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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES SPORTSMANS PARK Cicero, Illinois Length of stretch from last turn to finish, 902 feet. * I Weather and track conditions appear on Page 3. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1957, .25; current percentage, .28. Percentage of favorites in the money, .64. Puett Starting Gate. Harvey Eye in the Sky Camera. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one in Daily* Double races. - Explanation of Daily Racing Form Indexed Entries and Past Performances Condition of track in Indexed entries is fast or gcoa unless shown by the following abbreviations: si. stow; sy, sloppy; m, muddy; hy, heavy. X Good mud runner. * Fair mud runner. 3 Superior mud runner, "d" after final odds denotes disqualification. "f after final odds denotes field; ~e" after final odds denotes entry; "*" denotes favorite in race". I three pounds apprentice allowance; * five pounds apprentice allowance; t six pounds apprentice allowance; I seven pounds apprentice allowance; A 10 pounds apprentice allowance. Class of race is denoted by the following abbreviations: Mdn, maidens; AIwM, maiden allowance; Alw. allowance; AlwS, allowance stake; HcpO. overnight handicap; HcpS, handicap stake; Wta. weight-tor-age; WfaS, weight-for-age stake; ScwS. scale weight stake; SpWS, special weight stake; Comb, combination race; -SplW. special weight; Mtch, match race. Some of these abbreviations are also used to denote steeplechase and hurdle races. In such cases, S in a single bracket, CS. is used for steeplechases, and H in a single bracket. CH. indicates hurdle events. A "STARTER" race is an overnight event under allowance or handicap conditions, restricted to horses who have previously started for the designateo claiming orice or less, as stated in the condition of the STARTER" race. This type of race is shown in the past performances with the claiming price designated in the "STARTER" race preceded by the letter "A" or "H" to Indicate allowance or handicap. "S" indicates special weights. If no price is stipulated iri conditions, designation appears "A—** or "H— " Claiming races are indicated by price after jockeys name. Claiming price for today Is given after trainers name, "c" before claiming price indicates horse, was claimed. Imported horses shown after breeders name. Post position is shown after jockeys name. Where horse breaks from outside the gate his original post position will be shown in a circle thus: ©. Optional claiming races are indicated by a superior "°" immediately preceding or following the claiming price. A superior letter **0" preceding the claiming price indicates that the horse was not entered to be claimed. A superior letter "0" following the claiming price indicates that the horse was entered to be claimed Combination races are the same as optional claiming races. Earning line which shows number ot starts, firsts, seconds, thirds and amount of money won appears to right, above horses past performances. An "M" in the earning line indicates the horse is a maiden. Last tine In past performances gives horses latest workouts. "Feb 26 Hia 3-8 ft 35%hg" informs the reader that the horse worked on Feb. 26 at Hialeah Park. The distance of the trial was three furlongs. The time was 353S seconds handily from the gate, the track was fast, "h" means handily; "b" breezing; "cT driving; "e* easily; "g" worked from gate; "u" eased up. Note: The abbreviations trt wc or ttc preceding the distance ot the trial indicate the course over which the work was recorded; trt meaning, training track, wc Widener Course, and tc meaning turf course. The abbreviations used in workouts are the same as those used in past performances. Figure given after claiming price is speed rating. The symbols used in past performances tor steeplechase and turf course races are "hd" for hard, "fm* for firm and "if for soft Best time made on North American tracks of each horse since Jan. 1, 1S56. at the distance entered Is shown hi the Indexed entries. No record ts given hcrses beaten more than 15 lengths. 1 FOREIGN-BRED HORSES IDENTIFIED An innovation in the past performances adopted January 1, makes possible the immediate identification of foreign-bred thoroughbreds. An asterisk * precedes the name of each horse in this category, as indicated below: A * Th a *?nlnr 1 1 B- e» *• b* Le Lwnndcu— Fair Angel, by Fairway ine jainr ll. Miss D. Ireland. . -1-1 Breeder, Paget 1957 1 1 1655 Owner, Mrs. W. C. Wright Trainer: U. H. Dixon, Sr. 1356. .10 2 5 1 ,621 EXPLANATION OF DAILY RACING FORM PAST PERFORMANCES Position in ORDER OF FINISH WITH S Race and WEIGHT = j* 1 4"9il?.VB8" ,f fm!sn sh0*s horse won. second, S 2- ™ " J hind V. in- third and fourth horses are given. „ S. %a s£°;S ning Horse _ 3 ° g Jf second, first, third and fourth S S | oSfiSS -a - -ol horses are shorn « -i °H „ 5 = s"= = o 5 ■= g~ oo:**,«|f third, first, second and fourth — o = ° "52= and £ g°~£ horses are shown. fc •2 ES 3 I ?sS?S ?i iS -ti £ S.| % If unplaced, first, second and third £ o z£ 5 P o u. £. 3. 2,g. iow horses are shown. 35 Jun27-532A.P 1 1-407?tft 8-5eM2S*J3_ 3J 3J 13 AdamsJz Alw93Ruhe113 Sub Fleet 116 Jampcl12 AH Speed Ratings Are Based on the Track Record That Prevailed Before a Meeting Opens. Special Allowances at Churchill Downs In all races of one mile or over, except maiden races, stake races or handicaps, any horse who has never won at a distance of one mile or over, -shall be allowed three pounds weight allowance in addition to any other allowances to which he may be entitled in the race. Such allowance must be claimed at time of entry. Indexed Entries and Past Performances Listed According to Post Position ❖ Fair Mud Runner. X Good Mud Runner. ® Superior Mud Runner. 6 1-2 FURLONGS out of chute. Sir Tribal, April 23, 1956-1:17-5—118. Purse 1. cf- Snf" ,800. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since April 18. Weight, 120 lbs. 31 Non-winners of two races since March 15 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 5 lbs.; one race since February 22, 8 Its. Claiming price, ,500. Best lime made at distance of race. Chart Bock Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt 47397 Abbess-Quesl 112 45131 Sun Miracle 107 47200 Mr. Minx 112 47298 Irish Dream * 112 47194 Jump Tune Oct57 Haw 1:2KS 112 115 47637 Mr. Nuisance 112 467763 Ro-Add 112 473962 Top Guy 112 47090 Deep Ravine 110 46971 Mighty Epic T10 46971 Dudes Belle JI 57AP1:21 1031 105 47637 Rose Ellen 107 47396 Royal Flyer Sep57 Haw 1:22?4syl11 112 46582 Royal Dude . Sep57 Haw 1:18?i 112 112 47089 Pap Duncan Sep57 Haw 1:21hy 111J 115 47639 Longstreet Aug57 Ran 1:19Vs 111 112 Abbess Ouest 1 1? Gr- 9» *• b» Quest-Valdina" Abbess, by Sortie. V Brecoer. J. Bauer 1958.. 6 0 0 2 50 - « ?"rr,Rv.Fishtr- Trainer, C. Nagle. S2.500 1557. 24 1 1 4 ,680 Apr30-58»Spt 6!M:20?sft 35 115 10 MO210«107J HanleyJ 2500 74 SirCbris115 FannysOnellO Pappa-Gee 10 Uar24-5fS.P. §f]:]?Hsy 21 112 7«j 6?3 42 3* Hanleyjs 2000 56SteelPr112 DngerCu«112 Mrs.Dorisl. 12 iPQ-tS-Z 5]:]Lhy 11 108* 6- l B4 8io 8M LandingRS 2O0O51TakeThree1O9 0aklands119 EasySir 8 HlfSS BM:19V4m 31 118 7S1 78$ 4? 3»3 HanleyJ* 20O0 44Shille!ahMike 118 0ddkap118 Ksarus 8 Har11-583S.P 6f1:14Hft 63 114 11*1118$ 910 65J HanleyJio 200072StVgH,r116 AndyJVn114 ShYhMike 11 Mar4-53*S.P SM:18%sy 13f 116 11«310» 8" 6» HanleyJ3 200048 lndnGuide118 MYshHen113 ShigTide 11 Prt8-57 P-P 6 f 1:13?fcft 24 116 Vi Vi 55 31 MurphyT3 2000 82 Baby Cyclone 119 FTyall 119 GonaGolO Sep23-573F.P 6f1:12%ft 20f 118 1213121311141H3. ShireyDL* 200076 JustTillyllO RoseEllen112 SquawMom 12 lZS UWAft 36.111 6* 9» 9J2 926 ludicaAS 200058 Preimp 113 Turquesa116 DeJonIO Sep2-57iEIP 11:38 ft 22 116 6»1 6 6*1 6io ludicaA3 Alw 76 RwdyMike106 PncsEIIn113 OurBtle 7 Mr Minv 119 B. g, 6, by Mafosta— Minx, by Discovery. IVir. fvlinx £. Breeder. A» G. Vanaerbilt 1958.10 0 3 0 ,655 Owner, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tompkms. Trainer, W. C. Tomplins. ,500 1357 33 5 5 4 2,125 Apr28-588Spt 11:41 gd 10 114 11 H 21 63 RichsnL» 350085 FibreGIss113 Drl*gDdy112 AgraGem 10 Apr22-58Spt 1,V 1:52V4hy 81 113 12 1| Vi 2"E FselmanJ 2500 64 Exultant120 SquireWilsonl15 Slinker 9 Mar23-58»A.C 1-70 1:44%sl 4 113 2h 43J 55J 6" AndnALS 3250O65GayMarvl109 CI andEsy103 DldMill 6 ftor16-58»A.C 6f1:12%sy 12 116 52J 712 920 930 AndnAL* 325054 BlueRajas109 FI/gEarl 109 Wickerbill 9 Feb23-58A.C 1-701:43Hft 31 *117 11 31 43 781 CstroEB C2500OT8 KatysKhal 107 Mr.Pip115 C*l and Esy 9 Feb 9-58»A.C 1-701:47%sl 43 111 21 32J 42 42J CastroE5 3200 63 TheSandslll FlyingEarl 106 Rekindled 9 Feb 2-581 »A.C 1andi:44%ft 31*116 11 1h 1h 22J Tanig1G» C2000 87 DdlyDby116 Mr.PiplUPIichinlall. 12 Jan19-588A.C 1-701:42%ft 21 *112 32 2h 2i 21 FergnWS 2500O89 Approprte117 HeCnGo113 Ardnoowd 8 Jan12-583A.C 1-701:41%ft 15 117 2h 22 32 531 FieldsM 2500 92 FlygEarl 106 HelliowiselOS FastClipr 12 Jan 5-58A.C 1-701:41V%ft 36 120 3« 7» 9ii 9« FietdsK3 Alw 82 JiggsJr.111 BuddyRieh120 TarKit 10 Asril 12 Spt 5-8 ft 1:04h • Jnmn Tune X 1 1 C B. g, 9, by Signater-Sup Lightly, by Sweeping Light s Jump 1 une I I J Kalnveod Farm A Paulfretf Farms. 1958.. 6 1 0 0 ,365 Owner, F. Kurinec Trainer F Kurinec S2.500 1957. .20 2 2 3 350 Apr28-582Spt 6f1:14?4sl 11 115 45 6» 671 7«1 SkcrsCiAS 250082PreeEric115 DtyRdbd1T3 DieksGy 10 Apr22-58 Spt 6f1:17 m 61 120 533 88 31 9" SkoKskiA 2500 65 Ardanwood 120 Legate115 BirchIO to28-5820.P 6 f 1:15 gd 6 120 4310131031012 SkdlkiAlo 2000 63DottyRedbird112 Mytor111 EbonyBrJn12 Mar10-583O.P 6f1:18%ny 5 120 2h 42 68 612 Skors 2500 46 KingFoot120 WacoGirl 115 ForturieN. 8 Mar 6-5880.P 5f1:06Vim 7 120 2 12 11 1"» SkoskiAll 2000 89Ambalong 120 FleetSis115 StBarD.11 Feb25-53O.P 5 f l:D41sft 25 116 3 44 611 711 AdamsJR? 2500B5F*stBd116 RylWitchlll RdPrfme 12 Nov 7-572Spt 6 f 1:17 si 10 112 1i In 2i 33 LeJeuneS* 250073 DnysTaskllS BTsCaotn115 Bynesn 10 0ct17-572Spt 6f1:24V«sm 5 112 3 42 43 4?1 SkorskiA 2500 57 Fr*ksMde111 NTciesBy113 HilleJr. H Ort 7-572Haw 6f1:18Hft 15 112 In 2h 64103 Skor*skiA5 2500 78 RmsnHill 115 J"dgeMac112 LdyEIct 12 Aug.5-57iVas 6f1:12?4sl 16 118 1" 33 8i»1Ci» Defsayejs 3000 67Nik-Nik115 HotPursWO SandersRd 11 JIy13-575A.P 6f1:14?ssl 9 110 1» 2 6*3 V Prestonj2 3000 65 GdCInFunlU N*-Nik112 BanditTn 9 «ay24-577Was 7f1:25%ft 6 119 11 1 58 61* SkorskiAi 2750 64 ReRePo122 FleetArgo113 LuckeyPete 8 April 19 Spt 5-8 ft 1:05b March 24 OP 1-2 m :51h Ro-Afid lu aou X s 119 B. j,4,bj Blue Pair— Greetings, by Bow. to Me. I 1 Breeder. D. C. Ross. 1958.. 6 0 1 2 ,090 Owner, W. L. Proctor. Trainer, W. L. Procter. . S2.500 1957 11 2 2 1 ,180 Apr23-582Spt ,6f1:16Am 4 114 2h 2h 23 35J RichsonL 2500 74 Picappr112 FairwyLsie109 PtdCIdlO Mar26-5830.P 6f1:14%m 4 116 621 53 32 3t Adamsjs 200077 Hannway116 RustyDrm120 Mr.Nuice 12 Mar 7-58F.G 6M:13Um 24 *113 6*1 55 35 412 CoffmnES 200073 BandiUhn107 Mr.M.P.112 TencsAce 12 Mar 4-582F.G 6 f 1:14 ft 2 113 3U 3 32 44 CoffmanEJ 2000 81 AnnieBb105 TenacsAce112 BdiUhn 11 Feb24-583F.G 6 f 1:16 m 7-5 M15 6214113 2 BrssrdR7 2000 72 Sdalgraphl 1 1 GyGrmanlll EInBlue12 Feb18-582F.G 6M:13Hft 81 112 108 81 533 55 DelsayeJ3 2000 78Simsbury1U SandalgraphlH Aveneg 12 Jun15-57-H.P 6 f 1:2"."3gd 2 M 20 431/57 54 5" HooperC3 2500 65 Mr.Hdfks117 P te tneGtW NvyFz 8 May20-57»Was 1 1:42%m 31 120 61 42 36 431 DodsonDO 3000 51 BelatedWave120 OneBoot117 Vinel 11 May14-572Was 6f1:15%hy 4| 120 55 35 1h 1Jt DodsonDS 3500 68 Ble"sBst120 CreekNafn117 EchoGm 12 tDisquaiified ano placed second. Loj 8-573Sot 11:41%ft 6J 115 21 42 4 4*1 MundorfR2 4000 Efl FibreKingl 17 SttBuiltl 12 Auctioneer 9 May 2 Spt 3-8 ft :37andb April 30 Sot 3-8 ft :38y5b April 19 Spt 1-2 ft :51b DeeD Ravine rvuvme - 11 0 Dk- b" f 4 b Degager-litUe Tulip, by Yellow Tulip. i/eep W Breeder. L. E. Kidwell. 1958.. 2 0 0 0 Owner. Mrs. H. V/. Steele. Trainer, J. S. Quirk. S2.500 1957. .11 3 4 0 -,855 Apr26-582Spt 6fl:13*Jgd 31 112 T? 3 8H 8" FselmanJ? 2500 82GingerMiss112 Legate112 MissfJighUO Apr16-582Kee 6 f 1:1114ft 13 107*32 55 5" BSJ 0ldhamD2 3000 77 BanditJohn120 CardTrick117 DrJohn 12 Oct17-573Det 6f 1:15%s/ 6-5e*112 1 1n 11 12 KnappEJs 2000 71 WornW RrnlinRsty118 Tptslm"ge 6 Oct10-575Det 6 f 1:12 ft 7 112 l£ 1h 11 2U KnappEJ 2500 87ChascoCh:ef 117 Vote114 SirRichardR. 8 Oct"2-57Det 6 f 1:12 ft 5 112 J2 35 34 24 KnappEJ* 2000 83 Ch"oChief117 FtnesF1 119 SinISrh12 aep27-572Det 6f1:12Hft 6 114 12 1431 43J Kna pEJU 2500 82ErlyB!ma110 RlinRsty112 ChcoChf 12 Sep19-572Det 6f1:13%go 61 117 32 45 8141019 BairoRL7 3000 62 J"n"sLe1l5 Mi-Crvte120 KthnAnn 10 Jly25-57tH.P 4f :47%ft 2 113 2 12 13 11 CraigHS 3000 98 NeBVdllS Ftne sFMIO Mr.Pron 10 JI»13-573H.P 6f1:19Ahy 43 113 2." 3 33 414 FselmanJi 3200 46 TinFlyer116 LaTurbie115 BITcHannah 6 Jly 5-57 H.P 4f :48V5go 2i 107 1 1 13 2 JessopJD* Alw 91 WarPntlll FtDefnce114 ErrNought 8 Jun28-573H.P 6f1:19%hy 7 113 12 15 15 22J JessopJD3 3200 57 YkeeDo115 ErrN-ght108 Pete ttieGrt 8 April 15 Kee 1-2 ft :4Sb April 5 Kee 1-2 m :49Hb April 1 Kee 3-8 m :37andb Dudes wuuea Belle ueue 1 fl1* Ch- f. 4. bY Dude— Whoo Whoo, by Hard Tack. I UJ Breeder. Mr. and Mrs. j. E. Moore. 1958 . 7 2 1 1 ,700 Owner, Mikel Farm. Trainer, C. C. Lemons. ,500 1957 11 M 11 ,145 Apr25-58«Spt 6 f 1:15r5sl II 110* IK 31 4? 5*1 NonoR2 . 25G076 NickiesBcy115 VorsArab115 Devilmt 9 Mar25-5S5S.P 6 f 1:17 m 7 107* 2* 24 A* 571 LaridingRS 150057CockFight117 ElliotL.115 Capitalist 12 Mar21-585S.P 5! f 1:08 si 51 107* 41 3J 32 33 LandingR» 1500 77 LowSky114 MagiISg109 DirecrBelle 10 Marl5-532S.P 6 f 1:1851 5 104* 11 12 5*1 42J LandingR* 1500 54 Equated 113 Air Out 110 Celtic Spirit 12 Feb2 -58S.P 51 f 1:10V4m 3-2 *109* 11 1 1J I"* LahdingR2 1500 70Forepoised113 ParWinslll Flying Fda 12 Feb13-58S.P 6f 1:15%gd 3-5 *109* 21 2t 1 12J UndingR3 2000 72 DymoDvel19 DousMx114 CobnaBy 12 Feb 7-58 S.P 6f1:17%m 21 MC6 2* 21 2f 23 LandgRio 2000 62 KthereB.111 BrnWinnrIIQ ParWins 12 Oct10-574Haw 6f1:12%ft 15 108 32 23 32 88 SkorskiA2. 3000 78 BettyCharge103 StarDancr114 jacalu 10 Oct 4-573Haw 6f1:13%ft 10 108 53 34 43 63 HansmnL 3250 79 Jacalulll RisqaeSonglll SecondBnd 12 Sep25-57iHaw 6f1:15?4sl 41 111 3 43 3 31 HansmnL3 3000 69 Alisheralll Mr.JoeM.114 LaFemme 12 Sep18-57iHaw 6 f l:12Tsft 12 109 1 21 23 44 HansmnL? 3500 80ThreeBobs114 Skylea114 Bayco 12 April 22 Spt 1-2 sy :54?sb Rnvnl 1 Fiver 11K ch- 9 6 by Royal Answer— Mjsflying, by Canaan. •uyui lyci 1 J Breeder Reynolds Cattle Ca 1S58 2 0 0 0 i Owner, N. Loukas. Trainer. N. Loukas S2i50O 1957 22 4 0 0 75 Apr30-58Spt 6lf1:19Hft 6J 115 78 7*3 7* 8 3 CoxW3 2500 81 StormJetl 15 TopGuy120 FlashyFellow 10 Apr25-582Spt 6f 1:16 . si 5 115; 65J 7» 5 5J CoxW 250073FtuneN.115 HappyAge120 MagicToes 10 Nov11-572Spt 6Jf1:23?4sl 63 120 8! V 881 7! KeeneHt 250062Jimo112 RiceBira120 KarenArthene 10 No* 6-. Spt 61 f 1:22 si 4 120 1013 983 7 6»- KeeneH3 2500 66 Hopef ulSaml 10 Legate117 Platitude 10 No* 4-57iSpt 6if1:25Hm 11 120 8»1 45 24 1=J KeeneHio ,2500 58 Ziggity.120 M. G. Skid 115 Ugate 10 Oct30-572Spt 6 f 1:28 hy 2 *120 1012 6n 34 1h MeauxC 2500 4SLdDnside1l5 EtnIS m15 RylWchlO Oct28-57iSpt 6f1:25Vshy 71 12C 9?1 33 13 12 MeauxC -2500 57 MsHysitnllO BrtMotlOg FlygCmic 10 Oct24-57iSpt 6f1:25V4m 7 116 54 46 34 4 1 LeJeuneS? 2500 55 Ziggity116 GdCInF nl 16 PraineGem 10 Oct1S-57iSpt 6 f 1:23 hy 12 112 9J 84 5 Hi MeauxCS 250070 Ta~eThree110 MsHysitionllO Fatess 10 Oct15-57tSpt 6|f1:1K4ft 16 114 43 4 44 6" V"smanM2 2500 75 Alakatch120 MissSkiamorelll Betise 10 Oct10-57iHaw 1A 1:46%ft 17 112 5?3 4 5« 9V2 SkoskiAio 2500 68 MsRalGmlll -IrishSalM TlipaLdy 11 March 26 GP 3-4 sy 1:1Eb PaD Duncan uuncun 1 1 9 Blk- c by Drawby— Petroleum, by Petrcse. rap • I Breeder. U G: Hesler Sr. 1958 9 2 0 2 ,790 Owner, H. Webb. Trainer, C. W. Parvin. S2.500 1957 21 1 2 0 570 Apr26-58iSpt 6J f 1-0 gd 63 117 64 76 9«110*1 Fselmnja 2500 77 Vote 112 Ziggity 112 OrnumlO Apr24-58iSpt 6f1:17%m 3J *120 85J 5* 55 3 FieselnJ2 2500 67LtleBrWr115 Ambalng114 MnLove 10 Mar19-58?S.P 6f1:18%nt 14 119 84 78 98J g4J HanlyJS A2000 51 ShilleJahMike116 Doublelll EarlyBull 9 Marl4-58?S.P 6f1:18%m 13 117 88 74 57 6*j HanleyJ? A200050 Double 103 Condesa 114 DunDandyll Mar 4-585S.P 5f1:10%m 35 117 68 78 . 34 1i~ HanleyJS 200C69Booral 114 BeauKay114 JerryKellee 8 Feo27-585S.P 6M:17%m 23*117 84 810 5S| 33 HanleyJ 2000 62 P0-K0IO8 MarshHen112 DangerCue 12 Feb21-584S.P 6f1:12Hf.t 27 115 9»| 9M 815 8H HanleyJ 250075 DyDm g112 MyVyOwnl17 RdasDm 10 Feb15-582S.P 6f1:17%sy 73 114 44 34 2h 13 HanleyJi 2000 62 rkeyn"koaks116 RgerCue114 HiBiltee 12 FeblO-58S.P 6f1:14Vsgd 18 110 7* 78 78 Vi SellersJ 250070 Veracityl 13 MyVyOwnl 17 GedBomb 8 No* 4-572Spt 6!fl:25VSm 33 ir* 35 32 48 43 BarntRLJ 2500 46 BellesBestt12 L.E.Creech112 MyAndy 10 Oct28-575Spt 6f1:17Hhy 6 114 52 55 4* 443 MundrfR4 3000 67 Jalbcpate105 Kim-Ki120 RedCharger 7 Oct24-574Spt 6f1:23t4m 5 115 3 34 23 23 MundorfRl 3500 63Scotianl13 MyAndy115 Skylea 10 May 3 Spt 1-2 sy :52Hh April 22 Spt 5-8 sy 1:03b OUn iin Mirnrle mirucie X s 1 |U/ Y7 ch- 4- by Heather Broom— Royal Flush", by Kna»e High. Breeder. Polnt-A-View Stuo Farm. 1958 11 1 0 2 ,805 Owner, Mrs. E. B. Shipp. Trainer, H. G. Kriott. S2.500 1357 17 4 2 2 ,015 Mar29-5830.P 6f 1:13Hm 20 112 11" 8" 7" 78 Delah*yeJ2 2500 72SetShot117 GoodCleanFun120 Seppie12 Mar21-5820.P 6 f 1:12 ft 3i 118 ICJ 93 710 86 CraigH« 225083 Betoral 12 Atki-Dream112 Haveness 12 Mar14-58 0.P 6f1:16%hy 3 118 8*3 63 35 45J CraigH 250061 Commo-Lady112 HelloRita115 Fidget 10 Mar 7-5850.P 6f1:13%m 5 112 7JJ V. 63 63J BairdRLS 2500 79 bnMldy122 LtleNmo117 RdPfme 11 Feb28-58O.P 6f1:12%ft 7| 115 1083 812 6 5* AdamsJR5: 2500 84 DnMeldy114 WacoGirl 109 KensnKid 11 Feb15-582F.G 6 f 1:13 gd 3 115 74 8 6 61 HeckmhJJ 2500 81 Frontier; Saga 113 Susong 112 Chubby 11 Feb 8-581F.G 6 f 1:1244ft 11 111 833 8« 78 76 HinojsaHS 2500 83 Beach l 15 Turf Pic 115 ChubbylO Jan29-585F.G 6f1:14Hsl 41 111 66 861.52 1 1 HinosaH* 250081 FVsMdeHS FrtrSga105 T*lieT*ple 9 Jan25-583F.G 6 f1:1344ft 33 109 65 43 32 33 HinojsaHS 2500 83 ChbbyllO YthsHope114 DukesSndl 9 Jan10-583F.G 6 f 1-14 ft Bl 109 V 76 631 55 HinoraHS 3000 78Tilliermple107 Onmyway106 Pap*w*n 11 May 2 Haw 1-2 ft :5055b April 25 Spt 1-2 hy :52b March 20 OP 3-8 ft :36%h I 1 rish nsii Dream ureum 1 1 9. B- 5 b r Sedgemoor— Dark Lace, by Man ONight. Breeder, MrA Mrs. W. Higginsl 1958 . 