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KARL GREEVER GOOD PROSPECT Virginian Already Credited With Sixty Winners Services Should Be in Demand at Fair Grounds. NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 17. Although his mounts have been far and few between, apprentice Karl Greever has displayed saddle form that should make his services very much in demand before the curtain is rung down on the Louisiana Jockey Clubs meeting of 105 days at the Fair Grounds. The Dublin, Va., lad piloted the first winner of his career last January 16 at Phoenix, j Ariz., and since that time has booted home I more than sixty of his mounts in front. The youngster received his rudimentary saddle j training under Charlie Ralls, a veteran who still knocks down in front on the Canadian tracks during the summer racing season. According to astute horsemen who are considered good judges of riding material, the 100-pound Virginian has all the earmarks of a polished reinsman. Of the few mounts he has received to date Greever has guided j two of these down to the finish line in ad-j vance of the opposition. j