untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1936-06-29


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FILLING POCKETS WITH REAL MONEY AT A TOTAL COST OF THREE CENTS, SPENT FOR A STAMP TO CARRY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO ME, YOU WILL RECEIVE 1 The dramatic facts about a race player who saved himself from the breadline sand built up an income, starting with less than capital. 2 "Pay for the Pockets of Players" 8 pages. 3 A racing share-the-wealth plan intended to place 1,000 players on Easy Street. 4 The real secret of success at last. 5 How you may start winning and never stop. 6 About the "specially recommended" horses. 7 How the "WIN-IT-WILL SYSTEM" was discovered. 8 How Bonnier started with a lone ONE "DOLLAR bet and continued winning. ;jf " 9 Your part in a million dollar plan. 10 A plain and simple method. 11 Past records and the profits shown. 12 Facts tending to prove that racing is conducted honestly. No charge for all this. It is FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME. Just send your name and address. I make modest claims, but the profits are REAL. I Ask a High Price for This System, but You Pay From Profits This whole deal is wonderful news for the small or average player. You really should read it at once. It proves conclusively that "MANS CHANCE FOR GOLD AND GLORY HAS NOT PERISHED FROM THE EARTH." WRITE OR WIRE NO OBLIGATION WHATEVER YOU NEED NOT SPEND A DIME PAUL BONNIER Post Office Building West Palm Beach, Florida Flat Wager Racing System The FLAT WAGER SYSTEM has been checked over every eastern race meeting Santa Anita also that has been completely outlined in Pacific Daily Racing Form, September 2 to. May 23. 20 MEETINGS-NET PROFIT ,851.80. PIMLIC0 CAPITAL REQUIRED 71 PLAYS 31 WINNERS 43 1-2 PER CENT WINNERS ?2 flat wagers at "start of meeting. Only when profits realized, , flat wagers permitted at end of meeting. About four plays a day. System points exact horse to play. Simple 30 seconds per selection. All wagers made at one time noon. One horse in race played to win. NO TIPS. Send for FREE booklet, "HOW TO WIN." No obligation. PATY PUBLISHING CO., 618 South Western Ave., Dept. 121, Los Angeles, Calif. CHICAGO DAILY T T Tl ELEGRAPX1 THE "PINK SHEET" PRICE, 10 CENTS MONDAYS TWO FREE CODES: D ETROIT Tiger-48-22-21 . LATONIA Mouse-51-22-27. CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. .50 per Month by First Class Mail .00 per Month by Air Mail WIN 0 PEFwIEK . FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE II you play the races we can put you next to a little iniide aectet that should place you above want as long: as you live. No obligations. Just , send your name to SECOR PUBLISHING CO. 218 FOX STREET AURORA, ILLINOIS MAKE 0 A DAY FOR LIFE! My marvelous method might make .men millions. Proven for past 16 years. Fully copyrighted. Detailed information sent free upon request. G. DUDLEY GLENN 3945 WOODWARD DETROIT, MICH. DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES Play horses that figure to win. Accurate handicap pine is simple tvhen you know how. There la no excuse for anyone not knowing how to handicap. Full parties-lars free no strings attached. Secure your free copy of "Pick Sour Own Winners." Learn to handicap and be a winner. No obligation. Write today. E. J. BELL, P. O. Box 6416, Cleveland, Ohio WEEDEM0UT SYSTEM Has consistently won on level win and place bet for three past years. IT IS NOT FOR SALE, but its selections wired daily to serious turf investors on special introductory terms SOON TO BE WITHDRAWN. For particulars, write B. Cowen, 895 West End Ave., New York. N. Y. LATONIA FREE CODE: Tag-Pep-Lap-Gem-Lap. ARLINGTON FREE CODE: Top-Off-Arc-Lap-Ivy. OCCASIONAL CODE: ARLINGTON: Tab-Bug-Cat-End-Inn. M l IV i IV DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLY CODES SHOW WAY TO WINNERS DAILY If you want to line yourself up with a consistent winner subscribe now for one of Billy Kellys pocket-"" sized code cards. For many years Billy Kelly has led his -rivals in his chosen field and will continue to do so due to the expert, efficient and high-salaried staff- maintained. No expense is. spared in getting winners for his thousands of followers. Dont miss a day subscribe NOV. Send now and Code Card, good for six days, will be mailed you at once. Two horses appear in code in this publication daily, and they are