Quick Master Gains Popular Score; Litte Reaper Narrow Downs Victor: Asserts Superiority In Hachazo Purse; Johnston Colt Holds Length And Half Edge on Batalini In Sportsmans Park Sprint, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-08


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► JACK R. JOHNSTON — Quick Master carried his Joe-Anna Stable colors to victory in the Hachazo Purse at Sportsmans Park. Quick Quick Master Master Gains Gains Popular Popular Score; Score; Litte Litte Reaper Reaper Narrow Narrow Downs Downs Victor Victor Asserts Superiority In Hachazo Purse Johnston Colt Holds Length And Half Edge on Batalini Hi, Sportsmans Park Sprint By TEDDY COX SPORTSMANS PARK, Cicero, HI.. May 7.Jack R. Johnston, master of the Joe-Anna Stable, received an excellent remedy for whatever ails him as he lay in Chicagos Wesley Memorial Hospital when his Quick Master proved much the best in the Hachazo Purse before a crowd of 8,162 this afternoon. The three-year-old brown son of Quick Reward — Miss Cindy Lee, by Eternal Bull, completed a consecutive double for Wayne Chambers as he powered of Batalini, owned by Pappas, Michaels and to the line a length and one-half in front Vinci. Marion H. Van Bergs Redbird Wish was third, while C. H. Hallocks Noble Swyn was fourth in the field of seven. Owner Hospitalized Quick Master, who has been showing superlative form over this track, was-con-fidently ridden by Chambers. He was a 1-to-2 choice and raced the 6V2 furlongs on a fast track in 1:19. Johnston, who resides at Tulsa, Okla., and Miami, Fla., is vige -president of the National Jockey Club. He was stricken with an ailment recently that forced his confinement to the hospital. He has been showing rapid progress, however, and todays fine triumph by Quick Master may have quickened his recovery. The sport was offered under more normal condit ions than of late when the weather Continued on Page Forty-Four Quick Master Triumphs As Sportsmans Choice Triumphs by Length and Half Oyer Batalini in Hachazo Purse I Continued from Page One was unseasonably warm. The racing surface was fast Chambers had Quick Master away in good style, but he was outrun by Noble Swyn and Batalini. At the first xturn, the reavy choice was forced very wide at a loss of ground, but-he soon returned to strong contention. As they swung down the backstretch, Quick Master failed to respond as was expected and Chambers was forced to resort to the whip. Finally, on the bend, the Joe-Anna star began to respond. He took over I the lead in the stretch, then gradually drew away through the final stages. | Chambers accounted for his 28th victory of the meeting as the leading rider wheni he guided E. W. Fouts Colna home ahead of the ,000 platers in the sixth. The six- ! year-old daughter of Free For All — Fair Bimel, by Bimelech was stepped out into the lead shortly after the-start and he remained there to the finish, scoring by four and one-half lengths. j j j Ronnie Tyrons Ladle closed some ground through the stretch to finish second. He iwas a length and one-quarter ahead of S. i C. Gendelmans Mr. Hickey, while William i Hal Bishop, Inc.s Dinner Winner was best of the others. Colna raced the 1 1-16 miles in 1:46 and returned .40 as the second choice. . I This was Colnas third victory in eight starts this year. She was a recent claim for I ,000, but was good enough to smother her ■ company today.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050801/drf1959050801_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1959050801_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800