffiC Date at left of horses name is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o. all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type SUNDAY, APRIL 14 HAVRE DE GRACE. "Weather clear; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 28 Bloodroot .. :36h Sun Portld. :37h 4- llInfidox .... :38 h 1-16 Sun Antioch :37h 3- 17 Red Wagon. :36d 4-6 Vacillate ... :39 b One-Half Mile. 4- 12 Brown Twig. :55 h 4-12 Nautch .... :50h 4-10Burnside .. :55 h Only One... :50h Flit Out.... :52 h 3-12 Westigal ... :53 h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-4 Chicle Ship.l:07d Singg Heartl:06 d 3- 29 Dark Vive.. 1:06 h 3-15 Sabula 1:05h Mad Eagle.. 1:06 d 3-29 True Charml:0r d 4- 11 Sparky ....1:12 b Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 14Aviatrix ...1:19 d 4-11 Ladfield ...1-20 h 4- 7 Airway 1:25 h Precs King. 1:20 h 3-22Barcna Fetel:20i 3-21 Rebel Yell.. 1:22 b 2- 2 Jambalaya .1:20 h 3-23 Zembla ....1:24 h One Mile. 3- 25 Black Helen1:48 b 4-3 War" Genal.l:52 h 4- 11 How High.. 1:51 h ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-11 Blue Armor. :37 b 4-5 K. Grnaway :37 h 4-12 Chce Queen :364ih 4-12 Lucky Child. :39 h 4-12 Chck Wagon :38 b 4-9 Ly Rkledge :37h 4-4 Celia Powell :43 b 4-8 Mynah .... :37 h 4-10 Dadeye Dick :38h 4-2 My Surprise. :36h 4-11 Debbie :37 b 4-12 Phalamo ... :38 b 4-11 Easy Sailing. :38h 4-9 Pre Spldor :38 H 4-5 Gallant Gay. :37 h 4-9 Royal Leon.. :37 b 4-8 Hawk. Moth. :37h 4-6 Splurge .... :36h 3- 16 Hair Trigger :38 h 4-11 Stay :36h 4- 10 Hy Venture :364ih 4-12 Thatch . ... :39 h 4-13 Heedless Gal :38h 4-9 Uluniu ..... :38 h 3- 19 Impl Blondy :40 b 4-12 Whizzaway . :39 b One-Half Mile. All Sorts.... :53 h 4-9 Haps Boy...:50h 4- 12Amern Lass :50h 4-12 Madwind ... :51h 3- 3lBcardi Swp :53 b 4-9 PatC....... :51h 4- 12 Bnie pream :50h 4-5 Pcnncote . . . :51 h , 4-a Clster Blues :51h 4-8 Sandy Boy.. :53 h 4,-6 Centennial . :51 h 4-11 The Choctaw :52 h 4-i2bubIc Kerry :50h 4-11 Traitor .... :50h 4-7 Drombo .... :54b 4-6 Viola C :53h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-12 Dark Devil.. 1:12 b 3-31 Money Getterl:01 b 4-1 Dunce 1:05 h 3-23 Nights End.l:06b 4-12Drtic Waterl:10b 4-9 Old Nick.... 1:07 b 4-9 Edyth W...l:08 h 4-10 Scotch Pperl:07b 4-2 Hold Fire... 1:02 d 4-11 VVhiskolo ..1:00h 2- 22Mint de Mie.l:03h Three-Ouarters Mile. 4-12 Attraction ..l:15h 4-13 Hokuao ....1:19 h 3- 27Bedieht ....l:16h 4-7 Hit and Run. 1:20 b 4- 8 Caleb l:15h 4-12 Hope Etnal.l:17h 4-llDkest Hourl:18h 4-10 McCarthy ;.1:16 h " 4-10 Dr. Freeland.l:20 b 4-10 Marson ,...l:16h 4-9 Desert Call.l:27b 4-9 Snaplock ...1:20 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-13 Doris B. . . .l:31h 4-13 Fairsickle . .1:29h One Mile. 4-11 Fxland Hall.1:44h 4-8 Technocracy l:45h 