Official Racing Charts: Sportsmans Park, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-01

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Official Racing Charts Copyright, 1942, by Triangle Publications, Inc. Sportsmans Park CICERO. ILL.. THURSDAY. APRIL 30, 1942— SPORTSMANS PARK 1-2 MILE. Fifth day of nineteen-day meeting April 25 to May 16. National Jockey Club. Bahr gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Harvey camera. Steward Representing Illinois Racing Board. William Hamilton. Stewards of meeting, J. J. Graddy and R. P. McAuliffe. Judges, W. A. Reagan, W. J. Shelley and W. R. Dahlstrom. Patrol Judges, W. Davis, Al Nun and G. Swain. Paddock Judge, J. P. Gruber. Clerk of Scales, G. W. Morrow. Timer, C. L. Trimble. Starter. Roy Dickerson. Racing Secretary, Patrick C. Galliger. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Central War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Indicates fiv« pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting, 1941, .30; current meeting, .28. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one horse. No field horses. FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE Out of Chute. The Pelican, Oct. 18, 1934—1:00%— 0 Q 1 £ 4 — 105- Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Non-*- 2 O I O winners since April 24. Weight, 117 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. April 30-42 — Spt Net value to winner 25; second. 00; third, 0; fourth, S25. Index Hor?os Eqt A Wt PP St and % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 21785*VALTITE wb 5 112 2 4 V V l4 V SchulingH Clark and Hedde 1.20 21541 fMONON LAD wb 8 117 6 3 2l PJ 22i 23J JonesRJ D C Wilhelm 8.50 216893MERRY BID wb 4 117 8 1 3h 32 3 31 FryeJW Mrs G Allen 3.80 212522*MODULATOR w 4 112 3 5 6J 62J 5£ 4» JohnsonEM Mrs E Denemark 7.80 18964MYRNA w«6107 9 9 7 7£ 6h 5h GillespieW Mrs R A Fawcett 33.50 186093DOUBLE WITCH w86117 7 7 4 J, 43 4* 6° TrombleyD J Oldham 33.50 21781 SHADOON w 4 113 4 6 8i 8i I3 7 Litzbe;erH W E Wilkes 17.40 170073MENTAL BANKERwb 4 117 10 10 92 9i 8» 8l LemmonsH J S and C E Nolen 138.40 17499 HIGH TOSS wb 6 117 1 2 5* and 92 92 CarrA Craie; and Novak 7.50 16484*BLACK SUE w 4 107 5 8 10 10 10 10 PhillipsV E Ness 102.30 "Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%, :482, 1:02%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to * 14 . Ill- VALTITE 4.40 3.00 2.40 1.M .50 .20 Mutuel Prices monon lad •.» uj 200 90 MERRY BID 3.00 50 Winner— Ch. e. by Jean Valjean— Petite, by Colonel Yennie. trained by J. L. Hedde; bred by Messrs. R. Carruthers and T. B. Cramw ll. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:18. OFF AT 2:18* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. VALTITE was rushed into a long lead in the first quarter and held his advantage throughout, winning as the rider pleased. MONON LAD, having good speed from the beginning, was always in closest pursuit of the winner and finished gamely in the final drive. MERRY BID raced in third position throughout and was never able to better his position. MODULATOR raced evenly and closed with good courage in the last eighth. MYRNA had no excuses. SHADOON was forced to take up in the first sixteenth for lack of racing room. DOUBLE WITCH had some earlv speed. .--- -. Scratched— 22009Alley. 107: 21472Biaufuss. 117; 20740 Codoll. 107; 21585 Light Tide, 117; 18961 Wicked Time. 117: 21668 Gold Mesh, 112. Overweicht — Shacloon. 