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JQAIOTAG FORM I LEXINGTON, KY., SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1937.-Keeneland Park 1 115 miles. i ifirst day. Kccneland Association, Inc. Spring meeting of 11 days. Bahr Gale used for all starts. VVeather, cloudy, Presiding Steward, P. Lorillard,-Jr: Honorary SJwards,- B.-Combi C. B. Shannon," Wrr:A. llangcF, c. Kce.-C;;Nuekta and C G.- Middleton. JudgesT J. J. Graddy, S. S. Brown and A. R. Winters. Starter, W. Hamilton. -- - - Racing Secretary,-C. J. McLennan. Racing starts at 2.00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures In parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; "lO pounds. FIRST RACE 1-2 MILE Headley Course, Out of Chute. No Track Record. Purse 40131 2"year",ds- Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special weights. Apr.-17-37-Kee Net vaue to winner 25; econd im. third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt DICKERVILLE w 115 7 1 1 is 1 SteffenE Shandon Farm 590-100 39443 BACKINTIME wbU5 2 10 44 2i 2 AndcrsonI J W Parrish 630-100 MY LAWYER wll5 2 5" 41 3 JamesB Dixiana JlOO-100 SWEEP BROOK w 115 12 6 21 3 4h. Beasyll L C Young -fl020-100 UPSET MACAW w 115 1 7 6 5" 5" CowleyJ H D Shepherd 4020;100 39316CIIANCEFUL wbIIO 11 5 7 6 6 DotterR C E Hamilton - t 38650 GREENSKI wll5 4 9 8and 81 71 CorbettC Millsdale Stable 1690-100 WICKED TIME wll5 8 4 31 7 8 StevsonC Dixiana t CAVE HILL wb115 38 9 9 9 DabsonH H P Headley 2050-100 FERN STAR w 115 10 11 101 101 104 HankaW M J Schmitt 2870-100 39514 BOB LEE wb 115 9 12 11J 1U 111 RobertsP River Divide Farm 8660-100 GATO 115 5 3 12 12 12 SouthG B Combs 1070-100 fMutuel field. JCoupIed as Dixiana entry. Time, :23s, :46Tequils worlds record. Track fist. JS MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAI. BOOSIHO ODDS . DICKERVILLE 3.80 $ 7.00 $ 3.60 590100 250100 80100 BACKINTIME 7.20 4.20 260100 110100 DIXIANA ENTRY 2.60 30100 Winner Br. c, by Sun Flag Spices, by Peter Quince trained by J. J. Greeley, Jr.; bred by Shandon Farm. WENT TO POST 2:02. AT POST 1 minute. Start Rood and slow. Won easily; second and third. driving. DICKERVILLE, away fast and rushed into a long lead, was steadied on the stretch turn, increased his advantage after straightening out in the stretch and won with speed in reserve. BACKINTIME, away slowly and much, used" in the opening quarter, held on well in a good effort. MY LAWYER, away well, was in close quarters briefly on the stretch turn and closed with good ,courage., SWEEP BROOK J1ad.-Speed.J1ut gave way slightly in the drive. UPSET MACAW raced evenly. CHANCEFUL lost ground. GREENSKI was , in close quarters shortly after the start,.but could not improve his position when clear. CAVE HILL showed nothing. WICKED TIME tired. GATO was forced back soon after the start." Scratched 38881Roy T., 110jv38467 Cuckoo, 115; Red Chief, 115: Jimmy V 115: Candle Ends, J15; 38313 Mr. Smith, 115; NuTrush.lfe; 38658 PinMoney, 115Y " " : SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE. Myrtlewood, Oct. 15, 1936 1:10 4 .128. Purse 00. 3-year- 40132 dS Maidens- sPeclal weights. Apr.-17-37-Kee Net viue t0 winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 39380 NIGHT BANDIT wb118 10 3 3 2 2 11 DabsonH Valdina Farms 170-100 39745 THE MAYOR w 118 1 1 14 14 1J 2 SteffenE T B Cromwell 1520-100 39690 NOGALO wll6 7 9 81 7 3 3 WorkmanR Mrs J Houston X VERTNER w 118 2 2 2 3J 4 4 GruberV J C Stone " 1470-100 MIDDLE BROOK wll3 4 4 64 82 81 5" StevensonC H P Headley 570-100 39565GUSTAVIA w 103 1112 12 10 71 6J HuttonR J F ONcil 530-100 JAVAMOCHA w-118 5 8 105 gj 93 7h DotterR C C Van Meter 720-100 KHAR FAIR wb 118 12 10 7 51 61 8 JamesB Tranquillity Farm " t 39759 WINSOME LASSIE wb 113 3 6 42 41 5 9 RobertsP J D Weil 4940-100 BEREA wb113 6 7 5i 6" 10s 10 AndersonI Shandon Farm 2050-100 39562 STAR BONNY w 114 8 11 111 ij hi jj j j0hSonE Miss Z Gray : 10990-100 MORE RINGLETS wll3 9 5 9" 12 12 12 McCoyJ B Nash 4120-100 fMutuel field. Coupled as T. B. Cromwell and Mrs. J. Houston entry. Time, :234, :48?4. 