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WORKOUTS Date at left of horses name is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o. all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in BLACK FACE Type TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 HAWTHORNE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 9-5 Attainment . :36 h 9-30 Mar Le :35h 8- 13 Cont Valiant :37b 9-28 Miss Taos... :36h 9- 28 Dorccn :36 h 10-2 Miss Dolphin :36 b 9-25 Formax . . . . :36 h 9-27 Party Spirit. :36h 8- 26 Katherino G. :40b 9-14 Port Girl.... :37b 9- 26 Ldy Tichncr :40 b 9-30 Rare Ben.. .. :38h 9-13 Maymiss . . . :37 b 9-9 Scotch Muff. :37h 10-1 Mightily .... :25h 10-1 tomye :36h 9-27 Mad Money.. :35h One-Half Mile. 9-24 Alpenglow .. :51h 9-29 Kabo :50 h j 9-30 Bse Trumpet :54 b 9-24 Layover . . . . :56 b 10-1 Colorab .... :51h 10-2 Merrymood .:49 h 9- 7 Eternal Wave :56b 9-29 .Master Time. :E0 h 10-1 Flying Doll.. .:51h 9-28 Miss Almadel :50h 10- 2 Frontier.... :49 h 10-1 Nana Kate.. :53h 9-30 Grey Streak. :49h 9-1 Old Flag.... :5Qh 10-1 Gate Manger :52 h 9-12 Star Bud. ... :55 b 9- 27 Ho.. :52 h 9-27 Swamp Angel :51 h 10-1 Impial Scout :51h 8-21 Sea Fox :55 b 9-19 Izaak Walton .:52h 9-30 Valdina .... :48h 9- 30 Julia Do.... :53 h Five-Eighths Mile. 10-1 Anna Grand.l.-08 b 8-25 Mv Carolinol:05b 2-27 Chubbins ...V.Q1h 10-1 Moisson ...,l:02h 10-2 Eye High.... 1:07 b 9-29 Montell ....1:04 h 9-30 Gaming ....1:03 h 9-17 Nicella .....l:03b 9-23 High Slan. . .1:03 h 9-30 Playinver .. .l:04h 10-1 Impunity ...1:05 b 9-27 Red Hay l:C5b 9-29 In Transit... l:03h 10-2 Rain Wator.l:02h 9-29 Lillian Roth. 1:02 h 9-30 Sis Ormont.. 1:04 b 9-30 Lifelike 1:04 b 9-30 Toney Boy. .1:04 b 9-29Memy Chairl:044ib 9-19 Wnda Gablel:03h Three-Ouarters M 9-26 Chasar l:16h 9-27 Nemrac . . . .l:18h 9-27 Chrysostle ..l:19h 9-27 Our Rcigh. .l:15h 10-1 Flyg Tacklel:20h 9-30 Petty Taw..l:19h 9-24 Myponne ...1:18 h 10-3 Smart Trick. VAZVsh 10-1 Miss Tad.... l:16h 10-1 Sir Ally l:15h 9-30 Molly Stark.l:19h 9-27 Sherab Jr.. .1:17 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 10-1 Cly Weather1:29 h 10-1 Sonia M l:30h 9-28 Gladys Glad. l:33b 10-1 Servant Sue.l:33b 9-27 Pompasse . .l:30andh One Mile 9-19 Light Nun... 1:53 b Mad Money and Mar Le had speed in company. Chubbins still holds his good form. Rain Water worked from the gate. Chasar was under a good hold all the way. Smart Trick showed a sparkling effort. Sir Ally showed improvement. SPORTSMANS PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 9-29 