Mondays Late Lincoln Fields Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1954-06-09

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Mondays Late LINCOLN FIELDS Charts EVENTH RACE 6 FURLONGS: Our Crest, Aug. 10, 19371 :10Vfe 4 1 Purse ,800. 3-year-olds, ., Q "7 A I Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of three races since April 7 allowed 3 lbs.; two 7 I U I races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000 allowed 3 lbs. one 7-54 L.F Net value to winner ,690 second, 20; third, 60; fourth, 30. Mutuel Pool, 0,403. ndex Horses EqtAWtPPSt Va Vi StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 8484 DARTING BROOK- w 104 3 5 31 24 22 14TONeil 3250 Three Ks Stable 9.60 719 NO TRICKS W111 8 6 5i 3 3 24 W Cox 3250 D Clair 15.60 9019 VIGOR w111 6 2 4 12 11 3i A Popara 3250 J Graham Brown 4.60 19317 CAJUN QUEEN w 112 2 "4 44 54 41 4J J D JesSop 3250 E Meloncon 6.60 19316 BULL HIEROCLES wb 114 5 3 2i 4h 5 55 R Baldwin 3250 Oldehove Stable 1.20 17367 CAROLS JOY w110 1 9 dfr 73 61 611 P Tenaglio 3250 A Graffagnini 35.60 19430 MIMADA w110 4 7 64 611 76 72 L Wickel 3250 W H Bishop Stable Inc 6.30 19019 W00DFELL0W wb112 7 8 71 81 9 81 P J Bailey 3250 BW Landy 17.40 193144 FLEET REWARD wb 1091 9 1 9 9 8h 9 S Armstrng 300O S A Alexander 19.80 Time, :24, :49, 1:17. Track slow. r- Mutuels Paid , Odds to. , kA. l in- DARTING BROOK 21.20 9.60 6.40 9.60 3.80 2.20 Mutuel Prices? no tricks 14.00 7.20 6.00 2.60 1 VIGOR ;ii 5.00 1.50 Winner B. f, by Brookfield Valdina Dart, by Teddys Comet, trained by T. Bougon; bred by t. C. Melrose. IN GATE-4:431T OFF AT 4:431 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. DARTING BROOK was a good contender from the tart, and coming resolutely in the last eighth, passed VIGOR and Was not seriously threatened by NO TRICKS, Ithough hustled along to the end. NO TRICKS raced well to improve his position in the last eighth and finished fell. VIGOR showed good speed in pacemaking and widened nearing the stretch turn, but faltered in the final Irive. CAJUN QUEEN dropped back suddenly nearing the far turn, but went well thereafter. BULL HIEROCLES s unable to outrun VIGOR while racing on the inside in the first part and, although Saving ground on the tretch turn, dropped back gradually in the last furlong. MIMADA was outpaced. Scratched-1 94304 Faithful Ring, 111. Overweight Carols Joy, 4 pounds; Mimada, 1; Woodfellow, 1; Fleet Reward, 11. Bull Hierocles claimed by A. Graffagnini. No Tricks claimed by F. M. Jayne. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Sir Harry, July 28, 19281:50-4110. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and BQ 7 fi O upward. Claiming. Non-winners since April 25. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of .three 7 I U JL races since March 13 allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Claiming -Tune 7-54 L.F price, ,500. let value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 7,070. index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Va Vi Va StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr, Owners Odds to 184923 RIVAS wb4 106 2 1 15 16 15 15 18 W M Cook 2500 G A CavanaUgh 2.90 187233 MYSTIC CHIEF W7111 3 3 43 32 3 24 23 L Wickel 2500 W H Bishop Stable Inc 2.10 18492 ALS BOURBON W9111 4 5 and 5104s 412 31 R Baldwin 2500 Oldehove Stable 4.60 19120 SLIP ONED wb7109 1 2 2422 23 3h 412 J M Wager 2500 Ar-Ev Stable 15.60 191204 ALHAMPERED wb 5 112 6 6 6 6 6 5 512 P J Bailey 2500 J Emery 5.40 193202 SECRET IMPLSEwb 5 111 5 4 31 41 54 6 6 D Wagner 2500 N L Raffelrtlan 3.20 Time, :25, :51, 1:18, 1:45, 2:00. Track slow. ,52 Mutuels Paid, , Odds to S1 ki . , n RIVAS 7.80 5.00 3.20 2.90 1.50 .60 Mutuel Prices! mystic chief 3.80 2.60 .90 jo ALS BOURBON 3.20 .60 Winner Ch. f, by Princequillo Sure Silesia, by Swift and Sure, trained by J. T. Kermath; bred by J. S. Tupper. IN GATE-5:091rOFF AT 5:091 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. RIVAS went to the front at once and soon drew into a long lead, then raced well and was never in danger of -being caught. MYSTIC CHIEF came steadily through the stretch to pass SLIP 0 NED and hold ALS BOURBON. The latter was outrun early then came wide in the stretch to finish fairly well. SLIP 0 NED saved ground, but weakened. ALHAMPERED was badly outrun. SECRET IMPULSE stopped badly after going half the trip. Overweight Slip o Ned, 3 pounds; Alhampered, 1. Attendance 7,889; Total Mutuel Pool, 15,390..

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