Between Races: Hollywood Oaks Centers Coast Turf Interest; Ninth Race Proposed for Saturdays, Holidays; Canadian Prairie Circuit Hits New High; Oily Strike, Able Publishers Aid the Sport, Daily Racing Form, 1949-06-04


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BETWEEN RACES * ore ARCADIA, Calif., June 3. The fourth running of the Hollywood .Oaks, a 5,000 endowed dash at a flat mile, will center western turf interest here tomorrow. The Oaks is one of three on the Hollywood Park at Santa Anita schedule exclusively for members of the fairer sex, the others being the Vanity Handicap for fillies and mares on the eleventh, and the Hollywood Lassie for "two-year-old fillies on July 2. The Oaks has had a rather curious history in that only one eastern horse, as the term is loosely used out this way, has ever as much as finished third in the previous three runnings. Other than, the showing of Boswell Lady last year, in a dramatic stretch bid despite having broken down early in the race, westerners have dominated the record books. Louis B. Mayers great Honeymoon annexed the inaugural running in 1946, beating Aptos Honey and Good Excuse. Rex Ellsworths brilliant TJ-Time scored at the expense of Cold Roll and Hemet Squaw in 1947. Last year, the longshot, Flying Rythm, also a product of the L. B. Mayer farm, uncorked a surprise to beat out Belle Jolie and the aforementioned Boswell Lady. Wistful, the Calumet filly who is already well on her way toward annexing honors for her sex and age as the "Horse . of the Year," is an eligible for the Hollywood Mile, but she isnt here, an item which has turned the race into a rather open affair. And, for the first time California horses do not appear to have the race at their mercy. Strongest "eastern contention" is expected to be provided by W-L Ranchs hard-hitting Some Chance filly, Some Gal, and Hollywood Oaks Centers Coast Turf Interest Ninth Race Proposed for Saturdays, Holidays Canadian Prairie Circuit Hits New High Oily Strike, Able Publishers Aid the Sport Mrs. John Payson Adams daughter of Ambrose Light, Brenton Light. Of the Californians, June Bride, a daughter of Beau Pere, would appear the most impressive. AAA Hollywood Park has been "down" in both attendance and play as against the comparable period raced last summer in Hollywoods own plant across town and near the beach area at Englewpod. The management has been a bit encouraged the last few days by the advent of fair weather, and perhaps things will begin to pick up from here on. Hollywood Park, you may recall, opened in an unseasonable spell of rain and cold. When this snap vanished it was replaced by a heat wave of the grade "C" type, which was not welcomed by the fans, either. Now, however, the weather has settled down to what the Chamber of Commerce insists is normal, bright sunshine, tempered by the afternoon breezes from the ocean. The weather, it has been proven, plays as much a part in. attendance and handles in California as most anywhere else, if the last six months may be taken as a criterion. This is by way of mentioning that West Coast managements are considering little stimulants to business which they would never have considered in prior years. As we reported before, the Daily Double, sold from racks, is under consideration and advisement on the part of the California Horse Racing Board. We also learn that a ninth race on Saturdays and holidays has been suggested and, perhaps, will receive a favorable nod from the commissioners. A A A Proponents of the ninth race plan, limited to Saturdays and holidays, point out that such a race has a successful precedent and that much additional revenue would accrue to the state of California by the carding of such a race. It seems unfortunate but it is nevertheless true that emphasis is placed upon revenue to the state on most moves affecting rather than what is for the best interest of racing. Along this line, it is freely predicted that California tracks next, season will race their full legal maximum of dates. During the past few years they have operated roughly on 10 per cent under the legal maximum on the theory that California, which has some 400 days of racing a year, might wear out its welcome with the people; However, the ninth race as such has as much to recommend it. By limiting the ninth race to Saturdays and holidays, people who cant get out through the week and who come out to see a program of racing get more enjoyment for their admission dollar. After all, people come to a race track to see a racing program, and a ninth race on a Saturday could create much good will, and certainly have no repercussions. The ninth race is in vogue at Arlington and Washington Parks on certain days, and has met with popular approval there. In this immediate neighborhood, Caliente to the south, operating Sundays only, offers 12 races through the summer and 10 through the winter and the fans love it. In past years. Continued on Page Seven BETWEEN RACES By OSCAR OTIS Continued from Page Forty Caliente has experimented with 14 races, of which four were in the morning, first post time, 10:00 a. m., with an hour off for lunch, and the days turned into gala, picnic-like affairs. AAA One of the bright spots of Continental racing at the moment is the Prairie Circuit of R. James Speers, where business, especially at Edmonton, has been reported at a new all-time high. At last accounting, pari-mutuel play at Edmonton was up 25.7 per cent, and attendance up 34.4 per cent. On some days, it was necessary to close the gates after the fans had packed themselves sardine-like into the plant to exceed rated capacity. This increase was accomplished in the face of much inclement weather. Speers and his chief aide de camp, Charles F. Roe, have indicated they plan to build a new plant which will be available in 1950 in order to accommodate the crowds. AAA There are two reasons for the increase, according to my Prairie Circuit operative. One is that Edmonton is becoming known as the "New Tulsa" as gusher after gusher is being uncovered by oil companies in a rich new Alberta field. The other is the constructive approach taken in regard to racing by the Canadian press. Hal Straight, former sports editor of the Vancouver Sun and now publisher of the Edmonton Bulletin, is a critical friend of racing. He stands for clean sport and knows what he is talking about. His publication reports racing objectively, without fear or favor, and yet without bias or personal rancor. The same applies to Max Bell, publisher of the Calgary Albertan, a fellow who also knows his horse racing. These men are but two of the new younger generation in Canada building a new empire in the prairies and who feel that fine horse racing is a part of the way of life of that vast area.

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