1 pound. SECOND RACE 5-8 MILE Out of Chute. The Pelican, Oct. 18, 1934—1:00%— m m -I -j 4 — 105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-*- 2 O I / winners since April 24. Weight, 117 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. April 30-42 — Spt Net value t0 winner 25: second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St T*« % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds |1 Str i 21763 IMPERIAL JONES w 7 117 5 6 5» 3» 23 1 LoTurcoA G Gorbet 3.40 1873DFIVE FIFTY wb4117 6 4 l2 I* l2 2* RossRK E E Irby 5.80 17434SILVER WOOD w 4 112 12 41 5l 4J 3 HaleyT W Walters 103.40 21235*GATO wb 7 112 2 1 6+ 6i 5 4 PhillipsV Mrs A M Creech 2.10 18609ESTRELI.ITA wb5112 8 7 3» » 14 S" JonesRJ K Mayer 10.20 15714 *SIMKOE wb 5 112 10 9 8 85 72 62 GillespieW Mrs E B Carpenter 4.80 21956*DI VERNON wb4107 3 3 P 7i 82 ll GuerinE T H Cross 38.20 22042*PRETTY ROSE wb5107 9 8 2and *4 61 8* SchulingH E R Morris 8.70 17970 JAY HEART m 6 117 7 10 10 10 10 91 VailS H A Deep 150.50 " 18138 TRANS WYNN wb7117 4 5 92 9* 91 10 SvlvesterA H C Haves 57.10 Time, :24, :49%. 1:03%. track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , • 8 80 4.00 3.80 3.40 1.00 .90 1 i . I n IMPERIAL JONES Mutuel PriCeS nvEnmr %m iso 120 SILVER WOOD 23.40 10.70 Winner— Br. e. by Dark Hero — Irish Mint, by Mint Briar, trained by G. Gorbet; bred by Mr. H. T. Archibald. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:48. OFF AT 2:48 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start eood from stall eate. Won driving; second and third the same. IMPERIAL JONES, outrun in the first quarter, moved up steadily rounding the final turn while saving eround. came to the outside of the early pacemaker in the stretch and, under a drive, got up to win narrowly. FIVE FIFTY was sent to the front sroine to the fir«t turn, set the pare to the final sixteenth, then gave way when the winner challenged. SILVER WOOD, ahrajm in a contending position, closed stronely in the final drive to get the show narrowly. GATO closed some ground after reaching the stretch. ESTRELLITA showed good early speed, then tired. PRETTY ROSE also tired after showincr good earlv speed. Scratched— 22685 Doctors Rose. 112; UJ278 Cornwallis. 117; 12098 English Harry, 117; 21606 Waw-mour. 112: 21614 Queen Echo. 112: 21709 Ambo, 107. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 8.20. THIRD RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Miss Brilliant, May 2, 1932— :56Vand— 2— 112. 9 8 18 Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. 2 L O I O claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 April 30-42— Spt to ,200. Net value to winner 00: second. S125: third. 0: fourth. S25. Innex Horses Eqt Wt PP St :!« Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt CO HATTER w 115 10 1 23 1J 1" LitzbgerH A M Koewler 24.80 22733*GREENOCKS COIN w 110 1 3 l2 25 2* GuerinE Mrs A Gaal 3.90 22733 STEPPING OIT wb109 2 4 52 41 32£ MacAndwD E Kelley 3.20 *RIGHT CARLA wbHO 5 10 9* 5 i 4 PhillipsV L F King 4.80 22687 SALINA O. v.bIII 8 6 3 9* S4 FryeJW Mrs J Hayes 3.50 21644 MATERIALIZE m 112 7 7 71 72 62 RossRK Le Mar Stock Farm 15.40 21644 ROYAL COUNT wb112 4 8 4£ 62 7* LoTurcoA Mrs S Gorbet 8.90 GENE GO w 112 6 5 6h 82 8i LemmonsH C Troutt 23.30 22687 IRISH MAG w 113 9 2 8» 9£ 9* SylvesterA F C Brophy 76.30 MISS HELEN w 109 3 9 10 10 10 HaberR A Morgan 31.50 Time. :2i%, M%, :58 g. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — » , Odds to s I r • CO HATTER 51.60 22.00 10.00 24.80 10.00 4.00 M. UlUel r riCeS GREENOCKS COIN 5.80 4.00 1.90 1.00 STEPPING OUT 3.60 .80 Winner— B. f. by Cohort— Angry Plume, by Grand Parade, trained by A. M. Koewler; bred by Mr. H. N. Davis. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:16. OFF AT 3:17 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving: second and third the same. CO HATTER, well up from the beginning, took command entering the far turn and. under a hard drive through the final eighth, outgamed GREENOCKS COIN to win narrowly. The latter was rushed into the lead eoing to the first turn, set the pace for a quarter and held on eamely in the final drive, but could not withstand the winner. STEPPING OUT raced evenly and was never able to menace the leaders. RIGHT CARLA, slow to settle into stride, closed much ground in the final quarter. Scratched— 22733 Ingood. 