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AMEND NEW YORK PENAL LAW ON B00KMAKING ALBANY, N. Y., April 14. The assembly today unanimously passed the bill designed to amend the penal law relative to pool selling, bookmaking, bets and wagers by striking out the provision that upon conviction a person is punishable by imprisonment In penitentiary or county jail for a period of not more than one year. This proposed legislation was introduced by Assemblyman Irving D. Neusteln, democrat, of New York City, a lawyer by profession. After the clerk read the title of the bill the vote was taken. There was no opposition to the passage of the bill and the vote was 143 to 0. The measure now goes to the senate for concurrence. The bill bcar3 the simple caption: "To Amend the Penal Law, in relation to punishment for violations of the; provisions of section 986."