1 0 0 0 Owner, K. Becklian. Trainer, E. Rea. S2.500 • 1957 . 0 0 0 0 I Apr29-5S5Spt 6f 1:1354ft 16 112 IOUHJl10231018 CraigHto , 2500 74 Racer1l2 MainSpeaker 115 JustTilly 10 Nov 1-55 Spt .7f1:34V4m 91 115 43J 2h 13 1 Skor"skiA7 750055RumsnHill 115 Paraph109 BeauCrvl 10 Oct20-55SSpt 7f1:33 ft 3 115 7 9831061 73 BaldwinR5 7500 53DttyN*ble107 RmsnHill 113 Mr.PsydO Oct15-552Haw 6f1:12*4ft 19 118 7 3 l7i Vi 553 BdwinR O75O078DrbyJ*hn118 LcyJcktHO GdBalld 12 Oct11-553Haw 6f1:15%gd 61 114 24 23 23 12 BaldwinR2 65O0 69RVIRivf118 ChkrdFIgllB SflaBIa ; T2 j Oct 6-555Haw 6 f 1:16l4hy 3 111 31 2222 28 PoparaA Alw59SandersRd112 Paraph106 BeauCartl 11 Horses Shown Below on Also Eligible List and Not in Order of Post Positions Mr ivii. iuisum-e Nuisnnre 1 1 O B. c, 4, by Gray Dreani— Sparkling, by Zacaweista. 11-. Breeder. F E. Harper . 1958 . 8 0 1 0 5 Owner, W. Carlisle. Trainer, W E. Fling. ,500 1957,11 0 1 1 65 May 2-582Spt 6 f 1:22%ft 16 114 24 2h 3"" 73 MeauxL6 25C069 PageTwo115 DieValkyrie112 FirmRTr 10 Apr26-582Spt 6f1:13%gd 37 112 22 11 3"* 68UessopJD2 2500 85GingerMiss112 Legate112 MissNight 10 Mar26-5830.P 6f1:14%m 13 116 21 32 421 43 SellersJt 2000 74 Hannaway116 RustyDream120 Ro-Add 12 Mar"e-5890.P 1-70l:43Vt 14 117 11 2 10101083 BurnsE6. 250O72Battlew-n117 l-Cantt11112 OpenRnge 12. Mar11-5850.P 6f1:14Hsl5 114 3 43 7» 812 TorresJ4- 2500 65Superscript117 Cfeyville120 C*kCnty12 Mar4-58*0.P_ 6f1:11?4ft 4. 113 55 8H 812 Ch*bersW6 2000 80PageTwo113 Gembala117 NleWrrr 12 Feb26-58SO.P 5f1:06%sy 8 109 533 523 3"Mi ChbersW? 2250 86Boton 114 Martial 116 Gay0rbit12 Feb22-5820.P 6f1:12?ift 29 114 32 32 24 24 ChbersW* 2500 85WarlsEI1 114 Whiskawave115 Lowill 12 Sep8-57"Rat 1 1 J8Aft lie 118 621 34 6 68 ChmVKi SpwS 85TimeWastin115 Chattly115 JewHsLst 7 Sep 1-57tRat 1-701:48 ny 18 112 12 58 71? 734 TorresJ2 Alw 34 JoTime119 CountCimron116 RedRndy 7 Too Guv Hi * 1 1 O Gr. g, 7. by Talon— Tacky Sue/by Hard Tack. v 1 1 Breeder J. H. Gaines. 1958 12 2 2 0 S4.C05 Ownre. Mrs. J. Guarneri. Trainer. T. GuamerL ,500 1957 17 1 2 5 730 Apr30-58 Spt 6f 1:1944ft 4 120 44 43 A* 23 SkorskiA? 250085StormJet115 FIshyFellow115 RosyFlo 10 Apr24-582Spt 6f 1:17?5m 21 *120 54 . 551 53 4*1 FeruoloA3 2500 68 NizamiLdylll StIPeer117 DicksGry 10 Apr22-584Sot 6 f 1:17 m 71 110* 421 33 2 521 NonoRS 250074 Ardanwocd 120 Legate 115 BirchIO Mar 7-5S10F.G 1and1:48Hga 6 113*1 22 34 45 NonoR4 2000 70 Dauphm118 SmyWugsylH BaycuNTi 8 Mar4-58*F.G 6f1:131Aft 11 118 53 54 55 42 BrssardRS 2000 B4 GreyJetl07 Aveneg102 Was Alone 12 Mar 1-5B3F.G of 1:13 ft. 71 113* 74| 64 74 6 NonoRi 2000 80 OpnSail 111 Dictionary115 FrTtsMde 8 Feb21-56FG 6f1:14Hft 1C 113* 54 42 ,34 5=i GarnrreR3 -2500 76 Suseng 109 Chubby 107 Mr.Gurmer 7 Feb15-5£ F.G 6f1:1344sl 7j 113* 5212 2* 1»o NonoR» 2000 84 WhatAStep115 TigerPlay115 Fly-gFlt 12 |-Fei1l-582F.G 6f 1:1b si / 110* 24 24 1h- W NoncR6 2000 78 Dictionyll5 Remseful118 BnieStle 11 Jan29-582F.G 6 f 1:15 m 15 110* 43- 33 24 24 NonoR5 2000 77 BnieStylellO GdCInFun118 FlygFIt 11 Jan13-585F.G 1A 10 m 16 115 1 2 35 7«« FeruoloAl 2000 55StrmCId114 MsNina113 BmperCrop 8 MiahtV EoiC X 1 1 fl Ro- h» 7» b* M9hl» Story-Uana G., by Bostoniau. j r ?■ ... i U|M*,t-i Claypool 1958 12 2 0 1 ,750 Owner, M. F. Keeley. Trainer, J. MerchuL S2.500 13S7 31 3 6 4 ,485 ?.prS"Hilpi ,6,f!:il2sl- 1? !5! 881 8" 810 HarileyJS 250072 NickiesBoy115 Vor*sArab115 Oe*ilmt 9 ",1-2 V? Jl? fk l1!. 2?„ !* 51 44* La "fi"gRJ 250046Saberman115 AustinMkl15 Mr.Baker 7 S I S J,1: ft 12 5 21? 81 8,4 6,3 La" iingR5 2500 66 Tactical.120 Revocations MagicBird 8 JMfl-E 5Hl: 2m 5 114*6311I16 17 RosdUlO 20O0 68Telautogph119 MissNit109 RylPch tl Kar MSI-E cH3iiSm li !!5* 53l 54i 65l 5,1 LandingRS 2500 54GuiaBcmb120 TieGauge120 SamBr*k 7 HllA? ?i 112 9»4 84 83| 833 ClemensJ2 200071 Revocafn119 BuGeorge119 MsNight 11 -I J MI?411 JA l 9f 10H101211IO ciemensJS 200073 RedChipBdlll BeauGrge114 Nadina 12 !: 5As! 5? J7 1 33 45 Clemensjs 2000 64 R*plcemt120 LyLwtnlll WeeSTra 10 ?5 ?"«7c£ i!!:ILf i VI "I? 85 B 751 ClemensJ* 2000 65WillowJadei14 Ksarus113 JerryKellee 12 Feb5-58S.P 6f1:14*4ft 9 120 44 56 46 453 ClemsJ2 A250070 Dynamic115 Sil*erene111 Commotion 9 Rose Ellen 1T17 Ch* b» Lees Boy— Goody Good, by Good Goods. ,, _ ... , _ . Breeder. G. Sharpe 1958 4 0 0 0 40 „ Owner, Mrs. E»eritt Jones. Trainer, 0. „ „ Battles. $■ 500 1957 21 3 5 4 405 W*!".1 6HJ:rlS Ik Ji? 11 It 5i rndreDio-25C0 70PageTwo115 DieValkyrie112 FirmRTr 10 MPrS11 ,6,f l:Wlft ? HL 5J1 53 621 433 FselmanJi 2500 88 Racer 112 MainSpeaker 115 JustTilly 10 Sh1?«inD VS i? JStr 1121S°15 BorgTcePl 2250 43 Ram oLette120 PrynerllO DeJofi 10 M"5 nHVllJ* Ih 1l lS„ V.. l6, Bor9"kePi 2250 84Betora112 Atki-Dream112 Haveness 12 w™M?srR l ?? §Jf l« "eat"ey05 3500 37Atrst116 Belovedbelinda113 ClCstr £ K« 7?n«tt« m I c IK and i,V,5 2el JyyJ 25O0"Coo!Custr115 BayouNymph107 Vote 1C rwiniHcS III «%» c2? « . «. ?. t* EJ liJ H EaurrotiR* 3000 86 Atrust114 ChascoChief120 Hannaway 12 Oct10-5J4F.P 6 f. 1:13 ft 6-5 Mil* 2" 2h 2t 1 Sm thEG7 2000 EE BrBeaumllB GraTioerllG MitvSara ID 0ct 4-576F.P 6f1:12V4ft 31 104* 31 U?nTnl14 SlfionyllVie CVInTrk*? 34 42 43 MeCnWP* 2500 87 £ l-SK 6f1:12?4ft 23 112* 76 565 23* 21 SmithEG6 200C88-Jus THIy 1C SqwMomTlS MfchTbene 12 April 28 Spt 3-8 si :375h March 20 OP 3-8 fl :36andh March 9 OP 5-8 m 1:0845b Royal Dude 1 1 9 Ro- S« b The Dude-Royal Ink, by Royal Minstrel. Breeder. Wood*iew Farm. 1958 7 0 0 1 53 Owner, Woodnew Farm. Trainer, Clarence Greene. ,500 1957 22 2 2 1 S4 742 ilS.S ,6U!:?L9d ,G 1,3 761 751 78 681 CoffmanEt 250071 Turf Pic 112 Ziggity 115 Waco Girl 10 Mar2l-5S80.P 1-701:42%lt 9 120 2h 9 e» 9*3 SkorskiA 225077Casper115 ShannC*mt120 LightSteo 12 tbead heaL 1 * 461tRiveraJJ2 35O0E6 RiceBirdllS ChampSorter112 Solicit 10 ,3,"SS %V$£fl ?? Ill 11 15 ?H RiveraJJ7 3000 71 BttleTalk115 BlueReno115 SndShrk 9 tn filler iPi:«Ssy l l §!i £H!I SoffnrnE4 3000 71 Marnerleen 105 AbleLadd 112 MikeJ. 7 iwmpr S : 19 3 2 1$ !? If* P iui9anL2 4C0076SkyCapers112 Turf Pic 112 StevenS.10 fJUSLL.? E6i55tMeauxC7 3H083BeauClerc118DtyDrive112Felicitafn 6 April 28 Spt 1-2 si :50?ib March 19 OP 1-2 ft :4845h March 13 1 OP 3-8 m :37h LongStreet 1 19 £h- 9- B» b» F9hting Fox— Weep Not, by Peace Chance, n . _ , . , ._ . . _ . Breeder. Clermont Farm. 1358 . 7 0 1 1 C0 Owner. L. T. Schavel. Trainer, I. Foster. «2 5 00 1957 16 0 0 S J7M JSraffflJiSi filfliM fi" t1,! 442 8.lCra;gH2-284VorhecsArab113CapMUk aSwto??!1 i!. i Sd S Wl ?i, ll, Sa,90MS 300073LaurelQun107 Ardanwoodl20 Skylea B -ffl M V,i 3,J 3,i 441S7iReg toJAJ 35 »66Heltop116 Mighty0ak117 Rgurehead 12 Mi.w?PL S $ « Vc 11 1, V. 2 , Re9 l°JA 2500 69GameChnce122 Deebol 111 Imperative 11 MtSsR?! 7fiMttff 111 ? J2 U, !#5e9toJAS ZSOOCIvesDrmlieFIrPictelBallyhTy w?i!"w3R«« I «fe»L 1,2- 115 U, 2X ?X toJA4 25O062GarnU*r116 TlieTple114 RbinsLrii 12 S" Jl lJri1 lr i 4Ji 5f5 72° Jf3 RegtoJA 2500 73 Sing-gLce114 ClctdCrm104 GeChcelO 0%Uvl?n Vt S-ftr,2! J IS SllJIR |»i |korskiA2 250C78 BellesBaby 116 Terry S. 116 Vejo12 SrfM?4rr2 3,i Wl H,VMl Barn tRl-J 2500 92MySwag106 StephanieM.105 LeeLne B M "w?c VWcu 112 573 44. 35 34 .LafuloTio 2000 S3Uptrend112 GoldenKernel 117 TalllrislO April 30 Spt 1-2 ft :51/sb April 11 Bow 1-2 sy :54b April 7 Bow 1m m 1:5Cb 9n/4 *inl- 6 1-2 FUR1-0NGS out of. chute. Sir Tribal, April 23, 1956-1:17-5-118. Purse Ail IU jpi ,800. 3-year.-olds Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races since April 18 | allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 5 lbs.; one race since March 15, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,000, Chart Book Todays Chart Bock Todays Index No. Horse. Oate. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL Wl 46878 Truster 107 44992 Magic Chance 107 35595 Steves Papa Joe Sep57 Haw 1:211/s 120 112 46674 Sally H. 107- 46674 Colonel Roy 1t2 37539 JohneyFox 112 47091 SungKi 112 47297 Stormy Ann 102 466744 Hyperion Host 112 46878 Vans Pride 112. 470912 Cross Plains 107 470913 Clang Clang . 107 472943 The Verb 112 46968 Proof Jr. _~ 112 472942*lssy Ham .107 46777 India 107 Truster 1fl7 B- 9. 3, by Cant Trust— Cloy, by Carlaris. 3 c .Breeder, Mrs. N. M. Mikel. 1938 . 7 2 0 0 ,400 Owner, Mikel Farm: Trainer, C. C. Lemons. ,000 * 1957.. 6 M 1 1 50 Apr24-58Spt 6 f 1:18%hy 17 112* 74 631 881 9" NonoR 4000 56 EllwoodlU Day by Dayl12 Brassietee 10 Mar12-58JS.P 6f 1:14 ft 18 114* 2 21 1h 121 LandingR* 250080 BoxerllS HiStarmondl13 KellyAnn12 Mar 3-584S.P 6t1:18%sy 43 114* 2 22 44 65 Lar.dingRl 200051 Gator Star 103 Volo Dash 103 Grudge B Feb21-583S.P 6f 1:14 ft 51 114* 61 55 54J 43j LandingR6 200077Balisde114 Rethrn109 FmersDghter 9 FeblO-583S.P 5f1K9 gd 71 113* 24 21 1 IH UndgRS Mdn 76 BrokenUp113 HerodsBeaul18 Believer 12 Feb 1-584S.P 6 f 1:21 hy 73 106* 2h 21 54| 6«3 Und*gR4 2500 32 HurryBIue 114 LowPrice 116 ConGal B Jan24-582S.P 6f1:18Hm 12 108* 2h 2" 9«10i3 LandingR4 250044 BongoBongo 112 Grudge 108 Rethorn 12 No* 1-573Spt 6f1:26y5sl 51 107* 34 22 38 5 RobicxHl 5000 40 JettVaprll7 Hrm"nize117 Wax*gMn 9 Oct24-573Spt 6ft:181/4m 10 112 38 3? 6H9i7 McEwenRl 5000 54 CptnFIshlll KlyAnn104 ColonIRoylO Oct 8-573F.P 6 f 1:14 ft 41 118 3 3 32 24, BolinH Mdn 82 Mr. Preco 118 Easyrab118 Agenda 10 May 2 Haw 1-2 ft :5oy5b Aprn 22 Spt 3-8 sy :39%b Steves Jierei Ponn Joe JOB 1 19 Br;ie 3» by EducatioiH-Phara Frost, by Pharamond II. rapa Breeder, K. M. 4 W. P Little. 1957.. 5 M 0 0 Owner, J. Stein. Trainer, C. Scott 000 Oct 8-574Haw 6f1:12?4ft 18 117 44 761 812104 DuhonMi Alwtyi 75SwpsKin120 MnDave120 Big asAgra 12 Sep25-574Haw 6f1:21%sl 16 120 641 43 521 763 BgkeRU 1000067 Harcall 116 Lero120 NearChance12 Sep19-574Haw 6 f .1:18r£ft 70 120 53 58 45 612 ScrlkOl AlwM 74 Rckmoore120 ChfApche120 MRmn 12 Sep13-574Haw 6f1:13sl 91 120 101°10181116112I ScurlTtOH Mdn 61 Ri*ington120 Royalist120 CertnlyRed 12 Jun10-57iWas 5 f 1KX gd 35 118 I12211171128I127 ShukN7 Mdn 59 MorrieA. 118 Fulcrum 118 ProudUncle 12 May 3 Haw 3-4 gd 1:19b April 30 Spt 5-8 ft1:24bg Colonel- .uiunei- ROV s X .1 11 1 9 B. e, 3, by Colonel OT-Waft Not, by Wait A Bit ioy Breeder. S. Molay 1958.. 5 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. L. C. Molay Trainer. S. J. Molay S3.000 1956 19 2 2 3 ,770 Apr22-582Spt 6f1:17%m 31 114 81210" 919 813 FselmanJ5 ;3500 61 PiRSqre109 LaFinsellO Hesarocket-10: Jan25-58iF.G 1ft,1:49?4ft 23 111 863 33 41 5 GilligfLn 2500 61 EvrBnBrckelll Ont.CollO Windvale12 Jan16-585F.G 1ft1:47.Hft 75 109 82 78 711 7t» Comb*itJ5 4000 61 LtleHunklM TipSheet112 MsCutlss 8. Jan 8-581F.G 6f1:15VSgd 55 110 121311 13114U13 CombsU8 4000 64 DasgSg*w112 LadyJnge113 DesPlas 12 Jan 4-583F.G 6f1:15%ft 60 111 12151115 912 710 CmbtJio 40000 66 DaleHollow114 Homelnd116 Salvertn12 Oec26-57iF.G 6 f 1:15 gd 4 114 10liaiO 911 993 BrousdRS 3000 68He-We-Go112 MrysB*y112 HyDchs 12 Oct24-573Sot 6f 1:18Ara 3-2 Mil 510 61.3 59 34 JessopJD5 5000 63CpfnFIh111 KlyAn104 MgieMcGv 10 Sep 3-57tHaw 6f1:13Aft 8 113 94 9« 9?3 8?1 Gill"nLi2 50000 75 BayBoyllo- StarBoots112 CarraraSue 12 Augl6-57iWas 6f 1:13 ft 24 122116 89 8" B" BurrC4 7500 67 ShuullS CondiLulll Dr.VanBond 12 JIy19-57A.P 5tiS6Hft 8 117 91 7*3 741 863 DodsonD3 6000 78 Provbcl14 R-ddyJones117 Princ-ssHm 12 JIyl5-57iA.P 5 f Tfl7%gd 8-5 *117 14 H n 21 GilliganL? 600080 Statisticianl12 BeauFilsll4 0nekama12 • April 26 Spt 1-2 si :53%b March 2« FG 3-8 gd ;38?jb . March 23 FG 3-8 sy :41b JU Suna Ki 119 B- c 3» byTime Lark— Polo Galopin, by Bonnie Jack. y 1 1 *• Breeder, E. A. Walker. 1958 . 2 M 0 0 — Owner, F. L. Reeves. Trainer, J. J. Lombardo. S3 000 Apr26-583Spt .1 1:43Hgd 31 115 32 6318 813 WardPA6 30CO 65 BellsWell 112 CKsPlainslO? ClgCInglO Mar10-5850.P . 6fl:16Ahy 11 116* 61 73 7" 727 DoegeGRS Alw 42Shwasee122 PrtrZnith116 Ak-Play 7 Aprjl 16 Spt 3-4 ft 1:19b March 20 OP 5-8 ft 1:02%h March 19 OP 3-8 ft :37%h HvDerion Host nusr . 1 1 0 Ro. g, 3, by My Host-Roll Cast, by Porters Mite, nyperion I 1- Breeder, Whittier Narrows Farm. 1958 . 9 1 1 0 ,205 Owner, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tompkins. Trainer. W. C. Tompkins. ,000 1957 11 0 1 0 £75 Apr22-582Spt 6f1:17?4m 12 117 79 69 5» 47 Rich*dnL6 3500 66 PiRSqrelCS LaFinsellO HesarocketIO Mar30-572A.C 6 f 1:15 hy 16 111 84491098178 StoneA6 2000 64 Mileamar 109 Panuco114 PhilJ.11 Marl6-584A.C 11:4144sy 11 111* 33 48 49 55 TohillC2 3750 58 Nag/al 111 LVyTravl 116 SmTtysSon 7 Mar 1-583A.C G f 1:12 ft 21*116 3 4"".2h 1 Ct1niJ6 M1250 87 StarGuidelll MissBanjoHO Prayerful 12 Feb16-583A.C 6f 1:1214ft 10 109*10 2 91210131014 WteME7 M250O 72 Empilson 120 Alscopria 113 WarSealy II Feb 9-584A.C 6f1:16t4sl 4 107* 553 44 34 323 LongD4 1600 60 Mileamar 108 Hildcl 1C8 Leadra 10 Feb 2-584A.C 5f1:05Aft 4 113 743 641 55 54 AndonAL4 1250 83 PhilJ. 115 IrishParade 112 Drakette 9 Jar11-58iOA.C 6f1:15V4ft 11 107S108 UI«11I6HI7 TohillCio 400074 Mrchfdol 116 Galianol15 Pr*ceSassan It Jan 4-58A.C . 6 f 1:11*4ft 21 107* 5U 3"" 2h 23 TohillCS 2000 87 Mover 1 14 Dry Moon 114 AlateMiss12 April 16 Spt 1-2 ft :51%bg April 14 Spt 5-8 ft 1.D74b Crnec Plmnc 1 fY7 ch- f. 3. b7 Gilt,ed Knight— Bow Cross, by Crossbow U.s V-russ nuins |U/ Breeder, E. W. Harnes. 1958.. 4 0 1 0 SB70 Owner, E. W. Hajncs. Trainer, R. B. Fanning. S3.000 1957.. 10 2 4 3 and575 Apr26-583Spt 1 1:43Vtgd 20 107 1b 1J 21 23 HanleyJi 300075 BellsWell 112 ClgCIngllO StepSfvie 10 Mar24-58 O.P 6f1:15Asl 18 115 8«J 9H102100 WardPA» 400064Commodier111 Ramego116 BlueSafari 12 Uar14-5850.P 6 f 1:19 hy 91 113 BJ 75J V 43J WmsWBS 300051 Edict 113 Ballet Girl 113 Polar 11 Feb28-5850.P 5if1:06Hft 19 114 53 6* 9U 93 GumowB* 350074 Chalalor112 PickalennyllO OFsSpirit 9 Jly10-57»Clca 4Jf 55%ft 2 109* 4 4«J H 1J GeorgeT" Alw FootFshn117 LulbyMiss117 ShwStr 6 Jun26-573Cka 4Jf 531Sft 21 117 3 V 21 33J CoftmanES Alw Provoc113 FootFashion120 OurDude 6 Juo13-57SCka 4f :48Agd 31 113 4 45 22 2™ CoHmanES Alw 91 LlndaPalHZ 0urDuae115 Solidlndian 6 Jun 7-573Cka 4f :49itsy 7-5 *116 1 2" HJ 1» CoffmanE* Man83MissFtre116 RiclcyDg116 ColonelLd G Jun 4-573Cka 4f :47ttft 9-5 116 1 3"* 2« 2"* CoffmanES Mdn93 0urDude119 FootFashion119 Nu-Co!or 7 . Hay28-573Cka 4f :4Mift 21 116 3 3 33 2J CoffmanES Mdn 87 LittleHoss119 FtFash n119 BlnesDon 7 Tfio VarK V 11 * B. g, 3, by Shut Out— Another Night, by Man ONight ine verD S I Breeder. Mrs. J. M Branham. 1958. .14 0 3 2 ,065 Owner, R. Cutro. Trainer. P. Coined S3.000 1957 23 1 7 4 S8.230 Apr29-58Spt 6lf1:21Aft 4 112 7*1 6* 33 3«J CraigH«° 3500 77 SisterSht108 lssyHm107 ChicMTna 10 Apr14-58*L.D 7f1:30%gd 31 "115 3"" 2»J 4J 4 1 MercierN3 2500 69SweetSwingr110 Plum112 RdyParky 9 Apr7-58«LD 7f1:32Hm 109*1 21 3* 4?J DiMeoS 035rj054TpRTg117 WrSignls114 BigPtricia 8 War20-585LD 5f1:0OHsl 20 111 95J 8J 6 2 4 2 SpinaleJ3 3000 76 Sherry tnl 17 Recapture105 LtleHry 9 Mar8-582LD -5f1:00%ft 3 110 5* 5» 5» 5* Baldwins 2500 82 Bold and Fair 117 Lampo112 Babboo 7 Mar 5-583LD 7f1:32?Uiy 21*114 43 751 781 7I» Baldwin! 2500 45 ChallenirU2 TooBusy114 Featurette 8 Feb19-38«F.G 6f1:14Hft 91 ,113 43 73J 7*1 6»1 CrstnsWl 4000 72 Heres aMsllO Inquirylll BTjIeFame 8 Feb 7-58«F.G 11:48 ft 11 111 3* V E*J 7?1 BaiawinR7400072LatinDancer109 Poel15 MyFlight 8 ceb 4-585F.G 6 f 1:15 ft 21*114 2» 23 23 21 BaidwinR« 325077 Clg toMe114 StepSt*ie114 MyAliceB. 12 • Jan29-583F.G Ef1:14Ksl 3 116 7« 65 4« 321tCrstnsW3 350076 Galldina:i2 JTciesFirst109 BIDgAce 8 tDead heat Jan18-58*F.G 6f1:13?ift 8 114 3* 431 421 23 CoxW3 4000 83Vinscrt114 LsianaKidlll GrtisBrn 11 April 5 LD 3-8 si :39h March 31 LD 1-2 ft :50b ce« Mnm 1 fyj Br. g, 3, by I Will— Nodie Kat, by First Fiddle. ISSy nam IU/ Breeoer. T. Ycung. 1958 . 5 M 1 1 ,020 Owner, G. Gorbet Trainer. G. Gorbet S3.000 1937 . 2. M 0 0 Apr29-58tSpt 61 f 1:21V%ft 24 107* 61 4 i 4 2!1 NonoR* 3500 77 SisterSht108 TheVrb112 ChicMTna 10 Mar26-58iO.P 1-701:47Hm 61 111 9*1 8» 5* 60 MundrfR3 225052 ParsnGrey114 CoprDoll 110 PollyAnn 12 Mar11-5820.P 6f1:15%sl 8 114 54 6 2 5» 5*J MundrfRS 2500 65 Quiviera109 GalntParcel 114 LileChic12 Uar 5-5820.P 6f1:14%gd 23 112 31 2« 31 3«J MundrfR* 2000 76 RoseBall 110 Byiac112 ShesHadlt12 FebS-SSO.P 5lf1:CMSft 42 113 9i and 7» 7» MundrfRS 2250 82Brunella110 FastChick113 PiRSquare 12 0ct14-573Spt 6f1:13ift 91 112 4 4 44$ 9" FordR3 5000 81 DesPCnes112 ByDyDgylll StepStie 1C Sep 4-57Ran 6 f 1:13%sy 28 105* 7 2 7" 72: 73 ShermanA? Alw 47 Sth*rnStle114 Br*zelWill 104 FchL*y 7 April 26 Spt 3-4 si 1:21%b March 25 OP 3-8 si :39b March 19 OP 3-8 ft :36«5h KAnnir Chnnrf 1 fl7 B- 3. by Depth Charge— Magic Fate, by Chance Shot fViagiC V,nance |U/ Breeder. W. G. Clarlc. 1958 . 7 M 0 0 05 Owner. D. Logan. Trainer. C Bourland. Jr. S3.000 1957.. 8 M 0 1 S200 Mar27-5320.P 6f 1:18 hy 12 116 21 9U 817 820 DeHoyosJl 2500 40 SnFrgtl 17 Dm*dHigh117 AgeRita 12 Mar11-5S20.P 6f1:15ttsl 11 109 6«1 9U 8 5 8U CraigtU 2500 58 Quiviera109 GalntParcel 114 LileChic 12 Mar7-5830.P 51 f 1:08 m 15 111 AHA* 47 45 CraigHi2 250075ChicMTa117 VtnMTdy114 CprDll 12 Feb26-5830.P 5f1:07Asy 31 110 9sJ 8 75 71 SkorskiA2 2500 79ChicMTa108 ChnTsPae117 QTtTime 12 Feb10-58iF.G 6f1:14ltft 17f 114 42 4410i51022 DeHsJS M3000 57WellSpotted118 Antlia113 DevilsPace 12 Feb 4-58 F.G 6f1:15%ft 25f 113 431111212171218 DeHsJ M3000 56QtrePsnl16 BIeArmallS LibyHigh 12 Jan 3-585F.G 1and1:51%ft 95 97* 54 924 927 937 KlossK? 3000 25 D*kRyl 110 BnieGl 111 EvrBnBr"ke 9 Dec27-57iF.G 6M:14%ft 37f 113 951 98J11141H9 DuhonMio 3500 62CarraSue111 HpyHbyllO MclNtie 12 Dec21-57iF.G 6f 1:13Hft 43f 102* 65J V 8" 915 KlossGi2 3000 70 JimCloud 116 Mr.Aethel116 Challenir 12 March 20 OP 1-2 ft :49h March 2 OP 3-8 ft :37%b Feb 24 OP 1-2 ft :49%h Sr.]]., Li 1 f»7 B. f, 3, by First Shannon— Carmagnole, by Case Ace. a,,7 ■*• ,u/ Breeder, Crown Crest Farm. 1958 . 4 M 0 0 — Owner, J. Stelle. Trainer, J. L. Clarke. S3. 000 Apr22-582Spt 6f1:17%m 46 111 913 8M 815 6» JessopJD? 