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Bus and Train Service Available For Lincoln Fields Patrons CRETE, 111., May 15.— Bus and train service again will be available for fans who patronize Lincoln Fields during the 30-day season opening on Monday. The C. and I. Railroad daily will operate a train from the Dearborn Station to the track, leaving the downtown depot at 1 p. m. The train will net ctop at Englewood on the way out, but will stop there for the convenience of patrons on the way back in the evening. On Saturdays there will be an additional train leaving downtown Chicago at 12:45 p. m. Busses will leave from a number of points daily for the track. Bus service will operate from the Sheridan Plaza Hotel, Sheridan Road and Wilson Avenue, daily, at 12:00 noon; from Crawford and Madison Avenues at 12:20 p m.; from 63d and Cottage Grove Avenue at 1:00 p. m.; from the Sherman Hotel at 12:35 p. m., and from Diversey and Clark Street at 12:10 p. m. Train fare will be .05 round trip in day coaches and .21 round trip in Pullmans. Round trip fare on each of the bus services is .25.