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BAY MEADOWS SAN MATEO, CALIF., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1938 Bay Meadows 1 mile. Tenth day. California Jockey Club, Inc. Spring meeting of 25 days. Puett Starting Gate used. Weather clear. Steward representing California Horse Racing Board, J. K. Macomber. Presiding Steward, G. W. Schilling. Associate Steward, R.-E. Leighninger. Placing Judges, M. H. Morrison, G. D. Murphy and F. McKenney. Starter, E. Thomas. Racing Secretary, M. H. Morrison. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, "4:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried, indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. FIRST RACE 1-2 MDLE. Ina Dear, April 2, 1935 :46 2 112. Purse 00. 2-year-Cf2"l Kt olds Maens and winners of one race. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Non- ,0 b rf" winners since February 1 allowed 3 lbs.; maidens, 6 lbs. Claiming price. Apn.1.38-B.M 500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,200. No aprentirS allowance. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. - . Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 553313HERMAN JR. wb 112 2 1 l2 15 16 McrriUN E and W Janss 80-100 SoKATYA w 108 11 9 25 23 2h. DaniolsJ E Riskin 9040-100 560962LADY MAVA wl03 3 2 44 33 3a TurkC M Shields 240-100 55331 BOSTON LAD 108 7 8 7h 5 4 MaschckF A E Silver 1940-100 55903 RED CAB wb 110 10 10 62 5n PiersonNL Miss K Hoffman 6840-100 S?uAN JSMIH 9h 816 AdamsJ New York Southern Stable 3710-100 56072 SMOKY JACK 106 6 3 3b 4 7 SenaT J F Gunn 7360-100 55792 LUCUBELLE wb 109 12 12 12 12 8hMcCownD C M Willock 2580-100 559343GOLD JET 112 1 4 82 .7 94 PierceC Loma Rica Rancho 790-100 55903 MIDNIGHT STAR w 110 4 6 10 lib 102 ChallH Snow White Stock Farm 7580-100 56072 GORDONS GIFT wl09 8 5 IF I0h and MartinJ M 18640-100 56072 WANTAGE will 9 7 6 912 GreenwdC C R Thompson 30040-100 Time, :23, :48. Track fast. r -,.KUT.nH5 PAP 0FFIC"L BOOKING ODDS urMAu ""MAAN JR .0 ...,.....$ 3.60 .20 $ 2.40 80-100 60-100 20-100 Fa ISA..;;;; 58-80 13-60 2840-100 580-100 LADY MAVA . 2.60 30-100 Winner Ch. c, by Tryster Lady Winsome, by Gnome trained by H. Philpot; bred by Mr W S Kilmer and Messrs. Herring Bros.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 2:00i. AT POST 3J minutes. Start poor and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. HERMAN JR. soon sprinted to the front and, racing as if easily best, opened up a long lead when ready in the stretch. KATYA moved up strongly when straightened out in the back stretch and raced fairly well to the finish to hold LADY MAVA. The latter came again after dropping back nearing the stretch turn. BOSTON LAD was in close quarters early, but finished fast. FIGHTING JEAN was in clos quarters several times and was taken up. LUCUBELLE was practically left at the post. Overweight Katya, 1 pound; Gordons Gift, 1; Wantage, 1. SECOND RACE 3-4 MDLE Out of Chute. Alviso, Nov. 14, 19361:094113. Purse ftl 95 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 109 lbs.: older, 119 AVi-TaRM S- Ifn"WiniieroS,tT0 in 1938 aUwed 3 lbs.; one race, 5 lbs. ApriM-38-B.M Claiming price, ,200; if for ,000, allowed 4 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 559042LEE HASTINGS wb4U0 1 7 1 lh 14 14 KnappL Dixiana 1340.100 55223 THE