untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1949-06-04


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I THE CLUB CORSICA 7918 SOUTH WESTERN AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. FEATURING THE NEW TURF ROOM STEAKS • ITALIAN FOODS • ANTlPASTOS FOOD FOR THE DISCRIMINATING • » • Phone: REpublic 7-9885 I BEN FRANCIS II SERVING LOBSTER, STEAKS and CHICKEN FOR RESERVATIONS • Phone THORNTON 2535 — 3487 — 2552 BEN FRANCIS, Prop. We Specialize in Sea Food THORNTON, ILL PRIOR BEER "N, LIQUID LUXURY Sacins|4 . EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS _____ . IKH JOSEPH TRINER CORPORATION BHHHHH BK JOE TRINER. KkWBmiKsL 4053 W. Fillmore NEVada 2006-7-8 HHBiJJBER3ft.l A SURE WINNER | ■EWJ jOm " for I ■™fi#N With FNE APPAREL at HOW % TO GET THERE: DOWB-tO-earth BY CAR— 175th and HALSTED — ZSj rriC«S on Illinois Route 1. tSL raCd°yn-?ie- weir Lge "Y ILLINOIS CENTRAL ELECTRIC—* QUALITY Dress and Work Direct to Gate— I. C. trains leave r/wiV Clothes especially tailored Randolph and Michigan at fre- mm svu .«t-66 intervais "=35 to 1=50. • Drew ShirU to size 20 BY BUS— LOOP, SOUTH SIDE: p«t| •SportsHrU to size XXX- 20 E. Randolph 12:35; 63rd-S. itMi • I=dfe*i« to size 64 Park 1:00; 63rd-Halsted 12:00 to BPH • Sport Coats to size 60 1:00; 63rd -Ashland; 63rd- fWfW • Work Clothes in all sizes Western; 79th-Stony Island AjnJpi toT •T»nr purpose 12:30-1:00. J rMzfehi • Underwear— all styles ra and . bStl •rwear-mj NORTH, WEST SIDE: Sheridan ••SSyMSg •Accessories — large size Sunnyside 12:00 to 12:30;*Madi- 5«lt»« Hose. Ties. Robes. son-Pulaski Rd. 12:00 to 1:00. Sw Suspenders, etc. * r •♦"Come in TODAY and see for POST TIME: 2:15 daily— 2:00 Selurdayi" yourself! Mail orders accepted. For phone ■OTHMSMHssHMBMsSHBMHi orders call CHesapeake 3-2777. Open eves. HZjQJAMJIUJJTTH Mon.,, Thurs. and Sat. til 9 p. m. JWu C DC CI Write for our FREE Catalog "R" . ■ »«« with "Miles of Styles for BIG MEN" ===== HARNESS RACING ■BjBk With Pari-Mutueis .JKSSStSSmtk. Post Time 8:30 ?lV 1 1 N 91 H ItUffl UlViT Nine Races fXwWlliM*™* BUSES D1RECT T0 TRACK: From Sherman /BtJmnSkm EE DAVC~£~I .Hotel, 6:45 • Crawford and Madison, 7:00 iSdmm ill b iV.T.0" I • Lawrence and Winthrop, 6:30 • 63rd OOTQJ,.! RACING I and Cottage Grove, 6:30. Call RO 2-3300 NxfO-lT «?/mm I for Spec/a/ Pickups En Route. WM. G. LIAS THOS, OB. FLYNN AL DEICKMAN C. A. and L trains leave Quincy and Wells Pres. Exec. Director Gen. Mgr. Streets at 5:08j 5.35 6:lfJ Qnd 7:05 Direcl HORSEMEN 6us ConnecHon t0 fhe Track. Stall applications are now being re- Fill I Jl I #»BlT I li I K 1 ceived for Beautiful Wheeling Downs, JJ,|Lbb«JLX1£JI the countrys best appointed race North of Aurora track. Send for 1949 Horsemens . new • D 01 On Illinois Route 31 Folder, stall applications and purse details for our coming meet, starting ■ July 30 and closing October 1. Send ■ . card or letter to r+ m ■ ff" E" / O WHEELING DOWNS RACING ASSN Q J Q L t t 1613 Market St., Wheeling, W. Va. RE FINE FOODS For c *u the Best d * in • t Turf i Selections c / CHICKEN IN THE BASKET Subscribe to Daily Racing Form |1 N. E.cornerGceroand 159th oak forestall

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1949060401/drf1949060401_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1949060401_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800