Tropical Park, Daily Racing Form, 1938-04-02

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TROPICAL PARK THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND RACES AT TROPIAL PARK FRIDAY PAID 7.40 FOR . MIAMI, FLA., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1938. Tropical Park 1 mile. Twenty-third day. Gables Racing Association. Spring meeting of 30 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. .Steward representing Florida Racing Commission, Charles W.. Cone. Presiding Steward, .T. Thorp. Associate Steward, S. C. Nuckols. Judges, P. C. Galliger, L. M., Shea and T. Steele. Starter, G. R. Wingfield. Racing Secretary, R. S. Shelley. , Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 1:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate hprse; date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. FIRST RACE 1-2 MILE. Love Sick, March 24, 1934 -AG 2 110. Purse 00. 2-year-56135 olos Maidens. Special weights. April-1-38-Trp Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 560423 tPIT TERRIER w 116 9 1 Ink 2h 14 SarnoM Stroube and Collins 340-100 560583DARBY DEAN w 116 1 2 2 35 2h LongJ Darby Dan Farm 690-100 560422SPANISH DOT w 116 8 4 32 1" 35 CooperA Orienta Stable . 130-100 55393 GOOD STAR wll6 3 3 5 5 4 BiermanC Neville Bros 3345-100 56042 MAEHERO wb 116 5 5 44 44 56 LynchJ Maemere Farm 585-100 55074 POST OFFICE wb113 6 8 71 64 6 RyanP J A Healey 4805-100 55826 THE GREAT w 116 7 6 64 7" 71 DonosoR H McLeod 5260-100 55942 BELLITAS-BABE wll3 4 7 8h 82 8 Rosen J Byrum Bros 1285-100 55739 J. WARE f w 116 2 9 9 9 9 McCombsK . J W Parrish 2075-100 -Disqualified. Time, :23J, :47. Track: fast. , 52 MUTUE1S PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , DARBY DEAN 5.80 $ 5.80 $ 4.10 690100 190100 105100 SPANISH DOT 3.00 2.30 50100 15100 GOOD STAR ,. 7.30 265100 Winner Br. c, by. Tommy "Boy Fair Arrow, by Fair Play trained by H. Long; bred by Mr. J. W. Galbreath. WENT TO POST 2:16. AT POST 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. PIT TERRIER, away quickly, raced into a short lead, blocked DARBY DEAN which was racing on the inside rounding the turnt came again after being momentarily headed oil the stretch turn arid, under a.hard drive, was able to draw out" slowly in the last sixteenth He was disqualified for crowding. DARBY DEAN was racing abreast of, the winner while on the .inside on the turn, was crowded, badly, recovered and came to the outside to finish stoutly. SPANISH DOT, on the outside of the leaders when the crowding . occurred, moved into a short lead nearing the stretch, but tired under a hard drive. GOOD STAR, eased back out of tight quarters -in the first sixteenth, failed to threaten the leaders. MAEHERO was pinched back slightly early arid settled into his stride, but could not reach the leaders. POST OFFICE was shut off after the start. BELLITAS BABE was outrun. THE GREAT could not menace. J. WARE was knocked back when the start came. SECOND RACE 3-1 MILE Out of Chute. Wise Prince, Jan. 6, 19381:106114 K ft H Q 1 mse 00- 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners since December 18. JO J.OO Weight, 115 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Apnl-1-38-Trp Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St "and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 480142MULTI MILLION wb 115-2 4 1 is l3 lh McCombsK W C Stroube 265400 56041 DARK MAY w 110 11 1 4 31 2 23 SchiehF J Whyte 355-100 .55831 CAVE HILL wb115 7 5 2 2- 3 34 MayT G L Weiss 2680-100 55945 NEVER CEASE wbIIO 5 6 5 42 4 4 MerrittR J H Miles 3325-100 55887 CRACK ALL wb115 1 7 64 62 5 55 RosenJ J W Barnes 905-100 53603GURT PALMER w 105 10 2 3 5i 63 6h ButlerJ W J Palmer 10930-100 56043 CONSIDER ME- w 115 6 10 9 9 74 72 DonosoR G Preece 1060-100 55944 GARCIA w 115 12. 