3500 65PiRSqre109 LaFinsellO HesarocketIO Apr 9-581G.P 6 f 1:19%ft 127 113 75 9M10171117 FiesTnJll 4000 61 Bushranger116 LnMeFivelll Propelt 12 Mar28-582G.P 6f1:.3%gd 93 120 llilOllO 813 HarmzW* Mdn 65 JyJp-Up120 Christain120 Willbesny 12 Mar19-68iG.P 6f1:12?sft 74 111 12H12iM1i5liis CookLC 5000 68 Devi!prf119 ChmgPrince114 Jackfld 12 April 9 GP 3-8 ft :3754b April 4 GP 1-2 ft :54b Feb 24 GP 3-4 ft 1:19bg Horses Shown Below on Also Eligible List and Not in Order of Post Positions. Jnhnpv Fox 119 Br- 9 3 b» l,0|T Spicy Dame, by Condiment. JOnney rox | IZ. Breeder, W C. Mountjoy. 1957.. 3 M .0 0 Owner, P. J. Dispenza and W. E. Tufel. Trainer, A. Kara, Sr. S3.000 Oct29-573Spt 1,V2:0OVSny 30 106* 612 614 623 721 RobicxH* 7000 DnaRayK.111 GameCrcr117 CcscDt 8 Oct11-57Haw 11:49Aft E6 115 88110121081 8»1 HigleyJ3 4000 57 HitBrand112 Mordeels109 FloridaBrat 12 Oct 1-57Haw 6lf1:18%ft 125 115*12i51l20ii2oin? R0bicxH8 Mdn 67 Alarullah120 120 LordHigh 12 Cfnrmu rtnn Ann TOO B. f, 3, by Stormscud— Liberty Ann, by Liberty Limited. Jiurmy | Breeder, Upjohn Richland Farms. 1S58... 1 M 0 0 Owner, T. Maring. Trainer, T. Maring. _ S3.000 1957 . 2 M 0 0 Apr29-58Spt 6f1:14V4ft 51 107 .8" 82° 820 813 NonoR2 4500 77 GalntParcl 110 Shura113 PlainPolly 8 Nov11-573Spt 6f1:24Asl 50 114 8 1 9" 822 820 UryRS 75000 44 SatinParasall 112 Clark113 Tharmall 9 Oct 8-573F.P 6 f 1:14 ft 46 115 1014101410171023 AlonsoR3 Mdn 63 Mr. Preco 118 Truster 118 EasyrablO Vnnc van 5 rnae PriH » 1 1 0 Ch. g, 3, by Jug Band— Monfalcn, by Spanish Play. • • Bree/er, M H. VanBerg. 1558 . 3 0 0 0 Owner, M. H. VanBerg. Trainer, M. H. VanBerg. S3.000 1957 10 1 0 2 ,115 Apr24-58 Spt 6M:18Hhy 2 "113 42 53 3*1 651 FiesefnJ2 400062 Ellw6od112 Day by Day112 BrassieLee 10 Apr19-583Spt 6f1:14%ft 61 114 331 37 34 54 Fselmanji 4500 82 PlainPolly117 Chalalor112 SlenderRed 10 Mar28-5850.P 6f1:14ttgd 22 120 12M12M12I41215 SellersJ3 5000 61 PtyCleverl 15 LetsDolUIS FourCycle 12 0ct18-57iDet 6f1:153,5m 16 112 32 37 24 34 DeverRi 3000 64 JnyMissionllO JayneV.113 fkyAgain 8 Sep30-57lDet 6f1:12%ft 49 112 57 6» 6?! 781 ArmsgSi2 500078 Vm-Pd112 MissSunSle109 Abla-Jay 12 Sep11-57iDet 6f1:14?sm 8 114 4 67 713 719 FerroloA5 3000 56 JackiesRrstlU ColsBby107 ClseJp 12 Sep 2-571 Det 6f1:19 hy 21 112 44 7 7« 717 FerroloA3 6000 36SinkNotSTc113 Abla-Jay108 BellaBla 10 Aug14-572Det 6f1:11Hft 20 116 11"11i510i»10is CookLC3 Alw 72 JohnsBid116 SatinParll 109 Ken-Rfi 12 Jly 2-5750ma 5f1:01?im 4 114 53 71 45 3* CollierW3 Alw 77 Cinchie114 LuckyAgain117 Pickalone 12 Jun27-5740ma 4 f £4 m 15 116 8 851 78 5" MundfRio Alw 81 RoyalLeo 118 FlashyBond 115 Cinchie 12 Jun21-5740ma 5f iKIft 31 115 751 711 5" 518 MocrfR AlwS 73 CurlyKemllB RoyalLeo118 LuckyAgn 12 Jun13-5730ma 41 f :54Wt 1 *117 3 2 1i 14 MundorfR» Mdn 91 OloisLastlU NiqhtsPick117 Limealee 11 April 29 Spt 1-2 gd :52andb April 18 Spt 3-8 ft :37andh March 26 OP 1-2 sy ;52/5b Clan CI Clana 107 B- f3« b» AfiseBells Toll, by Reigh Count. V.iang V.iang | U/ Breeder, N. W. Brent 1953 . 7 1 1 1 560 Owner, R. Benedetto and N. Guarino. Trainer, A. Cilio." S3.000 1957 . 2 M 1 0 60 Apr26-583Spt 1 1:43Agd 21 *110 741 42 44 3* SellersJ7 3000 74 BellsW1 112 CKsPlainsW StepSfvie 10 Apr23-583Spt 11:55/%m 41 110 22 13 11 2"°_SkorskiA4 2500 49 BayScene113 ForerOnVIO ParsonGrey 7 Mar18-583S.P 6f1:15%ft 39 109* 871 74 88 813 RosendU? 3000 E0ChalkeyLeo119 Boxer 114 Dispend 10 Mar12-53 S.P 6f1:13Hft 14 115 53 43 45 7M BeckCW* Alw 69 Huron Bully 115 Defend 113 Hi Harry ,11 Mar3-58iS.P 5 f 1:11 sy 81 113 22 11 1? 14 RootTR4 M3500 66CallFirst113 JetFelcon118 HpyGestrell FeD21-583S.P Bf 1:14 ft 27 112 881 83 8»1 8" BeckCW7 2000 69 Balisdel 14 Reth*rn109 FmersDghter 9 Feb12-583S.P ,6f1:16%sl 27 110 741 8H 912 8" BeckCW9 300057 WiseRewrd106 Dispend1l6 WishlMay S Jly 30-573Was 5 f 1:06 ft 14 112 931 911 911 97 BairoRL? 5000 80Quipu113 TheVerb115 StepStevie 10 Jly 8-573R.D 5 f 1:07 ft 13 114 31 11 V 22 LucsWDio 250085 Golnedge117 AliceBle114 HeWe-GolO April 17 Spt 5-8 ft 1:04andh ,■"u, Proof Jr 1 TOGr. g, 3, by Proof Coil— Warfib, by War Relic. 11 *■ Breeder. Ridgefields Farm. 1958 3 M 0 0 Owner, E. Dust Trainer, J. Brennan. S3.000 / 1857 5 M 0 0 Apr25-58iSpt 6f1:17?tsl 49 118 1012 981 810 612 RichdnL7 Mdn 62 Hdq"trs118 GaltPcl 118 LileVictor 10 Apr14-582Lrl 6f1:14%ft 31 111* 94111911171215 MoranRJs 250059 InquestllD R.M.Bee116 -Ojala12 Apr 1-58JLH 6f1:15%sl 54 111* 99J 951015 918 MornRJ" 3500 52 EtnIPathlll LauraB.W.111 ChlefCat 12 Oct31-57iC.D 1,V 1:47 ft 19 109* 531 78 9»1 912 PrestonJ2 3500 71 DinkyPete112 Poison114 Mr.W.P. 12 Sep24-57 Haw 6f1:15%sl 39 117 1071107110141114 WmanMio Mdn 55 Roya«st120 SwapsKin12Q. Pripoly 12 Sep13-57 Haw MY.WteX 48 112* 9| 8M 78 7H PrestonJ9 Mdn 71 Rivington120 Royalist120 CertnlyRed 12 See 3-571 Haw 6f1:13V%ft 18 111 1071108 1071107 SkskiA" 500QO 74 BayBoy116 StarBoots112 CarraraSue 12 Au523-573Was 6 f 1:14 ft 23 120 1141 81 741 73 5korskiA4 7500 71 V/ad adWn120 Flirtso117 MissPa/t 12 May 3 Haw 1-2 gd :51b April 21 Spt 3-8 gd :39J4b April 13 Bow 3-8 gd :38b India ,u u 1 f!7 B-f-3- b» Colonel OF— Glitter Gold, by Aera. Breeder. W. Neil and R. Mizell. _ 1958.. 8 M 0 0 Owner, J. Oxley. Trainer, J. Oxley. S3.000 1957 , 1 M 0 0 Apr23-583Spt 11:55Vim 31 104* 35 67 6 " 6 NonoR3 2500 35 BayScene113 ClangCIgllO ForeverOn 7 Mar. 8-581F.G 11:50 28f 110 841220122S1135 HansmnL2 2500 33 QuickDonde106 BlackDevil 105 Antlia 12 Mar4-58iF.G 6 f 1:14 ft 17f 115 1H3121812201227 PrstnJ7 M5000 56 CatchFire120 JudgeN.H.120 Cordette.12 Febi8-585F.G 1and1:49?sft 2e 101*1041 981 89 914 Trahanjs 250055 MaryAIeB.112 BnieGail 106 QWnde 12 Feb 6-583F.G 1,V1:51 gd 71 108 32 9U 920 928 Comb stJ 2500 36 B*t*rCke104 Hewd106 LTsMisbhe 10 Jan21-58iF.G 1,V 1:512.isl 16f 106* 910 593 46 613 Hartnjio 2500 49Poe107 QuitkDondeHO BlueSlipper 11 Janl7-583F.G 6f1:14?ift 55 107 1213121512201221 CombsU2 2500 60 BcgChkllO MrysBoylll Spgd*hln 12 Jan10-58tF.G 6f1:14Vift 27f 110 98 12U12181220 MafaleM9 3000 62 Chal*nir112 OFsSpiritllO Cling toMe 12 Dcc20-573F.G 6f1:14%ft 49 117 1213121712141123 HsmanLH 5000 58 LittleHunk 117 LongSong 117 Mr.Rip 12 May 1 Haw 1-2 ft :52*jb April 26 Spt 3-8 si :38andb April 19 Spt 3-8 ft :37?4h C«|i 4. FURLONGS cut ef chute. Flashy Token, May 7, 1957— :46H-2-120. Purse Old jDl ,000. 2-year-olds: Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Maidens allowed 5 lbs, Claiming r~ price, ,500. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL Wt Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt. 44154 Lime Rock 115 44670 Rite Bold Mar580P :48% 117 112 47296* Lil Frankie Mar58 0P :501/isl117 115 46972 Valdamar Mar58 0P :47% 117 117 43276 Act-Fast 115 46877 Happy John 110 46239 Dip Tower 112 47195« Mighty Player Mar58 OP 0 120 120 469723 Challafleet • Mar58 0P :50m 120 115 472962 One WV Mar580P :49%sl117 115 475171 Hansum 120 42060 My Ruby 112 45584 JacquelinJ. 112 47296 Bolinda 112 46675 Miss Jill Mar58 0P :49Vfes1 116 112 45027 Tahitian Belle 112 I Dn,L 11C Ro. e, 2, by Boer War— Queens Rival, by Osculator. Lime KOCK I I J Breeder, W. W. Whitworth. 1958.. 1 M 0 0 Owner, P. Jerman. Trainer, W. L. Dorsey. S7.500 , _ Mar12-5810.P 3f J4/isy 19 116 6 65 61 OvertonG3 Alw 87 Rbst si ge116 NobleS*yn116 MA„ OurR „., ky 12 March 22 OP 3-8 ft :37«5b March 9 OP 3-8 m :37%h * Feb 20 OP 1-2 ft :53hg III C..„l;s 1 1 C 9. e, 2, by Escadru— Blue Patsy, by Kings Blue. Lll hrankie I I - Breeder, T. Piatt 1958.. 5 M 0 1 20 Owner, H. C. Vanderroott, Jr.tLB. Tripp. Tr„ T. G. May. S7.500 • , ., . Apr29-583Spt 4f :47%ft 81 118 8 83 64 421 Fer*loA» M6500 92MsDeeBee115 „ OneW.118 LuckyPwdr „, 10 Apr22-583Spt 4f :48%m 10 115 5 31 5 34 FerroloAl 5000 85 RoyalLynn120 OneW.115 ChnceyMiss 10 Mar24-580.P 4f :49Asl 13 117 4 65 6* 65 MundrfR3 7500 77BIkPowder117 ForbnFrt114 GayPad12 Feb14-58 F.G a ,V 8Asl 15f 118 3 32 4 1 CtnsW3 M5000 Fatso 115 Julie Mac 115 Bobby Rit 12 *eb 3-58 F.G a A :27%ft 37f 118 7 78 1210 poparaAt Mdn V/illThisDo118 RedRoller118 SkyStep 12 April 21 Spt.5-8 gd 1:06b April 9 Kee 1-2 ft :49%b March 21 OP 3-8 ft :36hg A -j. c__|. 1 1 C B. c, 2, by Hezahoney— Galena, by Heliopolis. ACt-haSt I ID Breeder, Mrs. G. Kosiba. 1958 . 1 M 0 0 Owner, Grace Kosiba. Trainer, W. A. Fabry. S7.500 Feb25-58 F.G a A :27%qd 45 107*12 1011 9" FuscoJl2 5000 Mr.Jr.115 MauriceGirl 109 Cane-Juice 12 April 27 Spt 3-8 gd :38b Feb 24 FG 1-4 m :24bg Feb 20 FG 1-4 ft :25bg Din Tnwar 1 1* Br. f, 2, by Daily Dip— Blue Tower, by Eiffel Tower, ip lower I IBreedeV.Buddah Stable. 1358 . 3 M 0 0 Owner. Buddah Stable. Trainer, A. N. Winick. S7.500 . . Apr17-583G.P 5 f 1:00 ft 14 113 A* 651 610 8H BrooksS2 10000 84 DtysRVkd114 StnsPde115 Cr*mnik 11 Jan29-583Hia 3f :35 ft 53 117 8 9»1 88 FiesTnJio Mdn 79 ClnTsQn117 IUyBtyDy117 MyBle 14 Jan23-583Hia 3f :33*-ssv 20e 117 13 12181112 GraiitHio Mdn 81 Run*gSqw117 PbleDn117 SwtSccs 13 April 13 GP 3-8 ft :37»5b April 9 GP 5-8 ft 1:02%h April 4 GP 3-8 ft :37bg anllnf loaf • 11 C Ch. g, 2, by Count Wood— Chall Reward, by Challedon. Ollatleet • I I J Breeder! T. Yochum. 1958.. 4 M 0 1 95 Owner, F. L Reeves. J. J. Lcmbardo. . S7.500 . Apr25-585Spt 4f :49 si 91 115 3 1 23 3* Fieselnjl 7500 84 BITiPwdr120 FlitRq*st120 JtATrm „ 8 Mar28-5810.P 4f :481,tgd 12 117 2 48 6" 615 0smentT3 Alw72WetBack119 TropicalMiss114 Julmar 12 Mar17-58i0.P 4f :48 m 5 120 6 43 10" 9i» TorresJH Mdn 78 RoyalLynn120 Tu-Cha-T117 NeilF. 12 Har3-58iO.P 3f liandill. 61 120 9 42 45 StroudR" Mdn 92 Icee Ken 120 Try Sid 120 Go Pike 12 March 15 OP 3-8 si :38??hg Hnnciim 1-lanSUm 1 Oft Ch. g, 2, by Hannibal— Banderole, by Pennant I Breecfer. J. W. Burton. 1958.. 8 1 1 0 ,565 Owner, W. D. Bernhardt Trainer, D. Womeldorff. , . ,500 May 1-583Spt 4f :47%ft 9-5 *115 7 67 1h 12 FieselnJ3 5500 95 NwSr112 J*staTrkin117 SpmeBtr 10 Apr24-583Spt 4f :49Am 51 118 6 3 21 21 Fieselnjl Mdn 86 MityPlyM18 OurSpl 118 L*kyP"wdr 10 Mar4-58»F.G a A :274/Sft 13 118 2 53 51 RVdJil M5000 ScotldBr«115 Du-Ni115 PInTePn 12 Feb20-58 F.G aA i7 ft 100 116 12 913 gsj CstnsW" 5000 GInD*leD.112 JesFVr107 RVteAgn 12 Feb 5-58 F.G aA:27Hft 25f 116 3 41 A* CrstnsW3 5000 ValdinaGirl 117 LnaSue114 Ran-Ar-y 12 Jan31-58 F.G aA6%ft 20f 118 7 8 851 CtnsW4 M5000 Cne-Jce112 HalfPersnllS SmilgRip 12 Jan20-58 F.G a A :27y 16 118 9 95 841 HnJ M5000 MstrPt118 LghgLn115 SdnLm r 12 April 30 Spt 3-8 ft :38%b April 23 Spt 3-8 hy Sh March 29 FG 3-8 ft :37%b InmtioUn I 1 1 * Dk. b. f, 2, by The Dude— Demure Jean, by Jean Valjean, JOCqueiin J. | | Z, Breeder, Mr. and Mrs. D. E.-Jordan. 1958. . 2 M 1 0 25 Owner, E. Jordan 4E.A. Cole. Trainer, E. A. Cole. S7.500 Apr21-58 Spt 4f :47%gd 4 111 5 43 57 6" JessopJDS 7500 83Rob*tslge115SalsJet112 MityPlayr 10 Mar17-58 S.P 3f :35Hgd 9f 116 4 21 2 i tClarkCM7 Mdn FirstMorn119 Sayswhat111 LissasLad 12 tDead heat. May -3 Spt 3-8 sy :49y5b * April 24 Spt 3-8 hy :40%b April 19 Spt 3-8 ft :3S%b Mi« Jill 1 19 Dk. b-f,2, by Magic Slipper in-MyrtltYochum, by BleJs Me. s» * m,: * 1 Breeder, Ted YocJium. 1958 . 2 M 10 WOO Owner, M. W. Hagar and T. Faulkner. Trainer. E. G. Mahoney. S7.500 Apr22-583Spt 4f :48%m 21*113 6 S3 9I310U Fselmanjs 5000 77 RoyalLynn.120 OneW.115 LilFranlcie 10 Wai;18-58tO.P 4f :49%sl 31 116 2 1? 11 2t MdrfRS M600079Graylin119 BorgiaBull 116 FlyingStep 12 May, 3 Spt 1-2 sy SIKh March 12 OP 3-8 si :36%h. March 4 OP 3-8 ft :36%h R!to Rnlrl 1 1 O Br. f, 2, by Helioptic— Rite Speed, by Bold IrUhman. ouiu ■ I Breeder, J. F. Smith. 1958.. 1 M 0 0 Owner, D. Howell and J. F. Smith. Trainer, Dan Howell. S7.500 Mar21-58iO.P 4f :47%ft 91 117 9 1*1 6« 7 J DelayeJ2 Mdn 86 Valdamar117 F*ceEmln117 MsTurner 12 May 2 Spt 1-2 ft :49h April 22 Spt 3-8 sy :40%b April 17 Spt 1-2 ft :51bg Vnlrinmnr 1 1 7 b. f, 2, by Gilded Knight-Sockett, by Valdina Lamar, ruiuumur 11/ Breeder, E. W. Haynes. 1958 . 4 1 0 0 11,515 Owner. E. W. Haynes. Trainer, R. B. Fanning. S7.500 Apr25-585Spt 4 f :49 si 31 117 5 7 J 5" 6» WardPA? 750079 BIkP*wd*r120 FlitRq*st120 Chllaflt 8 Apr21-58«Spt 4f :47tigd 7 116 7 6*1 6»J 481 WardPA« 75O0 85 Robtslge115 SalsJet112 MityPlayr 10 Har26-5850.P 4f :46«sm 25 113 8 9" 715 713 CraigH Alw 81 BIeMam119 LghgLn113 Rbstslge 11 Mar21-5£iO.P 4f :47%ft 7J 117 1 2h 1h ink WardPAl Mdn 91 FceEmln117 MsTurn 117 GoidBound 12 April 20 Spt 3-8 gd :40b , March 25 OP 3-8 si :33Hh March 11 OP.3-8 hy :38«4hg Horses Shown Below on Also Eligible List and Not in Order of Post Positions. Hnnnv John 11 fi a- c b* John One— Happy Package, by Happy Time. nuppy JOHN, .1 I U Breeder, L. Tucker. 1958 . 5 M 0 0 Owner. H. Hough. Trainer, A. Horton. S7.500 Apr24-ES2Spt 4 f :4914m 20 118 8 9U 97i 9»1 FeruoIoA Mdn 78 MityPlayr118 Hansm118 OurSpecial 10 Apr22-583Spf 4f :48%m 17 115 4 88J10K 7" CraigH* 5000 80 RoyalLynn120 OneW.115 LilFrankie 10 Mar25-5SO.P 4f :48/%gd 9 120 9 10«1113111« DelyeJS M8000 71 ColorAdded117 Ky.Chick117 TeaFora 12 rJUrX-EiO.P 3f 35%ny 22 117 5 V 5»| ValdezJ 500084SodaCard117 ShifgWindl14 MisVTus 12 Mar4-5S0.P 3f :34*4tt 29 120 5 71 In GarciaGS Mdn 90 PtysChxe117 FlrgSfp;20 VinitaMis 12 May 2 Spt 1-2 ft :50hg April 17 Spt 3-8 ft :38ftb March 21 OP 3-8 ft :37b Minhtv Plover 1 Oft Ro. c, 2, by Mighty Story-Shcct Measure, by Strolling Player. 5» "/ ,UJCI • Breeder, F. E. Morancy. 19=8 . 5 1 0 1 52,435 Owner, G. Murphy. Trainer, H. Murphy. S7.500 Apr28-583Spt 4f:46«4gd 10 117 1 24 4*1 43J CollierW? AlwS6WWigVi117 RVstslrage120 RlLynn 7 Apr24-583Spt 4f :49*m 4 118 3 H 1 H CollierW* Mdn 87 Hansm118 OurSpecial 118 LlcyPwdr 10 Apr21-58 Spt 4f :47%gd 9 112 6 2U 2 3* CollierWi 7500 87 Robtslge115 SalsJet112 ValdamaMO Mar25-58:C.P 4f :48t*gd 15 120 5 553 53 48j WilsSR* M8EC0 78 ColorAdaed117 Ky.Chickl17 TeaFora 12 Mar7-5£O.P 3f :35%m 14 120 5 5* 5 J WilmsSRJ Mdn 88 FitingtVI 120 ChampB.120 BigPonnie 12 April 27 Spt 3-8 gd :3714b April 20 Spt 3-8 gd :38Kb- March 24 OP 3-8 .m :40b Onp W 1 1 * ch- e- 2, by John One— Sue Saxon, by Saxon. 1 1 J Breeder, E. E. Wilson. 1S53 . 3 M 2 0 ,120 Owner, E. E. Wilson. Trainer. E. E. Wilson. • ,500 Apr29-583Spt 4f :47Hft 6-5 A118 9 7J 21 2h WrdPA7 M6500 95 MsDeeBee115 LkyP*wdV118 LilFkie 10 Apr22-583Spt 4f :48%m 4 115 2 41322 22 WsmanM? 5000 89 RoyalLynn120 LilFr*kie»5 ChcyMiss 10 Mar24-5810.P 4f :49V%sl 55 117 3 2J 24 52 GumowB* 7500 80 BlkPowderl 17 ForbnFrt114 GayPad 12 March 4 OP 3-8 ft :37hg Mv Rnhv 11 O Dk. b. f, 2, by Blue Lancer— Miss Gabriel, by Xalapa Clown. iviy rvuuy Z. Breeder, H. C. Pope. 1958 2 M 0 0 Owner, Pamdee Stable. Trainer, H. L. McKissick. S7.500 Jan29-58 F.G a A :27V%sl 19 116 10 98 9» MeauxC Mdn MVeGl 114 ErdsDm1 116 DpDmd 10 Jan24-58-tF.G a,4:27 si 93 116 9 810 65J MeauxC Man lndnPIge116 MriceGIB.108 MyPr*cy 10 April 29 Spt 3-8 gd :38%bg Jan 28 FG 1-4 ft :24%bg Jan 23 FG 1-4 ft :24Hb Belinda 11 9 Dk. b. f, 2, by Bolero-Ballas Girl, by Balladier. 1 1 *■ Breeder, Mrs. J. Goodwin. 1958. 2 M 0 0 Owner, M. H. VanBerg. Trainer. M. H. Van Berg. SOO Apr29-583Spt 4f :47Hft 12 115 1 64 55J 63 FmnJio M650O92 MsDeeBee115 OneW.118 LuckyPwdr 10 Mar2S-58iO.P 4f :48Agd 53 114 9 913 921 920 CraigHS Alw 67 WetBack119 TropicalMiss114 Julmar 12 April 26 Spt 3-8 si :38%b April 20 Spt 1-2 gd :53%b April 16 Spt 1-2 ft :51%b Tahitlan Belle uc,,c 1 1 ? B- f •w Tahitian King-Betsy Bell, by Hash. . . Breeder;-S. A. Alexander. 1958 . 2 M 0 0 Owner, S. A. Alexander. Trainer, C Adams. S7 500 Mar28-583G.P 3f 33¥sgd 19f 110»14 8»1 78J RobicxH2 Mdn87AdIHogan118ArtrJyCe118 SunBetr14 Feb27-583Hia 3f -34Kit 20 117-12 12H12" BlumW Mdn 76 MdenAntiel17 M*sWilw117 DebbieH.13 April 20 GP 3-8 ft :38b March 4 GP 3-8 ft :3614b Feb 23 GP 3-8 ft :37b 6 1-2 FURLONGS out of chute. Sir Tribal, April 23, 1956-1:17—5-118. Purse Af.L, C-l ,800. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since April 18. Weight, 120 lbs. "rfl jpr Non-winners of two races since March 15 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 5 lbs.; one race since February 22, 8 lbs. Claiming pfice, ,500. Chart Book Todays Chart Book . Todays IncexNo. Hcse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. WL Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. 47293 Magic Toes " 107 473972 Fannys One 107 43919 Sylvia Porter Sep57 Haw 1:21sl 106 107 46969 Solid Rock 112 45775 Better Marks 107 47639* Main Speaker 112 47194 *Mr. M. P. 107l Chunk o Gold 112 46778 Page Lady Sep57 Haw 1:20Hsl 109 112 47193 Cural x - 107 47193* Painted Cloud 107 , 476392 .Cap Merrick 112 43619J*Blue Tune 107 47639 Equiall 112 472953 War Togs 107144977 Tolerant 112 Mnnir Tn#»c 1 07 Dk- b- m 6 b War Jeep— Fairy Foot, by Bimelech. IViagiC lOeS IU/ Breeder. C. T Fisher 1S58 . 8 0 0 1 15 Owner. C. M. OShea. Trainer, H. J. Pitt. S2.500 1957. 21 0 2 4 ,335 Apr29-585Spt 6f1:13ft 16 112 7*1 7«1 7« CoxWS 2500 86 Racer 112 MainSpeaker 115 JustTilly 10 Apr25-582Spt 6 f 1:16 si 37 112 24 22 22 33 FerroloA3 2500 78FortuneN.115 HappyAge120 Norsemd 10 Mar24-583S.P 6 f l:17issy 5 110 53J 35J 8" 10" VsonJRi2 200048 SteelPr112 DgerCue112 AbbessQuest 12 Mar17-58iS.P 5! f 1*8%gd 18 113 6*1 54 43 41J VinsnJRiO 200077 LuckyBit118 Bill!sRcmn118 MissZami 12 Marll-582S.P 6f1:14Hft 12e 111 6*3 531 32 4* VinsnJRH 2000 73St*kgHr116 AndyJnn114 ShIhMike 11 Feb28-582S.P 5Jf1:10Anv 73f 115 8»1 78 6"J 5H SndrWE2 2000 59Norsemaidl14 MyAndyll? EasySir12 Feb20-584S.P 51 f 1:07%ft 28 110 5*1 45J 5? 44 VinsonJRB 200076 PlayTcpl 11 WillowJaOellt StarPage 8 Feb15-5E*S.P 6-f 1:18%sy 18 111 1h 21 48 710 VinsonJR* 2000 48 GinChmp116 BldDchs114 JwTcleStT 8 Seo11-57iCrn 6 f 1:15 hy 16 111 8 813 81* 814 ClemensJ7 2000 50 FlightyLad 12C Case ofFire120 Pythfd 8 Aiic22-573Ran " tc1Ts 1:45%fm 38 107 55 31 V 81° AnyonE8 3000 82 Reinspect120 Taumango114 Kim-Ki 8 A 578Ran 1 1:45*ft 3 *109 10" 8H 81 78J JessopJDS 200076 TrueBudc"o114 CapnWave120 LethnotlO * vlvm Pnrtpr rf; 1 ~J B. tn, 5, by Admiral Lea— Knights Lady, by Sun Teddy. OyiVIO rorrer |U/ Breeder. Danada Farm. 1958.. 4 0 0 0 Owner, S. ValentL Trainer, S. Valentl. S2.500 1957.. 