109; 20865 Kates Silver, 109: 226873Fin Try, 113; 21738 Jay D. Kan, 107; Cenlar, 109. FOURTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Pigeon Hole, Oct. 21, IMS— 1:26%— 2 9 ™ Q 1 Q 1 — 105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Foaled ™ T in Illinois who have not won since October 11. 4-year-olds, 114 April 30-42— Spt lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second. 25: third. 0; fourth. 5. In.tex Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *A ji % Stt Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 21448*PAUI."l I i: wb6108 5 8 4 i 3h 1» 1« 1« MecklerM Mrs S Smith 8.50 17771*SALLY I. w4104 8 4 32 2 22 22i 2£ GillespieW F R Meisinger 21.50 21705 WONANA w 4 114 7 9 6h 6A 63 42 31 ClutterA HC Herendeen 3.10 18325*DANDY MAIDEN wb4 101 4 6 1J li 54 34 4»| MurphyS Brogan and Osborne 90.90 21994 ILLINOIS STAR wb4114 3 5 l 42 4 U 5j MacAndwD Mrs A F Laury 1.40 185S3*CHILLA NATION wb 4 10410 2 52 5» BJ 6* 64 FreemanS REPlemmons 171.90 18798*HII TON ■ 7 103 2 7 7h 7i 7h 73 73 PhillipsV G Wolfson 94.80 22685MAY D BANE v. b 6 108 6 1 9« 83 83 84 8« SchulneH J M Grieve 3.00 18543 CHARMING w 6 108 1 3 l 9« P* 93 9" RossRK Mrs T Norlander 111.00 14991:;*FIELD BRIAR wb4106 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 FranklinG Mrs M G Farnsworth 36.70 Time, :24, :49%. 1:16, 1:31. Track fast. Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , ii , in PAUL LEE 19.00 7.40 4.80 8.50 2.70 1.40 Mutuel Prices sally i iseo m eso 2.w WONANA 4.40 1.20 Winner-Ch. e. by Paul Binyan— Dreana Lee. by Rapid Water, trained by B. C. Kelley; bred by Mr. L. M. Severson. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST-3:45. OFF AT 3:45* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate for all but FIELD BRIAR. Won easily: second and third driving. PAUL LEE, sjow to settle into stride, moved up steadily eoine down the back stretch the second time around, rac«d SALLY I. into defeat entering the far turn and, under mild urging, came on to win by a wide margin. The latter, always in a contending position, made a strone bid for the lead after going a half mile and held on gamely to the final eighth, then tired. WONANA, well back early, closed much ground rounding the final turn. DANDY MAIDEN set the pace for a half mile, then tired. ILLINOIS STAR showed some early speed, then tired. FIELD BRIAR reared into the air at the start and was never a factor thereafter. Scratched— 22685»Red Berry, 111; 18005 Highthorne, 113; 226«5 Falsweep, 1«8; 13279 Flora Span, IN; 22731 Michiya, 106. Overweight — Chilla Nation, 3i pounds. FIFTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Pigeon Hole, Oct. 21, 1932— 1 :26%— 7—105. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. 0 ft 1 fi 2 L O L U Non-winners since March 7 of two races allowed 3 lbs.; since April 30-42— Spt February 21, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Ownera Odds II Strt 22732*RATION wb 100 1 3 l3 P 324 l2 l6 GillespieW W F Mannagh 3.20 20235*MICHIGAN TOKEN wb108 3 6 6 5* 510 512 21 GuerinE Joe W Brown 2.90 22732*BOLUTE w 107i 6 2 3* 3 2» 32i 32 HaleyT D Cataldo 2.80 227352MARADA wb108 5 1 2* 2»4 l2 2i 4i MartmTP Mrs J Wallace 2.70 22341*JEWELLS OWN w 104| 2 5 4»i 4* 42 43 51* HigleyJ C F Wagner 12.90 16500 ALMORA »il08 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 ClutterA Nostav and Olson 38.10 Time, :U/S, :50%, 1:185, 1:33. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to n 8.40 5.00 3.40 3.20 150 .70 i i . |n« RATION Mutuel Prices jjcwgam t ?ken 4.00 mi m 7; Winner— Dk. b. f, by Hard Tack— Swizzlestick, by Broomstick, trained by J. McLaughlin; bred by Wheatley Stable. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:14. OFF AT 4:14 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. RATION, showing good speed from the start, took a long lead rounding the first turn, dropped back suddenly entering the back stretch, was then steered to the outside and, under a drive, regained her lead rounding the final turn and came on to win by a wide margin. MICHIGAN TOKEN, very slow to settle into stride, closed much ground in the last quarter. BOLUTE raced in spots and was never able to reach the top. MARADA, a forward factor in the early stages, took command when the winner dropped back on the second turn, held on gamely to the stretch, then tired. JEWELLS OWN and ALMORA were never serious factors. Scratched— 22732 Guest Star, 118. Overweight — Bolute, 4i pounds; Jewells Own, 1$. ORIGINAL RACE DECLARED OFF; NINTH RACE RUN AS THE SIXTH. SIXTH RACE 5-8 MILE Out of Chute. The Pelican, Oct. 18, 1934—1:00%— 2 m | 4 — 105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-L 2« O L I winners since April 24. Weight, 117 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. April 30-42 — Spt Net value to wjnner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ft % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 226203*LAST ROSE wb5107 14 21 2* li l1 HiglevJ Whatley and Fogelson 2.50 216593SNOWCRYSTAL wb6112 6 1 li lh 23i 22i LoTurcoA Mrs R M Chastain 1.70 21582 SWEET PEASE wb4112 2 6 4h 42| 42 324 RossRK Mrs F Barton 40.80 18475 HONEY ROLL wb 7 117 4 3 3»| 34 3* 4* MartinTP H J Fox 5.50 218513WAHLUNE wb 5 117 5 2 52 51 5* 52i HaycockMJ F OBrien 10.30 20094 WAR JOE w 4 117 3 7 8* 88 810 6h HaberR R Hoffman 93.90 20936 MI SECRET wb4112 8 8 H 73 6" 74 FryeJW C Smithson 10.20 16916 SWING LEADER w 4 117 7 5 64 6* 7$ 8» MacAndwD E J Hennebry 9.10 22620*ROADMASTER wb4112 99 9 9 9 9 GillespieW Kendle and Comstock 110.20 Time, :24, :49 6, 1:03i. Track fast. r-%2 Mutuels Paid- , Odds to , ki J. i n * LAST ROSE 7.00 3.60 2.80 2.50 .80 .40 -. fyiutuei r rices snowcrvstal 3.40 3.00 .70 .50 SWEET PEASE 7.00 2.50 Winner — Br. m. by Jock— Rosewood, by Magneto, trained by T. Whatley; bred by Mr. J. W. Parrish. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:43. OFF AT 4:43* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. LAST ROSE, a forward factor from the start, raced the early pacemaker SNOWCRYSTAL into defeat rounding the final turn and, under pressure, came on to win going away. The latter took command at the start, set the pace to the last eighth, then tired when put to a drive and was much the best of the others. SWEET PEASE, always in a contending position, closed strongly in the last quarter. HONEY ROLL tired after showing good early speed. WAHLUNE also displayed good early speed. The others were never serious factors. Scratched— 18216Tusco, 117; 14700 Cophetua, 117; 21266 Valdina Babe, 112; 218651 Paulson, 117; 18478 Bolinvar, 117; 18669 Jail Oak, 112; 22734 High Talent, 112. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES Out of Chute. Irish Image, Oct. 15, 1934—1:55% 9 9 ft 9 0 — 3 — 109* Purse 00- 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-*• *- O L L. winners since March 7. 4-year-olds, 115 lbs.; older, 117 lbs. Non-April 30-42 — Spt winners since February 21 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third. 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 226213HALLIE w 6 109 7 7 6* 63 2£ 1- 1* IngessC Ruth Sideil 3.70 227383*WAYRIEL wb5107 3 2 l3 14 l1 2* 22J GuerinE Lookout Stock Farm 1.60 22084 ARDOUR wb5114 2 4 32 24 3* 35 34 MacAndwD E Kelley 4.70 22085 BROWN BEN wb 6 114 5 5 41 42 4* 43 44 MartinTP L H Thompson 4.30 22692 MANYMOR wb 6 114 4 3 52 54 53 53 53 LitzbgerH E C Roth 72.80 21648*ARIEL ROSE w4103 6 6 84 75 65 65 65 SchulingH Mrs E Denemark 29.90 21766 YONDELL E. wb4112 1 1 2* 31 7 !