the LAST WORD IN WINNING INFORMATION. RECENT CODE WINNERS: MONON LAD, 1.80, WON NOVETTE, 5.20, WON MISS SAXON, 15.40, WON BELGIAN BOY, 9.40, WON ISAIAH, 4.40, WON SANTERNO, 12.40, WON GORGEOUS LADY, 4.80, WON JAWAPA, 7.20, WON PHAROSAY, 8.20, WON SAILORS GIFT, 7.40, WON HANK MacTAVISH, 5.20, WON EVERY DAY AFTER A CAREFUL CHECK OF THE TRACK CONDITIONS, JOCKEYS, BETTING and other important angles, one horse which has been carefully prepped for this special event is released by wire and relayed to hundreds of followers. Six out of the last eight wire releases have been returned handy winners at fairly good odds. More to follow. This is a separate and distinct service from the codes, and the cost is only 55 weekly. Send iour subscription at once and one horse a day for six days will be wired you by fast, collect telegram each day about 1 p. m. WEDNESDAYS WIRE SPECIAL: BLESSED AGAIN, .20, WON BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR MONDAY: L ATON I A A-8-1 2-5-1 2. A R L I N GTO N V-1 4-20-3-3. WM. BURKE KELLY 731 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. Mail us this ad and you will be re-warded with a free copy of "THE SECRET OF BEATING THE RACES." J. K. WILLIS, Inc. H 5122 N. W. 18th Ave.. Miami. Fla. Weekly Form BOOK NO. 57 PRICE, 35 CENTS J NOW ON SALE EVERYWHERE J I WEEKLY FORM CLOCKERS PREPARE YOU IN ADVANCE FOR j THE "GOOD THINGS" I Minthera, 38.45, Won Was a Timers Tip in No. 55 j HANK MacTAVISH, .20, WON Was Also a TimerVTip j 0 : , 1 IN AN EARLIER EDITION OF WEEKLY FORM, WE GAVE j Whisking, I8.40, Won as a Preferred Play and "Spot Horse." Whisking was beaten then, but I Friday justified our faith in him by paying better than eight to one, I making it well worth while for those who followed on. j -o J Weekly Form gives you the best information obtainable. If we j cant get information, nobody can, because Weekly Form has repre- j seritatives at ALL tracks. Others have only one or two men at most, j GET BOOK NO, 57 TODAY MANY GOOD THINGS IN STORE FOR I THE PLAYERS I TWO FREE CODES DAILY "SPOT" HORSES j MONDAYS FREE CODE RELEASES: I SEE BOOK NO. 56 j I SUFFOLKMortar-20-14-12. ARLINGTON PARK Gravel-26-14-18. j WEEKLY FORM PUB. CO. j 443 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. j J Americas Authority on Racing WSUrMl O THE TURFS NEWEST AND BEST MONTHLY ptfj X U la MAGAZINE mJm tT AT ALL NEWSSTANDS jT SATURDAYS TWO FREE CODE RELEASES: ONE WINNER JULY NUMBER NOW ON SALE CONTENTS: CLOCKERS CHOICES Point the way to the pay-off window. LETS SEE ABOUT THIS, by Marvin Miller. 3BTRST PAST THE POST, by Bob Tagney A vibrant, exciting story of crooks and betting. STRAIGHT, PLACE AND SHOW, by G. Hunt Some pointers on play that may say money for you. SHINE EM UP, by Paul Cervin An intimate story of the Jocks room. FOLLOW THE BLAZE, by Salvator The winner is often a blaze-face. CLASS HORSES AND CHEAP HORSES, by Robert Saunders Dowst The former will run away from the latter. THE OWNER Modeled in clay by Del Poore. WHEN DESTINY RIDES, by Horace Wade The jockey knew he was riding to his doom, but THE YOUNG MAN FROM BROOKLYN, by Robert DAmbry Clever trainer and good judge of horses. RACE HORSE LUCK, by H. W. Coates Following the fortunes of a sportsman and breeder. FODDER FOR FANS, by Harry Nerger Pertinent paragraphs for punters. rVORY MAKES A LITTLE MISTAKE, by Mark Mellen He loses a slip but wins a bet. HISTORY OF NEW YORK RACE TRACKS, by Charles Hatton New York always has been the backbone of racing. JOCKEY RATINGS. A 68 PER CENT WINNER, by Elhvood Tansey A system that stands out. PICKING WINNERS BY NUMBERS, by Orena A. Koeppel Flaying post positions by numerology. PADDOCK PATTER, by Henry Blakely Items from tack room and feed box. SPLIT-SECOND SPECIALS. CARMAC RATINGS. BOOSTS AND KICKS, by Our Readers. ASK MR. DALY, by Joe Daly. POST TIME 443 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS POST TIME, 443 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, DT.L.: Herewith enclosed please find .00, for which send me POST TIME each month for one year. It is understood I am to receive, absolutely free, a copy of THE GREAT " DISCOVERY, now offered for the first time as a subscription premium. NAME. STREET AND NUMBER CITY STATE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936062901/drf1936062901_38_1
Local Identifier: drf1936062901_38_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800