8 1 1 1 S3.CO0 Mar 8-583F.G 6 f 1:14 sy 15 102* 8i 9" 9" 9»3 TrahanJ* 250073 Simsbury115 PicapeprllO Mr.Willmes 9 JAir 3-588F.G 6f1:13%ft 16 110 lOllliSIHSlli* PoparaA7 2500 71 Pp*w*mn102 Picap*r113 Amer"nPIk 11 Feb27-58?F.G 6f1:13Aft 33 105* 8*3 78J V 7«J NonoR4 325OE0 RedBudLnelll LoveCall106 AbleLadd 8 Feb19-587F.G 6f1:13%ft 23 110 65 74 7»1 7»3 Hansm*nL3 3000 76 TurfPicllB RedBudLane112 AbleLadd 7 Ses2S-57iHaw 1ft1:45%ft 93 112 1 23 64J 73 ValzelaP 4000 76 Jonter 111 Tsa-Toke114 Bobtag 9 Sec13-575Haw 6Jf1:191isl 14 106* 413 43 6m 45| PrestonJ3 400075Noblelmp117 AldoKid114 DonMelody 8 Aug24-57»Was tc 1 1:46V*sf 44 110* 34 716 88 814 R0bich*xH4 6250 63 MyDust 117 BlueDagger 120 Cobber 9 Auq10-572Was 11:40 m 6 113 5*1 38 614 912 DelyeJ3 c50C0 55Lepafort 116 Cobber 120 Aggravator 11 Aug 3-57Was 1 1:39?tsy 71 104* 2tf~21 2h 15 PrestonJ 3750 70 LightStep 113 Jubitz-120 Exultant 9 Jly23-574A.P 11:42 ny 8J 1071*871 m 4 3* NobegaD? 4000 58TokyoGirl 110 Jubitz114 TheTrooper 8 Jly15-57?A.P 7f1:25%a0 30 106 5* 5*1 33 23 CookLC* 4000 80 JeansPride113 ExultantHO Jalbopte 10 April 26 Spt 1-2 si :52i/5b Feb 16 FG 5-8 ft 1:04J4b Feb 13 FG 1-2 m :49i/5h Rof ueuer for ivujriw. Mnrlrc 1 Y7 Ok. b. f, 4, by Better Self— Marquecade, by Bleinheim II. Breeder. Est. of R, G. Martin. 1958.. 1 0 0 0 Owner, T. W. Beck. Trainer, L. J. Abshire. S2.500 1957. 19 2 1 1 ,550 Apr23-58iSpt 61f1:23m 27 110 1h 22 783 7" DalgoMi 3250 58 Off nCIrllS BusrByrd115 LarIQun 10 Oct11-577Mag 5 f 1:08 ft 9J 105* 6* 531 53 32 RoppoloE* Alw GlennK.116 Mr.M.P.118 BbbyMyBoy 6 October 11, 1957— Daily Racing Form Time, 1:07. Oct 3-57Mag 5J f 1:09 ft 61 110 54 523 68 41 RoploE8 HcpO JoeDelille120 Mr.M.P.114 PearlCorral 9 Sep25-573F.P 6f1:13%ft 91 113 2» 42J 3n 911 VinsonJR 250074SkippyU119 UprEchelon119 RseEllenIO Sep 7-57?F.P 6f1:13Hft 61 110 331 34 7J 71 1 Vinson JR3 Alw 73 BigCoupnIII PICorral 116 PrcsEIIn 8 Jun12-574R.D 6f1:12%gd 37 101 34 31 7» 717 FowlerJ? A2500 67 DontMove 113 Pvt.Sam118 JoliDoU 7 Ji:n 6-57R.D 51 f 1:05*-tft 71 114 8*1 74 73 8" RizzoD5 4000 81 Commotion106 Pipit116 RomanWar 8 K May29-577R.D fif f 1:0554ft 24 112 731 78 7 7 3 RizzoDS Alw 80 Br-nieLdylOe Commtn102 RmtlcLl! 7 May18-57«F.M 6 f 1:15 m 14 111 953 93J 918 922 SlinkerW? Alw 59 MoWTy112 TigrDcr113 FITiyHarp. 9 ■May 8-57 F.M 5f1K1 ft 41 112 321 31 13 V SlinkerWl Alw 90 MsTribl 108 Rllncline114 CnasJVt 7 Apr26-577F M 5f1.-04 ga 81 113 2 5» 581 5 SlinkerWl Alw 68 DoloresT.112 Kilauea114 LaMarba 6 Apr24-57F.M 51 f 1:13Agd 9-5 105 5*1 61 6" 6ti HubbardW4 Alw 48 TribalCst.m109 MsBerealll yisLy 7 ivii. Mr ivi. M P t. 1 07 B- 9, 5, by General Don— Dent Disturb, by Gallant Sir. IU/ Breeder. M. P. Wilson. 1958.. 9 0 1 0 00 Owner, J. L. ArnculL Trainer, H. S. Lintz. S2.500 1957.. 10 2 3 0 S1.637 Apr28-582Spt 6f1:14Hsl 20 112 912 917 82 88? BrightRJ? 2500 79 PrceEric115 DtyRdbd113 DicksGy 10 Apr23-582Spt 6M:16V4m 35 114 5*3 68 814 920 BrightRJl 2500 60 Picapepr112 FairwayLsie109 Ro-Add 10 Ito28-5820.P 6 f 1:15 gd 49 116 121*121812141214 JesspJD" 200059 DottyRedbirdl.12 Mytorlll EbonyBrn 12 Mar22-58:O.P 6f1:1l%ft 95 114 1 1 1 0121 212" «12* 2 HsmanL" 2500 81 Switch114 PietsSon114 WacoScamp 12 Mar18-5820.P 6 f 1:15V4sl 47 114 21 3* 543 62 HansnL2 2500 62PrceEric114 Kens=nKid114 VorsArab12 Mar 7-582F.G 6f1:13%m 27f 112 24 24 24 24 HansnL2 2000 79 BanditJohn107 TencsAce107 Ro-Add 12 Mar 4-583F.G «6f1:13*,4ft 20f 111* 43J 4SJ 45110" McVeyJ 2000 74ThreeBobs115 Jude115 NewSlream 12 feb25-582F.G 6f1:14Hgd 25 112 22 23 812 gi7 Comb stJt 2000 63 What aStep118 BlackDeuce:i1 EUnni 9 Jan 1-581F.G 6 f 1:14. ft 32 115 32 63 7i2X7 SpencerT8 2000 66 Concord 112 Oscar.,. 114 Nappin12 Dec25-571F.G 6f1:14Hft 33f 112 1h 4 7511110 BreauxL" 200070RiceBird115 TenLies115 DerbySpecial 11 Dec18-572F.G 6f 1:15 ft 23 115 2h 1h 24 7»J WinantR4 2CO0 63 Irrisor 112 Remorseful 115 Goof us 12 Dec10-572F.G 6 f 1:14 ft 23 112 2h 24 77 1012 WinantR4 2000 71 AdmiralDl 110 BlueHels112 JpFlyer 12 March 3 FG 3-8 ft :4Cb Paae Ladv l-aay X 1 1 9 Ch. f, 4, by Page Boots-Lady Day, by Haste. ruge Breeder. Est of R. G. Martin. 1958 . 6 1 0 0 ,755 Owner. C. C.Ware. Trainer, D.-E. Williams. S2.500 1957..30 4 5 4 2,255 Apr23-58*Spt 61fl:21*4m 63 114 33 4* 45 473 RectorJ4 3000 68 Gay0rbit120 CapitalAce115 Jalbopate 8 Mar29-5830.P 6f1:13i4m 8 112 4* 55 6 573 CurryE4 250073 SetShot117 GoodCleanFun120 Seppie 12 Mar24-5850.P 6 f 1:15 si 30 112 4* . 331 21 H CurryElO 350075 JustTillyllS CosmicH*o114 LaurIQun 12 Mar15-5850.P 6fl:13?4gd 37 113 953 941 88110*1 KaelinF2 350074 Pipit 111 Emarjay109 Hudson Flash 12 Mar8-58«O.P 6 f 1:14 tn 13 110 6» 6*1 451 44 JessopJDl 350075 AgreedllO MyPaPallC HudsonFlash 11 Feb26-5880.P 5lf1:06%sy 7 110 881 981 833 7* BairdRL2 c2750 84 Boton 114 Martial 116 GayOrbit 12 Nov 8-57iSpt 6 f 1:20 m 6j 112 42 32 2h 42J MulkinM4 350059 UrEchelon117 BtyCh-rge107 HnFrsti 10 Hot 5-574Spt 65 f 1:27 hy 51 111 23 33 321 2h SkorskiA3 250C50Mrfel15 S*wWdOts112 JseGrmn 10 Oct28-57*Spt 61 f 1:24%«iy 61 114 1083 9M 815 8M WagrDiO 03000 48 AgouraMight112 Shrug113 CapitolAce 10 Oct24-575Spt 6lf1i24?4hy 4 113 3"» 24 24 313 CoxWto 300O6OBirc:i 112 Beauion112 Take Three 10 April 30 Haw 1-2 ft :52J4b April 22 Spt 1-2 sy :53h March 14 OP 3-8 hy :38J4h I Jl w«f»y» vp* » B— Jn??nS *wb| 3 ii t 1 * CV f • , Pamted ruinieu Cloud 1 H7 Br-•r4» b» -to****-Dosty 2ae, by ZacaweisU. Breeder. P. t. v wuuq • W/ Chutns Old Hickory Farm, toe 1958..12 0 8 2, S698 Owner, E. V. Laindache. Trainer, J. Oxley. JOB 1957 13 4 0 2 i ,475 Apr28-5|iSpt 6f 1:14%sl 21*111 21 14 H 431 JessopJD« 250083 PacemakerllO Kum-on-inHS Orietine 9 S-Spt 6fW6Am 23 *104* 31 4* 3*1 441 NonoR4 550073 Picapeprl12 FairwayLsie109 Ro-Add 10 KS"5! 0 6f1:13%gd 26 108 31 2h :21 34 PrestonJ7 2750 81 Man ofQst Bonaprte120 PrceEric 12 Mar20-58*O.P 6f1:12%ft 21 108 33 32. 841 8* PrestonJ3 3250 84 RiceBird120 Agreed114 BarChfp12 Mar15-5850.P 6fl:13Hgd 14 109 ,3 33 64J 6*1 PrestonJ4 3500 79 Pipit 111 Emarjay109 Hudson Flash 12 Mar 8-585F.G 6f 1:13V%sy 11 105* 2n 2h 2h- 33i NonoR* 3250 84 CmeThr1i12t PrYizno116 Pprwmn 8 Feb24-588F.G 6f1:13%m 29 108 12 P 21 58 CombesU2 400078 ChampSortrllS TurfPic121 SwUosie 7 eb 3-584ff.G 6f1:13Hft 11 105 12J 14 22 712 JenkinsEi 400074 PutshotUO AbleLadd112 Paperwoman 8 Jan27-584F.G 6f1:13?4ft 12 104* 22 21 52 621 NonoR2 4000 82RockyBond113 StevenS.112 Putshot 6 Jan21-583F.G 6 f 1:14 si 4 112 2h 34 35 1112 DeiayeJ4 c300071 0nmyway106 Paperwoman101 Philglan 12 March 4 FG 3-8 ft :38b Blue uiuc Tune iui.c 1 07 °- *• b* Phalanx-Blue Dell, by Blue Peter, m/ Breeder. J. AJJell Jr 1958.. 9 0 0 2 00 Owner. F P Aimt. Trainer. F P Aime. S2.500 1957 20 1 1 0 Mar3-58i0F.G 1,f 1:48Hft 25 107 HI 11 21 44 prestonJ4 i2000 69 McCcnrob112 UncleToddl12 Charon 10 Feb26-583F.G 6f1:144ft 63 106 10« 9io 8«| 7" JenkinsE3 200069Busy Jane 110 Relet107 Barbareball Feb21-5S«F.G 6 f 1:14 ft 10 106 521 42 42J 5*3 JenkinsE?. 200078TopAgn112 MrryBeth106 TnacsAce 12 Feb17-58iF.G 6f1:13/4ft 22 106 8*3 531 32 3* JenkinsE* 2000 83 WasAlone115 TopAgain112 Correlator 12 Feb 7-58»F.G 1ft1:47%ft 81 106 2 2H 34 5?3 Prestond* 200073CpWder115 UncleTd112 FaddAber S Jan31-5S8F.G 11:48 -ft 76 110 34 32| 4 61* AdamsJR 2500 65 OneBoot 112 Worrion117 TrustinMe 9 Jan18-58iF.G 6f1:13?4ft 26 106 1041 8310i* 910 PrestonJi2 2000 76 EspinoGoldJr.115 Aveneg105 Mr.Scoot 12 Janl4-58iF.G 6 f1:15sgd 7 105 4*- 45 54 883 PrestonJ2 2000 6SPiet*sSon112 LilyOMalley113 Overltf 12 Jan 4-582F.G 6 f1:15Hft 46 105 93 8?1 531 341 PrestonJ3 2000 69 WarAcresllO JoFlyerl12 TpAttr-ctn 12 April 26 Spt 3-4 si 1:20%b April 23 Spt 1-2 hy :51»4h April 22 Spt 5-8 sy 1:11J4b Wnr "Ul Tnni 107 B. f, 4, by General Staff— Tabard, by Bahram. ,u/ Breeder, J. C. Brady 4 H. Oots. 1958 . 7 0 0 2 30 Owner, Mrs. S. W. Shapoff. Trainer, S. W. Shapoff. S2.500 1957 14 1 2 1 370 Apr29-582Spt 6 f 1:13 ft 2 107 531 4* 31 333 VWreD3 2500 92 Windtrace112 KathlnH.107 J.RJones 10 Apr12-582G.P 6f1:12%gd 13 112 641 6* 58 42 VieraH2 350081 GwysKin119 HalfNeln116 JgeGorn 12 «to-"-585G.P 6 f 1:13 hy 16 109 7 9H 810 78 ErricoCt2 3500 71 Easy 109 BobAustin114 WolfBadge12 lsarl7-582G.P 6 f 1:11 ft 7f 111 1- 32 3* 3* ErricoC 3500 8SGwysKin116 Lynettelll Mr.Redbird12 Jan17-58iHia 11-8li2?4ft 16 118 3"*11 10121312*8 CookLC* 350055 4ura:um 113 Maraoele118 DoDoit12 Jan16-58»TrP a 11 2:05 ft 31 M06 13 21 44 8" CookLC» 2500 78 RomanEddie106 Emion 109 TopekalC Jan13-58iTrP JfhlOWt 11 114 63 881 910 993 GrantH* 3500 82 GingerC. 115 Harbash115 QuizMarll Dec24-57»TrP 1Tt 1:45Aft 9-5 *114 43 74 8" 814 BoultisS3 3500 68611065001109 lronHnd114 Man ofSH 10 Dec14-57«TrP HtV44V5ft 11 111 4* 24 1 113 GranW 3500 87 Fanus 113 Sun Fleet 118 Emion 11 April 26 Spt 3-8 si :3724b April 10 Hia 3-8 ft :36?jh April 7 Hia 3-8 ft :38Hb Fonnvs runny* One wne 1 07 Dlt- b- m-B. * y Bothwell— Fanny Lee, by Healy. |y/ Breeder. C. Howes. 1958.. 6 0 3 0 ,360 Owner, L. H. Hopper. Trainer, L. H. Hopper. S2.500 1957 17 2 1 3 ,940 Apr30-582Spt 6Sf1:20%ft 16 110 32 22 22 24 CollierW4 2500 80SirChris115 Pppa-Gee115 FVsMaude 10 Apr24-582Spt 6f1:17y5m 25 109 33 45 911101* CollierWt 2500 57 NizamiLdylll StIPeer117 DicksGry 10 Mar24-5820.P B f 1:1554s! 13 113 1h 21 6 812 AdmsJRiO 2500 59 LodgeW6Jn119 CurroF*z113 AmalieH. 12 Mar14-58*O.P 6f1:16*4hy 7 112 621 8? 6" 8" GarciaGS 2500 54 Commo-Lady112 HelloRita115 Fidget 10 Mar 3-5830.P 5lf1:05?4ft 8 115 22 1 1 221 Ch-ersWH 2500 91 LdgeWmn115 Comm play115 Betora 12 Feb27-5830.P 5f1:09V4sl 21 112.24 31 21 24 GarciaGl 200072 Abacus 112 TopGalelll RicoDay 12 Sep 5-574F.p: 6 f 1:1214ft 41 112* 21 211 35 6t$ BrnettRL* 200072 Booral 117 Clynon120 CampcMiss 7 Aug28-57*F.P 6f1:13ft 15 111 52 521 22 34 GarciaG7 2000 79 UdoRnach119 GilddKg114 FlintStick 8 Aug24-575F:P 5? f 1;0834sl 31 115 3 32 42 5* MeajxC2 200C78 JohnAldn117 Don*ldS»a117 CotxBoy 8 Aug21-574F.P 5 f 1:06 ft 11 110 3 24 33 4* VinsonJR8- 200C91 EternalSamllO DoctfirCap1l2 TeaoyS. 8 juiiu Solid ROtR Rork 1 1 9 Ch. g, 6, by Royal Gem II.— Coffee Frappe, by Pensive. l Z. Breeder. J. t Metx 1958 . 2 0 0 0 Owner, A. Licata. Trainer, A. Kara, Sr. S2.500 1957.. 14 0 0 1 00 Apr25-532Spt 6 f 1:16 si 50 115 10io 913 8H 8» HughesC* 250072 FtuneN.115 HappyAge120 MagicToes 10 Apr22-58iSpt 6f 1:1614m 35 120 W13101 H01210 HughesC* 2500 67 SunJeep120 NickiesBoy120 JelsLast 10 Jly26-574A.P 11:39 ft 69 113 9109129 74 ludicaA* 300071 He!ensSong113 Cebette107 MissCrow 9 Jun13-57»Was 1 1-8 1:59%m 25 116 47 44 5* 67 BolinH2 2750 37 Biue Unit 116 Ocean Hop 116 Closing 8 Jun 8-572Was 1 1:40%m 60 115 9«1 :5 6H 520 CampR2 2750 46LePagell.118 BeeLeeTee118 GyRbns 12 May15-572Was 7 f 1:27 si 38 115 9" 9U gtt 83.CampRio 2750 60Legateel15 VieenRosel13 Rippsy 11 May 7-578Spt Vt 1:48%ft 15 107* 8«3 971 7*1 78 DickensBI "2500 74 AlfredBlder107 OcnMoney117 Ruche 10 Apr29-572£pt 12:02 ny 23 120 883 553 37 310 DuhonM* 2500 May-B-Me115 BtfePetellS SirChatr 9 Apr22-57»Spt 11-8 l:58%m 25 115 45 43 45 671 DuhonM2 2500 56 Sallyboots 115 Closing 120 Remhch 8 Mar25-575S.P 11:50Hsy 11f 112 11» 88 610 6l7-CampR7 2000 51 Pyongyang114 TimeGge1l2 NrseQun 12 April 19 Spt 1-2 ft :52%b April 12 Spt 3-8 ft :40%b Horses Shown Below on Also Eligible List and Not in Order of Post Positions. I Main mum Sneaker jpeuiier 1 1 0 ch- h- b* Blenban— Rita Jane, by Charing Croi5 I Breeder. S. 0. Graham. 1958.. 14 1 2 2 ,700 Owner, A. J. Ferrara. Trainer, A. J. Tusa. S2.500 1957 16 3 1 2 ,380 May 2-58*Spt 6f1:T8 ft 2J 112 85| 78 57 4U JesspJDio 250087 VorheesArab113 CapMrick112 Argufy 10 Apr29-585Spt 6f 1:1314ft 16 115 651 65 5U 2"" Ferrt 2500 92 Racer 112 JustTillyllO RoseEllen 10 Apr22-584Spt 6f 1:17 m 13 115 9»1 92 9*1 8» JessopJDH 2500 68 Ardanwood 120 Legate 115 Birch 10 Mar6-58«F.G 6 f 1:14 m 81 115 7»1 7«o 7-»| 6 BrrsrdR6 200079 EspoG*dJr.118 Cncrd118 FrVsMde .8 Mar4-58»F.G 6f1:131Aft 4 113* 8 2 751 34 53 NonoR2 2000 84 GreyJet107 Avenea102 WasAlone 12 Mar 1-582F.G 6 f 1:13 ft 51 110 75J B*i S5 2iJtNonoR« 2000 86 PietsSonl 15 WasAlone115 Etanni 9 tDead heat. Feb25-583F.G 6f1:14?igd 8 118 851 97 85J 55 CrstnsW3 2000 76OurBolro111 EspoGldJr.118 JeepFlr 9 PeblO-585F.G 6f1:14/5ft 5 118 97|10» 97 54 Heckmnjv 200078 EsoGdJr.115 GdCInFn118 DTtesSl 11 Feb 7-583F.G 6 f 1:13 ft 3*118 64 6 45 3"* BairdRL2 200088 Chipawdl 15 PietsSonl 15 Remorseful 10 ?eb 3-583F.G 6 f 1:13 ft 81 118 7-«| 98 943 5*1 BairdRL 2500 81 Indian Heir 115 Rice Bird 115 Beach 10 ! March 29 FG 3-8 ft :38b *• 1 1 * Ch. 4, by Grand Isle-Grand Grand Chunk " O Gold ° IZ g, Love, by Slam. , . Breeder, C. A. and L. C. Becker. 1958 . 0 M 0 0 „ Owner, F. Campagna. Trainer, „ B. C. Kelley. S2 500 May 3 Spt 5-8 sy 1:0Sb April 30 Spt 5-8 ft 1:04«5bg April 27 Spt 5-8 gd 1:06Kb Ctiral 107 Br- f 4» b» Curanderc— Sbamiral. by War Admiral. .. .. .. Breeder. Ralph Lowe. 1958 . 1 0 0 0 i a u „ o -r • „ Owner, M. H. VanBerg. Trainer, M. H. VanBerg. S2.500 1957 23 4 2 2 210 5prS"SI5pt VA 11 107 9 9,4 919 927 VdbreDS 2500 61 PacemakerllO Kum-on-in115 Orienne 9 SSJF."1 §if!:2b%m 21 *108* 43 42 52 43 CrankO? 2000 49 ConCrino116 KmFirst118 Youngstwn 7 Sct?2"Srn 6lf1:24%sy 2i *106* 21 HI 14 1h CrankO 2000 61 Pouty114 Run0n109 Turakinaio! SCJ 2~S?£rn §!3:16 m 13 106* 55J 4* 43 21 Crank03 200079 Rivarola109 ChznCoil 113 CathyCrsn 8 0ct16-57 Crn 6f 1:14 ft 22 106* 9" 812 8" 8" Crank03 2000 80Aspasia106 DgerCue109 CathyCarson 9 0ct12-57*Crn 6 f 1:14 ft 10 105* 85 88J 9» 98 Crank03 1500 82 FireyGnie108 LauraC.112 FnnyRimelO Oct 8-57Det 6M:11Hft 55 112 lOilOSjil 131010 GregryJR2 2500 80Til!ieTple117 CryHVc112 FrtnesFl 12i Sep 6-573Det 6 f 1:12 ft 81 107* 6» 61* 6" 6» Mulk*inM5 225069 BlackHnah117 AnnieBob114 NavyFz 7 j Jly30-574H.P 6 f 1:13 ft 27 112 3* 3 38 5 FerroloA» 2500 83 BIckHnnahllS UTurbie115 Lrtigafn 8 Jly13-573H.P 6f 1:19Vfehy 9J 115 6» 6 » 620 626 CraigH2 3200 34 TinFlyer116 LaTurbie115 BIkHannah 6 1 May 3 Spt 1-2 sy :54b April 26 Spt 3-8 si :39%b CaD Merrick 1 1 9 Cn- 9» » bY Triplicate— Lady Merrick, by Jaccpo. r- 7. . ,1 Breeder. T Young. 1958 . 4 0 1 0 60 Owner, 1. Mrs. H. u G. Bockman. — Trainer, H. G. Bockman. S2.500 1957 0 0 0 0 5?ay41?£Pt EHJ:1L? l J!f ?». 23 FeruoloA5 250092 VorheesArab113 Argufy112 MnSpTcer 10 JPf2?«,ee : ?!hh.y 2? VA f3,175*712 Heckm*nJ2 3000 61 LegalLarcny111 AbleLdllS NrsFIt 12 rSI"Ssrr If :Ur» Si 3334 4 lHeckmnJ3 3000 82BandiUohn120 CardTrick117 DrJohn 12 ES?o«;G 8H?£ 11 |3J$ 5* NonoR4 250079 BIITmSnl 14 CareAwy106 McConrob 9 rwlflSKf „EU!™and o ,1rJSi 3? 32 LeJeuneS3 Alw93ChliesSg118 RyiB ejmllS Cmlbk 9 aH J ,?.UB 11. DoasonD3 AlwaoWh-rew-zHIH AhWr118 SndShrk 10 lflHsUt- 1 1 «» 2 lit HI VI churchK7 AlwM 81 Manteau120 Ducklslnd117 TomsScng 12 tD?ad heat 6M:14%ft 4 120 ™ 1tHl 9S| 5 2if ChurehW AlwM 71 Brbarian120 Camelbk120 Irreprsible 12 April 30 Spt 1-2 ft :533/5b April 13 Kee 3-4 gd 1:1Eb " March 27 FG 7-8 ft 1:30J4h EqUiall 117 Ch- 9 5« b* Equistone— Red Alice, by Jacopo. „ .. .,. , . Breeder. J. E. Hughes. 1958 . 1 0 0 0 Owner, Air View Farm. Trainer, Ralph Salvino S2 500 1SS7 2E 0 3 3 S4 335 SStIbIS V:IV if III W l! fl 9» Skortkl" •2OT82VorheesArab113CaPMyk112Argufy-10 3™I"i?siSj iJlnlJM1 ? J? H ?7 924 SkorskiA2 2500 5? EtnIFrlic114 SpWw115 Pm-RoylO nrt?tmfK n"?2: %AIA3 351 SkorskiAS 2500 27PashaSaied112 FlossieDaisy112 Vinel 10 n2fl"TOiK MfirP* »? JJ? ?,J MeauxC4 250045 LocalClo-erl12 Motoramic112 Nappin 10 fW«"w9§SL f6iifi.Svfy l I ? 2 f SkorskiA 2500 66 Lowill 114 Betise 113 FastDance 9 SUnSSufViS1 ivilm Bl 1 II? It. II H BaldwinRS 2500 70ChanceSnow120 LadyElect112 Gone 12 lS101" U ,KI,|3|,f , I!? BalawinR3 2500 84Jo-Clare111 Figrehd108 CntryMustc 12 ilifu3™ ipi1* 1? « J ? 12i 19*J BdwinRio 3000 73CheSnow112 FifgHarp118 Restraint 12 l«ii"??Ju!W-V".8.1"1 ff XH! I!7 4,8 SkorskiA7 2500 31 FibreGIss1 14 Billfwn120 TreatySfne 11 Sep14-572Haw tc 11:38fm 8- 111 4=1 3 43 3U SkorsWAi 3000 81 RovgCsar117 Restraints Rob tE.W 12 Apr 26 Spt 5-8 si 1:04hg April 25 Spt 5-8 hy 1:06Jib April 18 Spt 5-8 ft 1:06b I Tolerant X 1 1 0 B- 7» b Karinkhan— Boston Maud, by Boslonian. I j Owner, Patty Ann Stable. Trainer. T. W. Kelley."1" " f5 3? ! 3 ? 4 S5«T-,P 1 1 l:ll-,y I? U7 9ci: Vl To5 67i BurrC3 35X72 Easy 109 BobAustln 114 WolfBadge tt -"w2TrP- If1i: fl|fl I U Z l!l 7 BurrCJ 3000 71 Roseardan116 BabyTucky116 Karamu 12 totvp IJ li!cy S 3?J L8? 581 f! BurrC3- 3500 75 Fauchelevent 121, Reterita 104 HugUpIO rS?n"P 11 : ?%r.y ?J f r BurrC3 325078 lndnGuide114 MrseFlash120 Hot-chS 9 rSn"9?rS flFAJi V„ IMV 5!,l!. BurrC4 325082AppleBay111 BabyTucky113 Googinll dS VwSp ri «k« It Ut S £ ii3,1? lurrC4 3500 78 Receipt114BeausMagic105NextP|-se12 uSmIottJp I 1 iSIh 5U?1 » on l?l L4J I urrC 3500 77BbysOelight115CueP-sse115Docteur10 SSimln* efJIUfiS? "ItHS §? §«1SS BurrC9 3500 80EasyMael11 PromHall 115 Yama 12 Ho» 4-57«pt E f 1:26V%m 2 *120 C2i 73J 3. 23 SkorskiA3 3500 53ShrewdTip115 Kim-Ki117 VcrheesArb 8 March 31 H.a 3-8 sy :35andh March 25 Hia 5-8 sy 1:05b March 17 Hia 5-8 ft 1:03b _ . _ 1 Mf-E. Bay Bey, May 2, 1958 — 1:38%— 3— 113.J Purse ,800. 4-year-olds and Kf-U Snf upward. Claiming. Non-winners at one_mile or over since March 15. Weight, 120 lbs. •Jilt JUt rJon-winners of three races since February 22 allowed 3 lbs.: two races, 5 lbs.: one race, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. | 1 Chart Bock Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec Wt. Wt 47519 Royal Haven 112 46976 Talion 107 47196* Capital Ace 112 47301 SmugsyWugsy Jly57APJ:39% 105 107 46975 Dim Chance 112 46639 Redamber 112 47194* Waco Girl 107 47295* J .R. Jones 112 47404 Hasty Dream . 117 473993 Two Rainbows 110 469763 Ocean Money 112 4E883 Bellamy 112 46976 OceanHop May57 Was 1:423tm115 112 47522* Blue Licks " Jly57AP1:40Asy12f 112 474042 Hello Rita 110 47397 Gray Gal 107 Roval Haven nuveil 1 1? Ch- c 4* b* R°ral Charger— Gold Haven, by Fairhaven. luyui | £ Brceder Mrs G p Greenhalgh. 1958 . 4 0 0 0 Owner, H. C. Vandervoort, Jr. Trainer, T. G. May. S2.500 1957 15 2 0 2 ,925 May 1-585Spt 6 f 1:1714ft 22 113 7*1 8H 83 711 FeroloAlO 3250 85Switch117 CosmicHro120 FdalDrm 10 Feb18-58?F.G 1,V1:47V%ft 15 112 5« 6" 7ia 726 KnappEJ2 5250 57 HighAuthty121 Fcxing116 TesBldog 7 eb,?"lf IJMiJi 15 I 1S19.S1S!3 Ifl !5,naP,pEJ5 5500 83Fait*ISng110 Mr.Bruce113 RonStripilO Jan17-58?F.G 6 f 1:12Aft 73 118 68 710 8" 813 CrsfnsWS Alw79Shrullah112 RmnKinglll MityBkr 8 Oct23-578Jam 1,s 1:45%ft 14 116 32 710 7" 718 AtksnT* 1000064 WleySmiteyl 16 Loukmac114 Dodger 7 2ct5-572Bel 6f1:11Hft 27 115 715 713 710 6?1 BaileyPJS 9200 84 KgsChpl 115 MiTJvlhe106 HWr 8 Sep27-578Bel 1,V 1:44«,ift 33 116 45 5« 612 7" WWeHi 1000067Zacadoge117 AghaAlibhailll Araway 7 Sep 7-572Bel 6f1:12ft 59 117 8 6 810 8? WdhseH2 Alw-79 0ne-EdKg117 CanFire117 HalfNIsn 11 Aug26-575Sar 6f1:13?Ssy 27 117 811 8" 915 910 DeckerEJ2 Alw71 Loukenmac117 HalfNe!son120 Gavel 9 Jun26-57«Eel 6f1:10?4sy 20- 116 5" 51° 5" 53 BaileyPJS Alw 83 Comdation119 DcqFtllG Egtistid 5 April 29 Spt 3-8 gd :2Z*jb April 23 Spt 5-8 hy 1:05%h Feb 17 FG 3-8 ft :37%b Canitnl Ace «ce 1 19 Ch. e, 4,by.Ace Admiral— Angrier, by Sir Andrew. V.apuui I |Z Breeder. Mn G. Kosiba. 