United Press International News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-04


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UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL » NEWS I BRIEFS NATIONAL: Herter Reports on Paris Conference GETTYSBURG, Pa., May 2.— Secretary of State Christian A. Herter reported to President Eisenhower today on the Paris Conference, which he feels will help solve world problems if Russia shows an honest desire to negotiate. Herter, who returned to Washington at 8 a.m., EDT from the foreign ministers meeting in Paris, flew to the Eisenhower farm aboard a military helicopter shortly afterward. He landed at Gettysburg at 10:26 a.m., and went directly into a conference with the president. Five Batista Govt Officials in Florida KEY WEST, Fla., May 2.— Five Batista government officials landed here today in a cabin cruiser and asked political asylum from Fidel Castros firing squads. The men said they had been hunted "like dogs" ever since Castro took over the government January 1, and they charged that the revolutionary government robbed them of all personal possessions, including jewelry and clothing. Problems Can Be Solved — Herter WASHINGTON, May 2.— Secretary of State Christian A. Herter said today that progress toward solving the Berlin and Germany problems can be made at the Big Four session in Geneva if the Russians demonstrate "an honest desire to negotiate." Herter made the prediction as he returned to Washington from the Paris meeting with foreign ministers of Britain, France and West Germany. He described the talks as "very successful." Steelworkers and Management Map Plans NEW YORK, May 2.— Leaders of the nations unionized steelworkers and executives of the basic steel industry made be-| hind-the-scenes preparations this week end for contract negotiations opening Tuesday. David J. McDonald, president of the United Steelworkers of America, said yesterday he did not believe there would be a steel strike this summer providing management gives up its insistence on a wage freeze. He said the union would ask for substantial improvements in wages, working hours, vacations and pensions, and he described arguments that higher labor costs would mean higher steel prices as "baloney." Cancel Plans to Fire Rocket to Venus WASHINGTON, May 2.— The United States today canceled plans to fire a rocket to Venus in June because of "technical difficulties." The announcement was made by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which said an attempt will be made later. FOREIGN: Subs Threaten Sea Communications LA SPEZIA, Italy, May 2. — Adm. Jerauld Wright said today Western sea communications are threatened by a "tremendous Soviet submarine fleet." Wright, NATOs supreme commander in the Atlantic, said the capabilities of the West to overcome this threat are "not sufficient" at present. U. N. Would Welcome Summit Meeting COPENHAGEN, May 2.— Secretary -General Dag Hammarskjold made it clear today that a 1959 summit meeting would be welcome at the United Naticns. He said in a speech to the Students Association here that the United Nations is the right place for negotiation. It opens possibilities not offered by any other organization, he added. Air Defense Exercise Set at Ankara ANKARA, Turkey, May 2.— Gen. J. P. Jones, director of the Joint Military Planning Committee of the Bagdad Pact, said today the alliance will hold an air-defense exercise next Tuesday. Iranian, Turkish and Pakistani jets will make a simulated offensive against British and U. S. air force squadrons, Jones said. Fallout Greatest Since 1953 TOKYO, May 2. — Japanese scientists said today fallout from 29 U. S. and Russian nuclear tests last year showered Japan with the greatest amount of radioactive strontium-90 reported since 1953. There was some difference of opinion as to where the strontium was heaviest. Yasuo Miyake, chief scientific adviser of the weather bureau, said it was the seven millicuries per square kilometer that fell on Fukuoka, but other scientists reported a concentration of 10 millicuries per square kilometer in the Niigata region. Move to Stop Tribesmen Fleeing to Turkey ISTANBUL, May 2.— Iraq has taken military steps to prevent Kurdish tribesmen from fleeing into Turkey. Reports in Ankara last week, which government sources did not deny, said an entire Kurdish tribe of 700 persons crossed the Turkish border early in the week.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050401/drf1959050401_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1959050401_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800