Ducmiss .... :40h 9-29 Imprimis ... :42 b 9-30 Grey Squaw. :38 h 30-1 Jacobs Ladr. :39 h 10-1 Greybroom... :384i,li 10-1 Shawe Buck. :41 h 10- 1 Honey Roll.. :39h One-Half Mile. 10-1 Big Sam.... :55li 9-28 Maskillo ... :55h 9-29 Baby Sis.... :55 b 10-1 Polywhisk .. -.56 b 9- 23Eiooto :54 b 10-1 Sly Kstt.. :55 b 10-2 Johnnv Rock :54h 9-22 Spanish Red. :54h 10-3 Leo Walker. :56 b 9-23 Tonsan :54h 10- 3 Molass Bob. :51b 9-8 Whipstitch... :54ib Five-Eighths Mile. 9-21 Blade Edge. 1:07 h 30-1 Plaza !" 1:09 b 9-30 Concerto ...l:07h 9-28 Reciprocal ..3:0h 9-8 Chicfire ....1:05h 9-28 Stratagem ..1:07 h Three-Quarters Mile. 9-29 Blue Fume..l:224h 9-24 Lady Fitz...l:24 b 9-29 Chicalba ....1:24 b 10-1 Prince Mac. .l:23h 9-22 Cottingham .l:2Ch 10-1 Sunny Mac. .l:23h 7-llHermonc ...l-20h 9-30 Tartarus ...l:22h 9-14 Idle Flirt. ...1:21 h 9-30 Wanderobo .1:20 b 9-30 Loyalgold ...l:21h Seven-Eighths Mile. 9-30 Happy Helenl:35b One Mile 9-30Odsas Pridel:50 b Prince Mac and Sunny Mac worked in company. Grey Squaw showed plenty cf early speed. Hermone and Cottingham showed improvement in their trial. Elooto and Imprimis were not extended. Reciprocal seems to be rounding to form. Molasses Bob still has his speed. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 9-22 Fleur DOr.. :36ih 9-27 Remus-Gina . :36 b 9-28 Kievex :33 b 9-27 Tipsy Puddg :36h 10-1 Oversight ... :36 b 9-27 Wed V Morn. :361 One-Halt Mile. 10- 2 Gaurisankar. :48 h S-30 Spillway .... :49 b 9-25 Little Sleeper :51 b 10-2 Shadvlown. . :49 b 9 28 Screwball . . . :4Sh 9-28 Witheraway. :50 b Five-Eighths Mile. 10-1 Big Vicory.l:05 b 9-27 Jakim 1:02 d 10 2 Carrie K....1.03 b 10-1 Peon 1:01 h 10-2 Double Six.. 1:02 h 10-1 Sosh Mamnl:02 b 9-27Foxlane ....l:01h Three-Quarters Mile. 10-3 Bethlhmstar1:18?b 9-29 Royal Tastc..l:lG b Seven-Eighths Mile. 9-30 Chaste 1:32 b 9-29 My Kathne.l:33 b One Mile 101 Gay Trbadrl:42h Gay Troubadour worked a creditable mile. Fleur DOr, Tipsy Pudding and Wedding Morn breezed in company. Foxlane stepped smartly throughout. Peon and Jakim worked in company; Jakim was under a mild drive. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile-10-2 Broad Tail... :39 b 9-27 Racing Colrs :3Hf.h 9-26 Camisado ... :38 b 9-24 She Did :37 h 10-1 Galapas :36 h 10-1 The Sword.. :36h 9-30 He Did :37 h One-Half Mile. 9-28 Blk Crusade :Wandh 10 2 Lanceman .. :49h 9-28 Happily :52 b 9-24 Veneer :49h 9-28 Housework . :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 10-1 Donita M...1:02h 10-2 Jinx Buster.. 