BAILIFF wb7U4 9 11 11 102 5 2i GrayA Miss E Hill 150-100 55874 SON OF DAY wb6U4 6 2 10h 11 83 SenaT Mrs D Baeley 4540-100 55189 BROWNEYED PAT w 6 111 11 1 4 3 3 41 CpanelliA H Cooper 990-100 559372PLAYMAY wb5106 3 4 2 23 2 5 GribbleF F Turner Jr 320400 55967LITTLE KIEV wb4105 8 9 74 62 U 6 DennisW G Philpot 15460-100 55406 GAY WORLD vv8112 7 3 94 9 6 7 YagerE Mrs J A Nhc 480-100 53253 AKSALA w 6 110 4 5 3 4 42 8and SperryR w A McKinnev 9010-100 55874 MANNIE wb6114 2 8 5 5h 9J 9 ThompsonV F E Childs Z 100 559373SWEET BERNICE w 3 101 10 10 8 7h 11 102 TurkC H C McConncll 3210-100 53273 RIPPING w 3 103 5 6 6hff.104Uir.HerF Mrs VC Van Antwerp 63 5-100 Time, :23. :47, 1:12. Track fast. - TonMUT? PAP OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB . 1 cr uAc-riwrc LEE "AS,5 8.80 1.00 $ 6.40 1340-100 450-100 220-100 I.T nr1 3-G0 3-20 80100 60-100 SON OF DAY,. 15.6O 680-108 Wm"c!X".Blk- S. y Peter Hastings Jemima Lee. by General Lee trained by C. E. Gross- bred a hv X Mr. C. T. Fisher. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:31. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. LEE HASTINGS showed good speed from the start and, drawing away from PLAYMAY after goine; slightly over half the distance, was never in danger thereafter. THE BAILIFF lacked early speed and was badly outrun for a half mile, then came very fast and was gaining on the winner SON OF DAY was RnnnwMrvPpAhprAT Wh5 Cl.S cu"tcrs ,riSht a" 1 and de up much ground to finish fast. BROWNEYED PAT raced evenly on the outside. GAY WORLD raced in four bandages, had little chance with the ride and pulled up slightly lame. PLAYMAY quit badly in the stretch. MANNIE was in close quarters early and dropped back. Scratched 55295 Xingu, 105. Overweight Browneyed Pat, 2 pounds; Sweet Bernice, 1; Ripping, 3. Continued on-fifteenth page. BAY MEADOWS I Continued from third page. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILS Out of Chute. Alviso, Nov. 14, 1936 1:09 4 113. Purse 56153 j0 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of 05 at any time. Weight, ApriM-38-B.M Net value to winner 600; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeyi Owntri Equir. Odds Strt 54910 FOAM wl07 6 3 1 1 12 12 MHlerF Double H Ranch 1240-100 55446AUXILIARY wb112 10 2 2 2 2 2 TuckerE Jean Chatburn 1200-100 54302ARIGOTAL wb112 1 9 3h 32 32 3 SperryR R C Ellsworth 460-100 54444 TORCH GLEAM w 112 5 5 4 4J 5" 41 GribbleF Mrs C Van Dusen 4320-100 559362JOHNNY PAN wnll2 9 10 10 10 76 5i GrayA Pantages and Considine 900-100 550763CLEANUP wb112 3 7 5i 5 42 6- FallonML H Field 650-100 8545Q AtAM LINDY wl07 2 1 9 7 -6i 7 JonesF L E Redmon 1180-100 55936 STEP BY wb112 4 4 7 8h 8 8 KnappL C M Willock 260-100 DARK WONDER w 108 7 6 6h 93 9h 914 McCPtkD Mrs R Wolchock 2260-100 54120 TROPIC ISLE wl07 8 8 8 P 10 10 ThompsonV W E Boeing 520-100 Time, :234, :47, 1:12. Track fast. W lttlTTTZIB PAID , . OFFIOIAI. BOOKING ODDS 0A,M 6.80 1.60 $ 5.20 1240100 480100 160100 AUXILIARY.. 14.00 8.00 600100 300100 ARIGOTAL , . 5.00 150100 Winner B. f, by Wildair Honey Lake, by General Thatcher trained by J. Weber; bred by Mr. H. P. Russell.