4-8 Fingal 1:53 b Bue Armor was breezing. Double Kerry, Bonnie Dream and American Lass were in company. Money Getter was under a snug hold. Wbiskolo went a fast five-eighths mile. under light restraint accompanied by Hold Fire. Nights End was breezing. Caleb and attraction were together. Dr Freeland and Snaplock were hard held in company. Fairsickle worked well. ... BAY MEADOWS. Weather clear; track slow; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 1 Adamite ... :384ib 4-8 Grayback .. :40 b Bel Ora :384ib 1-5 Morfire :38b 4- 2 Eviction ... :41b Nicasio .... :41b 4-12 Gene D :40 b 3-29 Would Dare :39b One-Half Mile. 3- 30 Flying Sailor :53b 3-19 Plum Elted. :534ib Petzol :52h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 1 Chccla l:06b 3-21 Morale ....1:05b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-13 Chosen Pal. 1:21 d 1-8 Song Hit ..l:21b 4-13 Enigmatic .1:21 d One Mile. 4-10Listo 1:52 b 2-20 Rosser S...l:52 b Nothing worthy of mention. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 3-20 Harry H :38 b 4-12 Miss Ginbar. :38 b One-Half Mile. 3-21GoIdfin .... :50h 3-23 Snd Money. :50 h Hugh Copy.. :52b Son o Sting :52h 3- 26 Profitable .. :50 h 4-12 Seawick ... :50 h 4- 12 Rust :51 b Five-Eighths Mile. 3-11 Air Line.... 1:06 b 4-12 Jubal l:05b 3-23 Col. Greene.l:04 h" 3-21 Kissinbug ..1:06 b Ever True... 1:07 b 2-18 My Kcntuckyl:ll b Evangelist ..1:05 b 2-25 Mettle 1:07 b 3-24 Hastinip . . .1:04 h 4-12 Queen Vic. . .l:05h Three-Quarters Mile. Mr. Bill 1:21 b BELMONT PARK. Weather cloudy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. Black. Gift.. :37 h 2-21 Okapi :38h 2 21 Good Goods. :38h Psychic Bid. :37V6h Law Maker. :37 h Vn Bachlor :37 h 2 21Mchg Home :37h Yng Native. :37 h One-Half Mile. Bonanza ... :49h Good Flavor :52b Cded Hours :53 b Gold. Buckle. :48h Esposa ..... :48 h Gay Monarh :52b 11 Fortification :50 h Sanctity .-. . ;53 b Three-Quarters Mile. Ct TetrVchl.:18h.. . Watch Him.l:18h One Mile. Allen Z 1:45 k Crete ......1:45 h DALLAS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Britlon :39 h 4-12 Ly Chiniquy :41 b 3-17 Banderilla .. :37h 3-21 Ms Seeant. :39 h Butch :39h 3-17 Moresoris .. :394,h . 3-18 Contrary ... :35h 4-11 Peter Blues.. :36h Diconna .... :36h 4-12 Rl Treasure :35h 3- 25 Donnapeep . :36h 4-9 Stimulaw ... :37 h 4- 7 Heart Balm. :39h " 3-20 Thelma DOr :36 h 4-13 Languorous . :37 h One-Half Mile. 4-12 Al Green.... :51h 4-9 Mcla Agnes :51 h 4-11 Bon Champ. :51h 4-11 Moving On.. :50h 3- 26Mcel;ne B.. :50 h 3-24 Stout Boy.. :52 h Five Eiphths MMand 4- U Barney Allis. 