1:05 b 10-2 Entractc ...1:03 h 10-2 Misophobia 1:04 b 9-29 Erratic 1;Q4 b 10-2 Miss Nassk.lS b Three-Ouarters Mile. 10-1 Big Flag.... 1:1711 Quakeress ...1:37 1, 9-28 Genoralis ..l:14f.h 9-27 Red. War. . ..l:lb 9-29 Gentle Svgel:18 b 10-1 Roman Hero1:14 h 10-1 Image of Warl:17h l0a Snow l:17h 9-3 Kenan Bay..l:19b 10-3 Shawsheen .1:17 It 10-3 Kingoo 1:17 h 10-3 Transvine ..l:l6h 9- 29 Lovely Nightl:17 h - One Mile 30-1 Equilibrium 1:45 b 9-26 Maraton ....l:44h 10-1 Great Union. 1:42 h 7-11 State Witnsi:45 b Generalis is improving. Great Union is fit and ready. Gentle Savage was under restraint. Lovely Night is at the peak of his form. Equilibrium was not extended. Roman Hero worked impressively. BELMONT 3FARK. Training lrack. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eightht Mile. "8-9 Annie Reigh. :37h 9-30 La Be Reigh :37h 9- 16 Black Look.. :38b 10-2 On Quest... :37h 10-2 Honey Seat. :36h 10-1 Superlee .... :37h 9-30 Kindergarten :37h 9-29 Third Decree :33 b One-Half Mile. 10-2 Bull Lea.... :50b 10-2 Double Back :49h 10-2 Big Bud.... :49 h 10-2 Invader :50 b 10-2 Capulet :50 b 10-2 Otra :50b 9-21 Count Morse :50b 9-28 Sandy Boot. :53 b 10-2 Ciencia ..... :50b Five-Eighths Mile. 10- 2 Armr Bearer1:02h 10-2 Early Morn.. l:03h 9-30 Breeks l:03-y5h 9-26 Reining Lassl:05 b 9-30 Bold Turk. .1:03 h 10-3 Soigne 1:04 h 9-27 Balaclava . .1:04 h 9-30 Wing StreaklK6 b 9-30 Cont Ankletl:04 h 10-2 White Elm. .1:04 h 10-1 Coil Spring.. l:04b Three-Ouarters Mile. 10-2 Court Dance.l:17?5h 10-2 Mvstic Isle. .l:17h 9-30 Chronicle ...l:17h 10-1 Milk Punch.. 1:20 b 10-2 Chocalula ..l:16h 7-14 Sunset Girl.. 1:22 b 10-2 Drift Along.. 1:20 b 10-3 Scarer 1:16 h 9-24 Fast Flight.. l:18b 10-1 Sun Shaft... 1:17 h 9-27 Irish Echo..l:21b 10-1 War Trade.. l:17h 10-2 Lynxholm ..1:18 b One Mile 10-1 Scatter Brainl:47b One and One-Eighth Miles. 10-3 Esposa 1:55 h JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. - v 9- 24 Balios :37h 10-2 Scrooge mVsi 7- 30 Cleo C :37h 9-13 We Attorney :37b 10-1 Miasco :37 h One-Half Mile. 9-21Armagnac .. :49d 10-2 Liberia :50 h 10-1 Chce Watch :49h 9-30 Later On.... :55 b 9-1 Easiest Way. :55 b 8-19 Rifted Clouds :50 h 10- 2 Idle Zelda... :51 b Five-tiqhths Mile. 9-29 A. of Trumps1:03 h 9-30 My Mversonl:08 b 9-22 B. Sharmeer.l:06 b 10-3 Mollie Swainl:07 b 10- 2 Deduce 1:05 b 10-2 Stands Alonel:05 b Thres-Quarters Mile. 9-29 Cobe 1:16 h 9-16 Royal Sortie.l:19 b 9-27 Copper Tubel:21b 10-1 Suntime l:18b 9-2 High Blame. 