1:14. Track fast. . It MUTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOXIKQ ODDS . NIGHT BANDIT $ 5.40 $ 3.20 $ 3.40 170100 60100 70100 T. B. CROMWELL AND MRS. J. HOUSTON ENTRY 4.40 6.80 120100 240100 Winner B. e, by Nocturnal Bendita, by Ormondale trained by J. J. Flanigan; bred by Woodward and Smith Cattle Co.. WENT TO POST 2:33. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. NIGHT BANDrr, away well and rated under restraint for a half mile, came around THE MAYOR while responding to light pressure in the final eighth and won drawing clear. THE MAYOR had the most speed from the start, saved ground throughout and held on creditably, yet failed to withstand the winner. NOGALO, slow to begin, improved its position fast soon after reaching the stretch, but tired in the late stages. VERTNER had no mishaps. MIDDLE BROOK raced greenly. GUSTAVIA began- slowly. KHAR FAIR, fractious at the post and away slowly, raced wide throughout. Scratched 39324Silver Braid, 118; 36082 Stormy Ocean, 118; 38431 Eddie H., 118; Zihgali, 113- 28302 Pats Daughter, 113; 35703 Forest B., 118; 26279 Blue Marque, 113; Buginarug, 113. Overweight Nogalo, 3 pounds; Star Bonny, 1. Corrected weight Night Bandit, 118. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILK. Myrtlewood, Oct. 15, 1936 1:10 i 128. Purse 00. 3-year- - A t-i OQ olds. Allowances. Non-winners of two races at any time. Weight, 118 lbs. AOO Winners of ,500, 4 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 6 lbs. Apr.-17-37-Kee Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 33445 BUCK LOOK w 118 3 4 21 2 1J 1 WorkmanR C V Whitney 100-100 36325SWEEPALOT wb118 13 11 .11 2 2? StevensonC Dixiana 540-100 39347DASHWOOD wb 113 2 7 3J 34 3J 31 ChallH D W Butler 2660-100 33834 GOSUM wb118 4 8 44 4h 4 4 AndersonI Calumet Stable 820-100 36199 ALKIT wb113 5 6 7J 5s 5 5s CheathamR A C Ernst 2820-100 35711 OLD NASSAU wb 118 8 9 8J 64 6 6 SteffenE H P Headley 1160-100 35494RECUSSiON wb 108 6 10 10 10 8 7 DotterR A B Hancock 1560-100 37661 PAULDRON wll3 9 5 9s 94 7 8 JamesB Tranquillity Farm 2550-100 39745MINSTER wb 118 10 2 6 71" 9h Oh DabsonH Greentree Stable 870-100 27737ADA W. w 108 7 1 51 81 10 10 PackerD H M Walker 16410-100 Time, :23, :47. 1:11. Track fast. , J2 MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BLACK LOOK $ 4.00 $ 3.40 $ 3.20 100100 70100 60100 SWEEPALOT 4.40 3.40 120100 70100 DASHWOOD 5.40 170100 Winner Br. c, by Whichone Beaming, by Whisk Broom II. trained by T. J. Healey; bred by Mr. 6. V. Whitney. WENT TO POST 3:06. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. BLACK LOOK had speed from the start, was steadied along under a snug hold to the stretch, wore down SWEEPALOT without need of strong pressure and slowly increased its margin after getting to the front. SWEEPALOT, going in good form and saving ground throughout, was cleverly rated and held on well, but was not good enough. DASHWOOD, a factor from the start, failed to maintain the speed of the leaders after reaching the stretch, but held GOSUM safe. The latter, well up from the start, failed to improve his position. ALKIT had no mishaps. OLD NASSAU began slowly and was outrun. RECUSSION started very slowly. MINSTER bore out on the turn and, dropping back, was far out of it thereafter. FOURTH RACE 1-3 MILE Headley Course, Out of Chute. Dlckerville, April 17, 1937 Af-iA :46H 2 115. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Weight, 118 lbs. Winners of ,500, 2 lbs. extra. Non-winners of three races other than Apr.-17-37-Kee claiming allowed 3 lbs.; two such races, 6 lbs.; maidens, 9 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 38881 LASSATOR 118 4 4 l" 14 14 WorkmanR Valdina Farms 320-100 " 38881 GREEN BOTTLE wll5 7 1 2 24 2k CorbettC Millsdale Stable 200-100 388133TEDDYS COMET wb 107 3 5 34 3 3 MinnerC Valdina Farms t 39278"GENEVRA M. wl07 1 3 5 5 41 DotterR J W Parrish 290-100 COPY CAT 109 8 2 44 4 5 AndersonI H P Headley 730-100 39514 DOMINANT DARBYwb 112 2 6 V 6 61 HankaW Darby Dan Farm 3890-100. 3968PDOMIWORTH wb115 9 7 81 81 74 RobertsP C R Jordan 1300-100 39278 SEPTIME w 109 6 10 10 31 81 DbsonH Greentree Stable 2230-100 39691 ROYCE LAKE w 110 10 9 7J 7 91 SteffenE Woodvale Farm 7400-100 EASY GIRL 106 5 8 9" 10 10 SouthG L B Combs 4530-100 f Coupled as Valdina Farms entry. 1 Time, H2. M. Track fast. , JJ MUTUELS PAID . OFFICIAL BOOKIMQ ODDS . VALDINA FARMS ENTRY .40 $ 3.20 $ 3.60 320-100 60-100 80-100 GREEN BOTTLE " 3-00 2-60 , 50100 30100 Winner Ch. c, by Osculator Mountain Lassie, by Harmomcon trained by J. J. Flanigan; bred by MrWENT To POST 3:37. AT POST 3 minutes. Start eood and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LASsCtOR, taken to the inside shortly after the start, withstood GREEN BOTTLES bid when entering the stretch and, drawing into a good lead approaching the final eighth, held sway thereafter. iContlnued on thirteenth page. KEENELAND Continued from third page. GREEN BOTTLE, forced to race wide early and under severe pressure from tie start, could not get to ihe winner, but held on courageously and outstayed TEDDYS COMET. The latter, well up from the start and saving ground where possible, closed resolutely in a fine effort. GENEVRA M., away well but forced back soon after the start, bore out on the turn and made up ground while racing wide thereafter. COPY CAT, away fast, had speed, but tired. Overweight Teddys Comet, .3 pounds;. Royce Lake, 4. FIFTH RACE S-4 5IIXE. Myrtlewood, Oct. 15, 1936 l:10f 4 128. Purse ,000. CfVnj oer year-olds. Allowances. Weight, 115 lbs. "Winners of 0,000 In 1037, 3 lbs. " AdO extra. Non-winners of ,500 at any time allowed 3 lbs.; of ,000 since Apr.-17-37-Kee August 15 or 00 three times in 1937, 6, lbs.; of ,500 at any time or 00 lit" 1937, 9 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses . Eqt A Wt PPSt, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 36030 WHITE TIE wb 106 5 1 1" 1 1 1? Dabsonll Manhasset Stable 170-100 39396PROPH wb104 7 2 3i 2a 2 2 DotterR J W Parrish 240100 30337 ALBUBBLE wb108 1 4 24 3s 3 34 HankaW A C Ernst .3560-100 31745 CHIGRE 109. 2 5 4 4 4 4 SouthG H C Applegate 390-100 39445 CANDLELIGHT wl09 3 3 6s 54 54 5 StevensonC C L Croan 2670-100 38035 VALTED wsl09 6 6 5 b 64 61 AndersonI Valdina Farms 1000-100 298885KERMAY wb106 4 7 7 7 7 7 JamcsB Tall Trees Stable 900-100 Time, :23, :47and. 1:11. Track fast. - V MUTtJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS WHITE TIE .i. ...... $ 5.40 .20 $ 2.80 170100 60-100 40100 PROPH 3.40 3.00 70100 50100 ALBUBBLE , 8.40 320100 Winner Br. c,-by High" Time Highland Dell, by Craig an Eran trained by J. M. Gaver; bred , by Mrs. R. A. Van Cnef. WENT TO POST 4:08; AT POST minute. -Start eiood and slow. Won easily"; second and third driving. WHITE TIE, going in fine form and brought over sharply in the opening quarter, appeared "to have ALBUBBLE in close quarters soon after reaching the turn, began to draw out approaching