United Press International News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-08


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I UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL— — I NEWS | I «- BRIEFS NATIONAL: Newest Jet H-Bomber Makes Record Flight WASHINGTON, May 7.— A B-52G jet bomber, newest H-bomb and missile carrier of the Strategic Air Command, has made a record non-stop flight of more than 9,000 miles without refueling. The spectacular performance took place last December 15, but but was disclosed only today. It is the longest filght known to have been made by a jet bomber without refueling. Criss-crossing the United States at 500 miles an hour for 18 hours, the new giant of the skies gave a striking demonstration of its potential as an "airborne alert" aircraft. i Recognition of East Germany Chief Aim PRINCETON, N. J., May 7.— Paul-Henri Spaak, secretary general of NATO, beileves Russias chief aim at the project summer summit; conference is recognition of East Germany. Spaak said yesterday it was his belief that if the Soviets find it possible "to obtain direct or indirect recognition of East Germany, that is their principal goal. If East Germany is recognized, reunification is impossible and that is the Russian aim." Suggests Trial Run Nuclear Jest Ban WASHINGTON, May 7.— Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey D.-Minn. today suggested a years *trial run" ban on nuclear tests. Humphrey, Senate disarmament chairman, dispatched a letter to Secretary of State Christian Herter declaring that a years trial is necessary to determine a limit on the number of on-site inspections to be permitted during a test ban. Advocates Puerto Rico as 51st State WASHINGTON, May 7.— Rep. Victor L. Anfuso D.-N. Y. today introduced legislation to admit Puerto Rico as the 51st state of the union. Anfuso said in a prepared statement that Puerto Rico is of vital strategic importance to the United States and the entire Wesern Hemisphere. Meany Urges Minimum Wage of .25 WASHINGTON, May 7. — AFL-GIO President George Meany urged Congress today to boost the federal minimum wage to .25 an hour and extend coverage to an additional 7,500,000 workers in order to relieve "misery" and "destitution." Meany told the Senate Labor Committee that changes in thev wage-hour act would bolster . the economy and strengthen the free enterprise system. FOREIGN: Not Safe Under New Nuclear Proposal LONDON, May. 7. — Radio Moscow said today the U. S. proposal to continue nu- clear tests at high altitude and underground "would not safeguard people against the disastrous effects of radiation." The English-language broadcast said the proposal would "only legalize the continuation of nuclear tests." Report Tibetans Wipe Out Full Brigade TAIPEI, Formosa, May 7. — The official Nationalist Chinese newspaper Central Daily News said today it had received a report that Tibetan anti-Communists had wiped out a full brigade of Chinese Communist soldiers last week. The newspaper said the Tibetan insurgents caught Communist cavalry units in a surprise attack in an area southwest of Gaingtse April 29. New Transportation Strike Perils Paris PARIS, May 7. — A new transportation strike threatened Paris today while the rest of the nation struggled free of the tie-ups caused by yesterdays 24-hour rail walkout. Socialist unions voted yesterday to call a city-wide bus strike next Tuesday to back wage demands. Break Up Revolution Attempt in Portugal LISBON, May 7. — The government disclosed today it had broken up a "confused" attempt to launch a revolution in March. It said 31 persons were arrested, nine of them army officers. Interior Minister Arnaldo Schulz linked the abortive revolt with the decision of several opposition leaders, including Gen. Humberto Delgado, to seek asylum in Latin American embassies. Britain Establishing University of Air LONDON, May 7. — Britain is setting-up a "university of the air" to combat a threatened shortage- of airline pilots, the government announced yesterday. John Hay, joint parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Transport, told the House of Commons that unless special steps are taken soon, there will be a shortage of young pilots after 1961.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050801/drf1959050801_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1959050801_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800