Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Detroit, Daily Racing Form, 1949-06-04

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Detroit ■1ST RACE-3-4 MILE chute. Purse ,500. 2:30 P. M. ■ 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. P.Pw.,i!orse- . ProbJockey. WL Comment Prob.Odds. 3 VICTOR NANCE No boy 124 Gets the nod 6-1 LEDDIE No boy 108 Showing speed now 4-1 12*CHARIVARI J. West 113 The one to beat 3-1 i,fE5SIE.E.. T-Fico 106 The one to catch 6-1 NINA c- Beasey 116 Ear|V foot helps 8-1 1*NEAT AND TIDY L. C. Cook 108 Racing evenly now 15-1 2 SWAY AGAIN S. Luce 118 Not off last few 20-1 4 RED HORIZON • No boy 118 May need cheaper 10-1 6 CROMAGNON No boy 116 May press top ones 15-1 7* MISS TEXAS No boy 106 Tough one to beat 15-1 8JBROWN CLIPPER No boy 109 Not out of this 15-1 11tPLAY WISE T. Barrow 106 Tab for later on 30-1 13*SPRING THAW - No boy 108 Fits in here 15-1 14*GERRYS BUD E. Williams 111 May hang on for part 15-1 ND RACE— 3-4 MILE chute. Purse ,500. 3:00 P. M. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ✓ 5JERINSVILLE No boy 111 Ready for best 7-2 1JMISS ALL SWEEP M. Gomez 106 Knocking at the door 6-1 7 GLIDER PILOT No boy 118 Dropping down a bit 12-1 14*SWIFT TOWN K. Church 113 Going well now 6-1 11 QUEENS CHANCE No boy 113 Chance with these 5-1 8 POTSEY R. L. Baird 118 Stout chanllenger 5-1 9 TOLECA J. West 111 Threat in this spot 6-1 2JT0P VALLEY E. Williams 117 Showing some life 12-1 3 DOC ADAMS No boy 118 Dull at present 30-1 4 ALLDEPENDS E. LeBlanc 113 Must speed it up 20-1 61 MISS NELEEN T. Barrow 106 Not in here 20-1 10 ALRUSHA No boy 113 In-and-outer 20-1 12ICL0UDY RUMOR M. Gomez 106 Tab for later on 20-1 13 PARICO E. LeBlanc 118 Would be an upset 30-1 3RD RACE— 3-4 MILE chute. Purse ,500. 3:30 P. M. J 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 8ISOMA LAD No boy 110 Should top these . 15-1 5 BOLO PAT J. Combest 116 Knocking at the door 5-2 3*G0MEL No boy 114 Must beat this one 3-1 2*0N THE WAY L. C. Cook 109 Can go with these 5-1 7JBIG DITCH M. Gomez 107 Threat in this spot 6-1 6*OLOS STAR J. West 108 Likes to upset the dope 8-1 1 TRANCE SLEEPER No boy 120 Stepping up here 20-1 4 BLACK TWEETIE R. Delaney 116 Has some early foot 20-1 9*WAR HAL K. Church 109 Improvement needed 30-1 10 LEES SUMMIT H. Manifold 116 Dangerous if ready 10-1 A1H RACE-5-8 MILE. Purse ,000. 4:00 P. M. * 2-year-olds. Allowances. 8 HIGH FREQUENCY No boy 116 Has speed to score 6-5 63SECOND AVENUE T. Fico 112 The one to beat 3-1 5*UNITED NATION L. C. Cook 111 Likes to upset dope 8-1 7 MR. PILATE W. Garner 119 Last showed fitness 5-1 2 BALLADETTE No boy 113 Ready for best 6-1 1 SEVENTY-SEVEN S. Luce 113 In tough spot 20-1 1 KINGBOLT R. L. Baird 113 May do some running 20-1 4 MINNESOTA No boy 113 Out to repeat last win 6-5 COUPLED— Minnesota and High Frequency. 5TH RACE-1 1-16 MILES. Purse ,000. . 4:30 P. M. 3-year-olds. Allowances. 6 CHILDERIC . No boy 114 Rates the honors 5-2 7 FRERE JACQUES M. N. Gonzalez 120 Best could take this 11-5 4 MAYRAM No boy 106 Out to repeat last win 5-2 1 SYNDICATE No boy 110 Just missed in last 3-1 5 BLUE BADGE No boy 108 Going well now 6-1 2 MR. TUCK L. C. Cook 95 In with a feather 8-1 3 BOY-PLIN No boy 108 Lets see if ready 15-1 COUPLED— Mayram and Childeric. 6TH RACE-3-4 MILE chute. 5,000 added. 5:00 P. M. First Running THE MAPLE LEAF STAKES. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Allowances. 7 SWEET DREAM • J. Combest 116 Likes to go winging 4-1 5 MISS MOMMY E. LeBlanc 120 The runner-up 5-2 2 BLUE HELEN W. Garner 112 In fine form now 3-1 8 SEQUENCE R. Nash 112 The one to down 4-1 1 BROWNIAN J. West 109 Just missed last trip 4-1 3 LITHE R. L. Baird 112 Chance in here 8-1 4 EVANSTEP No boy 109 Would be a surprise 12-1 6 OUR REQUEST L.C.Cook 100 Must beat this one 15-1 9 HILDA J. Duff 109 Has early foot 20-1 COUPLED— Brownian and Sequence. 7TH RACE-3-4 MILE chute. Purse ,000. 5:30 P. M. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 3*P0RTERS BROOM J. Duff 112 Sharp right now; choice 8-5 6 SUN HEROD H. Manifold 117 Challenger for all 5-2 - 5 BIG STORY No boy 117 Coming close to win 8-1 4 TOUCH CONTROL R. L. Baird 115 Must beat this one 4-1 1 SHIVAREE D. MacAndrew 114 Not off last try 6-1 2 TIDY BID J. Combest 117 May come out fit 15-1 8TH RACE-1 1-16 MILES turf course. Purse ,500. 6:00 P. M. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 7JMIL1TARY SIR E. Williams 117 Out to repeat last win 5-1 10JBEL STOCK M. Gomez 107 Just missed in last 12-1 9 CHARLES CITY D. MacAndrew 114 Chance to take this 4-1 13*MARKSMAN No boy 113 Main threat 3-1 6*0LD BET L. C. Cook 108 Ready for this 5-2 3 P0MPAGLE R. Nash 120 Coming close to win 6-1 1 MAKING MERRY J. Combest 109 In tough spot 30-1 2*TRIBAL II. No boy 113 Showing some life 15-1 4 VALDINA SEER No boy 114 Dull right now 20-1 5*BAUMBACH K. Church 109 Must be considered 10-1 8*DELFEB L. C. Cook 109 Showing some speed 15-1 11 POLONIUS No boy 114 Would be a surprise 20-1 12JFILEETA T. Barrow 108 Not in here 20-1 14*S0NS TWINKLE J. West 114 Fit and fast 3-1 COUPLED— Marksman and Sons Twinkle. Subscribe to Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1949060401/drf1949060401_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1949060401_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800