the. stretch and, continuing with high speed, steadily increased his margin thereafter. PROPH, well up from the start, swerved over slightly on the turn and saved ground while withstanding stout pressure thereafter, but was overmatched. ALBUBBLE had speed from the start, was cased back when racing on the inside of the winner soon after reaching the i turn, but recovered fast and showed a good performance. CHIGRE; also away well, had to be taken back when he lacked room in the opening quarter, swung to the outside entering the stretch, but could not improve his position. VALTED was unable to keep up: KERMAY lacked speed. Scratched 39652 Solar Hawk, 106. Overweight Albubble, 2 pounds. SIXTH RACE 34 MILE. Myrtlewood, Oct. 15, 19361:104128. Seventy-Fifth 40136 Kunnins PHOENIX HANDICAP. ,500 Added. S-year-olds and upward. Apr.-17-37-Kee Net value to winner ,325; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 00. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 31733 PREEMINENT wb 5 110 1 7 2 24 V 1J Dabsonll H P Headlcy 500-100 39411 MARICA wb4110 2 5 4J 41 2 7? DotterR French Lick Springs Stable 180-100 J8555CAPT. CAL wb4117 4 3 6h 6 4 3 StevensonC Tranquillity Farm 50-100 37690 WHA HAE wb 4 113 6 2 l1 1J 34 4 JamesB Tranquillity Farm t 39840APPEALING wb 4 113 10 4 5J 1 5J 5 LoumanH Motor City Stable 680-100 38964 COUNT MORSE wb 4 120 7 1 3l 3 61 64 AndersonI Calumet Farm 360-100 26469 BOW TO ME wb 4 112 9 10 91 5 7 7 SteffcnE E R Bradley 930-100 32722 SIR JIM JAMES wb 4 108 5 9 10 84 8 8 Rosen J E W Duffy 5170-100 28761 ADOLF ws4100 3 8 7 94 9 9J ChallH J H Gaines 7470-100 38965PELERINE- wb4110 8. 6 8i.l0 10 10 BeasyH H P Headley t fCoupled as H. P. Headley entry; JTranquility Farm entry. Time, fv. :4fi". 1:11. Track fast. , 12 MUTUEXS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS H. P. HEADLEY ENTRY 2.00 $ 4.60 $ 3.40 500100 130100 70100 MARICA 3.20 2.60 60100 30100 TRANQUILITY FARM ENTRY 3.40 70100 Winner Ch. h, by Supremus Star Class, by Star Shoot trained by D. A. Headley; bred by Mr. H. P. Headley. VENT TO POST 4:38. AT POST 1 -minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. PREEMINENT, going in his best form and having speed from the start, forced the pace under light restraint, moved into command quickly as WHA HAE began to falter and, holding on with determination, held MARICA safe. The latter, kept well up from the. start, suffered mild interference entering the stretch and, closing well when clear, was slowly, getting to the, winner. CAPT. CAL, under strong restraint early, offered fine response when called .upon and fought it out gamely to the end. WHA HAE displayed keen Speed .in the pacmakiiig, saved ground after the first quarter, but tired badly in the closing three-sixteenths. APPEALING lost much ground and showed a fair effort. COUNT MORSE, away fast, was kept up under strong urging and eave way suddenly after a half mile. PELERINE did not have her best speed. Scratched 40135Proph, 103. Overweight Sir Jim James, 5 pounds; Adolf, 2. SEVENTH RACE 1 i-16 MILES. Bandalore, Oct. 22, 19361:45544104. Owners Handl-403-37 CaP" Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. Apr.-17-37-Kee Net vlue t0 winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vi. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 39628STOCKS wb6100 1 4 lj lj "1 In lb HuttonR Willow Brook Farm 440-100 33852BRUSH HOOK iv-4105 2 3 5 54" 34 2s 25 Dabsonll Greentree Stable 260-100 39667 WHIPOWILL" wb4105 5 I 23 23 2J 3s 34 CowIeyJ ENBisso 2810-100 39667 COMPENSATORY w 5 100 3 6 4J 3i 4 44 4 Roberts? Mrs B Franzheim 1430-100 39667 GIANT KILLER w 4 107 4 5 6 6 51 5s 5 CorbcttC Millsdale Stable 110-100 33662 BLACK GIFT wb5102 6 2 3 4" 6 6 6 DotterR L Carter 970-100 Time, :24i, :48, 1:12. 