1:17 h 10-2 Wter Money1:15d 10-1 Inviting ....1:17 h 10-3 Whinchat ..l:15d 9-27 No Ending. .1:17 h 9-30 Yomer l:16h One Mile 10-2 Bail 0ut....l:45d 9-29 Forn Legionl:45h 8- 6 Chance Kingl:45 d 9-30 Linium 1:46 h 9- 28 Early Settlerl:47b 9-10 Roguish Girl.1:44 d Balios and Cleo C. worked head and head. Scrooge- is rapidly approaching form. High Blame and No Ending worked together. Yomer worked from the gate. Roguish Girl worked a useful mile under a mild drive. ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighth Mile. 10-2 Bch Ensble :36 h 10-2 Nipponese .. :354sh 9-28 Billy Mole. .. :374fh 8-17 Ned row .... :38 h 9-28 Cave Hill.... :39b 7-11 Oddesa Frnk :39 h 10-1 Chocte Drop :38h 9-30 Plav Dis :36Jh 10-1 Cntry Lass. :S7sf,h 7-15 Paddys Sister :38 h 9-30Dianapat ... :37h 9-21 Paul Scarlet. :38t31i 9-29 Grndpas Boy :41 b 10-1 Steel Jacket. 37 h 9-7 Goldman ... -38 h 9-23 Stage Beauty :37h 30-1 Gumdrop ... :41 b 9-29 Silt Witness :38h 10-1 Hasty Sue.. :41 b 10-1 Singg Slave. :37h 9-27 Lady Infinite :37h 9-26 Usay :38J;h One-Half Mile. 9-29 All Afire.... :49h 7-22 Maelong :52h 9-26 Bright Bird.. :54 b 30-2 Miss Aline.. :52 h 9-26 Brit Melody :52 h 10-2 Mr. Buddy. . :49 .h 9-28 Brustigert .. :54b 9-28 Mr. Walter.. :51-h 9-30 Bob Charlie. :49h 9-23 Motaurus . . . :Kh 10-1 Bachr Dinr :49h 30-1 Neon Light.. :50h 9-19 Count Rae... :51 h 9-21 Pete Sand... :53b 9-30Cisneros .... :49rph 9-24 Peaceful ... . :53 h 10-1 Gold Hat... :52 h 8-5 PoIv B...... :54b 9-27 Frozen Mask. :50h 9-30 Roidef :4qh 10-3 Flying Car... :53h 9-27 Scvth Inng ":547f,h 9-28 Historic Era. :50 h 30-2 Snderstown. :50h 10-1 Hi Cliff :50h 10-1 Scuddcr .... :51h 9-26 Irenes Bob.. :50 h 9-23 Searover II.. :50h 9-30 Ingenuous .. :50v5h 9-30 Sargazo .... :49h 10-2 Invcigler ... :51 h 9-30 Spindlctop .. :49 h 8- 31 King Bonny. :51 h 101 Sharp Girl.. :53 b 9- 26 Laddie Stone. :52h 9-29 Texas Tony.. :49h 9-21 Lady Mtrose :50h 10-2 Upslala .... :50h 9-27 Marson :48 h Five-Eighths Mile. 9-23 Brn Marvel.l:07 b 9-28 Miss De Mie.l:04 h 30-1 Chancer ....1:04 h 9-28 Midshipman l:06b 9-30 Gay Balko . .l:04h 9-27 Onrush 1:03 h 9-30 Hthr Time.1:02h 9-29 Quaternary .1:04 h 9-8 Hasty Star..l:05h 9 27 Sago Leaf... 3:04 h 9-28Ladfield ....l-06b 9-26Takus l:06b 9-26 Lovedny 1.05h 9-2o T. Triumvir. hOch Three-Quarters Mile. 30-1 Fiddle Faddlel:17 h 9-27 Pay Rack. . .l:16h 9-23 Frndly Paul.i:18h 8-23 Spicebox . . .l:lrh 10-3 Ferryboat ...l:17h 9-11 Sugaboot ...1:26 b 9-30 Orinoco ....1:15 d 9-30 Yictoris Annl:21 b 9-30 Pytchley..... 1-18 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 9-30 Bit of Sorw1:31?h 9-26 Red Raider. .1:35 b One Mile 9-30 Atonemnt 11.1:46 h 101 My Buddy... l:45h 10-1 Class 1:45 h 9 19 Primer 1:53 b . 