1958 12 1 2 1 ,735 Owner, W. J. Saunders. Trainer, C. Greene. » -500 1957. .32 4 3 3 ,910 Apr28-584Spt 6f1:20%gd 4 113 33 3* 2* 42 FselmanJ2 3000 81 LaurelQun107 Ardanwood120 Skylea 8 Apr23-58*Spt 6f1:21%m 6 115 21 22 22 25 FieselnJ2 300071 Gay0rbit120 Jalbopate107 PageLady 8 Mar25-58*O.P 6f1:13Hgd 11 120 451 651 43 53 SkorskiA» 300079 Man ofQst120 Bonapte120 PnfdCId 12 Mar19-58*O.P 6f1:12Hft 22 120 105J andSJ 4«i 42J KaelinFto 350084 Emarjaylll AmertPluckia Litigafn 12 Mar12-58*O.P 6f1:14?ssy 67 117 91 83J 6*J 52 KaelinF* 325074 Man ofQst120 Cableon115 RoyalV/itch 12 Febl4-585F.G 6f1:13Vsm 10 114 42 7* 8| 8M JnknsEi c2500 76Turf PicllS CableonHO Bushy 8 Feb 4-584F.G 1,, 1:48?ift 16 113 23 2 1 3U JenkinsES 250076 Bonapartel 15 B.B.BuIl 118 Chanson 7 Jan27-58»F.G 1, 1:47 ft 22 118 33 3432 28 HecknJB c2000 76 Marchese121 SqreNVrlll JoeBurke 8 Jan22-583F.G 1,V1:47?ift 2 *115 32 1 1h 1J Br-ssrdRS- 2000 81 Overlana 112 Druce 115 SheerMaaness 12 Jan11-582F.G 6f1:l4Hft 23f 114 108 10* 85J 713 BrssardR« 2500 78SpyLady114 BeeMirza115 AdmirIDealll Jan 7-582F.G 6f1:15VShy 12 114 85J 98 811 711 MeauxC2 2500 66StmCloud114 Simsbrylll ConstRV1 12 Jan 1-58»F.G 6 f 1:14 ft 21 113 9J 9» 9»3 983 RiveraJJ* 2500 74 LuckPenny 121 RiceBird 118 HaroidL. 9 March 24 OP 3-8 m :39b March 18 OP 3-8 si :37?ih March 11 OP 3-8 hy :38/5b Dim " v-"u,"-c Chnnrc 110 Blk. g, 6, by Some Chance— Darkling, by Macaw. I I Breeder. X A. Bell. Jr 1958.. 2 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. M. Troiani. Trainer, A. E. Knapp. S2.500 1957 .18 4 3 1 ,485 Apr25-588Spt 6f1-:14*/4sl 27 115 8 9n 99J sio GuytonT3 3000 77 CsmicHero115 TwoRnb"ws112 Skylea 10 Apr23-58tSpt 6f1:23V%ni 15 115 65i 53j 43 5* GuytonTS 3250 65 Off nCIM15 BusrByrd115 UVIQun 10 Nov11-572Spt 6f13ssl 16 120 78 8?,6*1 651 SkorskiA4 2500 63Jimo112 RiceBird120 KarenArtftene 10 Nov 5-57»Spt 11:49?ihy 8 117 43 73 8» 810 BeneitoM3 2500 37PatsValtine110 0cnH0Dl12 Marcnese 10 Oct29-572Sot 1150Tly 1: 117 56 43 4* 13 Fiesolnjr 2500 44 Restraint 112 Jims 117 MyAnoy 10 0ct23-57*Crn 6f1:17issy 7 117* 7*1 78 5? 4 DavidsonJ4 2000 64 DemetriosV.120 DakotaBillllO Nika 3 Oct 7-578Haw 1,s 1:47 ft 21 118 2h 2h 12121210 Scurlock02 2500 67 Feb 112 Air Battle 118 Restraint 12 Oct 1-572Haw 6 f ::19ift 24 117 7*1 85 1011081 ErbD* 250074 Regis 111 Jimolll Brook Prince 12 Sep16-57*KyR a6f1:22?shy 2*119 2 H 12 13 RingJ3 1500. SeaWther119 BusyZTc119 AwayAway 7 Sep14-572KyR a 6 f 1:l9%m 7-s *115 1 13 V V° RingJ3 1500 CashPay?t119 LilsDrml07 Ann sBdy 9 Worn Truto Girl 3iri 1 1Y7 Ro- m» 5,. by Gino Beau— Saxets Pride, by Saxet |U/ Breedef v e. Heady. 1958,. 7 0 2 2 ,543 Owner, R. Johnson. Trainer, L. H Hopper, ,500 1957. .21 2 6 2 .o25 Apr28-582Spt 6f1:14%sl 6 109 5S 5*1 55 42 CollierW 250086Pr*ceEric115 DtyRWd113 DicksGV 10 Apr21-582Spt 6 f 1:21 gd 8 109 31 2h 23 331 SellersJ* 2500 76 Turf Pic112 Ziggity115 PrinceEric 10 Mar29r5830.P 6f1:13?4m 33 110 10i 912 917 91* WilmsSRs 2500 67SetShot117 GoodCleanFun120 Seppie 12 Mar20-588O.P 1-701:42ttft 71 111 32 23 35 551 WilmsSR2 2500 81 JnsDnIle WisePl 111 PtsVTntine 12 Mar10-5830.P f1:18Hhy 5 115 6 63J 32 23 WilmsSRs 2500 54 KingFoot120 FtuneN.116 RapidRscal 8 FeS28-5870.P 6f1:12?ift 5 109 42 3* 2* 221 WilmsSR* 2500 B6 DnMeldy114 KensnKid114 Idle sBby 11 Feb24-58*0.P 6f1:l2r5ft 4J 112 52 21 33 323 WilmsSRs 2500 83Cableon112 MsHysitn112 M sSkidre 12 0ctl1-573F.P 6f1:13 ft 2 113 VI 53 21 1 MeauxCio 2000 860verParl19 M"tMarlet113 RapidSrcn 10 Oct 3-57F.P 5 f 1:06 ft 3 112 4«| 43 1 2 BecKCW2 200093R*dCnqt120 Cr1Stme117 EpicCh ce 3 Sep26-572F.P 5 f 1:07 ft 43 111 75 421 21 2™ BeckCW* 2000 90 EternalSigh 116 HyApache116 Tuck 10 Sep20-57»F.P 6 f l:15*-4hv 6-5 *114 65 65 53 41 MeauxCl 200070Pryner 116 RoyalLeoni 116 Turquesa 7 March 17 OP 3-8 ft :36y5h March 3 OP 3-4 ft 1:17b Hn«tv Drpnm i/reum 1 1 7 Ch. h, 6, by Hasteville— Kentucky Dream, by Hydromel. nusiy | | / Bntitr Mrs p £. Orr 1958 .10 2 1 2 ,EO0 Owner, H. Trimble and F. Lindstrom. Trainer, E. A. Cole. S2.500 1957.. 1 0 0 0 I Apr30-58?Spt 1, 1:47 ft 19 120 3* 52 4* 63 SellersJs 2500 83YourHealth 117 HelloRita 114 PaycarlO fJlar22-584S.P 1-701:47 gd 53 120 55 4*1 4* 4» HanleyJ2 200063 BrightJoy 117 CountGalla 120 Sonfar 10 Mar14-584S.P 1-701:54?Sm 33 118 21 32 413 321 HanieyJ? 2000 35 Shes aBg108 Mslmpte118 FsieDsy 7 Mar8-58*S.P 111 ga 43 116 5* 63 43 1 HanieyJ2 2000 65 SillySis114 Tanker119 PlayDip 8 Mar 1-582S.P 11:53 si 31 *118 5* 633 3 12 Hanieyjn 1500550kafai113 LawShifter118 CterBrownll Feb22-582S.P 1-70 1:47?sft 7-5 *118 V 54 3* 21 HanieyJ* 150071 Bargeln118 BlueUnit118 MissPheiia 10 Feb14-58S.P 1A1:5Wsft 14f 118 42 45 4* 35 McCkenJ4 150063Four toGo113 BlueSin118 Lot-A-Filly 12 Feb 3-582Hia 1l-81:51ft 35 118 913 92412261224 FiesTnJi2-3500 54 Pipe ofP ce113 QTcDcisn118 Arlgtn 12 Janll-58TrP 11-81:5Hift 82e 115 1010121»11201124 CarrIWE3 2500 60WrightsFlight115 Andre120 Billmike 2 Jan 3-58»TrP 11-8153 t 18 115 45 11I311H12M Fieselnjn 2500 62Topeka110 Billmike 115 Lagoon 12 Dec26-57iTrP 6f t:12Mssy« 18 113 1111131510161023 Fieselnjl2 300061 SleDncer105 W"dedWifel12 TeThree 12 April 30 Spt 3-8 ft :36*4h April 26 Spt 3-4 si 1:22Jib April 22 Spt 3-4 sy 1:22%b Onean wieuil Monev . 1 1 0 Ch. g, 5, by.Ocean Wave— Mona Gal, by Hadagal. iviuimy | L BrMder H f McKune and q. j vvmeticn 1S58 8 0 0 1 C5 Owner, Myrcn Smith. Trainer, Myron Smith. S2.500 1957 .33 4 3 0 ,110 Apr25-58»Spt 11-81:57?4sl 14 115 1 2h 3? 3" CraigH5 250057 PatsVtine115 RapportUO PondersGl 9 Apr21-582Spt 6 f 1:21 gd 31 113 91010»310 4 914 RjChdnL8 2500 66 Turf Pic 112 Ziggity 115 Waco Girl 10 Mar23-58?O.P 1-70 1:45 m 9 111 58 916 911 814 CraigH 2500 61 BeMan115 Henry sReward117 DeJcn 9 Mar21-5830.P 1ft 1:45 ft 42 118 21 53 44 44 CraigH° 2000 84 Vilas 118 MissPal113 SkippyL.12 Mar12-580.P 1ft1:50%sy 4 118 43 2 23 42 CraigH2 2000 57 YourHealth118 MightySara113 Paycar12 Mar 8-5810.P 6f1:13%m 18 114 1114 711 6 61 WagnrDU 2250 75 GdCI nFn117 NTjIeWYrlH LHeBror 12 Mar 3-5820.P 6f1:11Vandft 33 117 5* 811 6" 7»i WagnerT4 200084 WcoSc*p120 Comcl 111 DrmOMoly 12 Feb24-5830.P 5f1:04*/sft 17 111 911 812 914 912 SellersJ6 2000 84 LckyBnd106 DnMTdylll BlroJne 12 Nov 5-572Spt 6 f 1:21 hy 11 115 101210131014 98 WagnerD4 2500 49 BusterJim107 NickiesBoy112 Regis 10 0ct31-575Spt 6fl:20?shy 35 115 10811011 5»1 531 CejeuneSS 2500 57 HiBillee117 CrimsonKing113 EasvSlr 10 0ct18-574Det 1-701:47 m 71 115 48 412 4» 5" Sellersjr 2000 60 Rfs UieRed115 Ole-Jer120 App seNct 7 Ocean vicun Hon Ik f ~ 1 1 9 B- 9« 5 b» Gangway— But Definitely, by Bless Me. uup 1 iz, Breeder E. E Vovnow 1S58 . 3 0 0 1 C0 Owner. Gee Jay Emm Stable Trainer, A. j Mavros S2.50O 1957 26 1 4 3 ,035 Apr25-58Spt 1 1-8 1:57?isl 2 *115 8» 65 47 51 FselmanJ4 2500 57 PatsVtine115 RapportUO OceanMoy 9 Apr22-588Spt 1ft1:53%hy 81 113 7J 45 32 3"* F*selmanJ6 25O0 57Stroller112 BadBoyBill 112 FrtNitie 8 Mar29-58*O.P 1-701:45jm 41 114 78 813 914 915 Skor*skiAi 3500 56G*yOrbit110 LrelKinglOS BorderBum 11 !Nov11-57lSpt 1 1-8 2:00 si 4 IK 7»i 7H 814 773 KeeneH3 250C48 Varwin110 StarDancer112 Battleworn 10 Nov 5-57»Spt 11:49%hy 45 112 9» 84 35 2"° MulkinM4 25O0 47 PatsValtinellO Marchese117 Ole-Jer 0 Oct26-57»Spt 1 1-8 2:03tem 93 112 48 5J 614 612 WagnerD7 2500 28HyKusman112 LeilaJn112 XpaPriae 10 Oct18-57»Spt 1ft1:52*/shy 8 113 911 512 5 i 5« BassB7 2500 48 FreeHand117 WarTuck113 RowdyBoy 10 0ct12-576Haw 1 1-22:33 ft 17 111 9 a 8»1 812 814 GilliganL2 3000 36 AngelBrthlOS AirBttle114 AInDavia 10 Oct 7-578Haw 1ft 1:47 ft 10 112 11»11151 91 753 LeJeuneS 2500 71 Feb 112 Air Battle 118 Restraint 12 Sep24-572Haw 6f:16 si 25 114 II831112 68 55 LejeuneSS 2500 63SoldierSn114 GeorgesRib114 EasySir 12 Jly20-574A.P 11-8 1:52V%ft 14 118 32 2 642 810 GilliganL 3000 71 TripleBeellO RbreGIs118 MsKlnro 3 JI/ 12-574A.P 11-8 1:54-qo 53 115 66 22 1i 1 GilliganL* 3000 72 Jo-Clare110 MissKirkv/d110 Pinestar 8 May 3 Spt 5-8 sy 1:05*ih April 21 Spt 5-8 gd 1:06y5b March 18 OP 3-8 si :40sb Hello neilO Rita liru u rf! 1 1 n B. m, 5, by Stymie— Rosa Bonheur, by Jaeooo. IIU Breeder Bieber-Jaccbs Stables. 1958 19 1 4 1 ,815 Owner. Bowit Stable. Trainer. E. Duhcn. S2.500 1957 42 4 5 E 1,585 Apr30-58»Spt 1ft 1:47 ft 51 114 6» 3 1h 2"* MeauxL4 2500 90 YorHealth117 Paycar117 ImExpectin 10 Apr24-588Spt 1ft 1:55 hy 4 115 973 863 863 V MeauxLS 250043 Reclm115 MissRdy113 SmgsyWgsy 10 Apr21-585Spt 1 1:42*/5gd 71 116 88 55 32 22 MeauxLO 3000 77Stardrity112 RedPrfmellS Nemesia 10 Mar29-5810.P 1ft1:49Am 5 115 815 910 918 920 BilludCiO 2250 47 Ram oLette120 PrynerllO DeJon 10 !.lar26-5860.P 11-81:53%m 5 113 712 341 37 3» BilleaudC6 2500 69RusnFox117 lkieBoy112 SeasonsMarlc 8 fJIar22-58iO.P 1-701:42 ft 3*113 8«l 5«3 2n 2h BillaudCt 2250 90BorBum117 YrHlth117 MsSkiame12 Har19-58C.P 1-701:43V5ft 61 115 9" 53 3 4 2 BilludC" 250079 Battlew"n117 l-Canttll 112 OoenR nge 12 Mar14-5840.P S f 1:16*/sliy 42 115 VI 42-,25 23 BilleaudC6 2500 63Commo-Lady112 FidgetllE SunMirle 10 Mar 8-582F.G 6 f 1:14%sy 22 115 73 76 911 81 BilleaudC 200072DtyDrive118 Jerry*sBI"de105 LHeVan 12 Mar 1-5S2F.G 6 f 1:13 ft 13 114 65 65 43 53 BilleaudC? 2000 84 PietsSon115 WasAInellS MainSpVr 9 Feb22-58iF.G 6f1:13Hft 16 115 74 75 54 43 PcfterJD3 2000 82 Picapepoer 107 GreyJet 109 LittleVan 9 April 20 Spt 5-8. gd 1:04%h Tnlinn iuiiuii X 1 AT Gr- m 8. Talen-Gatliej, by Sir Gallahad III. lw j. ». Betl. ir 1357 .7 0 1 I SS00 Owner. F P. Ainte. Trainer. F P Aimt S2.500 1357 18 1 0 0 J2.235 Apr2S-5S«Spt 1 1-8 1:57fel 1 111 3« 42 6« G SkorskiA? 250052PatsVtine115 Rapport110 OceanMoY 9 Apf22-58iSpt 6M:16fthr 7 115 7*1 8*1 75J 52J..CraigH 2500 74 SunJeep120 Nickie*sBoy120 JelsLastlO Mar 7i5EtF.G Vc1:49%m 4J 107 5*1 5*1 32 3U PrestonJS 2000 69 Fr*hNi"tieU2 MerciaPWO UncleTodd 12 Feb28-S83F:G 6fl:14%ft 12 107 9*i 7*3 8*3 78J jenkinsE« 200073 EllenBlue109 BanditJ"r112 FastCable 12 Feb24-58JF;G 6fl:15*5m 39 107 ff»J V 4 2n JenkinsE3 2O0072OttosGal109 RuthWlislll NbleTwist 11 Fet14-5e:F.G 6f1:l4?isl 29 110 1CI10"10 * 9" PrestcnJS 200GE9MnofQst115 S"nyMrs115 Fmersville 12 Jan3C-5S:F.G 6 f 1:15 gc 61 107 1".8J 9*3 781 7*3 Preston J 20CB71 Susong1G9 TigerDancer112 WasAlone 12 Jl» 18-57H.P 1 1-8 liPtft 21 115 23 8" Bi 8i» Sellers 2000 54 Morn gRayllS MrJohes116 Nostrebor 8 JIV12-578H.P 1.1:46%n» 4 115 V 6« 6*8 "63i CraigHl 2000 26 0neGrd120 LilsGWUIS LdvChalqe 6 Jl| S-57JH.P 6f1:14Hnd 8 113 7» 68J 6" 40 CraigH* 2O0O73HappyisSam118 OldBull 114 TctiofOr 8 April 29 Spt 1-2 gd :54%b SmUOSV WuaSV X x 1 07 ch- m 6 b» Billings— Mhs Smug, by Man o War. jmuysy vrugby 3t 8recder H. L. Wells. 1958 10 0 1 2 , Owner, J. G. Ferrara and M. Savoie. Trainer, S. J. Molay. S2.500 1957 38 3 3 2 J7JO0 Apr2S-58"Spt 11-81:53%ft 4 111 3? 7*1 8*1 8»J JessopJD? 2500 82 SeaTrial 114 Bleak 114 RaffleBcnes 9 Apr24-5£8Spt 1Te 155 hy 7 115 65 9*3 6 I 3«i JessopJDl 250048 Rec!aim115 MissRwdy113 CheatenBill 10 Apr21-58Spt 11-81:55 gd 6J 115 93 853 Bl 5* JessopJD 250075 WarTckllS PatsValtinellS MissRdy 10 Mar7-58I0F.G 1,V 1:4S?igo 83 111 43 2* 42 22 HeadleyO* 2000 74Dauphiaiti118 BayouNyph116 TopGuy 8 Mar4-580F.G tfc 1:47%ft 3e 106* 9" 88 5*1 35 Hartmanji 2000 77 Shrug 114 Correlator 115 ZemEye 9 f."ar 1-58OF.G 1 1-4 2:38?tft 10 100 6* 7*J 5*J 4 0ldhamD2 200073Whackingl13 lt:sNoUse113 Casper 8 Feo20-58« F,G 1and.1550 ft 8 110 93 88 £* 5f MeauxCO 2000 62 LongTom115 DannyO.112 MerciaPark 10 FeS11-5EF.G 1,V 1:49Vigc 93 114 710 67 6r3 553tBrssardR 2000 67 Oscar J. 115 Long Tom 118 Lady .Alibi 9 1 Placed fourth through disaualification. Feb 4-5E»F.G . 1 A 1:43 t 33 114 Lost rider. BrssrdRS 2000 BeeMirzallS ApasayllO WarSecretry 9 Jan11-5£F.G 11-4i10%ft 3 112 5* 5* 45 53 RiveraJJ3 20006SHstyFlyr114 UndeTddlOS LAsterisk S May 1 Spt 1-2 ft :53Vsb April 17 Spt 5-8 ft 1:05andb March 16 FG 1-2 ft :53b Horses Shown Below on Also Eligible List and Not in .Order of Post Positions Rprlnmhpr Reuumoer 110 B,k- c 4. b Ambiorix— Redeemed, by Revoked. « Breeoer. C. Mooerj. 1938 .10 0 1 1 5150 Owner. Buddah Stable. Trainer. A. N. Winick. S2 500 1257 . 9 1 0 0 J1.5C0 Apr22-5S*G.P 1 1-8 liBssy 23 116 1* 23 4*1 54 BrooksS* 300037 Ret"rnedRing116 BtyJ*y110 Gala-Pre 9 prI5r5E S P 1«l:45Vift 41 116 32 32 3 45 BrooksS2 300079 Requa 116 Oberon116 Three Cubs 12 Apr10-588G.P 1-701:44 ft 5 120 43* 3* 433 GillignL" 350074Northqst122 LebannLdW BlueVet 12 .-fHfS-E 1iV1:44Hft 83 "8 12 24 45 4S BrooksS? _40M78PIT yWrior115 Arlgt n11£ LazyBogan 9 "MS-E 6t1:l2%ft 21*116 78 7»1 6*3 5?J FieselnJ2 3500 81 TrueBVo113 ltsaGb!e113 Ro IMonh 12 t,arI9"5UG P 5 f 1:11. ft 19 116 751 881111210 BlumWio 5000 81JohnBerry113 lntonatn113 Sonaousr 12 IZWy.3 S,1:12 ft Ai 121 12« 915 911 9» DeSpoAi2 5000 76 Cpdor118 Br-zeWrr113 Paula sTex 12 •kSPiK 6":12ltft 9 121 5 4*J 523 323 Fieselnjl 5000 81 LastgSpgW NobleSg118 Se.lsRge 8 Ja:,15-58 IrE 1« 1:44 ft 16 116 33J 62 8H 8 * Fieselnjio 5000 74SthFlorida111 K*gMity114 PenHal w 10 Jan 8-58 TrP 6 f 1:12V%gfi 10 117 441 - j Z 2 Fieselnjs 4500 83Knockango118 Br-nDrmm GofnHcst 10 Dec17-578TrP 1,s l:43?sft 63 113 3* 68 713 6H FselmanJ* 5750 81 Byroon 106 TomsSong 113 WorldOver 9 Dec9-57 TrP 6 f 1:13 sy 12 117 ,951 8*4 7« 7J Fieselnjs 5000 E7TigerDip111 YourShinelH RearRough 9 April 17 GP 3-8 ft :36%b m April 3 GP 3-4 ft 1:155 sb March 28 GP 1m gd 1:44b J R Jones JOI?e5 X I I I IZ O Ch. h, 5, by Pineblcom— Top Trash, by Andy K. Breeder 0 S. Deming. 1S58.. 7 0 2 0 St60 Owner W 0. Bernhardt. Trainer. D Wdmcldcrff. S2.500 1857.. 8 0 1 0 J605 Apr??/HiSpt Sf1:13 ft 21 *113 421 5 i 44 46i FsemanJi 2500 89 Windtrace112 KathleenH.107 V/arTgs 10 Apr24-58-Spt 6f1:17?sm 31 114 8* 73 633 5*1 JessopJD 250067 NizamiLdylll St*IPeer117 DickWy 10 Jan3G-586F.G 11:47 26 107* 3 5*i 9"105 NonoR5 3500 65 AirBattle 115 BareFactSlIB Palsey 10 Jan22-a8SF.G - 1,V 1:45%ft 3 107* 1J 1 31 V FuscoJS 350079 NclrWr112 Sq*reWiln115 Cptr.Bd 10 Jan1Z"5?F-G 1A1:46V%ft 4 115 4iJ 33 22 553 Heckmnji 4500 82 Camden 114 OurLiaUO BriqhtSal 8 Jan 9-58F.G 11:481 j 107* 2h 1h 2J 2* TrahanJ3 4000 71 HighAuthrityl21 Peeler115 DnverKg 8 Jan 1-58-F.G 1A1:48V*ft 8 114 1 HJ 12 2h Heckm*nJ5 4000 78 Brth"rJss109 SqreWi!sn113 ReRePo 7 Dec27.-57*F.G 6f1:125sft 24 114 65 6*1 42J 423 HeclcmnJ? 4O00 86BlueWayne118 TurfPic112 AlmasHrt 8 §"S!G 6f1:14%ft 22 113 V V 55 2«1 RiveraJJ* 3000 80Solicit118 RedBudLnel MrstnMr 11 Dec13-577F.G 6 f 1:14 ft 16f 107* 933 6?J 88 7*3 NonoR7 3500 76 Beau Clerc 115 Solicit 118 Chin Chin 12 May 3 Spt -2 sy :51 5h April 23 Spt 1-2 hy :52 /5b April 19 Spt 1-2 ft :50fsh Two Rainbows 1 1 fi B- m *° h» Sun Asain— Tricks, by Psychic Bid. Breeder, Brockmeade Stable. 1958.,. 10 M 3 3 S1.360 Owner, J. Clark. Trainer, H. J. Pitt. 500 1957. 0 M 0 0 APr2iS4Spt 6Jf1:19Hft 91 112 2h 21 2 34 CoxW» 3000 85 Red Perfume 110 Birch 110 Montello 9 APr2|-ppt 6f1:14Vssl 40 112 53 531 33 2-t CoxW2_ 30O083CosmicHero115 SkyleallO FrVsMde 10 SHS-E Sn: E;tm E5e 104 44 6*1101*10* Rosd*IL A2500 43Robot11.119 MagicBird119 EarlyBull 10 K?rH"5 E ?n:!9li 236 106 11 11 21 23 SornB" A250076BrnMk119 Commctionlll BobbysBl 12 !*JrI-5f!s-p 6f1:l4Hft 81 110 413 4=1 321 31 WnJR* A250076SharpMrk119 Bro*nM nk119 Silv"rene 9 JlSI-E 5H!:!2,isy 3 110 21 22 4 1 53 VsonJR* A250063WdChorus119 ExtraEsym MsAgoo 6 ?2?l*S?f-E £fi:12ysft 41 110 21 2421 34VinsonJR2 3000 87RipLuck111 Pvt_Sam115 HiandFair 8 K H§:H 9° 61 1,3 11 12 H 2,1 VinsonJR2 200075 BeauGrge113 Norsemdl13 Mr.Moots 12 UHS-E 6M:15%ge 9le 111 85J 88111141291 VinsonJR? 3000 64 WildChcrus115 WailallO DarlgDaddy 12 Jan29-58S.P 6f1:16%sy 10 112. 21 22 6 » 624 HatcherG* Alw43CrissM. 103 So 103 Rancher 6 Bellamy 1 1 9 B; 9- 6- to Teddys Comet— Minnant, by Pennant. Liu ... Breeder. Mrs. G. I_ Harrison. -1958 . 8 2 2 1 « Owner, R. Fisher. t Trainer, • C Nagle. S2.500 1957 13 0 3 3 J1.790 AprZ"lpt ■« 1:54Ehy 31*115 12 31 54 5? Hanleyjs 250044 Etheridge117 DeJcn112- LocalClover 8 ft* S"f?!ipi SandY-ll1 13 1,5 viv- 211 22 HanleyJ5 2500 79 RogCaesarl15 Kg cfKgsllS SirCter 10 r,!IE 1;,°3:ff fl 12 3*4* 21 21 H 21 CorleR2 200078 Lot-A-Filly108 JolisChcel04 ElliotL 10 rf4"MIE, !T l: 9d .5 1,9 3i 42 513 631 SorsenBl 2000 62«astyDreaml16 Si!lySis114 Tanker 8 KHI-E KM?? 4i 119 35 24 22 1U Hanleyjs 150074 CalicoCrk119 FlagMan117 ThreeBoys 11 lifff E e J14?1 2? 113* $ 34 43| 53 BoninKi 2000 69 Ikurrin118 Sonsfault118 FlossieDaisy 6 eb-l"H!IE ] ]:H f 11 HI*45!2 32 3lBoninK4 200059 HastyGirl.10Z.MidldVan116 Doubled 7 rJffiSP JVl 51 23 313* HI 11 1 13 BoninKS 1500500kafai 113 Alpins118 Doubleton 8 feF,!"f£5eu 1 H r-S «8J I S ,J 32! 55 58 BlockH2 200071 SirsPride108 Sea sMrkllO KanrKcle 7 Sep4-57»Ran 1 1-8 1:56Hsy 8-5 M10* 1 24 23 24 RoffoMi 200050 JettFirel15 LeilaJean112 ChoicePick 7 Blue Licks X 1 1 9 B. g, 9, by Shut Oul-Dentelle, by Blenheim II. . Breeder R.W.Mdl«la 1953.. 2 0 OO S140 Owner. Blossom „m SUble. r- Trj iner, N. Glass ,500 1957 23 4 3 3 S10 4C0 yUii!! rll:49 8J 112 753 64 641 413 RichdnL3 2500 91 BuGrge107 EspinoGdJr.115 SVdrity 10 Apr25-588Spt 6 M:14iss jl 115 7* 7*1 V 5 DalgoMio 300079 CsmicHerollS TwoRnbws112 Skylea 10 N°S|pt 1!:53%sl 35 11 Si3 73 5» 3 BaldwinRS 250048 Isaprce112 SheerMadnslll SirChtr 10 N°»1:i7.Jfpt ,,1:4?s| .4 115 1011 6* _3* 441 KeeneHl 250044 SptRevwIlO Pom-Ro 1i3 Eter-IFr*lic 10 S:l2S-5Z|Pt .K sl:55%by j 112 10*3 58 6 63J MeauxC3 2500 45 VarTckllS FaroBnk112 PtsVTntine 10 SCS"IPJ 1,"??:95„hy 3I 1,5 Bl a7i 78 561 MundorfR* 2500 29 NcbleFth115 Battlewrn112 HermanU 10 °ct"-iZT?,pt 16 112 9M 44 34 3*1 BaldwinR 250060 JohnB. 117 Billtown 115 Restraint 10 lep?i"SlHa,v .