1:07 h 4-12 Lraine S. . ..1:02h 4-13 Hot Shot.... l:04h 3-20 Sequoia ....1:03 h 4-9 Jimy Sutro.l:08 h 3-18 Watch In...l:04h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-13 Biff 1:18 h 4-9 Racketeer ..1:25 b 4-7 Mcany 1:22 h 4-11 Sleepy Joe. .1:17 h One Mile. Aidas Pal...1:44h 4-13 Congenial ..l:47h 4-11 Cross Road.l:47h Royal Treasure showed speed. Marceline B. acts well. Lorraine S. and Sequoia worked handily. Biff worked well in hand. Aidas Pal went a nice mile. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 4-8 Cross Bar... .39h 4-8 Lady Starhd :374ih 4-11 Criticise ... :38t1i 4-9 Mayotiv ... :37h 4-llChitter .... i38h 4-12 Our Rose... :40h Don Pancho. :38h Patricia .... :37h 4-10 First Try... :38 h 4-8 Prince Dnny :38h 4-9 Imigert . , . . :40 h 4-11 Roberta L. . :384h Ima Grnock :44 b Stump Town :38b 4-8 Lady Thteen :37h 4-11 Umbriere . . :38h One-Half Mile. 4-11 Ebony Lady. :53h 4-9 Swamp Angel :54 h 4-12 El Bandido.. :53 h 4-11 Transformed. :55 h 4-12 Fern Memm :53h 4-13 Little Brook. :52b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-11 Gold Signet. l:09h 4-8 Morgil .....l:08h 3- 14Legender ...1:07h Shepd Boy.l:14b Three-Quarters Mile. 4- 11 Count Adrin.l:22 h 4-11 Caesar Toro.l:21 h 4-llChatain ....l:20h 4-11 Celebrant ..l:20h 4-11 Claimant ...1:20 h 4-11 Cmon Gssipl:21 h 4-11 Clean Play..l:20h 4-11 Cantie l:21h 4-11 Celebritv ...1:22 h 4-11 Our Trouble. l:20h 4-11 Connie R...l:20h 4-11 Sis Agnes... 1:19h One Mile. 4-9 Chatuga ...l:48sh 4-9 Old Lady. . .l:48h 3-25 Conna 1:47 h Our Buddy. .l:48h 3-16 Harper ....1:45h Sis Agnes went very handily. Lady Thirteen, and Little Brook were breezing in their work. Cliatain and Connie R. were in company. Harpers mile work was impressive. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. Ble o. May :38b 4-6 Mordark ... :36h .4,6. Dark Hazard :38b Morprin :39b Dusky Dark. :39b 4-6 Mr. Presidt :38b 3- 21 Footwork .. :37h Pigeon Hwk :38b 4- llGorgs Hssy :37h 4-11 Poms Squw :37b 4-8 Herondas ... :384f,b 411 Rosa Dear.. :37h 3-25Hymarque . -:37h 4-8 Reunited ... :37h 3-19 Hobnail .... :40 b 4-10 Rcllim :40b 3- 20Lanquo .... :40 b Stop Scout.. :39b One-Half Mile. 4- 11 Chrj Cross. :51h 4-11 Primulus ... :51 h 4-11 Carroll Day. :51 h 4-8 Pomps Pilr 51 b Dido :52h 4-12 Sis Alice.... :56b 4-10Emprss Wu. :53b 4-11 Semaphore . :51- b Exponent .. :50h 4-10 Tennob :57 b 4-llGyral :51 h 4-11 Who Win... :53 h Laverne ... :54d 3-22 Yenoor :57 b Maners Man :B0h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-9 Art. Knight.l:04h 3-12 Gden Thrnel:06b 4-7 Bage trail. 1:06 h 4-7 Hospitality .1:07 h 4-7 Baby Bosh.. 1:06 h 4-11 Kwamudi ..lK64ib Captain Bill.lK7 b 4-11 Miss Vince..l:06 b . 4-11 Clean Out..l:05b 4-11 Squeeze ....1:04 h 4-11 Ellen Fisherl:07 b 4-11 Shady Wo6dl.-03h 4-11 Foxiana ....1:03 h 4-11 Tormy B..l:03h 4-11 First Pigeonl:07 b 4-9 Vote Boy...l:04h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-11 Black Miss.. 1:20 h 4-11 Nuckols Boyl:20h 4-llByrdine ....1:20 b 4-6 Our Prince.. l:18b 4-10 First Entry.l:17h 4-11 Pnce Torch.l:18 b 4-11 Fr. Princess. 