9-12 Great Shakesl:52 h 10-3, Saparoo ,,.-.l:43h LATONIA. - j Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighth Mile. 8- 17 Bugle Bell.. :39t5Ii 10-3 Lake View.. :36 h 10-1 Chinatown.. :561h 9-24 M. Bow Miss :36h 10-1 Ellen Baker. :37h 9-19 Model Mary. :36h 9- 27 Fern Creek. . :36 b" 9-9 Miss Salute. :39 h 9-29TIush :38 h 9-11 Nancv Sue.. :58 h 10-1 Irish Setter. :36h 9-18 Pari Call. .. . :37h 9-27 Kadv Kate.. :38rf,h 10-3. Rejoctable .. :36h 9-29 Llc Empress :38h 8-14 Sadie F. . . . . :39b 9-25Lookaway .. 39b One-Half Mile. 9-24 Air Mistress :501f.h 10-1 M. Gatewood :56b 9-29 Ae Highland :50h 9-27 Odd. Bculah :55 b 9-19 Chester Rose :47d 9-29 Palsy Ruth. :49h 9-27 Dr. Smith... :51h 9-27 Royal Charm :52 h 10-2 Galley Sweep :50 h 9-23 Stepinanna . :52 b 9-28 Lovely Sister :494ih 9-21 Velociter . . . :51h 9-30 Ly Wauncka :53 h 9-24 Wise Joyce.. :49 h Five-Eighth Mile. 10-2 Braxton Belll:02h Prenny 1:01?h 9-30 Donna CarlalK5 h 9-24 Pipson . l:04h 9-17 Last Messagcl:03h 9-25 Queens Best.lK9 b 9-30 Mahrilla ....1:05 h 10-3 Stockboard .l:02h 9-23 Midas 1K5 h 9-7 Upset Macawl:04h 8- 24 My Lawyer.. l:02h 10-3 Wee Hedwig.l:03h 10-2 Maleo Bird..l:05 h 9-27 Windshield .l:02h 9- 30 N. Discoveryl:0475h Three-Quarters Mile. 9-26 Ann Star.... 1:18 h 9-29 Panorama . ,l:17h 9- 28 Broadus . . . .1:16,11 9-30 Portmora . . .l:17h 9-24 Brotherly ..1:18 b 10-1 Parisin Maidl:17 h 9-27 Cnty Antriml:164i,h 10-1 Red Bomber.l:20 h 8- 10 Flying Dere.1:15d 9-24 Star Boarderl:16h 30-1 J.Ware l:16h 9-24 Star Lina. . .l:lfh 10-1 Knee Deep. .l:21h 10-1 The Chord. .l:lf?yh 9- 30Lnum Vitael:20 h 10-1 Torch Glow.. 1:18 b 9-7 My Dess....l:16h 9-30Tuccia .....l:18h . 10-1 Mirabet ....l:18h 9-26 Wicked TimclOh Seven-Eighths Mile. 9-30 Helmor l:29h 9-30 Stella Mc. . .l:29h 9-26 Rushaway ..1:30 h One Mile 9-30 Chance Star.l:44h 9-30 Stjensund . il:45 h 9-17 Copper Rod.l:44?f,h 10-1 World War..l:44h 9-23-Don Creole.. l:53b 10-3 Wee Betsy. .l:42h 9-11 . Neighbor ...l:51h 9-30 Yong Ebonyl:47 h 9-30 Petes Niece. 1:41h Chester Rose showed speed from the three-eighths post. Torch Glow and Brotherly were only breezing. Petes Nieces trial was good. Stella Mc and Helmor worked handily together. Model Mary and Irish Setter worked in company. The Chord, Maleo Bird and Mahrilla worked from the gate. LONG BRANCH. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 9-27 Bold Pirate.. :38 h 9-27 Hittie :36b 9-29Cudhogan ... :381f,h 10-1 Lightful .... :38h 9-10 Cupboard ... :38b 9-26 Lissom Lad.. :36 h 9-28 Chic Gal.... -36b 9-23 Miss Monoa. :3? h .9-21 Drayton Lad zZandAd 9-30 Miss Sarnia.. :36d 9-17 Eileen O.... :36h 9-28 Shicahri .... :38h Ebony Miss.. :38 b 9-20 Worth Trying :37h 9-21 Easter Hsttr :38 h . j One-Half Mile. 10- 2 Amneris . . . :49b 9-23 Lssies Mary :51h 9-13 Bron Ebony :51 d 9-19 Ottos Choice :50 b 9-14 Bclledare ... :50b 9-9 Rudo :50 h 9-21Crius :48h 10-1 Sir Marlboro. :48h 9-27 Candy Feast. :50 b 9-27 Sweepden . . . :49b 10-3 Dist GaL... :48h 10-1 Sea General. :50b 9-16Flayox ..... :51h 9-30 Sass ........ :50 h 10-1 High Honors. :50b 9-28 Ted Clark... :50 h 9-24lfster :52 h 9-24 Tofrisia .... :49h 9-12Kleen Flight :54 h 9-29 Whoa Boy... :49 d I 10-2 Lipton :50b Five-Eighths Mile. 9-4 Bucharest ...1:05 h 10-1 Goggles l:03h 9-28 Bushman ...1:04 h 10-3 Masonville ..1:03 d 9-5 Chambly Boyl:03 h 9-18 Omareen ...1:04 h 9-24 Celcstino ...l:02d 7-4 Rapid Doon.. 1:05 d 9-19Dalamac ....1:03 h 10-1 Troublemark l:02h 10-3 Devastator ..1:03 d 10-1 Tabmark ....l:02f,h 1 9-30 Elba Maid.. .1:03 h 10-1 Traplake ...1:03 h 10-1 Fight Talk... 1:05 d Three-Quarters Mile. 30-1 Allons l-landsh 9-26 Masked Bud.l:17 d 9-27 Background 3:18 h 7-3 Madfast ....M7h 10-1 Barton Gal. .1:19 h 10-1 Meloy ......1:17 d 10-2 Calson l:16d 10-3 Playing ....l:18d 8- 15 Centermarch 1:1 6d 9-8 Spey Crest. .1:20 h 9- 14Listaro ...:.l:18d 9-24 Tombo Tuckl:16b One Mile 10-1 Beechview ..l:45J5Ii 10-1 Kindd Spiritl:45h Faru 1:52 h 9-12 Satin Rock.. 1:52 h 9-llHi-Pcggy ...l:45h 10-3 Sandalman ..1:47 h 10-3 Hawkstone ..1:47 h Lipton was under restraint. Amneris and Sweepden breezed evenly together. Sir Marlboro was full of run. Tombo Tuck is in his best form. Crius showed a high turn of speed. Sea General and High Honors breezed evenly. Goggles worked handily. Hittie has her speed. Ted Clark is training well. Troublemark and Tabmark worked handily together. FAIRMOUNT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 9-30 Bdg Trades :37h 9-20 Norma Clark. :38h 30-2 Chicle T :41 h 9-26 Parkvillc ... f.h 9-29 Colonel Jr... :37h 9-27 Playki :36h 9-27 Demanding.. :37 h 9-29 Radio Charm :36f,h 9-2 Hirow :3Sandh 9-28 Red Magic... :3S1 10-1 Lucky Child. :37 h 30-1 Termison ... :36h 30-3 Little Sicnct. :33ih 9-22 Tureen -40b 9-25 Lucky Ducky :37 h 10-1 Wthy Matrn 38 h 9-30Mkd Visitr :36 h 10-1 Western Run :36d 9-23 Mad Career.. :3Sh 9-3C Waringa .... :3746h One-Hal Mile. 9-30Baranca .... :55 b 9-26 My Blaze... :50h 10-1 Georges Heir :50.h 9-25 Tiny Comet.. :50h 8- 10Longueil ... :5ZX.h 9-29 Zat So....... :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 9- 23 Allegory ....1:06 h 10-1 O. in a Whilcl:04h 10-1 Equanimity 1:08 b 9-29 Tra-La-La ..l:04h 9-30 Miss Europe.1-06 b Three-Quarters Mile. 10-3 Miss Firefly. 