1:38?. 1:45 fnew track record. Track fast. . 12 MUTTELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS STOCKS 0.80 $ 4.80 $ 3.80 440100 140100 90100 BRUSH HOOK 3.40 3.40 70100 70100 WHIPOWILL 5.80 190100 Winner B. g, by Pillory Mascarita, by Blue Wrack trained by E. E. Hart; bred by estate of R. T. Wilson. WENT TO POST 5:13. AT POST 1 J minutes. Start eood and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. STOCKS, saving ground throughout and under steady restraint for about five-eighths, opened up a commanding lead approaching the stretch and, holding on well, withstood BRUSH HOOKS bid. The latter, allowed to remain out of it early, improved its position rapidly under a badly judged ride and hung badly after getting to the winner. WHIPOWILL was under stout pressure after reaching the final three-eighths and tired in the stretch, but outstayed COMPENSATORY. The latter had no mishaps. GIANT KILLER, failed to respond to pressure after reaching the last three-eighths. BLACK GIFT was through early. Overweight Giant Killer, 2 pounds; Black Gift, 2. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Whatway, Oct. 24, 1936 1:52J4 3 106. Purse 00. Lfbt r7 JL 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 118 -lbs.; older, 119 lbs. rtfJL 4 2 Non-winners of two races in 1937 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming Apr.-17-37-Kee price, ,350; if for. ,050, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 39717TRUE CHARM w5103 2 1 1 lb 1 1 1 DotterR L Combs 1670-100 36362 BELLEEK w 4 107 10 6 4 3 3 2J 21 Rosen J W Duffy tl090-100 394473INTRODUCTORY wb4U5 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 SouthG F L B Stable 290-100 39763 SUSAN HAY wb 4 107 6 11 9 5 4 41 4 RobertsF Brown Hotel Stable 3600-100 39668HEY FLIRT wb6113 8 3 7J 10 7 5 5 JohnsonE A C Whalen 3470-100 36112ODDESA CLARK wb 5 101 1 4 51 61 6 64 6 HuttonR M J Schmitt 5630-100 39623 HOOSIERS PRIDE wb 6 110 4 5 3J 4h 54 ?2 7l SchutteH G Scott 2130-100 395102POLYWHISK wb4110 7 7 U 11 9 9 8 ChallH W C Rig? 540-100 36211:REELAWAY wb 5 113 11 8 61 7 8 81 94 LoumanH H L Knodcrer t 39531 THE WHIG w 8 110 9 9 8J 8J 10 10410 BeasyH Tracy and Baker t 397001TOP SPIN w4107 5 10 10 9J 11 11 IP CowleyJ J D Weil 690-100 39843AUKAI wb 5 111 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 PackerD Motor City Stable 210-100 iMutuel T.nuiuei field. iieia. Time, 33, : :48?S, 1:13. 1:40. 154and. Track fast. J MnIDEta pAID 1 OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . TRUE CHARM .40 1670-100 530-100 260-100 BELLEEK Field 9-20 360-100 120- 00 4-20 110-100 INTRODUCTORY , Winner Ch. m, by Carlaris My Pet, by Sir Barton or St. .Henry trained by R. A. Kindred; bred by Audlev Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,050. WENT TO POST 5:44. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Aukai. Won easily; second and third driving. TRUE CHARM, away smartly and showing good speed, was well rated to the far turn, moved away Irom his field quickly when called upon and was in hand at the end. BELLEEK, under steadying restraint early while racing on the outside, moved up gradually when urged, but was no match for the winner. INTRODUCTORY showed good early speed, made a weak challenge at the far turn when called upon, then Jired SUSAN HAY showed fair speed and finished well. HEY FLIRT moved up between horses. ODDESA CLARK had no mishaps. AUKAI failed to break with his field. Scratched-39844 Hymarque, 111; 39327 Golden Nut, 110; 39829 Just Buck, 111. CZ-Hjrtm-, Oddesa Clark, 101; Susan Hay, 107; Hey Flirt, 110.