151b 4-10 Petty Taw..l:18b 4-11 Hasty Lady.l:19h Spartn Ladyl:19b 4-11 Hastinola ..1:17h- 4-11 Supernatal . l:19h Icy Wind... 1:18 b 4-9 Tripp Up... 1:19 h 4-11 L. B. Wilsonl53 b 4-13 Vitamin B..l:17h 4-11 Lit. Connlly.ld9 b War Band.. 1-20 b Miss Toro... 1-20 b 4-10 Wagwood ..l:18b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-13 Bluebeard ..l:31b 4-11 C nee Flightl:31b Bluebeard showed good early speed in company with Chance Flight. . Vitamin B. is nearing top form. . First entry worked well. Foxiana showed a good effort. Tormy B. ran out in his trial. MONDAY, APRIL 15 HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 4-12 Accolade ... :38h 4-13 John Tio... :37h 3-25 Blk. Mistress :37d 3-11 Kibitzer .... :37 d 3-22 Blessd Again :37h 4-13 Prcess Alice :37h 3- 18 Bay Hero.... :37d Shasta Star. :37 d 4-13 Ch. Exective :37 h 4-12 Some Good. :37h 4- 12 Jim John... :37h 4-6 Wise Will... :37h One-Halt Mile. Ado :51d 4-11 Merrily On.. :50 h Artful Prince :51h 4-11 Night Sprite. :55 h 4-4 Aegis ...... 2 h Satrapal :50 d 4-4 All Rowes... 3 h 1-11 Siin Abbot.. :52 h 4-6 Bl. Harmony :52 h Sun Appollo. :49d 4-5 Banderlog, . . :50d 3-28 Sun Fairplay. :49d Character . . :53 h Tli: "Daggers. :51 d Credulous . . :50 d 1-26 Tddy Haslam :51h , r 4-5 Cristate ... :50 h 3-17 War Tide.... :53 b 4-4 Insomnia ...:51b . , r " Five-EfghthsMile. - Jv "3-25 Banish Fear.l:07h 4-12 Patchpocket 1:05 h 4-11 Count Dean.l:05" b 4-13 Roy. Commdl:05 h 3- 21 Dignitary . ..1:05 h 4-7 Slipper King.l:05 b; 4- 6 Ind. Runner.l:05 h Spare Time..l:05h Last Signal.. 1:05 h , Traffic Judgel:05 h .4-6 Little Lad... 1:05 h 4-6 War Saint.. 1:12 b l-14Pencader ...1:07 h Three-Quarters Mile. -2-21 Big Beau... 1:20 .h 4-3 On Leave... 1:20 b Bonsoir ....1:17 d . Poop Deck. .l:16d, 4-1 Cantoria ...1:18 h Sun Arena.. 1:17 d 4-12 Feudal Lord.l:16 d 4-12 Small Changel:20 h. 442 Inscription . .1:20 b 4-13 Today .1:16 d 4-13 Mistr Gndcrl:16 d 4-9 Up and Up.. 1:22 h 4-11 Onward . . . .l:17d. One Mile. Comwealth 1:45 h 4-10 Howard ....1:45 h 4-13 Court Gossipl:454id 4-10 Lofty Lady.. l:44h 4-13 Collateral . ..l:43h 440 Prince Abbotl:50 h, G. Standard.l:45 h Rosemonl ..1:49 .b Hut 1:49 b 4-13 Roustabout l:43h Collateral and. Roustabout went handily together. Gold Standard and Commonwealth went handily together from the barrier. Lofty Lady went handily. Today and Mister Gander went handily together. Rosemont and Hut breezed together. ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-11 Bally Wise.. :35h 4-12 Love Sick... :364ih 4-8 Bissagos ... :37 h 4-13 Lexy :37 h 2- 26 Bug Hunter. :38h 4-11 L. Brn Bud. 37 h 4-13 Best Buck.. :564h 4-14 Lucky Child. :37 h 3- 31 Benefit ....:364li 4-6 Mish Amulet :35h 4- 11 Counts Bina :Z5h 4-7 No Doubt... :38 h 4-8 Cines Count :38 h 4-9 Onrush .... :38lf 4-9 Chilnore :35h 4-10 Ppous Genie :36 h 4-13 Dark Mist... :36h 4-13 Texas Moon. :36 h 3- 28Eudes :36h 3-12 Thistle Guy.. :36h 4- 5 Freeburg Boy :38 h 4-13 Texas Pal... :36h 3- 29 Frisco :36 h 4-8 Tomye :36 h 4- 7 Irenes Bob. :35 h 4-9 Uncle Less. :38h 4-6 Legal Gamble :39h 4-7 Wacoche ... :41 b One-Half Mile. 3- 23 Blind River. :49 h 4-13 Lady Federal :52 h 4- 8 Crackle . . . . :43b 4-12 M. Ctificate :52 h 4-3 Crist. Adee.. :51 h 4-9 Mathieson .. :49h 4-4 Chips :52h 4-13 Miss Ritz... :50h 4-12 Come On.... :51 h 3-28 Ned O. :51h 4-12 Chan W :50h 4-12 Plucky Jack. :49h 3- 7 Charleigh ... :52 h 4-13 Prof. Paul. . . :49h 4- 7 Elanbee .... :48?h 4-9 Slavonia ... :49 h 4-10 High Clover. :54h 3-22 Snobeedo ... :53andb 4-5 Haggerson .. :49 b 4-8 .Sue Anne... :51h 3-28Herowin .... :51 h 3-28 Sugar Jar... :54 b 3- 30 Home Work. :54b 4-6 The Heathen :51h 4- 13 Impl Bunty :51 h 3-28 Terrier :51 b 4-11 Joe Flores.. :48h 4-13 Vin Noir.... :51 h 3- 31 Luna Bright :50h 4-6 Veiled :53h 4- 7 Limbus :50Vsh Five-Eighths Mile. 4-1 Al Neiman..l:05 h 4-7 Johnny Banel:06h 4-9 Bugaboo ...l:05b 4-10 Kyso 1:03 h 4-9 Chi. Empress1:00h 3-26 Miss PurraylK5b 4-12 Cutie Face... l:02h 4-6 Plucky Lady.l:06 b 4-7 Cross Ruff..l:05b 4-3 Rubio lKlh 3- 18 Emery 1:03 h 4-6 Sally Forth. .1:07 h 4- 6 Gar. Messagel:04b 4-13 Semester ...1:01 h 4-8 Harvey G. O.l:01h 3-30 Sassenach . .1:06 b 4-13 Integrity ...1:05 h 4-8 Wise Anne.. 1:03 b 4-8 Irish Wake.l:01h 4-14 Whizzaway .l:01h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-12 Bght Bubblel:18h 4-8 Lovito l:18h 4-9 Back Fence. .1:20 b 4-13 Norman D... 1:18 b 4-14 Easy Sailing. 1:14 h 4-13 Polyphote . ..1:17 h 4-14 Hawk Moth.l:18h 4-9 Respect ....1:16 h 4-12 Happy Lad.. l:18h 4-11 Unkie Tom.l:21 b 4-12 Irish Cutie. .l:22b 4-10 Waltz King. .1:21 b Juror 1:18 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 4-12Eurfiber ....l:53b Irenes Bob showed good speed. Bissagos pulled up lame. Plucky Jack and Professor Paul went handily together. Crackle was breezing. Cutie Face is rounding to form. Cross Ruff and Miss Purray were hard held in company. Wise Anne worked well in hand. Whizzaway and Harvey G. O. were together. Easy Sailing worked well. Furfiber worked a nice mile and an eighth in preparation for the Derby. DALLAS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths "Mile. 4-8 All Night... :37h 1-9 Morning Cry :40 b 4-13 Gomez :38 h 3-23 Royal Link. :37 h 4-13 Carbon .... :43 b 4-13 Scrip Money. . :37h 4-8 Clothtop ... :40h 3-23 Seminole Qn :36 h 4-9 Deferred ... :36h 3-18 Scotch Tom. :36h 4-11 Elegy :39 h 4-8 Santa Roma. :36h One-Half Mile. 1-6 Busy Marie. :53 h 4-10 Soothing ... :50h-4-11 Liberty Ace. :51 h 4-11 The Judge.. :5VAh 4-10Skibo :5Qv;h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-26 Burning Feetl.