1:20 b 9-30 Sangreal . ..1:172h 9-28 Overshoes ..1:20 h 9-27 Uncle Mitch.l:26 b 9-29 Rod Aril l:23f.h 9-28 Vola Bowers.l:23h 9-30 Sun Tricks.. l:174ih Building Trades and Western Run breezed together. Masked Visitor showed good speed. Tra-La-La and Once in a While worked in company. Sun Tricks worked from the gate. Playki and Radio Charm worked in com-. pany. I . : : : ii LAUREL. Weather clear; track fast Three Eighths Mile. 9-26 Arcadian ... . :36h 9-29 High Tension :367sh 10-1 Apprehend.. :36?h 9-26 Happv Knot. :36 h 10-2 Aglow :37h 9-24 High Betsy. . :33 h 9-30 Accolade ... :35?sh 9-30 Happy Code. :36h 9-30 Brown Moth. :37 h 10-1 Lucky Omen. :37 h 10-2 Buds Bell.. :38 b 9-30 My Elsie. ... :37h 10-1 Counora .... :36h 9-22 No Sir :59 b 7- 3 Clever Girl.. :36h 9-29 Phara Bella.. :35h 9-28 Contrite .... :38 h 10-2 Prince Gay.. :37 h 10-2 DorotyRock :35h 10-3 Rye Beach.. :36 h 10-1 Deflate :37 h 9-30 Sun Egret.. . :35.h 10-2 Finance .... :35?h 9-17 Seabiscuit .. :36h 9-24 Flying Feet.. :38 h 9-30 Soldierette .. :39 b 9-17 FIving Zelma :37 h 9-30 Twice :37 h 9-30 Giant Killer. :36 h 10-2 Toddle On... :37h 9-30 Gold Flag. . . :37 h 9-27 Thrift .Stamp :37 h One-Half-Mile. 10-1 Aetholwold.. :50 h 10-1 Fictitious ... :52h 9-24 Air Eddy.... :50h 9-29 Grey Gold.. . :49h 9-29 Blue Tints... :49h 9-30 Mad Frump. :52h 10-1 Bread King. :484h 9-28 John One... :50 h 10-1 Billmar :49h 9-30 Lady Jack.. . :50 h 9-24 Cherolize . . . :52b 9-30 Play by Flay :51 h 10-2 C-Note :E0 h 10-1 Pine Tag.... :49 h 9-30 Chancing ... :51 h Petit Jean. . . :49?5h 8- 27 Chimney Top :50h 9-20 Srct Chatter :52 b 9- 20 Cacodemon.. :c0 h 10-1 Sir Khayvam :51h 7- 27 Dark May... :51 h 9-13 Toutmepal . . :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 9-10 Brterg Katel:02 h 9-30 Red Wings. . l:05b 9-30 Braxton ....1:02 h 9-29 Redlin 1:03 h 9-17 Extra Good.l:03h 10-1 Short Cako..l:03h 10-1 Gden Maynel:03h 9-15 Valorous Sir.l:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 9-22 Briarlet . . . .1:18 b 9-29 Paper Plate.. l:17h 9-29 Bing Bong... 1:18 b 9-29 Romaunt . . .l:167sh 9-25 Drawout ....1:18 b 10-2 Refreshment l:15b 10-2 Ebony Blue. 1:23 b 9-27 Setemup ... .1:20 b 9:30Drosera ....1:20 b 9-24 Shoot. Scoutl:18b 9-27 Flat Lance. .1:17 h 9-23 Sweet Nancy1:14h 9-29 Hermosillo ..l:16h 