■ 74 FrveJW Miss M Hornbeck 21.20 21524 JANEPOLA wb 5 110 8 8 9 9 9 9 8* LoTurcoA G Gorbet 15.00 20936*VICTORY MARCH w 5 112 9 9 7h 83 83 8 9 GauchetEA P J Valenti 155.60 Time, :25%, :51j/5, 1:18%, 1:47" 5, 1:59. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — x t Odds to * in* HALLIE 940 4.00 3.40 3.70 100 .70 M. utuel Prices wayriel 320 240 m w ARDOUR 3.40 .70 Winner— B. m. by Sortie— Unsettled, by St. James, trained by H. Pardue; bred by Mr. H. Oots. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:11*. OFF AT 5:11* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third drivine. HALLIE, well bark for the first half, moved up swiftly while racing on the outside entering the back stretch, then the second time around took command rounding the final turn and. under mild urging, came on to win by a wide margin. YAY-RIEL, having good early speed, took the lead in the first few yards, set the pace to the far turn, then tired when the winner challenged, but held on to save the place. ARDOUR, always within striking distance of the leaders for the first half, closed gamely in the fin?l drive. BROWN BEN raced in fourth position throughout and was never a serious factor at any stage of the race. MANYMOR was always outrun. YONDELL E. showed sped for the first half, then quit. Scratched— 226922Firing Pin, 114; 22626 Honey Seat. 107; 21367 Happened, 114. Overweight — Ariel Rose, 1 pound; Victory March, i. : Janepola, 1. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES Out of Chute. Irish Image, Oct. 15, 1934— 1:55% 9 9 at 9 *? — — 19. Purse 00. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-• ™ • ™ winners since March 7. 4-year-olds, 115 lbs.; older, 117 lbs. Non-April 30-42 — Spt winners since February 21 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22152 WEE SCOT wb 4 108* 6 6 4* 34 4* 43 14 HaycockMJ Mrs L Dilger 5.50 226263*VALDINA CHIEF w«5109 3 3 P l3 l5 ll 2h SchulingH E H Adams 2.40 21786*REIGH COUNTESS w 4 102 2 2 2* 23 2* 2i 3» GillespieW Cadarean and Galli 39.30 227373*SPEEDY SQUAW w5104 7 5 5« 54 5 3« 4 HigleyJ C H Dursch 2.30 22626 BRILL wb 8 105 4 4 63 63 6l 61 51 GuerinE Mrs J Massey Jr 9.60 21258 WATERCURE wb 9 114 1 1 7J 72 71 7h 6»- FranklinE Mrs E Oros 33.00 22621 THREE SANDS w 5 114 8 8 8 8 8 8 7h RossRK C T Young 11.70 221522TRUDA wb4107 5 7 3« 44 3« 54 8 WeismanS Lewin and Goldstine 5.70 Time, :25%, :5H, 1:17, 1:47*4. 2:00. Track fast. ,— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to 1300 5.20 4.00 8.50 1.60 100 li , in* WEE SCOT Mutuel Prices valwna chief 4.20 3.00 ..* .50 REIGH COUNTESS ■« 2 50 Winner— B. f. by Espino— Sunny Lassie, by Sun Flag, trained by L. Dilger; bred by Mr. Wm. Ziegler, Jr. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:41. OFF AT 5:41 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. WEE SCOT, outrun for the first half, moved up steadily while racing on the outside going down the back stretch, wore down the leaders entering the stretch and. under punishment, came on to win going away. VALDINA CHIEF took command going to the first turn, drew away after reaching the back stretch, held his advantage to the final quarter, then tired when put to a drive, but, under hard punishment, lasted to save the place narrowly. REIGH COUNTESS was in closest pursuit of VALDINA CHIEF to the last eighth, then tired under pressure. SPEEDY SQUAW closed strongly in the last quarter while saving ground. BRILL could never get up. TRUDA raced well up for the first half, then tired. Scratched— 226212Tea Ring, 112; 22686 My Bobby, 112; 20311 Merry Saxon, 104; 22738 Prompto, 107. Overweight — Wee Scot, li pounds; Brill. 1. NINTH RACE NINTH RACE RUN AS THE SIXTH. 9 9 ft 9 31/

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