-0495h 4-11 Hammel ...VMh Three-Quarters Mile. Acrobatic ..l:23h 4-10 Transpose ..1:18 h 3- 21 Mr. Dick...l:18h One Mile. 4- 12 Finnic 1:47 b 4-13 Runy Bean.l:46h 4-14 Rl Treasure.1:43h 4-12 Tug o War..l:52h BAY MEADOWS. Weather rainy; track sloppy; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile; 1-12 Catty :40 b 2-11 Zevar :41h 4-5 Kent :40 b One-Half Mile. Black Signal :53b 3-20 Jane OMine :534ib Gertrude L.. :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-10Glodazz ....1:08 b 4-11 Sand Cloud. 1:08 b 4-12Kashgar ...l:08b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-10 His Way. . . .l:21h 4-10 Madrilcne . .lld Nothing worthy of comment. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 24 B. Highbrow :377sb 4-11 Jge Bonelli. :374ih 4- 9 Ballyhoo ... :37 h 4-9 Kapado .... :39 b 4-4 Carnclian .. :38b 4-12 Merry Fox.. :354ih 4-11 Chauvenet . . :37y5h Miss Patriot. :38b Copper Mine. :39b 3-13 Morning Fair :38b 4-12 Funderburg . ;41 b 4-13 Mid Victorian :38 b 4-12 Gypsie Prince :39 b Moll :38b 4-12 Glastonbury. :354ih 3-16 Supremart . . :37 h 4-9 Gradivus ... :38h 4-12 Stimulator. . :36 h 4-llHerbar :37h 4-11 Sasquatch .. :39 1. 4-13 H. Richman. :37b 4-12 Visigoth :41 b; J. B. Brchey :40 b 4-13Tabitha .... :38 b. 4-10 Jerry S :374ih -i " : T -One-Haif Mile.-- , " . 4-13 Best Bid.... :49h 3-21 Peloria ..... :534ih Court :51 b 4-6 Pana Franka :48h 1-17 Epinique . . :54b Pronto ..... :53b 4-HEmiIeo ..... :50h Sir J. James :51 d 4-6 Johnhycake.. :51b 4-6 Valley Prince :54 b 4-11 Kailin :49h Witch Wings :53b 4-11 Omar Nassa. :S1 d Five-Eighths Mile. 4-12 Al Sat l:04b Luccia 1:10 b 4-11 Albert D....l:04b 4-11 Likewise ...1:00. h 4-11 Almac l:044,b 4-11 M. Go Roundl:02d 4-12 Boston. Soundl:05b 4-14 Mr. Predentl:03d 4-11 Bd Meadowsl:02b 4-14 Morprin l:02d 4-11 Beau Dis...l:06b - 4-11 Otherwise ..l:00b 4-11 Chalk Eye..l:06b 3-22 Paradisical .1K5 b 4-12 Canary 1:04 h 4-11 Broomsl:024ih 4-14 Dark Hazardl:024id 4-12 Polly Flag..l:05b 4-14 Footwork ..l:05b 4-13 Star Bud...l:07b 4-12 Fiji l:01b 4-11 South Bend.l:03b 4-12FeIawake ...1:02 d 4-11 Sallie Gray.l:02h 4-14Hymarque ..l:05b 4-12 Weston .....l:01h Honor Her. .l:03h 4-11 Vanished . . .l:03h 3- 20 H. MacTavhl:06 b Three-Quarter Mile. 4- 13 Bart. Kate. 1:15 h 4-11 Little Cynicl:15 h 4-12Cambril ....1:15 h 4-12 Mah Grant.l:16 h 4-11 Captain Joy.l:17b 4-12 Master Beaul:18 b Direct Hit..l:16b 4-12 Marynell ...ld64ib 4-7 Dontwait ...1:23 b 4-11 Nassa Alorre. 1-23 b 4-llEpernay ....1:18 b 4-11 Nasslyn ....1:23 b 4-11 Gamaliel ...."l:15d 4-12 Our Chance. 