9 84 8 8i 8 DeeringJ . E S Defoe 680-100 56059FREE ROCK wb105 8 8 71 7 9 9 CartwrightJ R J Randolph 7510-100 55944 BALANCE UP wb IIO 9 3 Fell. RyanP L B Deming 1710-100 559443TAXI wl05 4 11 Fell. GrantP Mrs M Warner 560-100 56041 KAI SOU w 110 3 12 Lost rider. . LynchJ H M Hartman 5395-100 Time, :22, :46, 1:12.. Track fast. . S2 MUIUEL8 PAID , . OFFIC1A1 BOOKINO ODDB MULTI MILLION $ 7.30 $ 4.50 $ 4.00 265100 125100 100100 DARK MAY 4.80 3.50 " " 140100 75100 CAVE HILL . .i.......... . 14.10 .. 605-100 Winner Ch. g," by Bubbling Over Conserve, by Friar Rock, trained, by M. Harrison; , bred, by Jdle Hour Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000, . WENT TO POST 2:52. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and. third the same. . MULTI MILLION opened up a long lead when having much speed, continued stoutly until reaching the stretch, tired arid had to be strongly ridden to withstand DARK MAY. The" latter raced fqrwardly from the. beginnfng, responded willingly and was wearing the winner down slowly at the "close. CAVE HILL bettered his position gradually, but could not make up any ground in the final drive. NEVER CEASE, was going gamely and was best of the others. CRACK ALL failed to threaten. GURT PALMER -displayed early speed. CONSIDER ME lacked speed. GARCIA was never a factor. FREE ROCK was outrun. BALANCE UP stumbled midyay of the back stretch when racing forwardly and fell. KAI SOU lost er, rider when he became unbalanced, while TAXI fell. ; Scratched 48014 Time Interval, 110; 55630 Evening Time, 110; 55945 Sweet Showno, 105; 56059 Chispa, 105. THIRD RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS Out of Chute. Mr. Sponge, March 25, 19331:046 tZfS- QfT i23- Furse 00. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. . V I 00 4 Claiming price, 00; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000; Apnl-l-38-Trp Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 560832SUN MADRAS wb112 5 1 1 ! 1$ 1 McCombsK Corsicana Stable 115-100 560833LIFE GUARD wbUI 4 3 44 3 32 2i BiermanC M Hirsch 270-100 55984 -SPORT. HEEL wb116 1 5 32? 23 38 BarbaJ P T Chinn 245-100 55046 EDWIN BOOTH wll6 2 4 2h 4 4i 4 SarnoM Mrs R H Height 1895-100 MILRAY w 113 3 6 6 6 6 53 CarneyJ Mrs T B Brown 4025-100 56040 BAY STOUT w 106 6 2 5 5h 5i 6 MerrittR H M Hartman 5450-100 Time, :22, :45, 1:05. Track fast. , 2 MUTUEIS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . SUN MADRAS $ 4.30 $ 2.50 $ 2.20 115100 25100 10100 LIFE GUARD ...................... 2.80 2.30 40100 15100 SPORT HEEL 2.20 10100 Winner Ch. g, by Sun Beau Madras, by Ben Brush trained by A. G. Tarn; bred by Messrs. Kilmer and Witz. Winner entered to be claimed for ,100. WENT TO POST 3:22. AT POST 1 J minutes. . Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SUN MADRAS, away quickly, opened up a wide lead early, was kept under light pressure and drew out without effort to increase his lead at the end. LIFE GUARD, away well but sluggish in getting into full stride, came stoutly in the last quarter mile, but could not threaten the winner. SPORT HEEL, lacking early speed, secured racing room on the inside, but failed to stay when placed to a hard drive. EDWIN BOOTH raced well for a half mile, then tired. MILRAY raced extremely wide on the stretch turn. BAY STOUT could not keep tip. Scratched 53765 Symphon, 111. Overweight Milray, 2 pounds. FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute. Wise Prince, Jan. 6, 1938-1:106114. Ki-t 9C Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since Jan- VAV0 uary 1L 3-year-olds, 105 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Claiming ApnM-38-Trp price, ,000; if for ,250, 3 lbs. extra. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 55948 BERNARDINE W. wb 5 114 11 1 4and 33 23 1 BiermanC Mrs W M Emerson "385-100 55738EXHORT wb4112 7 4 1and I3 14 25 HartleC Mrs L H Silver 585-100 560853SALAVINA wb 4107 5 5 2k and 33 3 DuppsL M Gettinger 280-100 560562DON ROMIRO wb 9 116 1 7 64 6and 44 4s CornayW J O Kcene 725-100 559433COME HOME w 5 111 10 3 5 5H 5h 5k ComptonC E Lutz 3095-100 55917 MA YRO . wb4109 2 2 7h 7 63 6 RenickJ J T Rogers 855-100 559143BLUE CYCLONE wb5111 8 10 104 94 8 71 SarnoM Mrs J McNally 1950-100 55914 LIGHT CRUISER xvb4114 6 11 11 105 92 82 McCombsK M Shackman 2435-100 50987 THE WINK wb4109 9 8 8 82 7H 94 DeeringJ E S Defoe 6070-100 52106iFIGHT TALK - WB5116 3 6 3 4 lOlO2" Lj-nchJ; Mrs F D Watson " 805-100 56040 DON MANUEL wb 7116 4 9 94U 11 11 AlbrechtH Mrs L E Ames 3535-100 Time, :23, :46, 1:11. Track fast. . J2 MU1UELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKIHO ODD8 . BERNARDINE W. .70 .20 $ 3.00 385100 110 100 50100 EXHORT 6.20 4.10 210100 105100 SALAVINA 3.10 55100 Winner B. m, by Whiskalong Toyon, by Star Hawk trained by W. M. Emerson; bred by Mr. D. E. Holeman. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 3:52. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BERNARDINE W., going along in the thick of contention, had good speed to engage the pacemaker on the stretch turn, closed strongly in the Final eighth and was up in the last sixty yards. EXHORT had much speed to draw into a clear lead, saved ground all the way, but could not withstand the winner under " a hard drive. SALAVINA was rushed into contention and was strongly urged, but failed to stay when the real test came. DON ROMIRO saved ground all the way and was best of the others. COME HOME met with slight interference on the turn and could not improve her position. MAYRO raced evenly. BLUE CYCLONE lacked his usual early speed. LIGHT CRUISER was outrun. FIGHT TALK showed speed for three-eighths. DON MANUEL went lame and was cased in the last three-sLxtecnths. Scratched 55981 Burning Billows, 106; 50036 Lady Pal, 111; 56085 Blakeen, 111. Continued on fourteenth page. TROPICAL PARK Continued from ninth page. FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS Out of Chute. Mr. Sponge, March 25, 19331:046 CTO-j on 123. Jacksonville Trophy. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-OOltlll winners of 50 twice since January 11 or ,500 at any time. Weight, 118 April-1-38-Trp lbs. Non-winners of 50 since January 11 allowed 3 lbs.; one race of any value since then, 6 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 80; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 552353GAYSET wb115 3 2 lh 11 lh lh DonosoR W Wick 1375-100 558842POSTERITY wb 118 2 3 34 4 2 2 BiermanC E P Bixer 170-100 525952JANE VITO wb107 4 6 44 3and 3and 3h MerrittR Mrs M Faniglietpl 700-100 55853 CAL RAINEY wb 115 7 1 2h 2h 42 41 CooperA Orienta Stable 330-100 560331PUMPGUN wb115 5 7 7 5i 5 53 LynchJ H E Enger 285-100 55530 PANORASCOPE wb112 6 5 6i 7 61 65 SarnoM Paragon Stables 3115-100 56059 JOE D. wb115 1 4 55 64 7 7 McCombsK H B Anderson 3175-100 Time, :22, :46, 1:05. Track fast. , S3 jCTXTUZIiB AID , . OFFICIAL BOOKIXQ ODDS . GAYSET 9.50 $ 8.30 $ 4.30 1375100 316-TOO 115100 POSTERITY 3.70 2.70 85100 35100 JANE VITO 4.20 110100 Winner Ch. g, by Happy Argo Smart Set, by Upset trained by R. McKeever; bred by Brook-meade Stable. WENT TO POST 4:27. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. GAYSET, displaying keen speed, took "a short lead in the first quarter mile, raced CAL RAINEY into submission, saved ground and withstood a tedious drive to stall off POSTERITY. The latter, a strong contender while racing on the inside, engaged the winner on the stretch turn and fought it out stubbornly to the end. JANE VITO showed good speed to race along in the thick of contention and held on well to outlast CAL RAINEY. The latter was rushed along with the pacemaker, then tired in the last three-sixteenths. PUMPGUN began slowly and could not reach the leaders. PANORASCOPE was always held safe. JOE D. was unable to keep up with his company after going three-eighths. Corrected weight Joe D., 115. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MDLES. Conte, March 13, 19371:485109. Purse 00. 8-year-ero-g AC olds. Claiming. Non-winners of three races since March 5. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races since March 5 allowed 8 lbs.; one race April-1-38-Trp since then, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; If for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 55828 ODDESA FRANK wb 115 8 6 54 51 44 33 lh RosenJ A E Webber 1865-100 55829 DIDUTELLUS wb 115 7 5 44 24 1 lh 22i SarnoM Mrs W C Stroube 595-100 54490 CUCKOO wb114 2 1 lh lh 22 2h 34 DonosoR P B Codd 645-100 56057 WEEKLY STIPEND wb 109 9 7 95 6h 54 44 4 ComptonC Mrs S A Ketchell 245-100 559132MR. GRIEF wb 105 4 3 3 3" 3h 54 5 DuppsL Miss L Lewin 810-100 55530 STOP LIGHT wb 110 1 4 95 9h 61 6h SchiehF Flying Horse Farm 1475-100 560413DAY IS DONE wb 110 10 10 10 10 10 7$ 7 KnottK Miss E Burch 1350-100 55944 WOODSIA wl08 3 2 21 44 6h 8 82 McCombsK J W Parrish 1330-100 56057 ETHELMONT w 108 6 8 7h 7 7h 94 92 BiermanC Friedberg and Axton 545-100 55736 BESS B. wb108 5 9 6 81 8110 10 CornayW Woodvale Farm 3090-100 Time, :24, :47, 1:134, 1:40. 1:47and. Track fast. , KUTtTELB JAID , . OFFICIAL 300X1X0 ODDB . ODDESA FRANK 9.30 7.80 4.40 1865100 790100 620100 DIDUTELLUS 6.80 4.70 240100 135100 CUCKOO 5.50 175100 Winner Ch. c, by Transmute The Vengeance, by The Finn trained by A. G. Marchant; bred by Mr. T. C. Piatt. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 4:54. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ODDESA FRANK, never far from the leaders while being steadied, moved up willingly on the outside when placed to a drive, closed stoutly under strong urging and wore down DIDUTELLUS during the stretch run. DIDUTELLUS was rushed up on the inside when reaching the back stretch, was under a drive to overhaul CUCKOO and tired slightlv in the closing test. CUCKOO was hurried vigorously to maintain a short lead, shook off WOODSIA, but tired in the last quarter mile. WEEKLY STIPEND began slowly, circled her field and came gamely at the end. MR. GRIEF was well up and had no excuses. STOP LIGHT had a rough trip. DAY IS DONE could not menace. WOODSIA was used up early. BESS B. quit. Overweight Day Is Done, 1 pound; Ethelmont, 1. Corrected weight Didutellus, 115. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 60 YARDS. Brush Hook, March 16, 19381:418118. t-i 4-i Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since 430 JL4JL March 5. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Non-winners since January April-1-38-Trp 11 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 8 lbs. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 55949 KATCHICAN wb 4 108 1 2 l1 Is 14 14 I1 BiermanC P Bieber 2645-100 55666 WEE EMMA w 5 108 5 8 7h 7h 54 54 2 MoraH Cooksey and Helm 1710-100 560472BULL MARKET w6113 3 3 31 3h 44 2h 3s MooreG L Jardon 1345-100 558323INSCRIPTION wb 6 108 2 1 5h 6nk 6 6h 4h CornayW Mrs H O Simmons 645-100 55948 PEACEFUL wb 5 111 4 6 6$ 5 3k 3h 5h DonosoR Miss A Doris 430-100 551662BAILIWICK wb4111 6 4 4h 4 24 4nk 64 McCbsK J Summers 1135-100 559482YENOC wb 7 116 7 7 9 9 84 74 7h McTaeC Cosgrave Stable 115-100 558863MISS PECAN wb4109 9 9 8 8 9 88 8 LynchJ Brandon Stable 1310-100 55738 ATONEMENT H. wb 6 106 8 5 24 24 7h 9 9 SchiehF J Whyte 4910-100 Time, :24, :48J, 1:13, 1:40, 1:44. Track fast. , hB MUTTJELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS KATCHICAN 4.90 5.70 2.40 2645100 1185100 520100 WEE EMMA 16.20 8.60 710100 330100 BULL MARKET 6.40 220100 Winner Ch. f, by Zacaweista Erie, by Sarmatian trained by P. Bieber; bred by Mr. C. Nuckols. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 5:25. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. KATCHICAN displayed much speed to move into the lead immediately, drew clear midway of the back stretch, saved ground and held on strongly when shaken up. WEE EMMA, forced to race on the outside for racing room, bettered her position steadily and was wearing down the winner rapidly nearing the finish. BULL MARKET, poorly handled while racing prominently, made a strong move nearing the stretch, then was weakly ridden in the late stages. INSCRIPTION raced in spots. PEACEFUL rallied with good speed on the turn out of the back stretch, then tired. BAILIWICK tired after making his run midway of the final turn. YENOC appeared sore and raced poorly. ATONEMENT II. quit to a walk. Overweight Katchican, 2 pounds; Atonement II., 1. EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 60 YARDS. Brush Hook, March 16, 19381:415118. tact- Af Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since Ol4 March 5. 4-year-elds, 114 lbs.; older, 116 lbs? Non-winners since January April-l-38-Trp 11 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 56046 PEPPER PATCH wb5 108 2 1 44 3h lh 14 16 MerrittR F Coppa 510-100 548082HAMMEL wb 7 116 1 4 lh lh 22 24 2" McTagucC Cosgrave Stable 160-100 559492RAVENNA w 4 102 7 5 31 4 44 44 31 DuppsL A Mcrz 390-100 55570 ERINS SUN wb4114 8 8 8 8 7 7h 4 CornayW Mrs R Chambers 1305-100 55982 MISS MIN w 4 1084 3 2 5 64 3h 31 5h BarbaJ C Pillon 2980-100 55949 FOUNDER wb 5 110 5 7 64 54 63 6h 64 BiermanC P Bieber 1435-100 55666 PAY RACK wb 6 113 4 3 24 2h 54 52 73 McCombsK Mrs C P Lindner 610-100 56063MUB JUB w4104 6 6 72 71 8 8 8 ConnerR Mrs L Evadinger 1805-100 Time, :24J, :48, 1:13. 1:40, 1:44J. Track fast. I , MUTUEXS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB . PEPPER PATCH ..i 2.20 .30 $ 3.28 510100 115100 68101 HAMMEL 3.60 2.70 80100 35100 RAVENNA 3.70 85100 Winner Ch. m, by Scotch Broom Pepper Pot, by Royal Canopy trained by E. Pinto; bred by Mr. W. H. Lipscomb. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 5:55. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PEPPER PATCH, taken to the outside when reaching the back stretch, raced to the leaders swiftly, took command on the final turn, then continued stoutly under pressure to draw out in the stretch run. HAMMEL was hustled vigorously to take the lead on the first turn, was unable to get clear and failed to stay with the winner when caught. RAVENNA, kept close to the leaders from the start, held on with good courage to the finish. ERINS SUN, placed on the outside of the gate for the start, could not reach a contending position at any time. MISS MIN had a rough trip early, reached a forward position when clear and tired. FOUNDER was sent up on the inside and could not threaten. PAY RACK was used up early. JUB JUB was outrun. Scratched 55982 Ethels Choice, 103; 55886 Speedy Skippy, 110. Overweight Ravenna, 1 pound; Miss Min, 24. Corrected weight Erins Sun, 114.

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