9-24 Tanganyika .1:18 b 9-29 High Vclocityl:23 b 9-30 Trebizondc ..1:20 b 9-29 Lone Hand.. l:16h 10-2 Wlnng Markl:15h 9-30 Man at Armsl:18 b 10-1 Xanthein ...1-22 b 9-26 Pretteia ....1:17 h 9-17 Zenana 1:22 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 9-27Jacola 1:29 b 9-27 Shalako ... .1:28 b One Mile 10-3 Boggle l:45?ah 9-24 Mr. Dcanonl:47 b 9-24BaIapin ....l:45h 9-30 Puddles ....1:45 b 10-2 Dressy 1:43 h 10-1 Royal Error.l:46 b 10-2 Gin Fritters.l:51b 9-27 River Deo.. .1:46 h 9-24 Maccloud ...1:44 h 3-10 Waka ......1:46 b 9-30 Miss Pecan.. l:46h 9-29 Yarn Sox.. . 1:45 b River Dee worked handily and is ready for a good effort. Sweet Nancy worked handily and is on keen edge. Finance and Dorothy Rock went together under wraps; both are fit for a good effort. Bread King went well in hand and could have gone much better. Maecloud worked handily; is fit and ready for his best performance. RIVER DOWNS, . - Weather partly cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 9-14 Arboreal ... :38b 9-20 Lady Flash.. -38 b 9-23 Baby Eagle.. :39 h 9-24 Mammv Rose :37 h .9-19 Bo Dean.... :39h 9-19 Ms Rk Lee. :40 h 8- 16 Colleen Donn :38h 9-6 Marche- Man :38 h 9- 16 Coming Back :36?h Pataskala .. :37h 9-20 Chatr Wrack :40 b 7-28 Princs Dcvn :37-h 9-19 Easy Street. :41 b 9-21 Prince Fox.. :37 h 9-1 Eric T r :40 h 9-19 Sophist :38h 9-20 Geraldine M. -39h 7-3G Soldier Girl. :38h 9-9 Gold Pblicity :39h 9-21 Time Play... :41 b 8- 4 Henrietta . .. :374,h 9-23 Uncle July.. :37h 9- 20 Just Lillian. :37h 10-3 Will Today.. :38 b 9-21 King Kelly.. -AGb 9-7 Zebulo :39h One-Hal Mile. 9-2 Allen Caid... :53h 8-31 Morplay .... :49d 10-2 Boon Time.. :50 h 9-18 Quick Dolivy :5-1 h 10-2 Chrokee Red :53 h 6-21 Swg Corners :51b 9-1 Darby Darlin :55b 8-9 Skirtg Eagle :52 h 9-18 Gunwale . . . :4andh 9-19 Sun Wine. . . :50h 9-14 Instead :50?b 9-21 Sir Blackie.. :50h 10-3 Incarnate ... :49?sd Five-Eighths Mile. 9-12 Billie Alaba.l:04d 9-23 Miss Webb..l:034ih 8- 26 Copper Kittyl6 b 10-2 Mdas Baby.1:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 9- 1 B Eighty... . 1:17 h 9-7 King Rib. ..l:18b 30-2 Brown Ray.l:19 h 9-4 Lanvolla ...l:17h 9-15 Exclusive ...1:21 h 9-22 Mere Lassie.15 h 9-14 Jean Leo. . ..l:24b 10-2 Rugged Red.1:16h 9-2G Just Joan.. ..1:28 b One Mile . 8-24 Nightmare . .1:58 b Arboreal was hard held. Coming Back displayed a nice speed trial. Gunwale and Instead appear to be in good form. Mandas Baby worked a nice five furlongs. Miss Webb had her speed. " Jean Lee and Just Joan were given slow breezes.