- WENT TO POST-2:59J. AT POST 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. FOAM dashed to the front quickly and, showing fine speed, was never in danger and won easily. AUXILIARY was always closest to the winner and was hustled along, but was not good enough. ARIGOTAL saved ground most of the way and showed a fair effort. TORCH GLEAM raced fairly well. MAM LINDY acted badly at the post and started from outside the stall gate and broke well, but could not keep up. JOHNNY PAN was crowded back right after the start. TROPIC ISLE was in close quarters early and was never a serious contender. CLEANUP and STEP BY were outpaced. Scratched 55936 Crimson Glory, 112; 55595 Ribald, 112. Overweight Dark Wonder, 1 pound. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Alviso, Nov. 14, 1936 1:09 4 113. Purse PTftTI KA 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in California. Claiming. Non-win- T"T ners of two races in 1938 3-year-olds, 109 lbs.; older, 119 lbs. Non-winners Apnl-l-38-B.M since February 1 allowed 3 lbs.; in 1938, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Net value to winner 75; second, 25; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horsti Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jocktyt Owners Equiy. Odda Strt 55874 BONILUNA w41U 2 3 1 1 1 In SenaT ACT Stock Farm 680-100 555952DELINE BANK w 6 114 1 5 3 3 24 21 MillerF W Baker 360-100 55009 BOSWORTH wb4119 6 6 5h 2 44 3 RobtsonW E W Garvey estate 1360-100 55653ENOCH BORLAND wb 3 105 8 8 61 41 3and 42i GribbleF Morgan and Buck 1680-100 55595BONICON wb 4.109 3 9 7 645s 5h McCltkD D P Jeppson 1680-100 53653 PNCE HEATHER, wb 8 116 9 10 82 84 6 6i Adams J H C Hill 180-100 55935TANNHAUSER wb 3 107 10 2 9410and 7 75 GriggA M K C Stable 2490-100 55794 VOLTDAIR wb 4 111 11 1 11 11 10h 8 TuckerE Mrs V Phelps 4320-100 55595 HOME LOAN wb 6 114 5 7 4h 7b 91 DanielsJ Miss E Hill 4820-100 559063FRESNO wb 5 114 4 4 2 5h 81 102 ThompsonV S D Parker 470-100 51123 RAYMAR wb3101 7 11 lfjh 92 11 11 TurkC D McDonald 9010-100 Time, :23and, :47and, 1:12. Track fast. 92 irtTTTJELB PAID , . OFFIOIAI. BOOKJHG ODDB BONILUNA ..5.60 .20 $ 4.80 680100 260100 140100 DELINE BANK 4.00 3.40 100100 70100 BOSWORTH 5.60 1 80100 Winner B., f, by Bon Homme Rockiluna, by Rockminister trained by D. Cannon; bred by Mr. C. E. Cooper. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST 3:31. AT POST H minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BONILUNA raced to the front early to take a short lead and, displaying good form, was never headed, although threatened several times and had enough left to hold DELINE BANK. The latter saved ground ! where possible and was pressing the winner at the finish, but pulled up slightly lame. BOSWORTH handled his weight well and closed some ground. ENOCH BORLAND showed a creditable effort. BONICON was-in close quarters while racing on the inside. PRINCE HEATHER was taken up when in dost quarters early and was never dangerous. FRESNO dropped back when in close quarters in the early running and was-badly outrun thereafter. Scratched 56076 Sistina, 104. Overweight Enoch Borland, 1 pound; Tannhauser, 3; Voltdair, 2. Corrected weight Bosworth, 119. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Alviso, Nov. 14, 19361:094113. Purse rT- trer 900- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; older, 117 ODIOO lbs. Winners twice since February 1, 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners since their ApnM-38-B.M allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 8 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Net value to winner 75; second, 25; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeyi Owners Equir. Odds Strt 56077SKY O BLUE wb5107 4 1 1 1 1 1 GriggA T Loeff 360-100 55486DON GUZMAN wb 8 117 8 8 6A 6 4 V- ElstonH E J Heffernan 510-100 45664 WHISPER wb 5 108 5 2 2$ 23 3i DuncanH J Fox 1980-100 .54609 DANKE SCHON wb4U4 2 4 3 3 3i 4and ThompsonV Macaroo Stable 440-100 55128 CHIANA wb 5 109 7 3 8 72 5 5h PiersonNL S Gioml. 1960-100 55487 KING ROYALE wb4114 6 7 54 5 64 6 SenaT J F Gunn 4210-100 55563NORLANDA wb 4107 15 8 8 GribbleF L Grana 2580-100 55655 MASTERPIECE wb5114 3 6 4and 4J 7" 8 GrayA Miss E OConnell 140-100 Time, :23, :46, 1:12. Track fast. , MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB . SKY 0 BLUE.... .20 .80 $ 3.60 3W 108 14 186 80100 DON GUZMAN 6.20 5.40 210100 170100 WHISPER 7.40 270100 Winner B. m, by In Memoriam Constellation, by Broomstick trained by C. Wilhelm; bred by Mr. W. F. Axton. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 3:59. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. SKY O BLUE raced to the front at once and, showing fine early speed, drew into a good lead after going half the distance, but had to be shaken up near the finish to hold DON GUZMAN. The latter was slow to get going, but closed with a rush and was gaining rapidly. WHISPER showed a good turn of early speed, then held on fairly well. DANKE SCHON raced evenly and never threatened seriously. MASTERPIECE showed an exceptionally weak effort and might have fared better had he been hard ridden all the way. KING ROYALE had some early speed. CHIANA dropped back after breaking well, but was going gamely .at the finish. NORLANDA lacked the speed to keep up. Scratched 53550Our Crest, 109. SIXTH RACE BAY MEADOWS 1 Mile 92 Win $ Place Show Winner-.. 1. lBH Second 2. SHQEKD SKLEKD Third 3. SKIEXD Final Time: DhEKl.l Off Time: EhHH The numbers preceding the names of the horses entered in the race indicate the order in which they finished. In case of a dead heat for first place, winners will be designated by 1 and 1A; dead heats for second, 2 and 2A, and dead heats for third, 8 and 8A. WM Balkan Land El Harvey G. 0. Idle Along UlTenace El Nahili B Chief Yeoman Q Radio Hour QMumsie SEVENTH RACE BAY MEADOWS 1 Mile Win Place Show Winner. 1. 1938.sh0.00 .LH0 .0Q Second. 2. .EI3 .HH Third.. 3. ED.QH Final Time: DhEEMH Off Time: tl:andU The numbers preceding the names of the horses entered in the race indicate the order in which they finished. In. case of a dead, heat for first place, winners will be designated by 1 and 1A; dead heats for second, 2 and 2A, and dead heats for third, 3 and 3A. Lady Florise Q Patty Cake MM Real Clear OurCarolyne QTorolee Donna Leona EIGHTH RACE BAY MEADOWS 1 1-16 Miles Win Place Show Winner. 1. .OQ .HH Second. 2. .E3Q .EX3 Third .3. .aH Final Time: UrBtD ta Off Time: 3: 2 The numbers preceding the names of the horses entered in the race indicate, the order in which they finished. In case of a dead heat for first place, winners will be designated by 1 and 1A; dead heats for second, 2 and 2A, and dead heats for third, 3 , and 3 A. Silver Sickle Donald Duck HHighmost EI Closing Time Mamalahoa Star Simon Of Ancestral EI Fair Cynthia Two Edged Silver Kiev