Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Churchill, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-01

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r- A/ C C D#C rDAHtn UlAKinirADQ Worlds Leading Handicapper for Thirteen Years J YV L C ■ 3 V3 lM UVLU rl M II V I V*M ■ J Comment -;. We/g/if s -:- Post Positions -;- Pro6a5/e Oc/ds CHURCHILL For Track Conditions See Box on Page 1 | ST RACE— 3-4 MILE. 2:00 P. M. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming:. Prob. P.P. Horse. Wt. Mud. Odds. 6 WISE FIRE 108- X 3-1 I QUERO GREENOCK 110 * 5-1 1 MISTLETOE 110 ® 6-1 9 BURSTON MANOR 112 X 8-1 1 14 ST. CROIX 112 X 5-1 2 FOUR RINGS 110 12-1 I DUCK STANS 112 X 20-1 j 4 OZARK 112 X 12-1 1 7 PATROL FLIGHT 110 X 10-1 1 GREENSKI 107 ■ 40-1 10 KIEV SINGER 107 X 15-1 11 LITTLE SARAH 105 X 8-1 12 DARBY DEAN 112 X 10-1 13 TALENT 112 X 20-1 15 HOME FOLKS 112 X 12-1 16 NORSWEEP 110 X 10-1 ] 17 OLD BOOK 108 X 10-1 j 18 ALROSE 115 X 12-1 19 AIR HOSTESS 105 X 12-1 ! 20 HIJOU 112 X 40-1 ; Wise Fire has the speed, and the spot is made to order. Quero Greenocks last was promising. May reverse it. Mistletoe will run usual honcsl race. ND RACE— 4 1-2 FURLGS. 2:30 P. M. ™ 2-Year-OIds. Maidens. Fillies. 20 CHOP SUEY 116 8-5 11 TIMOCRACY 116 5-1 13 KEEP FLYINO 116 4-1 12 b-HOLLYAM 116 6-1 14 MISS GOSLING 116 10-1 2 a-GINOMERICA 116 8-1 1 LA CRESCENTA 116 10-1 3 HASTY KAY 116 12-1 4 NANNY 116 15-1 5 a-FLINTEE 116 8-1 6 b-BUNYY PAIR 116 6-1 7 FAIR GEORGIA 111 10-1 8 LADY REBECCA 116 20-1 9 LONG TRIP 116 8-1 10 K. SUGAR ROLL 116 15-1 15 PROGNOSTIC 116 10-1 16 I LOV BRIDGE . 116 15-1 17 SOCIETY LADY 116 12-1 18 ARIEL LADY 116 12-1 19 BOLO SERVANT , 116 15-1 a-M. B. Goff entry; b-Shoestring Stable and T. Roach entry. Chop Suey has the speed to outfoot these. Tomocracy has shown keen speed in morning reels. Keep Flying is tabbed for early action. RACE— 6 1-2 FURLGS. 3:00 P. M. 3RD 3-Year-Olds. Claiming. 9 SONNY CASEY 109 4-1 15 ACKWELL 116 X 5-1 2 TORANTAL 106 4-1 4 HIGH BAGGAGE 114 6-1 11 HENRY GREENOCK 106 8 6-1 1 SMALL WONDER 106 10-1 3 URA WINNER 114 20-1 5 GAY KIT 106 25-1 6 MACKS PRINCE 107 X 10-1 7 TOP RUNG 111 8-1 8 GINGALL 109 X 8-1 10 BUFFALO 111 40-1 12 HIZEKKO 111 35-1 13 INVOICE 111 12-1 14 HERE SHE IS 107 10-1 16 HILLFILLY 109 10-1 17 HADATIME 111 12-1 18 CORALIE B. 106 X 15-1 19 SILK YARN 106 25-1 20 MIAH 113 X 15-1 Sonny Casey, dropped down a notch, should win under wraps. Ackwell will make it a race all the way. Torantal will be coming strongly at the end. JTH RACE— 3-4 MILE. 3:30 P. M. ™ 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Allowances. 3 SHUT EYE 115 X 9-5 2 PINK GAL 110 ® 2-1 6 ENTHRALL 115 X 5-1 5 JOAN T. 110 6-1 1 UNCLE MOSE 115 X 8-1 4 MISTER BIG 110 12-1 5/i ut Eye appears ready for an early win, j according to workouts. Pink Gal, with plenty of early speed, is the main threat. Enthrall should go well. CTH RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. 