-.lM55Sm ,I".8l:5?m 3i*m 92 831030H27 BorgTceR5 2500 22 FibreGIsslH Billfwn120 TreatySfne 11 HS !:4JS5Sl 3 *114 631 531 69 614 HeckmnJS 2500 50Muftill.114 JollyHollylll BestStoryll J.??"S«-E .AZVP ,51 120 32 471 4" 5" GilliganL2 3000 76 TripieBee120 HatCreek120 Teanecker 8 J!jl7-572A P 11-8155 i 1 6-5 115 42 3 13 12 GilliganL 3000 67 Feb 115 Air Battle 112 Billtown 7 Aprd 23 Spt 5-8 hy 1:08*sb April 18 Spt 3-8 ft 1:18%hg Grav Gal 1 Y7 Ro- 4 h* Mighty Story— Miss Q., by Pharamend II. ,, _ ,u/ Breeder. Mereworth Farm. 1958.. 3 0 0 0 Owner. F. H. Green. „ Trainer. F. H. Green. — ,500 1257. .18 2 1 4 ,770 ffrf9i2c5pi EH!:20%ft 21 ,10 434 54 5*1 541 LeJeuneS2 250078SirChris115JrannysOne110 Pappa-Gee10 Marl1-5850.p 6f .M4Hs 52 115 11»ll0U1Oi» 9" PrestonJS 2500 60Superscript117 Cfeyville120 CkCnty12 Kar3-5i?°-P J 42 15 1213121312U1012 MurphyTS 250081 LdgeWmnUS Fnys0ne115 Cmpla 12 SwH"S??pi y*!5 5? 3Sf J2 2t, 23 353 Choinaja 3500 57 0ilStrike117 StarryNight117 Vanhook 8 n°lf,;"SllpJ cV.YQJl* n4l 104 55, Vi 74 47 BarntRL 300049CapitIAce112 BtyChrge107 QzBang 10 5c.t"flp.t 6,!,f 8"5 112 624 545 S4i 3* Crai9«5 2500 35Yuth*sHpe112 AthnaNike104 STrite 10 ?22fl4fpi rV?I: 109 13 14 2 34 CraigH* 3000 50CteRVrd115 RalinRstyllS VkeeDo 10 SIS ?,15* DiYL ?y 55 1,7 551 55 7" 5»1 FslmnJiO 3500 46PapDncn115 SWtPcJis112 SmStylelO JSJH3* 6H!:2S%? 23 114 953 91 6" 811 BassBio 300076 NickysSTrolll FiriMslll LdyCdt 12 Stp1S-572Havf 6 if 1:13 ft 25 113 :44 6 914 S4 JessopJD* 3000 69 Kingscrnivl 114 R"Rdnce111 LCte !2 March 2 OP 3-8 ft :37h , . - 6 FURLONGS. Pan, May 2, 1958-1:114/5—5-120. Brecon Brecons Purse. Purse Af-M Snfr 00. 4-year-clds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners of J1.955 ether than optional, v/m starter or claiming in 1958. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of 51,950 since March 21 allowed 3 lbs.; 51,625, 5 lbs.; 51,430, 8 lbs. optional, starter and claiming races not considered. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec WL WL Inaex No. Horse. Date. Track Rec VL Wt. 474C1 3 Marooned Oct57 Kee 1:10*5 104 107 47401 Twilight Run Mar58 OP 1:14V5Sl 119 107 22341 Sleeping Tiger 112 28734 Lejo . Jun57 AP 1:12!*. 114 112 449451 Roman Artist Jan58Hia1:14 118 120 47096 Happy Union Mar58 0P1:11 115 117 473003 Camelback Aug57 V/as 1:12 119 112 44451 Pecos Beige Mar58 0P1:14 114 112 297254 Billagain Jun57 AP UlIVs 116 112 Coupled: Sleeping! Tiger and Lejo; Camelback and 464893 Admiral Van Mar58 0P1:lO% 112 112 Pecos Beige. 467803 Prince Gala Jon57 Oma 1:10A 117 120 marooned Mnrnnnprl X 1 f!7 Br- m« 5« b* Nathoo— Mare Island, by Devils Thumb, • «/ Breeder Alberu Ranches, Ltd. 1958 . 2 0 0 1 54C0 Owner. Mrs. H. G. Bockman. Trainer. H. G Bookman. 1957 29 2 3 5 S13.010 Apr20-58*Spt 6 f 1:18Aft 26 107 623 44 33 32 LeJeuneS5 Alw 91 RyIJestr120 RyIDash*r115 F*IFI1it 9 Apr19-5SKee 6f1:10Hft 16 111 71078 6* 69 AdamsJRS Alw85Resolved116 TopMark119 TommysJet 7 Dec26-57*F.G 6f1:121ift "63 114 43 643 55 65 Hecknji 07500 83 Trico 1 17 Rockpcrt119 Wileu 8 Dec 5-57*F.G 6f1:121ift 5 114 V V 710 79 Hcknj? oi000080DixieDdy114 AlmasHt113 Kb"wKid 9 Nov 4-57C.D 6f l:10Hft 21 *105* 52 531 44 3*3 Prestonji 10000 93 Colleoni 116 Shoerullah 114 BabyBrier 6 Oct30-572C.D. 7f 1:23Hft 6-5 *110* 513 2f 23 34 PrestonJ Alw 93 OilPaintg114 Whirl gBIs115 Windsail 7 Oct24-577Kee 6f1:10Viaa 19 112 6* V 65 523 AdamsJRl Alw 92 Kg oSrds115 LthrKidlie FhfgJry 8 Oct15-D74Kee 6f1i9*yt 3 104*4* 4?K35 23 PrestonJS 10000 94 DixieDIy.l* VyaCnDisl14 RmnBs 5 Oct 2-57Haw 6 f 1:17%ft 33 107 6* 99 64 733 LeJneSS HcpS 87 Brnstrll9 LdyLaRellO FigtgJury 9 Sep1E-575Haw 6f t:11»tft 31 *106*1041 95 63 623 PrestonJ9 08000 86 MightyBak*r114 Impressd112/ RipRd 11 Sep11-578Haw 6 f 1:17Vift 9 109 83 973 75 55 LeJeuneS3 Alw 8S Trico 112 Pajone112 Travertine 10 Apr 27 Spt 3-4 gd 1:18andh . April 12 Kee 3-4 m 1:16b April E Kee 3-4 m 1:16b Slepninn Tiner 1 1 9 Dk- b- c» 4» Tiger— Fairy Dancer, by Blenheim. Sleeping liger I IZ, Breeder. T. 0. Campbell. 1957.. 1 0 0 0 Owner, 0. A. Cox and A. Caldwell. Trainer, 0. A. Cox. 1556 12 4 4 2 513703 JI/10-574A.P tc5f 1:04V5fm 27 119 . 53 43 69 69 BurrC4 Alw 83 Springheadl19 JetSub119 SecdFWdle 6 Sep 3-569Ran 6fl:KHsft 14 126 8? 8* 913 912 CraigH3 AlwS 83 MtrJive123 SuprMnyl20 TurnDwn 10 Aug18-563Ran 6f1:12Hsl 21 119 42 23 23 23 CraigH3 Alw81Deck111 ColonelReesllO SeaRebel 7 Aug 4-565Ran 5f1:06*tsy 23 1 22 3 21 24 331 MrtinRJ* Alw83Deck108 SandShark113 PrinceVJ. 8 Jlr2l-564Ran 5f1:06*,Mt 1*119 1" H 14 13 MartinRJ2 Alw 86 LordMiche113 TotalT*ic119 BoldHeart 7 Jly 4-568Tdn 6f1:13Vtft 4 113 1h In 2h 221tMtinRJ* AlwS 81 DixieDudly116 SandShrk113 BldHrt 8 tPlaced first through disqualification. Jun23-565Tdn 5f1.-00Hft 3e 119 44 5 43 43 BowcutD7 Alw 88 DixieDudley 122 Deck 114 BoldHeart 10 Jun 2-563Tdn 5 f 1:02 si 2 *115 2* 2 2 22 BorgekeR* Alw 80 SegeorTc109 KthnAnn102 DixieDdly 6 Romnn ivouiun Artist 1 9A ok- b- e b* Roman— Artistic Rose, by Challenger rll. sufisi Breeder, Ira Drymon. 1958.. 5 2 0 1 * 53JS15 Owner, Mrs. M. Smerker. Trainer, L. H. Hopper. 1957.. 3 0 0 0 — Mar26-5870.P 1-701:44Hm 10 115- 13 H 13 12 GafciaGS Alw 77 NonnieJo122 SilverStatel22/Attempt 6 Mar20-5870.P. 1-701:42 ft 21 113 11 12 14 V GarciaG* 4000 90ChceDble111 Ky.Rnbowlll Booteve 8 Mar11-58*0.P 6 f IHSissI 36 110 1017101910181113 SlinkrWio 500068 HiFinger 109 Noblelmp 119 SunTrail 11 Mar 1-5830.P 5lf1.-05«ift 2 *111 1" 2h 2 323 LaPIceD3 c3000E6 Cableon112 Man ofQuest120 LsPride 12 Jan27t5EiKia 6f1:134/5gd 2 *118 1« irt 2n 41 AtksnTi c5000 75BidNow113 BlueSaber121 StanSag12 Mar 7-575G.P 6f l:121Ssl 5 113 1r 21 6* 893 RodezE2 1 0000 71 FrontPew113 SkyMasterl22 Replenisn £ Feb27-57*Hia 6f1:14%m 7J TIB 2 24 53 6*3 Rodg"zE4 12000 66TimlyBull 114 ButwiserllO LaoyBer £ Febl6-578Hia 7f1:22%ft 37 118* 6?1 715 71/ 821. TrumanJ Alw 77 RouhcTTjle126 LckyDio114 JetColn*! S Dec1-562TrP 5 f 1:C4%ft 11 115 75J1C9312151215 GreenB HcpS 77 LuckyGeorge115 SagsGeml13 Amuse 13 0ct27-5S«Wod 141:45 ft 4Je 118 12i 15 14 1J RodzEAi HcpS Chopaoette120 FIVgAtom119 C0I0CI0 11 Feb 28 OP 1-2 gd :49J5h Feb 24 OP 1-2 ft :48h Feb 12 GP 5-8 ft 1.02b Camelback 119 Ch- e 4 b* Billings— Cab Re»ue, by OlnTy. „u c,uutR, 1 • *■ Breeder. R. W. Mcllvain. 1958 . 4 0 1 1 51,315 Owner. E. Denemark, Jr., Trainer, G. Alexandra. 1957. 12 3 4 1 513.460 Apr29-58Spt 1 1:39Hft 41 112 23 1h 2U 32 CraigH* Alw 94 MyDust115 ShoolMan115 CalsChoice 7 Apr19-5E*Spt 6f1:13?ift 23 112 V *5*3 43 44 CraigH4 Alw 90 BigCuponllS TwilitRunllO AdalVan 8 Mar29-58*O.P 6f1:12V5m 51 112 54 1 89 8 710 CraigH* Hcp0 77 RockportllO JetSub119 Styrunner 8 Kar24-5£*O.P 6f1:12Hsl 63 119 52 45 2* Z CraigH? Alw 81 Lori-E1 117 RosesGemr9 PrinceGaia 7 Dec9-57*Pim 14 1:48Vsm 2-1 *123 2 35 6" 714 Cuim neJ2 Alw 55SatanHelpr114 Maenad114 • Mistyfied 7 Nov30-57*Pim 6f1:12Hsy 2 122 5* 3"* 2* 1"* Culnrneji Alw 88 ReaIReqst122 Pepc-sJet114 LaVerite 8 ftav22-E7*P.m 14 1:45**tt 8-5 M19 3"k 11 14 22 ShukN? Alw79Gc|-nSun113 ChiliyPenoellO GolnMTc 8 Ttov16-575Pim 141:44Hft 23e 115 12 1h 2h 14 ShukN* H10000 87 Immense 115 Teri117 Remand 7 No» 4-575Lrl 6M:12fegc 51 119 5n 2r- 1 13 GreenB* Am 85 EasyEight116 Path ofGld119 SkyFole 11 Sep14-577Haw 14i-4E*sgc 3 108 65 6* V 453 GilnLS clOCOCO 72 Alib!lt115 Age ofCns"nt110 Midontrial S May 2 Spt 3-8 ft :38h April 28 Spt 1-2 si :5 Bsh April 17 Spt 3-4 ft 1:18%b Billannin 1 1 9 Dk. b. e, 4, by Deliberator— Myrtle Flynn, by Chief Flynn. miiuyum I I Breeder, E. H. T. Hay 1957 14 3 7 0 511,710 Owner. 0. Spitzer. Trainer, C. Scctf. 1956 12 i 2 0 55J910 Aug26-57Was tc 6 f 1:10i5fm 22 116 631 55 45 453 MorenoH? Alw91 Goldn0ne119 Sec*ndFdle116 Etonian 8 Aug15-57*Was U6f1:11 fm 16 116 651 68 7*3 53 HeckmnJ5 Alw 91 GolnNotes122 VernsVicrlll Etonian 6 Aug"8-574Was 6f1:10?sft 71 119 .54 65 55 433 BurrCl Alw 88 0n-the-Ry113 CsmicFe113 PrnMle 8 Jly22-577A.P 7f16%sy 43 120 22 32 31 22 BurrCt Alw 76SafeMSTage118 Ekaba118 Hatibound 7 Jhr16-57?A.P 6f1:11%gd 1 *117 63 64 22 14 HartW 07500 87 Scotian115 Mr.Donmar120 Bon dTreat 7 Jly Z-572A.P T1:35feft 33 118 52344 23 24 HecknJ* 07SD091 Hatibound118 ScotianlOS SharpJote 9 Jun27 574A.P 6f1:1I ft 33 116 633 4: 22 21 HeckmnJ* 900088 Free andBsy116 Ft eDble116 Negful 7 Jun22-57?A.P 6 f 1:12 sy 21*121 42 3421 2U HTcmnJ8 07500 83Scotian 106 Mr.Donrriar 116 Nyach 9 Jun 8-574Was. 6f1:11?5m. 3 113 14.14. is 15 Heckmnji 7500 87SharpNcte111 Scotian1C6. Mr.Donmar 7 May 3 Haw 1m gd 1:47J5b April 30 Spt 5-8 ft 1:C4bg numirui Arlmlrnl Vnn r un 1 1 9 Ch. g, 4. by Ace Admiral— Jeannie Van, by Draymcnt. « Breeder. M. H. VanBerg, 1958.. 2 0 1 1 S3S0 Owner. M. H. VanBerg. Trainer, M. H VanBerg. 1957.. 15 4 1 4 58.520 Apr19-58«Spt 6 f 1;13%ft 8-5"*112 14 2h 2 32 Fieselm*nJ2 Alw 91 BigCupcn115 TwilitRunllO Camelblc 8 Mar22-5850.P 6 f 1:10 ft 12 112 II 11 11 213 CraigH2 Alw93Navarette116 DixieDley1l2 HadarVd 7 Norll-57Spt 61f1i0ngc 23e T14 14 14 12 121 FieselnJ3 05500 82 GingerC.107 Picafrieno 110 FleetPeet 7 Nov 6-57*Spt 6f1:234/5Sl 33 113 1h 1h 3 43| FselmanJ2 6500 62 Allhoney 107 GingsrC.111 FleetPeet 6 0ct23-57iSpt 61f1:23%m 71 117 13 14 13 2" CraigH4 5500 67 SunTrM 113 WiseEdie120 BshVsDve 10 Oct10-57*Det 6 f 1:llV*ft 33 110 2h 2 2 33 Sellersjs 5750 89DeeVeeTee115 JeffreyJ5.117 JnsBg 6 Oct 1-575Det 6f1:11%ft 3 *120 1r- 2h 21 45 BairdRL* 5500 86 Such Luck 111 Diogenes 115 Chubo 7 Sep26-57*Det 6f1:12%ft 5 116 2h 1h 12 32 VieraHl 6000 84 CrkScrwIII CreAwylU PntchieGI 7 Sep19-572Det 6f1:12V5ga 51 117 1h 14 11 13 VieraH? 5000 84 Pipit 111 Care Away 117 Neals Boy 8 Sep 2-575Det 6M:17%h 73 117 22 22 34 y CraigH* 6000 55 Riz 112 NightTears 120 ClassicRed 7 May 2 Spt 1-2 ft :50/5h April 24 Spt 1-2 hy :54b March 19 OP 1-2 ft :51hg Prince rnnte vauiu Gala ifi i» 1 | OfJ B. g, 4, by Blue Gay-Miss Sun Pan, by Prince Pan. Breeder. R. Jackson 1958 . 6 1 1 2 ,440 Owner, R. Danner. Trainer, W. J. Danner. 1957 ,14 4 0 3 0,750 Apr23-58«Spt 6f1:15 m 65 115 32 32 33 35 CollierW* Alw 81 RosesGem113 Goldnose112 ShootMan 7 Mar28-5870.P 6f 1:12%gd 22 122 2 13 13 11 CurryE" Alw 88 RomanSpy117 Akboy122 FederMJudge 11 Mar24-58«O.P 6f1:12%sl 20 112 3« 3*1 4*1 48 CurryE* Alw79Lori-E1 117 Camelback119 RosesGem 7 Mar19-5870.P 6M:1Hsft 13 116 32 32 2J 3 CurryE* Alw 91 My Dust 116 Mama Lene 109 AkboylO Mar 8-5870.P 6 f 1:1 Him 5 110 33J 45 82 8J2 CbersW* HcpO 79 BigSweep113 Rockport112 Styrunner 8 Feb26-58*O.P Ef1:1Hssy 6J 113 2r 11 1h 2"* Ch ersW* 12000 91 Colleoni113 DebChaser109 Goldnose. 6 Aug 9-57»Cen 6f1:09Wt 21 119 64 6*1 £2 533 DitttacnH2 Alw 91 FleetBoy 116 DustyTiger 119 Bolodier 6 Jly 13-57l0Cen 5f1:0315ft 12 118 631 7* 6* 53 MbrrisB* HcpO 94 TwilightRn117 LittleMnIII Chtterly 11 Jun29-57?0ma 1,V 1:44Vsft 22 116 1h 2* 5* 781 HerdzGS HcpS 81 Karoc 111 Errlana 114 TwilightRun 8 Jun19-5770ma 1-70 1;42*sft 4Je 120 46 5 S 613 CurryE* HcoO 76 Errlana109 BigCoupon118 NewShif". 12 Jun12-57?0ma 6f.1:11Hgd 21 *120 22 22 22 31 CollierW* HcpO 89 BigCoupon 116 Karoc 113 NewShift 6 March 6 OP 3-8 m :3914b I Twilinht Run Iun X 1 fl7 Ch-f. 4, by Bull Run-Miss Lynn, by War Glory. I IWIIignr |U/ Breeder. G. Scott and W Caldwell. 1958 . 9 1 5 1 ,070 Owner. E. K. Carey. Trainer, B. C. Rapp. 1957 16 4 3 4 S9.545 Apr30-5S4Spt 6lf1:18Vift 61 107 5*1 53 43J 5*5 CollierW Alw 89 RyIJestr120 RVIDashr115 Marned 9 Apr25-587Spt 6 f 1:20 si 4 107 3J 2* 2* 3?1 CollierW* Alw 78 RmnSpy112 R*cetraVr120 WillCmd 6 Apr19-58Spt 6M:13%ft 4 110 32 32 34 21 CollierW* Alw 93 BigCoupon115 Ad*alVan112 Camelbck 8 f.1ar28-5870.P 6f1:12%gd 3e*112 V 68 910 %i SellersJ3 Alw 80 PrincessGala122 RomanSpy117 Akboy 11 Mar18-58«0.P 6f1:12l4sl 21 119 3*1 3* 25 V SeIlersJ3 Alw79Lori-E1 113 Teri116 Hadareward 6 Mar7-58«0.P 5 f 1:06%m 2Je 113 3* 22 2 2J BurrrsE Aiw 98 BigCoupon 116 LushLie116 Dupatta 9 Feb26-5870.P 5lf1:05*ESy 5 109 3*J 21 3 2* ChbersW5 Alw 91 LushLie 111" Lori-E1 117 PearlCorral 8 Feb 8-58»TuP 6lf1:25%sl 8-5 *110 32 2h 2* 24 ChavezF* Alw 48 Jeanley 115 WhatHaste 113 FleetBoy 7 Jan17-58»TuP 6f 1:10*/5ft 9-5 *112 431 2 r 12 1™ ChbersWO Aiw 93 Lucky Call 113 Tipro113 Tonco 10 Aug 1-57i Cen 1,V1:43%ft 3 *115 6*1 7*1 68* B? CbersW AlwS 86 Blanter 123 Fleet Boy 117 New Shift 11 Jly24-578Cen 1 1:46Vsn 2-3 *108 21 33J 33 CollierWF3 Alw 46 Gayview 115 Basella 103 Velda F. i Jly 13-57i»Cen 51 f 1:0314ft 4 117 3 34 1* 1"" CollrWF2 HcpO 97 LittleMnIII Chtterly112 GrnFighter 11 March 24 OP 3-8 m :37?4h March 17 OP 3-8 ft :33b March E OP 3-8 m :37h I ain 1 1 O Gr. c, 4, by First Fiddle— Bouncing, by Blue Larkspur. "",u 11 Breeder. L. Sharp 1957 15 1 0 3 ,870 Owner, Mrs. C. Lord and. C. Miller. Trainer, 0. A. Cox. *956 21 2 2 1 ,365 Aug20-572Was 6f1:12%ft 2 113 42 8«1 3» 8*1 WagrJM2 35007SBddTrt113 PtiteR_e114 Chdeein 11 Aug 8-573Was tcl ,V 1 :45%f m 19 116 12 5*5 7221022 WgrJM" 3500 60 RaffleBones122 Up aTreelll Orienne 12 Jly30-57Was 6f1:11%ft 30 113 9831113 96 975 LeJeuneSs 5000 81 SirHeart115 GoldnAge115 DontSpnk 12 Jly20-571A.P , 6fl:12 ft 22 114 751 8«3 7*1 62 HughesC2 4500 81 Allhny105 DksSndl 106 Cmmo-fy 12 Jly15-57«A.P 6 f 1:13 gd 15 117 6U 72 75 43 HughesCS 4500 76 RisqueSglll CoolCustrUE DukesSl 10 Jun21-572A.P 6M:11Vift 23 *114 25 421 6*1 5*3 HecknJ2 c3500 83 CoolCusfrl15 F*cySVnir106 Salmtive 11 Jun13-572Was Bf 1:1514m 8-5 *120 4* 35 3*5 3*3 Heckmnjs 3250 61 Splitter 106 Nissy 111 BlueBonnet 8 Kay30-57iWas 6 f 1:13 ft 3-2 *1 13 V 12 13 2 BurrC 3000 80 Surry 114 LadyCadet 111 Entertain 12 April 19 Spt 5-8 ft 1:04%h April 18 Spt -8 ft :37/4h March 20 OP 1-2 ft :51%b HaDDV Union 1 1 7 B- 9 5 bl B,ess Me_ Celebrity Miss, by Happy Argo. "um, l, / Breeder. Mrs. J. Purdey 1958.10 5 0 3 0,950 Owner, W. L. Dorsey. Tfainer, W. L. Dorsey. 1957. .18 6 S 1 8,870 Apr26-588Spt U:39Hgd 9 113 733 9 9* 921 CraigH? HcpO 75 SirTribal 118 Arracado115 SilvrState 9 Apr19-587Spt 65 f 1:19 ft 3 114 22 25 3 5 32 CraigHS. HcpO 88 SilrState112 Arracado115 CalsChcelO Apr12-58Asc 65 f 1:22 m 35 123 45 5»5 6«2 915 HeadleyO Alw 68 SpeakFreeW Pecan114 Dr.EugeneJ. 9 Apr 5-58»Asc 6f 1:19V4ft 2-3 *121 12J 13 15 ink MorrisB* Alw97Attempt114 SpeakFree116 Diomedes 7 Mar25-58«0.P 6f 1:12l4gd 6-5 "122 15 13 H 13 SellersJ* Alw 89 MyDust122 Col6nelEd119 Invaliaate 9 Mar20-585O.P 6 f 1:11 ft 4-5 -115 14.11 13 12 SellersJS Alw 95CsmicFrce122 RmnSpy122 BrthrG. 7 Mar10-58O.P 6f1:14?shy 51 113 15 1 25 33 CurryE2 1 2000 76 Goldnose 107 Bonjo105 Gold Key 7 Mar5-5870.P 5M:04%gd 10 111 31 32 3 34 CurryE* Alw 94 JetSub 116 AnchorWatch 113 Akboy 9 Feb28-58*O.P 6f 1:11%H 4-5 *118 25 2h 12 1U CraigH* C7000 92 DrJeKy118 Kbv*wKid115 CmicVt y 8 Ftb24-5870.P 6f 1:11 V4ft 7-5 *116 11 H 12 12 CraigH2 750C94TurnD"wn112 Errlana109 CsmicVicty 8 Dec 9-57*Pim 55 f 1:03*-sm 9-5 *123 32 2* 25 2*5 KceneH c7500 85 Halfway 117 lnvicto112 GreatGrant 8 April 29 Spt 1-2 gd :50%h April 3 Asc 1-2 ft .-50b Feb 21 OP 5-8 ft 1:01hg Horses Shown Below on Also Eligible List and Not in Order of Post Positions. Pern? * BeinP C 110 B. c, 4, by Provocative— Jo Kapi, by OkapL H , *" Breeder. L. F. and P. Holton. 1958 . 4 M 0 0 10 .„ Owner, E. Denemark, Jr. Trainer, G. Alexandra. 1957 . 4 M 0 0 — - r;ar17-58«O.P 6fl:124,sm 23 109 6W 618 62* 62* CraigH3 Alw 62 JtSb121 DixieDudly112 FderUdge 7 War 7-5880.P 1,V 1:4814m 8 113 15 5 923 92* Craig Hi 2000 45Seas*nsMk118 MitySara113 YrHlth 10 tor 5-5330.P 55f1:06%ga 83 124 V 58 5 4»3 CraigHS Mdn 76SpyBoss111 MityAce124 CookCounty 12 Mar 1-5320.P 6f1:12*/!ft 45 114 511 5U 6s| 655 CraigHl 2000 80 Mr.Stone 114 RapidRascal 114 Parr 12 fandr26-5730.P 1J-1:47?ift 38 110 7*1 555 78 8" GilliganLi 225C 64 De!Jon106 BIckerLoopllO FiveCarat 12 Mar23-5730.p 1-70 l:45V%sl 26 109 1H2 8»1 6» 512 GilliganLi 250C 60 Ro-Add109 MissRowdy103 Promenade 11 War 8-5780.p 1-70 1:46V4sl 17 109 731 7«? 713 7i« DWtC2 A2500 56S,nerStte112 BnerB d105 RedChaln 8 Feb23-57iO.P 6f1:12%ft 12 116 12t212i12i5 8" DaiqD tC8 2000 74Cural 106 DonnaMon112 BlockcrLoop 12 May 3 Spt 5-8 sy 1:06%b April 24 Spt 5-8 hy 1:09?4b April 17 Spt 5-8 ft 1:04h 7*1* Qr»fr 1 "s MILES out of chul°- Gold Key, April 30, 1958-1:51-4-115. Midwestern /111 JUL Starter Handicap. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Starters for a claiming price of ,000 or less since September 1, 1957. Chart Book ! Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec Wt WL Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. VVL Wt. 47199 Brother Joss 110 471993 Wartesia Jan57TrP1:52 110 106 471991 Flaming Blue 120 471992 Wise Paul* . m 46732 Golden Hue Mar58 Hia 1:56% 114 117 45434 Volition Feb58 Hia 1:51% 116 115 47199 High Authority Jly57Was1:52 114 111 47641 Dermatologist Aug57 Ran 1:52V4 110 106 Rrnthf r Jn« i" - 1 1 fl Br- 9 4 b» Challenge Me— Little Joss, by.Equifox. oroiner JOSS u t I I U Breeder, a Hartwic*. 1958 . 8 1 1 1 ,065 Owner. E. j. Grosfield Trainer Earl B Smith , 1957 23 2 4 3 ,445 Apr28-5SSpt 1,V1:47?sgd 13 113 7«3 8U 9s 5? VtireD H"00079FImgBlue114 WisePaul 112 Wartesia 9 Apr25-584Spt 6 f 1:15 si 19 112 715 718 512 57J VandreD* 450078 lnahmoudl17 BoulMich117 BlueColVI 7 Mar 5-58F.G 1,V1:47?4sy 73 115 71* 710 710 712 VandreD* 425069 StageTrar117 Bontebok117 BlueDagr 7 Feb27-58?F.G 1,V1:46 ft 21 113 615 651 6*5 43 PoparaA2 5000° 79 Foxing 116 HighAuthority 118 Detan 6 Feb18-58»F.G 1,V1:47V4ft 8 J12 7" 71* 610 585 PoparaA3 5000 74 HighAuthty121 Foxing116 TesBloog 7 Jan29-588F.G 11:47?4sl 11 114 82*8135253* PoparaA? 550078HighAuthority121 Foxing114 BakerSt 8 Jan14-584F.G 1,1:48 gd 10 112 102O1012 6» 23 PoparaAS 450075StageTracer114 0ilStrike118 Palsey 10 Jan 1-583F.G 1A 1:48Vift 2 109 71 E8J 35 1h PoparaA* 4000 78J.R.Jones114 SqreWilsn113 ReRePo 7 Dec27-578F.G I,1* 1:46?fcft 9 109 715 711 55 2 PoparaAS 4500 86 Whence 115 Sink or Swim 114* Our Lia 7 Dec14-573F.G 1,V1:47V5qd 10 114 10231017 7" 4«1 PoparaA* 4000 740ilStrike118 Sash*yin112 SinkorSwim 10 Dec10-575F.G 6f1:13?jft 20f 115 1232121812171212 Vd*breD3 5000 73 Warless 112, NobleWhilly118 Wileu 12 , April 27 Spt 3-8 gd :37J4b March 20 OP 3-8 ft :35%h March 15 OP 1-2 si :5214b Flnminn RI110 Ch. g, E, by Blue Swords— Bonanza Lou, by Bonanza, Blue naming ■ Breeder. A. T Simmons. 1958 . 9 4 0 2 ,425 Owner, G. Gerber. Trainer. C Scott. 