1:18 b H. Autumn.. l:20b 4-12 Sherron 1:21 b 4-11 Infinitate ...l:15b Shoeless Joel:20 b 4-12 Joda 1:16 h 4-11 Secret Trystl:17b 4-12 Jake EHedenl:17 h 4-11 Sora l:15h 4-11 King Cicero. l:15h 4-12 Tabora l:18b 4-12 Lillian M. K.l:17 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-12 Gd PoIitian.1:29h 4-12 Lawful Miss.l:30 h One Mile. 4-11 Black River.l:47b 4-13 Silversmith .l:44b 4-13 Chance Sun.l:44h 4-11 Silver Sicklel:49b 4-llLynvete ....l:48b Chance Sun tired after showing good early speed. Pana Franka showed good speed. Weston and Fiji worked together. Likewise worked impressively. Pot au Brooms appears sore. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-12 Athanette .. :37h 4-12 Mil :36h 4-12Goldn Beam :37h 3-21 Orientl Boot :39 h Gsy Princss :39h 4-12Rolanda ... :384ih Hmble Issue :42h 4-12 Super Luck. :37h Hennessey . :36h 4-12 Tiger Claw.. :36h 4-12Hdum Bwn :37b 3-11 Thistle Ace. :40h 4-10 Jaz Age :38 b 3-27Wanoah ... :40h One-Half Mile. 4-12 Elbalarino . . :52h 4-12 Jdge Bolton :52h 4-12 Hidden Dust :49 h 4-12 Understand. :52h Five-Eighths Mile. 3- 24 Wittekind ..l:09h Three-Quarters Mile. 4- 12 Slip H 134 h 4-12 Vas Choice.l:19 h 4-12 Stm Angel.l:19 h One Mile. 4-14 Imigert 1:46 h . Tiger Claw and Mil were in company. Storm Angel and Vellas Choice were together. Hidden Dust showed speed. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track good Three-Eignths Mile. 3-9 Aileen C. . . . :38b 3-25 Mjor General :41 b 3-27 Cathop :38 b 3-25 Sand Runner :38h One-Half Mile. 3- 22 Aboveboard . :52b 4-12 Sgt. Byrne.. :58 b 4- 13 High Trson :52b Tall Man.... :53 b Paul McCann -:50 h 4-13 Wged Flight :49h 4-13 Pass Up :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 3-30 High Image.l:03h Transnding .l:07h 3- 26 Jessie D. M. 1:03 h 4-13 Tudor Quecnl:06b Three-Quarters Mile. Bright Flamel:21b Bass Shot. . .l:18h 4- 12 Exhibit ....1:18h - Recital 121b, 4-12 John Wring.l:19 b Trickling ...1:25 b Mad Queen. l:19b One Mile. Rhodesia . . .1:53 b BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 4-12 Ancient King :37h 3-15 Zowie :37 h 3- 18 Sandy Beach :35h One-Half Mile. 4- 12 Black Buddy :49 h 2-18 Lets Ptend :51h 2-27 Camden .... :49 h Never Chge :53 b Early Call.. :52h 4-12 Truepenny . . :48 h Golden Lie.. :49h 2-22 Wha Hae... :48 h Five-Eiqhths Mile. 4-14 Cded Hoursl.-03 h 4-14 SancUty ...1:03 h 4-12Sing Wood. 1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. Cheshire ...l:20h 4-12 Peradvture 1:24 b 4-12 Douceur ...1:19 h 4-11 Tribunal :..1:18h 4-12 Old Story... 1:19 h One Mile. 4-11 Astra 1:47 h 4-12 Plat Eye. .. .l:424,h Diseur 1:47 h 4-12 Rose Cross. .1:44 h 4-14 Fortification 1:47 h 4-12 Sailor Bearel:424ih One and One-Eighth Miles. 4-llThorson ....2:01h

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