4:00 P. M. •J 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Allowances. 4 CENTURY NOTE 112 X 6-5 6 a-WAR BUGLE 110 X 8-5 5 FAIRMOND 110 5-1 2 a-ALLESSANDRO 110 8-5 1 SHORTENING 105 X 8-1 3 QUARTERBACK 110 X 8-1 a -Circle M Ranch entry. Century Note is ripe for brackets. Just missed by a nose. War Bugle is strictly the one to down. Fairmond looks best of the others. RACE— 5-8 MILE. 4:30 P. M. 6TH 2-Year-Olds. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. 3 CAPTAIN ZAC 117 2-1 6 HOOSIER 122 X 3-1 2 NAVY CROSS 117 8-1 8 TOTAL VICTORY 122 6-1 9 TAKE AWAY 122 8 6-1 1 HIT IT 117 15-1 4 a-AKRONTOWN 122 10-1 5 AMYS THIRD 117 8-1 7 a-GENERAL SICKLE 117 10-1 10 CHES *N JESS 122 X 15-1 11 CHAIN BREAK 117 20-1 a-Allen T. Simmons entry. Captain Zac has shown splendid condition in only starts. Rates the nod in the feature. Hoosier will prove troublesome off last. Navy Cross is capable. 7TH RACE— 1 1-8 MILES. 5:00 P. M. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 3 HO DOWN 112 : 2-1 2 OUR WILLIE 113 X 5-2 6 OVERSIGHT 111 X 8-1 15 VEILED PROPHET 105 X 6-1 5 STROMBUS 111 10-1 1 DALLASITE 110 * 15-1 4 SATIN ROLLS 111 X 10-1 7 BROWN STREET 106 X 12-1 8 TRAIN TIME 106 X 15-1 9 KING OF SPADES 111 25-1 10 VALDINA OPAL 108 X 12-1 11 PERAGRA 105 8-1 12 ISLOPEBLO 110 X 12-1 13 CROSS RUFF 111 X 20-1 14 BIRKA BOY ■ 110 15-1 Ho Doion should get up in time to enter j the charmed circle. Our Willie will be running over horses in the stretch drive. Oversight has not shown best lately. RACE— 1 1-8 MILES. 5:30 P. M. 8TH 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 3 VESUVIUS 114 5-2 6 LONELY ROAD 111 X 3-1 11 SUCCESS STORY 111 X 6-1 14 ROYAL BLUE 113 X 6-1 1 DIANAPAT 103 X 10-1 2 MICHIGAN BLUE 106 20-1 4 MIGAL FAY 103 X 15-1 5 LOVE QUEST 101 X 25-1 7 WESTERNS SON 111 8-1 8 NICABE 110 X 25-1 9 WINABEAU 105 X 12-1 10 FOR ROMANCE 106 X 25-1 12 PETER TOKALON 111 X 8-1 13 EXTEND 110 X 12-1 15 HILDUR BEAU 111 X 25-1 Vesuvius flashed a return to best form last out. Conditions favorable today. Lonely Road can be tabbed as the one most to fear. Success Story is not to be overlooked. QTH RACE — 6 1-2 FURLGS. Substitute. * 3-Year-Olds. Claiming. 1 BEAD 106 4-1 16 EPISTLE 104 3-1 4 PAITURF 108 4-1 7 SPARKLING GEM 116 6-1 19 AIR SPRITE 111 4-1 18 BIRD HIGH 109 8-1 2 DODGE CITY 111 40-1 3 THE COUNT 114 12-1 5 BLACK WHIRL ,111 45-1 6 DARBY DEMON 111 X 10-1 8 SPUR KING 114 15-1 9 PIPLAD 111 X 8-1 10 FRANK L. Ill 25-1 11 CHICAGO DR. 114 35-1 12 YANKEE NOTIONS 114 25-1 13 BILLIES BABE 106 40-1 14 GAY YOUTH 111 12-1 15 STEPSOME 113 X 12-1 17 ROSEMERE ROSE 109 15-1 20 PERFECTO PHIL 114 15-1 Bead appears headed for a pair of winnings brackets. Epistle displayed keen form in Florida. Paiturf should finish in the pay-off.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1942050101/drf1942050101_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1942050101_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800