1957 28 8 4 3 S17.310 Apr28-587Spt 1,*r1:47Hgd 2 *114 1h 1h 12 14 Sk*skiA3 H4000 87 WisePaul 112 Wartesia108 Brk thelce 9 Apr24-584Spt 6 f 1:23 hy 8-5 "115 22 22 H 12 SkskiA* A325070 BuCIc112 HighAuthty117 GdCInFn 8 Feb22-58«F.G - 6f 1:13 ft 31 121 31 4* 5* 61 HeckmnJi 7000 81 JetMark115 AdmiraIK.116 Brookwood 7 Febl7-588F.G 6 f 1:12 ft 11 117 5 4 5* 85 75 Hcknju 72500 88 BtleCamp1 17 KzaRgelll- MtyBakrll Feb 7-58F.G Bf 1:12 ft 35 121 53 535 2* 44 BairdRLS 08500 92 Z dieByl 17 KzaRge117 TxsBlldg 9 Jan28-58«F.G 6 f 1:12%ft 7-5 *121 14 1 1h 2"otHeckmnJ8 E500 89BraOyA.110 ZadieBoy117 Parthenon 8 tPlaced first through disqualification. Jan23-588F.G 6f1:12%sy 9 119 65 6*5 533 335 HecknJ3 75000 85 KnobvwKid113 ShwMn114 BtleCp 11 Jan14-58F.G Sf1:t4 gd 6 119 32 325 3"" Ir. HeclCnJ 650OO 83 BrTw*d113 .FlashyViclll RmnStripe 11 Jan 6-587F.G 6 f 1:14 sy 5 119 22 325 1 4 31 WagnerD2 6750 82BtleCmp115 Brookw*d108 SmTcelre 8 Dec23-578F.G 6f1:13%ft 5 121 1 2h 2 11 HTcmnJ2 O5000 86TexsBldg121 JgeRyK.I SwtJsie 8 May 3 Haw 5-8 gd 1:05»s* April 18 Spt 1-2 ft :51bg March 28 FG 1-2 ft :54%b finlrfoh Hup 1 17 Ch. c, 4, by He Could— Trans Egret, by Sun Egret VJUIUKII nue | | / Breeder. Mr and Mrs 0 Garrigues. 1958 8 2 2 0 ,100 Owner, Mrs. D. Bracken. Trainer, E. Kalensky. 1957 13 1 3 1 175 Apr23-58»G.P 1,V1:48%sl 55 116 8H92*Pdup. CstsW A50X PlasTxIH MsCatesby115 DpBrth 9 Apr 5-58*G.P 1 1-8 1:5014ft 7-5 *114 23 25 12 -16 ShkerW5 A5000 80SuperLady117 Tachomr113 GayReapr 8 fJlar27-582G.P 11-81:51%sl 61 114 2422 22 23 GillinL? A500072GtlemnAI122 SaliBts113 Tchmtr 9 Mar17-585G.P 1,V1:44 ft 17 122 78 712 71s 913 Z"koorW2 c625077 Mielleux108 GrTcSword116 DbleBVy 12 Mar6-58*G.P 11-81:51 ft 61 114 810 913 812 2 ZakoorW* 7000 67 FirstBilling115 TheHon.112 Guardnll. 10 Mar 1-581 Hia 1 1-8 1:50%ft 3-2 *114 34 2* 11 15 HartTtW3 cSOOO 83HuntersRun116 PlayPilot119 Receipt 12 Feb24-585Hia 1,f158?ift 2 *118 22 2 1h 2" DeSptoA* 5000 87Pronto113 RobRoyll.118 BoulMich 11 Jan27-58iHia 6 f 1:131igd 112 118 1112111110* 8?1 DodsonD5 5000 73 BidNow113 BlueSaber12t StanSag 12 Dec28-573TrP 6 f 1:11 sy 15 112 95 915 317 7M BlumW* C4000 76 BiscayneBay 109 FleetArgo 115 Shano 10 Apr12-577G.P Vc 1:48l4hy 11 107* 32 78 6 71 BolinHi A7500 49FrJchCoat114 lnsideTrt120 AirWder 8 Mar18-57*G.P 1J, 1:49V5sl 21 *110 24 2* 1 13 BlumWi 800062 Foxing 116 Kitty Girl 105 Moratorium 8 April 21 GP 3-8 ft :39%b April 14 GP 1-2 ft :54%b March 25 GP 1-2 sy :54b Hidh Authority X s 111 B- 7- b» Wait A Bit-Highfcrmalion. by Higher. MUllluruy ■ ■ nign ■ Breeder. C M. Greer 1S58 12 5 3 2 6X5 Owner, Mrs. D. Wagner. Trainer, W. Opperman. 1957 23 7 3 2 4 725 Apr28-58Spt 11:47%gd 3 114 521 6*1 88 6» BauerR2 H4000 78 FIm*gBlue114 WisePaul 112 Wartesia 9 Apr24-584Spt 61 f 1:23 hy 7 117 771 4*1 32 33 B3uerR4 A3250 67 FImgBluel 15 BuCIrcl 12 GdCInFn 8 Apr 3-588G.P 1 1-42:06y5ft 61 115 45 42I 5« 531 CookLC* A3500 60SeaTale115 PowderCap120 Romandle 8 Ito26-588G.P 1 3-8 2:22y5sy 21 109* 4» 34 4* 5»l BntRL* A3500 55 MissCatsby109 Pas deDx114 Antigua 8 Mar19-58G.P 13-32:16 ft 33 109* 68 32 32 34 BntRLS A3500 95Rchrcll.109 PasdeDx114 PtiaSaied 9 Feb27-58»F.G 1 A 1:46 ft 2-3 "118 45j 1h 1 22 BrsrdR* 50000 87 Foxing 116 Detan 116 BrotherJoss 6 Feb18-58»F.G 1,t 1:47V%ft 4-5 *121 6? 4* 4 13 BrssrdR* 5500 83Foxing116 TexasBldog119 RonSUipe 7 Feb 6-585F.G 1A 1:46%ft 2-3 *118 88 55 21 2 BrsrdRS 50000 86BakerStrt113 Qnsware114 FlshyVic 8 Jan29-58SF.G 1,V 1:47%sl 3-2 121 716 75 32 H AdamsJRS 550C82Foxing114 BrctrJoss114 BakerStreet 8 "!an1l J*? iiAl1. 1,124 1i 11 BrsrrdRS 5000 91 Queenswre112AirRmce110 BlueDgr 7 Jan 9-58»F.G 1,V1:48%ft 2- "121 78 31 14 1» BrssrdRS 4000 77 J.RJones 107 Peeler115 DenvrKing 8 April 22 Spt 3-4 sy 1:24%b April 16 Spt 3-4 ft 1:19?4b Wartesia TY aires lflfiBr- I UO m» 5» bv War Relic— Artesian, by Blenheim II. IJ *]* Breeder J. E. Madden. 1958.. 3 1 0 1 ,530 Owner, G. Alexandria. Trainer, G. Alexandria. 1957 32 4 2 6 4,585 Apr28-587Spt 1,Vl:47«gd 61-108 912 9»1 6*1 3* CraigH» H4000 81 FImgBlue114 WisePl 112 Brk thelce 9 Apr21-588Spt 11:49%gd 51 107 6i 655 2* 14 CraigH2 A3000 78 Peeler115 FibreGlass115 AngelBreath 6 W-SSfS-P 1A1:44%ft 32 112 913 912 612 581 KaelinF* c3500 83 MarnerlnllO SoonerState114 Agreed 9 PJ-S!"1 "5f 2:571%sy 4-5e*l15 1112 £22 512 5H ColeSS H30O0 PostMorton119 GleKnock118 Ricodee 12 IJov2"S!P,m 1?-8 2:5114sy 8-5 *110 5 32 2" Hi AtksnTS H3000 57 Ricodee115 TienShan115 RedRock 9 K0,"S5!Jar ]l:15?im 5* 116 6,J6 1 55 5i3WajdaHi 3000 65 WhyBill 119 IntoGlory 115 Higntone 7 Nov14-572Nar 1rV1:47V4ft 31 110 822 812 83 610 WajdaHl 3000 65Broguell.113 DixieMIdyllO JckKny 8 0ct23-577Suf 1 1-22:33%ft 33 115 612 62 52 2U WajdaH2 H2500 85 WellDone114 TrueBrucelll Collision 7 2ctS!Stc.a11.3As, «? !? 9" 7,5 5* I WajdaH3 H 3500 20 Adarse10 Jst-A-Seclll MyLiet ;ng 9 2cU?"SI0Suf 1 -4 2.04%ft 4J 116 8" 710 78 34 WajdaH H3500 76 HoneyBirdllO WeIIDone114 Jailbreak 10 Sep25-57»Rkm 1 3-4 2:59/Sft 3 110 4* 43 2 - i» DeRnDS H3500 91 NwHVThis118 ReoChief107 1nGd« 5 April 26 Spt 5-8 si 1:04?5h March 25 OP 1-2 sl :54b March 21 OP 3-8 ft :39b Wise ttisc; ruui Paul l l l B. e, 4, by Robert Morru—Seleda, by Wise Counsellor. • I • Breeder. Mrs. R. F Whitney 1358 . 7 1 3 0 ,670 Owner, H. Gauer. Trainer, Myron Smith. 1957 19 M 2 1 JJ50 Apr28-58Spt 1A1:47?4gd 18 112 651 523 22 2* JespJD* H400083FImgBlue114 Wartsia108 Br*kfelce 9 Apr23-53°Spt 11-81:58V4m 7 112 55! 32 1 • 1* JessopJDl 3000 65BorderBum120 SirSupert112 PlayRon 6 Apr19-588Spt 1 1:41lsft 18 110 10" 9s| 710 7* SellersJ* 3000 81 KatysKhal 117 BrBuml 17 Mr.DeLxe 10 Mar20-588O.P 1-70 1:4214ft 17 111 913 45 23 22 BurnsE3 2500 84 JnsDmn116 PtsVTntinelll Slinkr 12 Mar15-5850.P 6f1:13%gd 28 114 10*3102 9SJ 8* SellersJ3 3500 77 Pipit 111 Emarjay 109 Hudson Flash 12 Mar 5-5830.P 5f1:06%gd 4 124 11" 9H1C15 9l3.SellersJ8 Mdn73SpyBoss111 MityAce124 CookCounty 12 Feb28-5820.P 5 f 1:06l4gd 28 122 4* 32 33 225 SellersJS Mdn 83 BstrR*kt122 MityAce122 SimUionll. 11 Jly29-57*H.P 1 1:40Hft 23 113 912 812 815 821 RotzJL* 3000 64 PageTwo113 RedChailonl18 Skylea 9 Jly 6-57«0ma 1-701:41 ft 41 113 102*103*1032 927 GaftjneRS Alw 70 RosesGem113 TwilightRun114 Errlana 10 Jly 5-5780ma 1-70 1:43%ft 51 116 112511141153114 GaffgeRio 3000 78 l-Canttell 109 Tipsadie 103 Vlour:2 Jun28-5720ma 1-701?MViga 73 112 12 o 68 4? 4* GaffneRti Alw 75 Jejen 113 VeldaF.114 FlashyFellow 12 * Volition / 115B- 9. 5, by Challenge Me-Sweep Well, by Sickle. . . _ . * 1 Breeder. T Young. 1958 . 9 2 0 0 235 Owner, Lyle Phillips. Trainer, Lyle Phillips. 1957 .21 4 2 0 0,440 Apr 5-58 G.P 11-8 1:5014ft 12 117* 7 7 8U 815 513 RchxH3 A5000 67GolnHue114 SuperLady117 Tachomr 8 Mar27-587G.P 1 1-8 1:5H4sl 4 117* 915 713 715 612 BntRL5 A5000 64 GentlemnAI122 GlnHue114 SalsBts 9 Mar22-585G.P 11-81:50 ft 17 117*510 51241252 BntRLS A6500 77GrJkSwrai13 BlackEye119 RaisgCain 8 K??"5§Hia 1 1-8 1:512,4ft 12 11S* 5*1 4* 11 13 BamtRLS 65X 78 Capeador121 Voynte124 RysBlueMn 8 Feb21-58Hia 11-81:51 ft 34 117*12181181 8? 5*5 PTceWAlo 625073BlackEye118 Voyante124 Leonardian 12 Feb 7-58»Hia 11-81:51V4sy 21 116*12221014 613 58 PeakeWA5 6500 71 NbleDkel 13 Devastn124 BdyPpers 12 Jan31-58*Hia tcH2:37 fm 21 *116 1215 6*5 31 H HartTcWS c5000 59BritPImes116 Antigua122 Broguell.12 Jan27.582Hia td2:38%sf 51 114 912 815 712 41? UsseryR 6000 35SeaTale121 RaisingCain118 Flotilla 11 Jan17-a8Hia tc 1 1:49 fm 17 114 1281023 65j 4*1 UsseryR* 700067 Devast*tn117 WgAgainlll FxySilver 12 April 11 Hia 3-8 ft :361/4h April 4 Hia 3-8 sl :37%h April 1 Hia 5-8 sl 1:06%b Dermatoloaist lflA B- 9» 5» b Unbreakable— Veeks, by Transmute. vciiiiuiuiuyiii 1 UO Breeder. J. Welch, 1958.. 3 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. B. Nierman. Trainer, H. Stamper. 1957. 28 7 2 4 3720 May 2-58«Spt 6 f 1:1114ft 18 112 912 91s 916 912 CollierWl 500090 Pan120 GranFino112 AliO-K 9 Apr28-587Spt 11:47?4gd 17 109 8237217s 7» CllierWa H4000 78 FImgBlue114 WisePaul 112 Wartesia 9 Apr24-58*Spt 61 f 1:23 hy 81 112 5 V 883 81* Hanleyjs A325056FIgBlue115 BeauCIrc112 HighAthty 8 Nov11-57«Spt 6lf1:2H4sl 12 117 713 714 719 715 LandingRS 8000 61 CalsChoice115 RipRoad 114 HwdyMn 7 Nov 5-572Spt 11:47%hy 5 113 3*. 62 5« 61« FselmanJl Alw40BigSweep112 MagicCity107 Validon 7 Oct30-57SSpt olf1:27Ahy 4 120 623 651 21 1* MeauxCS 04500 49 AldoKid 120 Robot II. 112 Noblelmp 7 0ct25-578Spt 1A1:5K4h 2 "120 6»1 4* 2* 13 lUauxCl 4000 48SirRupert115 MissJ.B.114 Longone 7 Oct21-577Spt 13-8 2:21%ga 15 113 42 6» 12121222 CoxW2 H4000 67 Beau Black 115 Clodhopoe 113 Leo 12 0rt18-57«Spt 6f1:23!*hy 12 115 7H 7*5 15 18 MeauxCS 4000 69SuperKty112 WhosJoy112 DonMeldy 8 Oct 3-578Haw l,1j l:44%ft 20.112 8* 8«o 8«a 5»„ MundorfR? 4000 80 Tsa-Toke115 Exultant112 Mr.BobW. 8, Rfl-j rk*- 1 MILE.. Bay Boy, May 2, 1958-1:38%— 3-113. Purse m 3-year-olds. Claim- Olll ijpi ing. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races since April 18 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, r 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec WL Wt Index No. Horsb. Date. Track Rec Wt Wt 47198 Statistician 109 475181 Jax Sir 117 465861 Talent Crop » " 117 458123 Peckerwood 114 47198 Abla-Jay Sep57 Det 1:44sl 112 109 47518* Bonnie Gail 106 469701 Steel Pick 114 46728 Game Conqueror 114 tntietirfnn 1 flQ 8 "•*» 3 by Hachazo— Icanc, by Silver Horde. irarisncian i Breeder Mrj. N. M. Mikel; 1958 . 5 1 1 1 ,ico Owner, Mikel Farm. Trainer, C. C. Lemons. ."500 1957 10 3 0 1 J!05* Apr28-58*Spt 65 f 1:20 gd 43 115 4« 455 6*1 6* CoxW* 600381 Commodier107 PamelaJn107 BlHuey 7 Mar18-58*S.P 6 f 1:15 ft 3-2 "110* 2h 31 21 423 LandihgAS Alw 72 HurnB*ly120 MsMelde108 SnsSwf-ie 8 Feb25-58S.P 6f1:12%ft 23 108* 523 53 2* 21 UndingR* Alw 87 TirTmie105 MsMlisi1e108 MtnFry 7 Feb18-582S.P 6f 1:15 gd 21*110 2421 12- Ink McEwenRi Alw 75 StsSwHielW MsMelelOS RufdFrie 7 Feb 1-58«S.P 6f1:19%hy 31 111 42j 32 33 32 McEwenR7 450049Gtis8wn117 McsMite104 SdrasMs 7 Aug 9-575Was 5 f 1:06 ft 36 117* 910 911 62 52 Prestonja 10000 85 KingGIde119 Discoraant115 Way-Ldy 9 Jly29-577Was 5 f 1:05 ft 19 114* 53 733 621 62 Prestonjl 12500 85 First Fair 113 Mangam116 Anya 7 JM5-571A.P 5H1:07%gd 23 112* 641 £8 22 H PrestonJ* 6000 81 ColonelRy117 Be3uFils114 Onekama "2 Jly 5-572A.P 5f1:07%sl 16 114* 751 55 43 331 Prestonjn 6000 78 Phr inFrntlie BbysanllO Dr.VnBd 12 Jur.17-57iA.P 5f :59%ft 19 115* 5« 93l0i5nt3 PrestonJ4 10000 80 PeterK.118 ValiantShip117 TheVerbll April 22 Spt 5-8 sy 1:08?4b April 18 Spt 1-2 ft :5124b Talent 1 aienr »-rop Crnn Hi f 1 1 7 Dk- br- c« 3« b» Leucoton— Jre Tio, by Some Chance. 11/ MrJ G Kesiba_ 1958 . s 2 1 0 ,865 Owner. Grace Kosiba. Trainer W A Fabry S6.S00 1957 25 3 3 3 ,880 Apr21-58«Spt 6f1:14l4gd 53 112 2h 14 14 14 CraigH* 55000 87 Commdier115 RichdJr.115 PmelaJn 7 Mar 6-587F.G 1and1:43%m 5 114 13 13 2t 2hf HecknJ3 0500076 Homeland114-StarBoots111 TipSheet 7 tPlaced first through disqualification. Feb28-582F.G 6f1:13!4ft 12 114 43 4*1 E« 583 Heckmnjs 5500 78 EIRia118 PamelaJn112 WarSignals 7 Jan21-585F.G 6 f 1:14 sl 19 116 43 6* 6* 6?3 PrestnJ2 05000 73 juneW.106 LadyJonage113 JimCloudU Jan 3-58«F.G 1A1:49%ft 17 114 12 11 11 2" Heckmnjs 5000 72Gayful 105 Tip Sheet 116 Repress 8 Dec28-573F.G 11:49 gd 8 116 11 14 22 483 Br*ssardRi 4500 65 Pripoly 114 MyFlightHO TipSheet 8 Dec25-573F.G 11:47%ft 19 112 21 6» 71* 720 DeRoinD* 6500 62Palustris116 StarBts112 RedbirdMd 7 Dec17-573F.G 11:49 ft S3 116 53 4* 34 43 DeverR2 5000 70 HappyDancer114 Pripoly114 TipSheet 11 Dec11-572F.G Bf1:131sft 13 116 53| 53 55 43J RiveraJJl 5500 81 Why Wanderl 13 JuneW.107 Pripoly 12 Dec 5-575F.G 6f 1:14 ft 25 116 9»1 8»i 5*- 5* WinantR5 EOOO 79 MyPkToolll RedbdMdlll DaleHTw 12 Nov 8-57 Spt 1, 1:5814m 43 112 24 14 12 12 LejeuneSS 6000 31 WaxingMoon112 Trock112 SunForget 10 April 26 Spt 1-2 sl :50»jb April 16 Spt 5-8 ft 1:04bg March 22 FG 3-8 ft :35*4h «UIO Ahln-Jnv 100 B- » 3 lr» Double Jay— Ablamucha, by Don Bingo. Jay • Breeder. A. Kirkpatrict 1958 . 5 1 0 0 S2.1S0 Owner. F. E. Waldron. Trainer, F. E Waldron. S6.000 1957 19 2 6 2 :425 Apr28-584Spt 6 f 1:20 gd 5 U5 5 553 421 533 SellersJ2 600081 Commodier107 PamelaJ*n107 BlHuey 7 Apr23-588Spt 1 1:45V4m 3 110 32 2 11 15 SellersJS 4500 68 Frustrtr113 Hrmnize112 SInderRd 8 Mar12-5850.P 6f1:13%sy 12 110 811 611 42 47 MundrfRS 5500 76 DadsDelit114 Daddy"sDoel10Chlalor 12 Mar 1-58*0.P 5f1:04Wt 8 112 911 7» 6" 583 Gumm"wB3 6500 87 Attalla Miss 109 Skeno114 Sing Lu 12 F«b22-5830.P 5f1:05%ft 28 110 5* 44 32 431 Gum"wBt2 6500 90MoreTrouble115 Salmag109 Moocher12 0ct31-573Spt 11::-4hy 3*112 4* 21 2* 22 MundrfR2 6000 31 PrdWayl 12 Trock112 Jessie andCole 10 0ct28-573Spt 6 f 155 hy 8-5 *112 7»i 43 4* 22 MundrfR* 5000 58 Step Stevie.115 Edict 107 Likewise 10 Oct17-573Spt 6 f 1:18 m 8 113 5=1 4* 32 22 MundrfRl 5000 69 Phr inFr-nt116 CWIR-dlie M ngate 10 Oct 7-573D:t 6 f 1:1154ft 14 112 10" 811 6" 45 KnaKpEJ3 5000 85DadsDelt113 LadyJge114 MissMalo 10 Sep30-57iDet 6f1:12%ft 5 113 7n 58 35 3* RotzJLio. 5000 81 VacmVPdl 12 MissSunSle109 FrTiGd 12 Steel jicci Pick iiurv. 1 tyl B. g, 3, by Nirgal— Coffee Frappe, by Pensive. Breeder.. J. C. Metz. 1958 . 6 1 0 2" ,360 tlwner. E. J. Grosfield. Trainer. E. B. Smith. S6.000 1957 4 M 0 1 C0 Apr25-583Spt 6f1:17lssl 8-5 *118 22 2h 24 1"o FSelmanJ2 Mdn 72 0ilLight118 lmYrAn*r113 HyDomgo 9 Mar25-5830.P 1-70 ISIgd 3 120 13 12 32 47J VandeD" Mdn 62 WagButr120 Bm*rSnr120 PlrZen h 12 Mar15-5830.P 6f1:15V4gd 14 113 21 21 33 32 VndreDl2 3500 72 SunnyLill 115 Ellwood117 SlenderRed 12 Mar3-58«F.G 6f1:13V4ft 7e 120 2 43 6» 615 VdreDS AlwM72LdHigh117 MySnT*m117 CrzyEights 9 Feb13-585F.G 6f1:13%ft 31 120 2h 33 62 915 VdreD AlwM 71 NiceGuy120 DarkNugget120 Jubai 12 Feb11-583F.G 6f1:14?ssl. 20 120 22 22 31 32 VandeD3 AlwM 77 CaptnDare120 DarkNurt120 Gayq st 12 Juq15"iZ?Ee£ il1!! I20 63 65J GSJ 75 PoparaA» Mdn 74 Devious115 ThistleStar12C AdVcem t 12 2-571H.P 6 f 1:1314ft -,6 25* 8 82344 42 4s BaldwinRS Mdn 82Tuditius115 AdVncmtllS Harm nize 10 5!1:liJi ,1 15 64 68 58 451 BaidnRic- Mdn 81 Ken-Ruth115 Chipps Jill 115 ShibilMO Jiv 20-571H.P 4 f :48%ft IB 118 1 3* 43 321 BldwinRio Mdn 91 GreenHeels113 BlueHorizon115 Shibill 10 April 30 Spt 3-8 ft :37??h April 21 Spt 5-8 gd 1:05%b April 18 Spt 1-2 ft :51%b Jnx Sir 117 Ch- e-3- Gallahadion-Apple Ciderrby Morse Code. 1 * Breeder. J. P Eischea 1958 5 1 0 0 ,240 Owner, Mrs. E. C. Johnston. Trainer, S. Ippolito. h;50r 1957 1E 2 3 2 S3 115 May1-58*Spt 1 1:40%ft 9-5 "112 4* and 3 14 SellersJ* 5000 92 Montparnse104 Hmonize112 BnieGl 8 Apr28-584Spt 61 f 1:20 gd 31 *112 68 623 523 421 Skor*skiA 5500 83 Ccmmodier107 PamelaJn107 BlHuey 7 Apr21-58 iSpt 6f1:14l4gd 21 "112 523 523 53 52 SkorkiA* 5500O 84 TTntCrop1 12 Comodier115 RichdJr 7 Mar 3-5820.P 6 f 1:12 ft 7 117 67 7«3 7s| 4* SkorskiAS 7500 86 MissProfit112 MyPickToo115 Salmaq 8 Feb22-5830.P 5f1:05%ft 7 112 75l 853 6* 5* SkorViAH 6000 88 MoreTrouble115 Salmag109 Moochefl2 Nov27-575Pim 1-o 1-46%ft 21 119 72| 5» 3* 3* SkorskiA2 500C 69 M nUay114 Shakesprnl f DmwDle 30 0ct19-573Sot 6 f 1:20 hy 4| 117 8*3 7*3 45 58 Skors 6500 54 Pigerobe 114 Repress 111 DesP lames 10 0ct10-573Haw 1A1:46Aft 33 112 53 2h 2h- 34 Gilligant3 7000 79PepCase114 SweetJennielll Quinapll Oct 3-572Haw 6 f 1:20 ft 53 118 653 6*1 521 52 SkorskiAl 6500 78Outrnk110 MyPickToo109 AlmaAtheM2 Sep23-573Haw 6»1:17Vshy 31 116 10!H0H 93 53 SkorKiAS 65000 55 PliceCl 103 TtrsHtUI G.neCarr 11 Aril 21 Spt 1-2 gd :52Hb April 14 Spt 3-4 ft 1:17h March 10 OP 5-8 hy 1:09b Peckerwood reCKerWOOQ 1 1 A B- 9 3 b" Pinebloom— Presentation, by Bahram. Breeder. H. P. Headley. . 1S58 1M0 1 00 Owner, R. E. Laffoon. Trainer, J. Badali. 6.500 1957 5 M 0 0 Aprl1-588Kee 1 1-81:54 m 93 111 3* 48 35 311 ChurchK* 375056 AdmsBoy117 BmrSnrlll BritMike 7 Oct17-573Kee 6f1:18Hsy 32 116 812 921 31* 713 WilsWBlo Mdn77CntdeBInc116 WarnG.116 HICntry 10 Sep23-57lBel 6f1:12%sy 45f 120 923 9151118U1« SornoMS 1250070 PecosCnty115 TrimBeau114 ClearCall 14 Sep13-575Bel wc6 f 1:11%ft • 13f 118 10 181220322033 LesterWS Mdn 49 Crashrl 18 SixthFleetll? RoyalBendr 20 Sep 4-57«Bel wc6f 1:1R4ft 18f 118 16 171*17151612 NicholsJ* Mdn 70 DayCourt113 lndnCross118 LawBrtV 17 Apr20-57*Kee a4f :49Mt 14e 118 7 7» 8" 8* GrubbLS Mdn 85 Missoula115 Hrodsburg118 Pauqnn 10 May 2 Spt 5-8 ft 1:05b April 17 Kee 1-2 ft :51%b April 10 Kee 1-2 sy :52J4b Bonnie Gail 1 OA Br 3« bl Phar Mon— Bonnie Lou, by Rrethorn. ,wu Breeder E. V Faris 1958 11 1 4 3 830 Owner. W. Cortesi and G. Lyons. Trainer, J. Oxley. S6.000 1957 14 1 1 0 ,450 Jay 1-58 Spt 1 1:40%ft 4 107 12 12 1 43 CraigHS 5000 88 JaxSir112 Montparnse104 Hrmnize 8 Apr21-58iSpt 1 1:44%gd 21 "113 13 24 11 23 FselmanJl 4000 69Cour,tB.112 OkieDokie115 DaybyDaylO Mar8-58*F.G 6 f 1:14 sy 18 111 86 82 52 31 PrestonJS 4000 81 DshgSqw115 LtinDcrllS HotMnv 12 Mar 4-585F.G 1A 1:48%ft 8-5 "105 .22 12 p 14 PrestonJS 3000 7ECutpurse111 QuickDde106 BlueAr-ma 7 Feb24-58*F.G 1152VSm 5 107 13 12 11 33 PrestonJ7 2500 57 Here-We-Go114 QuickDonde106 Plum 8 Feb18-585F.G 11:49Wt 2e 106- 7*1 3 H 23 PrestonJ2 2500 68 MaryAIeB.112 QkDonde106 On theCo 12 Feb 8-583F.G 1 1:47lift 12 106 731 5 1 1h 23 PrestonJ* 3O00 79OkieDokie114 Plum109 QuatrePersian 8 Feb3-58iF.G 1TS 1:49%ft 41 114 109 7d 973 gis BrsrdRH 2500 59 OkieDokie 111 OntheColll Windvale12 Jan30-583F.G 1 1:49%gd 5 108 E» 42 62 6« CombsU 3000 58 Poe 115 Gayful 111 EverBeenBroke 9 Jai 8-58»F.G 11:50 23 110 85j 5* 5* 323 MeauxCS 3500 63 M.Cutlss1l3 Hre-We-Go105 Wdvale 8 April 29 Spt 1-2 gd :50h April 18 Spt 5-8 ft 1:04b Game Conaueror 1141 c-.3, bX Game-Rose Morse, by Morse Cede. H 1 1 E.eeder White Star Farms. .» 1958 6 0 0 0 50 Owner, Mor-A-Dor Stable. Trainer, E. J. Bilko. S6.500 1957 20 4 3 3 0,975 Apr23-585G.P 1-701:47 hy 3e 113 42 715 61* 5" GonzMN2 8000 44 PpasBbyl 11 Christn106 PhrinFrt 8 Aprl5-585G.P 6f1:1H4ft 10 113 6*3 55 45 43 GonzMNS 8000 84 RitsRwd117 JsieaXleUS Rivsdle 8 Apr 8-58 G.P 1-701:43%ft 4 113 42 3J 5* 7«3 ChoqtteJS 8000 7,4 LileArt116 PoppasBaby109 BlueBook 10 Mar28-58*G.P 6f1:12%gd 12 113 11«i 91 77 45 BlumW2 8000 78 Eggheadl 13 NowAdml 109 Brzel Will 12 Mar24-583G.P 6f1:11V%ft 30 107*10»3 883 62 5«3 BarntRLS 8000 8251113 Tw-thNitlU Diomedes 11 Mar 8-583G.P 6f1:18V4ft 19 113 8 1013 912 912 TrumanJ» 7500 72 Arigan116 Gyrationlll BruceHarvey 12 Nov 2-57*Spt 6 f l:23VSsl 9-5 "113 85 8» 812 818 PoparaAS 70000 51 Bay Boy 114 Clark 113 Curly Kern 10 0ct29-573Spt 1A2:0014hy 21 .117 21 1 2 22 PoparaA2 7500 21 DnaRayK.111 Cos"cDust112 Sh ckQn 8 Oct 8-57iHaw 61:13 ft 6-5 "114 E23 533 22 ia.Cra.gH2 c5000 83 StrBl 112 Jsie andClelll PlyPndV 12 Sep23-573Haw 6f1:17l4hv 41 114 633 53 23 32 CraigHio 60000 57 P*liceCH03 TfrsHrtlll W*oa.Won 11 April 18 GP 3-8 ft :36J4b March 22 GP 3-4 ft 1:15hg . March 7 GP 1-2 ft :4S%b *«•••• v.* ».- • » :! i • ■ a; ■ ■ »-■ ** ■« *. n i q * Of-U Cp.* 1 1-8 MILES out of chute. Gold Key, ApriU30, 1953— 151— 4— 115. Purse ,800j Vin OD I 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since April 1B. Weight, ■ . 120 lbs. Non-winners since April 13-allowed 5 lbs. Claiming price, 52,500. Chart Eook Todays Chart Book Todays Inoex he Hor e Date. Track Rec Wt Wt moe» No. Horse. Date Track Rec Wt Wt 47301 Hcstrebor Nov57 Pirn 1:56?s 120 115 47404 Red Wagon *Apr57 Lrl 1:541s 115 115 473021 Air Out Jan57Hia1:5H5 118 120 474041 Your Health „ ■ 120 4S492I Shrug Aug57 Was t:5245 114 115 474042 Paycar 115 47201 Away Joe "~ ■ 115 470971 Slinker Jun57 RD 1:51% 111 120 467273 Rio Vegas Jly57 Bel 1:55i 113 115 473011 Sea Trial Mar580P 1:54»5 114 120 473014Skilful Eagle - 105 47301 Ponders Girl 110 47523 Lorilia *Feb58 Hia 1:53% 111 110! M . i 1KB. h, 8, by Chrysler II.— Lena Girl, by Chestnut Oak. NOStrebCT I I - Breeder a O Sterner 1958.. G 0 11 30 Owner. Mrs D Gaudet. Trainer. E. Gaudet S2.500 1957 29 2 7 8 ,360 Aor29-58SSpt 11-81 -53%ft 7 114 45 44 65 65 DalgoMS 250084 SeaTrial 114 Bleak 114 RaffleBcnes 9 Apr21-58*Spt 11-81-55 gd 4 115 6-« 9*110101017 DalgoMS 2500 64 WarTck115 PatsValtine115 MbsR-dy 10 Apr 1-58Lrl 11-8156%sl 85 116 32132 25 2J DaigoMH 2500 65 Turk"hGold116 Loveiylrene112 Stroller 12 Mar25-58Bcw. 1ft151tey 4 116 7 65 £8 55 DaigoM2 2500 43 Fauroyal 116 Taumangolie AffrSeven 12 Kar17-5EBow 7 1:26%ft 2 *116 111210- 8S 5" DaigoMl 2500 7C Shining 122 Avinmorelll Greenir 12 Uar 6-5EBcw 6 f l:i4*4gd 18 113 11101012 7*1.32 DagoM 25TX 77 RmnCnt113 Blfastr116 WrEl dier 12 Dec11-57EP;m 1 1-22:42 m 25*115 33 63 824 923 DaigoM 250C 14Setubal 115 Conoesa 107 Porthosll. 12 Nov29-578Pim 1A2.-01%sy 4J 117 72 6* 4«J 3H DaigoM* 23O0 63 P-tyLunch09 Huanine120 YngCoiony 12 Nov13-572Pim 11-8156%ft 95 120 32J in 11 2h DaigoMS 250C69 Fajaroo112 Kitcnavrn117 NomeDrm 12 - rta S-57Lrl 1ft1:48Hft 10 119 63 8 2 6* 65 DalgcMJ 2500 68 Heutel 119 Sunoi0c116 LovesEternal 12 April 20 Spt 1-2 gd :5H4h April 15 Bow 3-8 ft :ZZib April 9 Bow 3-8 gd :38?jb A:. Oh* lOft B- 9» 6. b* shul Out— Pennymaker, by Ariel. Alr UUT I Z,U Breeder. Merewcrth Farm , 1958 11 1 2 0 ,810 Owner. L. Phillips. Trainer, L. Phillips. S2.500 1957 11 0 2 0 ,325 Apr29-58*Spt 1 1-8 1:5? if t 81 114 5* 4 35 U FselmanJ* 2500 92 Hard-Sea114 Rapportlll ThePosse 9 Apr17-ESEG.P 11-81:53 ft 6 114 55 68 65J 651 SmithGL3 3000 64 Bactria 114 Discount 114 SillySisll Aor12-56G.P 1ft1:44%ft 26 115 S«i 53 5«i A*i SmithGL* 3000 84 Polkachita115 DelovblellO DnyByll. 12 Apr 8-5S2G.P 11-42:04?ift 12 115 81O11W101410H RootTR" 2500 65EI Minzah 115 Wag Jag 118 Bogan 12 Apr 3-58G.P 1 3-8 2:19W t 25 114 8" 33 25 2* RoctTR* 2500 73Saberman120 EIMinzan114 Jo-Ciare 11 Mar29-58G.P 1ft1:45?sft 79 116 101311141117 916 SmithFA* 3500 66 RoseGr"r109 D"nyBoyll.122 RudysVy 11 War20 5EES.P 1-70154 ny 3 113 31 43 6* 53 RollinsCB* 150C36Foreps"o118 AustinMklie MTndManIO War15-532S.P 6f1:13Hsl 13f 110 7* 810 85 2"« RnsCBJrS 1500 56 Equated113 CeiticSp t11S DudesBeile 12 Mar 4-58"Hia 1 1-8* "Ortft 130 113* 3 811 8 924 PeakevA5 3500 57 Anore116 AlpineWnite124 OurEmoem S; Ft.!4-58H;a 11-81:52Hft 53 113*"45ll0i4l0i71027 PeakeWA* 350046WarD,ngs118 0urEbl;m121 RdysVTy 11 Feb 7-58Hia 1 1-and~1:53?;sy 3* 111* 7i°10is 814 85 McranRJ3 3500 53GtlemnAI 111 MyFrna116 JTwBrry 12 *.or . 1 nr .-. • 3E*jn ct,,..- 11C Ch."f, 4, by Orestes III.— Brush Off, by The Porter. 3nru9 1.13 Breeder. Mrs M, E Person. 1953 . 9 2 0 0 ,185 Owner. Mrs L. G. Molay Trainer, S. J. Molay. ,500 1957 .21 2 3 4 ,275 Apr19-58Spt 1ft1:43Hft 10 115 435 3n* 1n 1n° JssopJDlO 2500 82 Bleak 115 Paycar 120 Stroller 10 Mar 4-ESiOF.G 1ft 1:47?tft 3e 114 4 44 2f 12 Br-ssardR4 2000 82 CorrItrHS Sm gsyWgsy1C6 ZmEye 9 Feb28-58« F.G We 1:481tft 40 109 6j 64 635 64 JenkinsES 2000 74 Lepafort118 Ram o"Lette115 Overland 9 Feb1S-58i°FG 1ft 1:48 ft ISf 110 67 64111121117 Hansm nLl 20X 62 Bay"uNymph112 Bhawan116 UindLasn 12 Jan27-5S3F.G 1ft1:47*«ft 7 ICS* 55 710 72 7»3 FuscoJ* 2000 67Tsa-fckel18 lrrisor12I BayouNymph 8 Jani3-58F.G 1ft 151 sy 6| 104* 42J 41 43 55 -NonoR7 2000 59 EqualStrife 115 FatBcy 118 LongTom 7 Jan20-5£?FG 1ft 151 sy 11 113 45 55J 5» 515 BrssrdR7 2500 49 AzaleaTcwn 110 Irrisor 121 Litigation 9 Jan15-5E8F.G 11-8153?4ft 12 114 55 731 22 7» Br"ssrdR6 2500 75OldShaker115 Bhawan115 Mr.Gunner 8 Jan7-5E»FG 1ft i:50 ny 8J 108 55544 510 5» Comb-stJ5 300C53 Bontebok 118 JonnB. 115 Apasay 8 Occ3C-574FG 1ft 1:49 ft 9-5 113 44 31 1n 12| BrssaroRi 2500 74 Trust in Me1 17 Solaritelll MartiD na 8 Oec25-578FG 1ft l:47Kft 51 113 5» 65 45 VI BrssaroR* 2SO0 74ManyErrors111 OneB t114 Atricancer 7 Dec11-57iF.G 1ft 1:49 ft 32 110 6» 6*562554 OeRomOS 2500 70Seapoise116 StoeTrtrr113 MicWn; 12 March 29 FG 5-8 ft 1:04sb March 25 FG 5-8 si 1:06b March 23 FG 3-8 sy :393/5b B- 4» b Take Away— Johann, by Johnstown. Aurnu I no 1 1 * c. AWOy JOe I I p Breeedr. Murlogg Farm. 1958 . 8 0 1 0 75 Owner, R. Fisher. Trainer, C. Nagle. S2.500 1957. 13 1 1 1 ,110 Apr28-5S»Spt 1ft 1:48 gd 50 120 881 74J 9«1 9? HanleyJ 250076 MissRowdy 115 Feb 120 BattleOath 10 Apr22-588Spt 1ft 1:53?ihy 14 112 65J 712 8" 812 HanleyJ? 250045Stroller112 BadBoyBill 112 OcnHop 8 Ilar24-568S.P 1ft 1:53 sy 13 118 1018 7« 445 225 Hanleyjm 200C52DTleTalk1l8 FairyPrce113 PrsGlade 12 Mar17-585S.P E 1 1:1KsgS 35f 118 9101 6 AH BeckCW? 2000 62GingrM,s113 WillaBsk t113.D!st:oMs,11 Wjr10-5S S.P 1-701:48 ft 45 112 612 510 7» "663 BeckCWS 2000 60 CountGalla119 PartnerTim116 Hurler 8 Mar 3-585S.P 6f1:17?by 25 113 6« EH 6« 615 BeckCW* 200048 Po-Ko109 GingerMissllO CosmicLass 7 Feb26-585S.P G f 1:16 sy 259 114 1014101* 812 7« HanleyJio 2OO0 62Ziggity111 FightgHrp116 IndnGuide 11 Feb18-583S.P 6f 1:15 go 37 116*11»31118111»1218 HanleyJ7 200057 BeauGrge113 TwoR*bcws113 Norsed 12 0ct10-574F.P £ f 1:13 ft 41 119 8«S 8 5 i 6«1 MurpnyTS 200080 RoseEIIenlll BrBegum116 GrgTiger 10 Oct 3-573F.P 6f1:14Hft 10 118 8«| 65J 31 1h BeckCW* Mdn78 Jerrie-Lu110 Chancemoud115 Puodin 10 Scp12-572F.P 6f1:14Hft 61 111 10J 98J 614 58 MeauxCS Mdn 71 Micheble102 W.MeHme119 W.Sa-Bu 10 ttm Vonnc 1 1 C B. g, 4, by Brookfield— Holua, by Phalaros. MO Vegas | |J Srttit,¥ c F Morriss. 1958 5 0 0 1 00 Owner, V. Havard. Trainer, A. N. Winick. S2.500 1957. .22 2 4 1 ,120 Apr23-584G.P 11-81:58Hhy 10 113 22 34 38 Vi BrcoksS" 3000 33 SanrsRd117 BroknWg120 ThreCbs 12 Apr12-58»G.P 1ft1:44%ft 65 115 1 2" 31 5*3 BrooksS4 3000 81 PolkachitallS DelovTilellO OnyB-yll. 12 Mar28-58iG.P Efl.IZf/sgd 2S 116 345 4 8U 812 GilliganL* 3500 69 Mr.Dynamic116 Nordal 116 JusceBrn 12 Jar.30-58lHia 1ft1:56Aft 17 115 7J10« 918 927 FieselnJS 3500 E2 Ranchero II. 114 Gaicir116 Topeka 10 Jan 7-5E8TrP 1ft1:47%sy 15 115 3258108 7« FieselnJS 5000 59 Androb116 Bra»1yWaving114 Election 9 Dec27-57TrP 1ft 1:44%ft 41 111* 325 53J E* 55J MornRJ3 c4000 82C"ldBeS"d116 BH sRngelll KgMhty 8 Dec24-574TrP 1ft 1:46 si 35 *114 45 25 23 3U OlahL 350078 FineMouche109 BlxkListlll PIyPilot 10 Dec1S-572TrP 6f UWAit 110 115 108110131013118J OlahLS 5000 85SLPncr:114Jo-Ma-Be109Ch*goStyle 12 NoYl1-574Jam 11-81:54 ft 15 116 V 8» 812 88 0lahL2 5000 53 Presented 114 Revelationist114 Byrn 8 0:t29-57ejam 1ftl:47%ft 11 116 32 33 54 64J ArcaroE4 5000 69 GrtCsarl19 Pre-pat113 apawillPly 1 0ct16-572Bel 1ft 1:46 ft 14 116 5« 42 77J 8» OlahLf 5O0O68GrtCaesar116 Mt.Cmel113 MythTcer 9 April 17 GP 1-2 ft :51b April 6 GP 1m ft 1:47b April 5 GP 5-8 ft 1:03 /5b Slcilf nl Fnnio 1 fT% Gr- f. b» Talon— Wise Helen, by Wise Counsellor. 3KIITUI c°gie I UJ Breeder. F W. Janson. 1S58 .11 1 2 1 ,455 Owner. M. F Kceley. Trainer. J. Merchot S2.500 1957.. 7 0 0 0 40 Apr29-588Spt 11-81:53%ft 71 107* 8»3 54 42 42J NonoRs 2500 86 SeaTrial 114 Bleak 114 RaffleBones 9 Aor21-585Spt 1 1:42rJ%gd 8 115 93J 91 814 gt3 SellersJl 3000 67 Strdrity112 HloRita116 RedPerfme 10 H3r25-58-S.P 6f1:18/5m 20 104* 97 1011 87 8 3 Lnd gR4 A2500 54Robot11.119 MagicBird119 EarlyBull 10 Marl5-5S7S.P I 1-82:00%sl 11 102 42 lh 12 14 UndgR2 A2500 57 Billmike 116 Gran 116 SirTeddy 8 Mar 6-5S4S.P 6 f 1:17 hy 7 105* 54 671 673 47J LandingR2 Alw 57 HereKittie105 HiHarry109 HuronBully 8 Feo27-5E»S.P 1ft 1:54 m 73 106* 57 48 321 22 LandingR3 2500 43RareSpice113 FlngAoml 113 LyLtn 7 Feo20-585S.P 6f1:14Hft 33 111 44 4 4 5*1 35J CiemensJs 300072 ExtraEasy112 WillaBketlll Bananet 9 Feb15-588S.P 6 f 1:17 sy 26 110 55 415 34 27 ClenvnsJio Alw58GysBdy110 McsMite109 WlaBVt 10 Feb 6-58«S.P 6f1:14%ft 50 103* 85 8" 7*1 643 LandingR7 3000 73 BrownMonk117 WailallO PvLSam 9 Feb 1-5S7S.P 6f1:18Hhy 39 104 68 65J 4tJ 45 LandgRS 250051 MyVyOwnlll SirTooylll GddBmb 7 Jan27-58S.P 6f 1:18 m 26 110 8» 8* 8" 611 SellersJ* 300048 DayDreamg112 Lovet:n113 FranHme 8 April 23 Spt 3-8 hy :38?sb I nrilin 11/1 Blk. m. 7, by Beauchef— Cushlamacree, by Mr. Bones. l"or,,,a I tv Breeder H. L. Donovan 1558 11 1 1 0 ,675 Owner, Mrs. S. W Shapoff. Trainer. S. W. Shapoff. S2.500 1957 .5 0 0 1 75 May 1-58Spt 1ft1:46%ft 8J 112 63 773 820 818 JessopJO* 2500 75 Sherbet 112 BeMan117 Play Ron 8 Apr21-585Spt 1 1:421sgd 11 115 108110H1015 8" FerroloAa 3000 68 Strdrity112 HloRita116 RedPerfme 10 Apr 8-582G.P 1 1-4 2:04Hft 71 113 53 44J 35 45 CookLC4 2500 71 El Minzah 115 Wag Jag 118 Bogan 12 Mar31-58G.P 1,s42tf7nhy 51 108* 7H 1h 14 1* BarntRL* 3000 50 Bettyjoyl03 GentleKnok118 SunFleet 7 Mar 7-58«G.P 1ft 1:45 ft 20 113 1013 715 614 717 SortinoM2 3500 68 Fji-Mm1l6 Rs"nrreGr114 HstyFlit 11 Feb27-58iHTa 11-61:52!*ft 71 U1 814 4" 3» 2 1 Sor*inoM» 3500 69Chubo1J1 RosemereLasslll Bettyjoyll Feb10-5£iH;a 11-81:51%ft 41 111 4311111115112I vdhseHS 350057 Nemesia 111 Heligat 106 MissJ.B. 12 Jan23-582Hia 1 1-8 1:511isy 31 112* 37 112*12321242 RUaneJi2 3500 34Stel*rBeauty117 M yLawlr123 Atrust 12 Jan14-5£»TrP 1ft 1:45Hft 34 105*10*3 871 871 65 Ruaneja 350C77 Mity0ak112 0ldPrptr112 FirmRuter12 JM 6-58TrP- 1 1-8 153 ft 103 105* 21- 35 5*1 781 PeakeWA* 2500 67 Topeka 110 BiilmjVe 115 Lagoon 12 Jan 2-532TrP 6f1:12*i sv 3 107* 9 101710201Q19 PeakeWA* 3500 64 Fauchelevent 121 Reterita 104 HugUp 10 April 28 Spt 1-2 si :51b April 20 Spt 1-2 gd :53b March 28 Hia 3-8 gd :40b ReH Wonon X 1 1 *» 8- 9» 7 hyJeep— Mintana, by Stimulus. ieu vrugun I I J Breeder. Mrs T M.Waller 1953 10 1 0 0 ,450 Owner R. T. Ware. Trainer. J. Oxley. S2.500 1957 14 1 2 2 ,410 Apr30-5e*Spt 1ft 1:47 ft 91 114 5« 9to 913 85 JessopJDi 2500 80 YourHealth 117 HelloRita 114 Paycar 10 Apr24-5S«Spt 1ft 1:£41iny 9 115 43 5U 32 42 FieslmnJ* 2500 49 Etheridge117 DeJon112 LocalClover 8 Apr1S-58iSpt 1ft1:4815ft 26 115 2U 4«J 5*1 812 WsmanM* 2500 69 RogCaesar115 Bellamy115 Kg ofKgs 10 Mar 8-58OF.G 1 1-2 2:331isy 11 113 UJ 25 7M 731 CombesUl 2000 40DillyWhilly110 OpenUke115 Soocru 9 Mar 3-5£»F.G 1ft 1:47 ft 25 115 48 68 814 818 CombesU* 200O66RamoLte115 Oauphm120 LongTom 8 Feb25-58i0F.G 1ft1:43%gd 9Je 115 48 9io 9" 9is PrestonJ3 2000 58BillCane113 MissNina113 LongTom 9 Feb 8-5£F.G 1 1-4 2.-07 ft 61 114 5 68 913 9" ComoestJl 2000 69RfstheR,d114 LAsisklll Sq-eNber 9 J5n28-5£F.G 1ft 1:49 ft 26 115 7 o 8*1 2h 1J Comb tJio 2000 74 Tears 113 Land Lash 115 Overland 12 Jan2-58F.G 1ft1:47%ft 45f 112 11231110 8*1 77 Comb stja 2000 75 0penLake.115 JoeBurke 115 FiveCarat 11 Jan14-5£IF.G 6f V.15?Sgd 16f 112 12i211t5ui2 on ConuVstJS 2000 64PietsSon112 UlvO Malley113 0verld12 jun12-578Del 1 1-4Z07 ft 42 112*1132113»11331128 GsmoaC" 3000 39 Ramp 114 Blimey 117 SRiningOnll Your I our Health neoim 1 9fl B- 9 7 b Menow— Milk Dipper, by Milkman. | £J Breeder, t. Nuckols and Sens. 1953 . 9 2 1 2 ,065 Owner. A. D. Maxwell. Trainer. A. D. MaxwelL ,500 1957. 20 7 4 6 70 Apr30-58Spt 1ft 1:47 ft 73 117 45J 44 2h 1"" RichdnLS 2500 90 HelloRita 114 Paycar 117 ImExpectin 10 Apr26-58Spt 1ft1:48%gd 11 115 53 2h 743 710 DeHoyosJS 2500 73 Slinker 115 Paycar 115 RedPerfumelO Apr22-58Spt lftl:52Ahy 9J 120 22 810 92* 92* DeHoyosJs 2500 38 Exultant120 Mr.Minx113 SqreWilson 9 Mar2S-580.P 1-70 1:44%gd 2*117 2" 2h 315 441 CraigH" 225072StarryNit114 AmericanPluck117 Feb 12 Mar22-58iO.P 1-701:42 ft 71 117 25 Zh 35 3nt RichnL" 2250 90 BcrBum117 HelloRita113 MsSkidme 12 Mar13-5880.P 1-701:46 si 33 120 11 2" 23 22J RiclrsonLi 2000 67BderBum114 MsRowdy112 LileSucs 12 Mar12-58O.P 1ft1:501isy 6 118 2i 15 13 13 RichVnLS 2000 59MightySara113 Paycar118 OCnMoney12 Uir7-5EeO.P 1ft1:48V5m 93 118 25 25 24 383 RiclrsonL3 2000 BOSs nsMTdlS MitySara113 LcICloirr 10 Mar 3-5820.P 6f1:11V%ft 17 120 645 7»5 915 912 CurryE* 200082 WcoScp120 Comcl 111 Dr*mOMcly 12 Oct11-577F.P 6 f 1:12 ft 13 119 641 74J 43 335 Stev-sWT? 2000 87Borral 116 Miss Night 111 Ill Wait 8 Oct 9-577F.P 6f1:12Aft 4J 119 4256s 6*164 MeauxC2 2500 86Sh:pMrk119 lndustrus116 DirtNrth 8 March 11 OP 3-8 hy :37?.thg Pnvrnr 1 1 C B. h, 5, by Vezzane— Devoted, by Display. 1 1 J Breeder. Mereworth Farm. • 1953 9 1 1 3 ,715 Owner. F. E Waldron. Trainer. F. E. Waldrcn. S200 1937. 11 2 0 3 70 Apr30-58Spt 1ft 1:47 ft 31*117 9U 77 55J 333 FselmanJ 250086 YWealthW HloRita114 fmExpctin 10 Apr26-58Spt 1ft1:48%gd 5J 115 83JEUT1 2"" FselmanJ3 2500 83Slinker115 RedPerfume107 StarryNit 10 Apr19-58Spt 1ft-1:48%ft 83 120 9n 93 6*5 1* CollierW* 2500 76 Shrug 115 Bleak115 Stroller 10 Mar2S-5£80.P 1-701:45 gd 16 114 10« 943 315 U DelahyeJS 2250 75 ldle*sBaby!12 PlayRon115 Gembalall Mari8-5880.P 1-701:46 si 9 114 11171014 914 810 MundRO 2000 60 BderBumlH YourHlth120 MsRowdy 12 tor12-58«O.P 1ft1:5«isy 12 118 1220 54 35 3*1 MundorfR 2000 57YrHlth118 MrtySara113 0cnMoney12 Mar.7_HI2 S 1-*1:49?tm 45 118 5*5 8n 775 673 DelsayeJ7 2000 58 Etheridge 118 StymieDier 113 Vilas 10 ?"S_I£2-K 3 "Vfcft 21 *117 445 431 55 551 Gunv*Bio 2000 73XalapaPride 117 KingRed117 DeJon 12 Feb22;5820.P Ef 1:12Hft 21 115 1H31H0 743 6«i GummwBS 2S00 83WrlsEI1 114 Mr.NVcel14 Whiskwiw 12 Aug2i-573Ran 1ft1:46/tft 3J 120 7 U 681 64 313 MundTrfR3 2000 81 Ard ntArdn120 ProDler120 MamasGl 8 Aug14-574Ran 6|M:lSVsft 10 113 103J10" S3 75 ClemensJJ 2000 79 CaseLawlll lndianGae113 RbIPrte 1L Horses Shown Below on Also Eligible List andsNot in Order of Post Positions. linlror 1 9rt Dk- br- h- 6. by Colonel OF— Falcon, by Firethorn. jiiiikci i* Breeder, G. Dudley. Jr. 1958.. 6 2 0 0 ,565 Owner. Mrs. C. Blair and J. C Wormer. Trainer, C. Blair. ,500 1957 .17 3 1 5 75 Apr26-58Spt 1ft 1:48%gd 55 115 631 5U 21 1" RichdnLS 2500 83Paycar115 RedP*rfme107 StrryNight 10 Apr22-58Spt 1ft 1:52Ahy 12c 120 7S| 445 431 423 RichdnL4 2500 61 Exultant120 Mr.Minx113 SqreWilson 9 Mar29-58O.P 1-70 1:46Am 8 114 7« 68J 51I 58J RichsonL 3000 60Foamy115 ClrtenBill 114 Supersaipt 11 Mar24-5880.P 11-81:55 si 12 114 781 55 3=J 1J Rich snLS 225071 MissRowdy105 Ram oLe120 LAstrk 12 Mar20-58BC.P 1-70 1:425s.t 30 116 10H 7n 58 443 RichnLH ,2500 82 JnsDn116 WisePl 111 PtsVTntine 12 Feb27-5840.P eflSHsl 41. 117 122112131015101* LndrsBlo 2500 56 MnsrTigrIU JwlsL"st113 LleNmo 12 Oct14-57*Mag 1-701:47 ft 7-5 *I13 5*5 42J 4SJ 453 LandersBl 200C. BullBingl14 AdmUose1l6 BatryLeber 6 Sep17-578F.P ■ 1ft 1:46%ft 51 113 6* 441 2S 37 LancersBi 300C 78 BrwnPir-te119 IsaprcellO D g rMtin 7 Sen 6-577F.P 6f1:12V5gc 61 117 65i.6" 6ir4" Daig"PtC3 250C 7E ScyAire112 MnroeCty12C WildChrs 6 Jly27-578F.P 11-81:51Hft 12 116 68J ESJ 455 4* LndrsB3 A2000 91 LetrCarrr109 Lonoon114 Aopointmnt 7 March 15 OP 3-4 slT:19b March 12 OP 5-8 si 1:04%b March 4 OP 5-8 ft 1:C4*Jb * jcu Spn Trinl i iiui 1 0 Clt c» by Ocean Swell— Trialmond, by Fair Trial. 1 Breeder. H. C. fruehaut Ireland. 1958 . 8 1 1 0 5 Owner, Checkerboard Stable. Trainer, A. J. Mavros. S2 500 1357. .12 M 2 0 ,160 Apr29-588Spt 11-8153%ft 14 114 57 321 1h 13 SkorskiA4 2500 89 Bleakl 14 RaffleBones114 SkilfulEgie 9 Apr24-588Spt 1ft 155 hy 13 115 32552354567 SkorskiAl 2500 43 Reclm115 MissR*dy113 StrrgsyWgsy 10 Mar26-58O.P 1-701:45 m 15 111 7J 6" 6 611 SkorskiA7 2500 64 BeManl15 HenrrsReward117 Dejon 9 Mar24-5680.P 11-8155 si 85 114 43J 325 44 573 SkorskiA2 225063Slinker114 MissRowoylOS Ramo Ltte12 Mar18-5870.P- 1ft 1:49 si 40 117 7*1 6* 44 213 SkorskiA* 2500 66 RedPtume112 SqreWiison120 DeJon 10 Mar15-580.P 11-8153V%ga 40 114 4*5 37 47 775 WsmanM 2000 72 Whirlaheaa 120 Vitas 114 L Asterisk 9 Mar 1-5S0.P 1-701:42%ft 55 113 78J 77 Si 91 WmanM 10 "20X 80 BoldDesign 116 ToicYcuSo 116 Vilas 11 Feb22-5820.P 6f1:12Hft 39 114 74J 88118jlllo WmanMis 2S0077 WrlsEI1 114 Mr.N s ce114 WhiskVve 12 Nov 7-57*Spt 65f1:211ssl 25 110 63110lU0i»1023 MullCinM4 3000 53 AgcuraMight114 R scnHillllS Bcoral C Nov 1-574Sot 1 1.-49 si 81 113 812 91s 817 716 FselnrnJ* 3000 33 StarryNit120 Sv.Wild03ts112 B ySm 10 April 19 Spt 1-2 ft :51?sb March 22 OP 5-8 ft 1:C4*Sb Ponrlers ruuuers vain Girl 1 1 0 Dk- b- 4- b1 Ponder— Stephens Girl, by Sun Again. Breeder. R. Lcwe. ■ 1958 . 7 0 0 0 50 Owner. A. Fiantaco. Trainer. A. Fiantaco. 32.500 1957 14 1 1 2 ,165 Apr29-588Spt 11-8153%ft 31 112 913 933 99 943 Casey J 2500 82 SeaTrial 114 Bleak 114 RaffleBcnes 9 Apr25-58Spt 1 1-8 1:57%sl 46 113 912 873 5 4n CaseyJ* 2S0057 PatsV tine115 RapportlirOceanMoy 9 Apr19-5SiSpt 1ft1:4S-54ft 26 110 541101210141023 CraigH3" 2500 58 RogCaesarllS Bellamyl15 Kg ofK gs 10 Mar19-55iO.P 1ft 1:47 ft 15 114 8*1 SSJ 45 541 ValoezJ* 200C74SpiceySfy114 MissPal 114 Li1eTalrs12 Marl1-5870.P 1ft 1:50 si 78 113 54 43 545 651 Valoezj7 200C 58 Exultant 118 De Jcn118 Scomber 12 Mar 4-5880.P 1-70 1:42%ft 85 112 9141013101*1U? ValaezJ" 2500 75 M*sKirkd112 JnsDmn117 AlanDavid 12 Feb24-5840.P 6f1:121Sft EE 111 I2"t12"11l4119| DeverRio 2500 76 Cableon112 MissHysitn112 WacoGirl 12 Nov 7-578SDt 1ft 1:5ms: 22 112 1013 881 68J 451 PoparaA 30OC 62 WceisKatylOl PageTv.0117 RapiaS ch 10 Nov 1-574Sot 11:49 si 12 112 1015 8" 5" 5»1 CraigHi 3000 4CStarryNit120 SwWildOatsI B vSm 10 0ct21-57Spt 1ftl:4S%gc 91 110 883 753 6*1 35 VieraH* 250076 Mn ofHts117 Olirrrtell? SprtRvn 10